Psychologist wipes the floor with Amber Heard's lawyer Part 1

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dr curry you're not board certified correct no i'm not not in clinical psychology or in forensic psychology correct no i'm a licensed clinical psychologist but you're not board certified no okay and you also have only been practicing approximately eight years is that correct that's not correct how many years i've been licensed for ten years okay and i've been practicing for about 15 years okay now you went to mr depp's home for dinner and drinks before you were hired as an expert in this case correct that's not quite what right i was interviewed at mr depp's home by his legal team dinner was served you in attendance with mr depp was adam waldman correct yes ben chu correct yes camille vasquez yes okay and the dinner lasted approximately three to four hours correct yes and it includes the interviews correct yes dinner and i believe drinks were served okay and this was before you were hired as an expert correct yes this was an interview so that they could make an informed decision as to whether or not to retain me and don't you think that's a little odd that you're getting interviewed by mr depp to decide whether you're going to testify adversely against amber hurd i was interviewed by the legal team [Music] and mr depp was present it was his home correct yes and he was serving dinner and drinks he was not serving dinner it was at his house at his behest correct yes it was at his house okay and you were contacted by camille vasquez somebody you knew in the community in february of 2020 is that correct i knew of miss vasquez professionally we live in the same city and i work with many attorneys okay and at that time you not only knew johnny depp you'd seen a number of his tv and movie roles and you believed he was a good actor correct not correct i did not know johnny depp you've seen several of his movies you knew who he was yes right and you believed he was a good actor yes okay and then you provided an expert designation in this case before ever seeing amber or having an opportunity to review any documents or records isn't that correct i did not provide an expert designation that's that's an attorney thing my opinions are contained in my report it says you have three opinions the first of those is that amber heard quote exhibits patterns of behavior that are consistent with co-occurring cluster b personality disorder traits especially borderline personality disorder did i get that right i'm reading that here that is not my opinion okay well but it's a current opinion but this was not an opinion of mine then i didn't have any opinions at that time it says dr curry will testify correct that's what it says yes okay and this is a signed pleading correct on behalf of mr death i i'm not sure i understand what that means we don't understand what a signed pleading is no okay do you understand that mr depp's counsel prepared this and served it on ms heard's counsel i i'm not an attorney i don't understand necessarily all of these procedures okay are you aware that mr depp is on an audio recording years earlier taunting amber heard that she has a borderline personality disorder i was made aware of that in this case yes so you did actually not necessarily taunting but i do recall hearing that mr depp had used that phrase so it's a coincidence that you now think she has those attributes after the attorneys listed it in february 2021 before you'd looked at anything and mr depp had made that accusation to ms heard years earlier my opinions aren't based on coincidences objection i'm sorry doctor yes compound i'll sustain the objection all right it's a coincidence then that you came up with symptoms of borderline personality disorder years later after mr depp has been taunting this heard in an audio tape i can't speak to whether or not there's a coincidence what i can tell you is my opinions are based on the results of my evaluation and it's a coincidence that mr depp's council attributed that to you that said that to you in february 2021 before you looked at anything correct i'm not sure okay now would you agree that a disproportionate number of women are tagged with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder no that's not quite right 75 the way you phrase it is not quite right tell me tell me what's right okay so there are more women who have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder than men it's more prevalent in women now you've never been asked to testify or serve as an expert with respect to whether someone has a bipolar disorder is that correct a bipolar disorder yes that's not correct okay i'm sorry page 207 207 line five ah could you no okay thank you now when this designation was served in february of 2021 you had not rendered an opinion that quote ms heard exhibits patterns of behavior that are consistent with co-occurring cluster b personality disorder traits especially borderline personality disorder correct i'm sorry i i missed the first part what was that when this designation was served that you have in front of you as plaintiff's exhibit 884 you had not rendered an opinion that quote miss exhibits patterns of behavior that are consistent with co-occurring cluster b personality disorder traits especially borderline personality disorder correct no i had not rendered any opinions my opinions weren't finalized until after my evaluation right so when this came out you had not rendered that opinion i had not rendered that opinion okay the second opinion that's listed in the february 2021 is that ms heard repeatedly and perpetuated severe physical and psychological intimate partner violence ipv toward mr deb over the course of their relationship end of quote did i read that correctly it says perpetrated but other than that yes okay you have never been asked to testify as to whether anyone has behaviorally or characterologically conducted conduct that suggests they may be an ipv perpetrator correct i i have to ask that again because i stumbled i can't be characterologically that one's just a tough one for me okay and your third opinion if we can go to page 14 was that ms exhibits patterns of behavior that suggest her allegations of abuse against mr deb are false end of quote do you see that i see that you said it's my third opinion that is not my opinion all right but in this pleading it says that you will testify to that correct yes that's what this says okay and that was not your opinion in february 2021 was it no as i said i had not formed any opinions at that time i had just been retained you have never arrived at the opinion that ms heard exhibits patterns of behavior that suggest her allegations of abuse against mr deb are false correct that's correct okay and in fact you've said that has never been my opinion correct what i'm saying is that this the opinions in here i these are not my opinions my opinions are provided in my report you
Channel: MN RED
Views: 11,280,631
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Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2022
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