Johnny Depp's funniest moments in court👹👹 ( part 7 )

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why mr depp couldn't or wouldn't look you in the eye here or in the uk you said yes you know why because he's guilty [Laughter] [Music] there's this light coming across i appreciate that it's probably good light [Music] oh oh is it what is it no i'm sure rochelle is available [Laughter] [Music] i'm sure she's crazy [Applause] [Laughter] oh could you tell the jury what the coaster was that he slipped into your pocket what it said he said i'll love you forever my slim dead or alive and what if anything did it have an edition his new phone number okay and and to be just so we're clear on how many occasions in that second mediation did mr depp look you in the eye many okay and when ms vasquez asked you if you knew why mr depp couldn't or wouldn't look you in the eye here or in the uk you said yes you know why please tell the jury why because he's guilty because he's he knows he's lying otherwise why can't he look at me thank you you were asked about it i survived i survived that man and i'm here and i'm able to look at him okay thinking that i'm going on a road i can't hear you [Music] you told mr d dab to suck your dick multiple times didn't you yes i did you tell him to go run to his 15 other houses right that's correct because that's what he would do when you behave like this isn't it eventually he would go and stay in one of the other houses you call him a sellout don't you i was expressing frustration about his criticism of my career and how many problems that cost within the dynamic of our relationship yes so you call them a sellout and a joke i call them horrible ugly things as you can hear sell out we spoke to each other in a really horrible way pretty sure we just heard you speak to him in a really horrible way you called him a sellout i just missed her um you called him a sellout right mister i called him a lot of ugly things i called him a lot of ugly things you called him a joke on that recording you called him a washed up piece of [ __ ] i think we both called each other that on that uh occasion yes mr depp mentions aquaman doesn't he yes he does so i got you that role in aquaman didn't he excuse me mr depp got you that role in aquaman didn't he no miss vasquez i got myself that role by auditioning that's true that's that is quote your jealousy is so tragic i heard him say that yes you were the jealous one in this relationship weren't you misheard i think he was indicating i was jealous of his career and now you've twisted it to say it was mr doubt that's the jealous one johnny's always been very jealous when i worked when i did anything friends yes he's always been very jealous can you aware that mr depp has testified under oath that he would not take other pirates of the caribbean franchise rule for 300 million dollars in a million alpacas now with disney entertain paying mr depp more than 300 million dollars and provide him with more than one alpacas to be able to obtain his services for any future pirates to the caribbean goal now so you would have been marked as deposition exhibit number so beginning here you were asked by ms vasquez about why mr depp won't or can't look you in the eye and she read out or she played a tape in which mr depp said you will not see my eyes again do you recall that i do and that was during the mediation process in july correct that objection leading first one sustainable deleting when was this that was in july 2016 that was the first mediation attempt we met after that and johnny very much looked me in the eye please tell the jury about the next meeting after he said you will not see my eyes again we met in the lawyer's office they gave us a moment johnny kissed me again held me i cried he cried and then made a short exchange and he put a note in my pocket that said i'll love you dead or alive my slime [Music] i just made breakfast for all of them this morning waffles [Music] exhibit 881a this is one of the articles containing the counter claim statements by adam waldman is that correct i haven't seen the article yet why don't we go to page 8 of this article adam waldman depp's lawyer said afterwards quote amber heard and her friends in the media use fake sexual violence allegations as both the sword and shield depending on their needs they have selected some of her sexual violence hoax facts as a sword inflicting them on the public and mr depp do you see that yes i do is that one of the statements that you allege are defamatory it's defamatory that's correct it's heard you tweeted it adam waldman quote yes mr waldman i may be wearing makeup on this occasion but on every occasion you will still be short did i read that right yes we can put this down thank you that's heard since your relationship with mr depp ended you have completed your level three sommelier training haven't you i haven't completed it yet i decided to no i'm on level three you also have had a baby right i have and you enjoy being a mother more than anything still love to cook i do and you love to hike i've taken a break on hiking for a minute you have friends right i do have friends and you spend time with those friends occasionally when i can and you exercise regularly every day you just filmed a movie in march of 2022 isn't that right yes the one i just shot in guatemala that i spoke of earlier and you have um you had a major role in a major film that's scheduled to be released soon is that correct aquaman two as i said i don't know if i will even be in the final cut or how much i will be it was difficult to stay in the movie from me for coming from jerry from me so that he finds out about the divorce filing or my intention to do so from some other source other than tmz which was alerted [Music] he slipped up there didn't you misheard you let it slip out that tmz had been alerted to your filing of the domestic violence restraining order didn't you i disagree that's not what i'm talking about tmz is the same outlet that you released the video of mr depp attacking the kitchen cabinets the day before this deposition was taken wasn't it i didn't do that i don't know how to do the copