Amber Heards Team Get DESTROYED by this PRICELESS Witness - Johnny smiles! (fixed audio!)

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dr curry you're not board certified correct no i'm not not in clinical psychology or in forensic psychology correct no i'm a licensed clinical psychologist but you're not board certified no okay and you also have only been practicing approximately eight years is that correct that's not correct how many years i've been licensed for ten years okay and i've been practicing for about 15 years okay you went to mr depp's home for dinner and drinks before you were hired as an expert in this case correct that's not quite what right i was interviewed at mr depp's home by his legal team dinner was served and the dinner lasted approximately three to four hours correct yes and it includes the interviews correct yes dinner and i believe drinks were served okay and don't you think that's a little odd that you're getting interviewed by mr depp to decide whether you're going to testify adversely against amber heard i was interviewed by the legal team and mr depp was present it was his home correct yes and he was serving dinner and drinks he was not serving dinner and well it was at his house at his behest correct yes it was at his house okay and at that time you not only knew johnny depp you'd seen a number of his tv and movie roles and you believed he was a good actor correct not correct i did not know johnny depp i had seen several of his movies you knew who he was yes right and you believed he was a good actor yes okay and then you provided an expert designation in this case before ever seeing amber or having an opportunity to review any documents or records isn't that correct i did not provide an expert designation that's that's an attorney thing my opinions are contained in my report this was plaintiff's designation identification of expert witnesses in this case and this is dated february 2021 that's a year after you went to dinner at mr depp's house correct yes okay and it attributes if you go to page 13 it says you have three opinions the first of those is that amber heard quote exhibits patterns of behavior that are consistent with co-occurring cluster b personality disorder traits especially borderline personality disorder did i get that right i'm reading that here that is not my opinion okay well but it's a current opinion but this was not an opinion of mine then i didn't have any opinions at that time are you aware that mr depp is on an audio recording years earlier taunting amber heard that she has a borderline personality disorder i was made aware of that in this case yes so you did actually not necessarily taunting but i do recall hearing that mr depp had used that phrase so it's a coincidence that you now think she has those attributes after the attorneys listed it in february 2021 before you looked at anything and mr depp had made that accusation to ms heard years earlier my opinions aren't based on coincidences objection i'm sorry doctor yes compound i'll sustain the objection all right it's a coincidence then that you came up with symptoms of borderline personality disorder years later after mr depp has been taunting this heard in an audio tape i can't speak to whether or not there's a coincidence what i can tell you is my opinions are based on the results of my evaluation now would you agree that a disproportionate number of women are tagged with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder no that's not quite right and trauma can cause borderline personality disorders can't it no now you've never been asked to testify or serve as an expert with respect to whether someone has a bipolar disorder is that correct a bipolar disorder yes that's not correct okay ms heard repeatedly and characterologically perpetuated severe physical and psychological intimate partner violence ipv toward mr deb over the course of their relationship end of quote did i read that correctly it says perpetrated but other than that yes was that misheard exhibits patterns of behavior that suggest her allegations of abuse against mr deb are false end of quote do you see that i see that you said it's my third opinion that is not my opinion all right but in this pleading it says that you will testify to that correct yes that's what this says okay and that was not your opinion in february 2021 was it no as i said i had not formed any opinions at that time i had just been retained and you answered at that time no correct that is correct and then i asked have you ever arrived at that opinion in the time that you have served as an expert witness in this case and your answer was can you read that to the jury please yes so no it's not the task i was cut off or i essentially what i wrote i what i said then was no that's not the task of dash that was never my task to determine can i say what that means no and then the question is so is it fair to say that you have never arrived at an opinion that quote now you also have never been asked to testify on whether an individual is being truthful in saying that they are a survivor of ipv is that correct that's correct okay and you have never qualified as an expert to speak to whether a person suffered from ipv intimate partner violence or was a victim or survivor of ipv is that correct that's outside the task of a psychologist to determine whether an event occurred we assess behavior we have we assess mental status we don't detect crimes so you have not been asked to testify to that correct it's not something that occurs so no i have not disclosed in any of the designations or in your report then you had dinner and drinks with mr depp correct i did not disclose that i was interviewed by the legal team no i asked a different question are you trying to resist that you didn't have dinner with mr depp and drinks i'm not trying to resist that but it's not quite right you did and what you had drinks with mr dip did you know drinks were served i this was over two years ago i may have had a drink with dinner yes and you didn't disclose that you had met with mr dapp mr waldman mr chu and ms vasquez at mr depp's house for three to four hours and had dinner and drinks correct i did not disclose that it's not significant to the report you don't think that's significant correct i don't and you said no correct correct okay now hurt is right mr depp is wrong so as a forensic psychologist my obligation is to the court is to the fact finder i present science regardless of what that science may be now when i take a case my retainer agreement is explicit about that and i just discussed that can you i'm asking you a question i'd like you to try to answer okay question you understand that if you found favorably to misheard and negatively to mr depp you wouldn't be here right you wouldn't be testifying objections no i okay sorry hold on the objection speculation that's that's not speculation i'll sustain the objection if you don't ask okay if it goes to bias your honor i sustain the objection next question okay all right you were in fact so excited about being involved in this case that you told your husband even though this was a highly confidential matter that you were going to be conducting the examination of ms heard didn't you that is not accurate you not only told your husband but you told miss heard that you told your husband correct ms bretoff that is not accurate what is accurate you're incorrect that is not correct is your testimony today under oath that you did not tell your husband that you were going to be conducting the examination of amber that is my testimony okay so the question that was asked was because you brought muffins you said from your husband right you get and you gave those to ms heard correct may i clarify what occurred so that we can stop talking about the muffins what happened was that i was getting ready that morning i frequently bring muffins to the office my husband did happen to know that there was going to be a celebrity client coming in because on the mornings that that occurs which often occurs we have to actually clear the office and move the staff to the other office so yes on the one hand he was aware that i was getting ready i asked him to go to the bakery near our house and pick up the muffins for me because i was running late he often has to do that because i often do run late he brought the muffins back to the house i brought them into the office ms heard and i enjoyed the muffins together i think i made a comment to her along the lines like we can thank my husband he brought her my husband got these for us today meaning he purchased the muffins we are now enjoying them because of him did you say on pages 305 and 306 that you frequently have examinations of high-profile clients you want to just take a quick look and tell us uh what 305-306 yeah that's where we're talking about it is there a line you'd like me to look at you can start with uh 15 line 15 305. just read through that and tell me whether you said anywhere in there that you have a lot of high profile examinations you do this frequently i don't agree don't you approach please why did your husband get the muffins for amber heard he did not get the muffins for amber heard he knew you had a high profile client and he was and you were preparing for a very long time and you asked him to pick up the muffins correct i asked him to pick up the muffins for me yes okay you didn't diagnose you didn't actually have a dsm-5 diagnosis that amber heard suffers from either borderline personality disorder or histrionic personality disorder correct that's not correct your in fact your report says ms heard demonstrates psychological symptoms of a combined borderline and histrionic personality disorder would you agree yes i did say that in also what designation was that i believe january 18th that report was included yes okay and that's what you said at that time correct yes okay i said a little bit more than that as well you said and i'll read it i'll quote it quote based on the combined results of my interview with ms heard behavioral observations psychometric test data and review of the available records ms heard demonstrates psychological symptoms of a combined borderline and histrionic personality disorder bhpd that's what you wrote in your report as one of your conclusions and that's a dsm five diagnosis and it did not say that you were diagnosing with a dsm-5 for borderline personality disorder or histrionic personality disorder did it that's what it says in different semantics oh so so so what you meant it did not use the words you just said so so now we have an evaluation of rocky pennington no i just said but that was not relevant to my opinion because i'm only evaluating this heart but you testified to that on direct that that was a factor right yes okay well wouldn't it make a big difference if amber struck first or just responded back given the dynamic not necessarily no it would not have so now you're an expert on rocky pennington and her dynamics with amber hurt okay and do you remember dr cowan testifying that on another occasion amber sent him a text johnny beat me up pretty good last night end of quote again not in this constant she she can rely on it and she's going overboard thank you thank you i didn't need to argue that hard i guess do you recall that in bonnie jacobs notes she documents however go ahead she documents multiple multiple occasions that amber heard reports to her physical violence upon her by mr depp does she not there are several notes that indicate that ms hurt has reported violence by mr depp yes many many correct i wouldn't qualify it as many many i'm not sure what you mean by honeymoon how many would you say i don't know i don't have the notes in front of me now you also said that you listened to audio tapes in this case correct yes did you hear mr depp admitting to head-butting ms heard that is not what i heard you didn't hear that i heard a conversation about head butting i did not hear him as you said admit to head-butting misheard okay that's your characterization of it correct yes okay um did you see the videotape of mr depp in the kitchen yes okay did ms heard imagine that or create that or was she responsible for that somehow i'll sustain your checks next question okay um what if any impact did you have did that have on your opinions watching mr depp in that video i'm not sure it it was one of many pieces of the exhibits and other collateral data that i considered i'm not sure what the direct impact was or if that could be measured do you recall dr blaustein referring to mr depp having rage no i actually recall him referring to miss heard in that note your testimony is that dr blaustein was referring to amber heard as having rage i transcribed several of the notes and i may be missing a time when he i said that about mr depp the handwriting was very difficult to transcribe but there was one instance in which i recall transcribing him stating that mr depp reported that ms heard had rage now amber's medical examination she was cooperative correct her psychological yes she was cooperative and polite okay and and in the two full days of examination you felt she was polite and answered all your questions except in one instance where she furrowed her brow when you were asking about friendships in high school correct that's not correct all right let's go to page 275. so we start on 274 with the was she polite you said yes was she cooperative yes uh did she answer your questions for the most part yes this is uh now we're on page 275 lines four and five and then my question was did she at any time become combat combative or unfriendly with you or angry and your answer was there was one instance in which she appeared annoyed and the posturing forward a bit more assertive tone furrowed brow when i was questioning something following up on data that had been inconsistent about friendships in high school other than that she was very polite is that your answer at that time that was my answer at that time and it's inconsistent with the question you had just asked me it's common for the perpetrator to essentially gaslight the victim accuse them of being the perpetrator would you agree that's exactly how it was asked on the deposition so i understand it is a compound question okay objection it's common for the perpetrator to essentially gaslight i don't think that's your honor it's just i think it's just one question let me try it to gaslight the victim isn't it that's a characteristic of psychological abuse yes okay and and it's common then for them to accuse them of being the perpetrator the victim that's a characteristic of abuse from women perpetrated against men it's actually very very common about 90 percent of male victims of ipv have reported that a female partner who abuses them makes threats to report their partner as an abuser it's less common for men to make that statement to female partners just because there's less potential consequences [Music] [Music] you
Channel: That Danish fellow
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Keywords: amber heard, johnny depp, aquaman sequel, aquaman 2, johnny depp pirates of the caribbean, amber heard mera, amber heard leaked audio, johnny depp leaked audio, johnny depp childrens work, news, amber heard womens march, amber heard petition, amber heard dc, amber heard fired aquaman 2, amber heard johnny depp, johnny depp appeal, johnny depp amber heard appeal, johnny depp the sun appeal, johnny depp defamation trial, johnny depp amber heard trial, johnny depp trial
Id: 1-mm7fxtmh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 27 2022
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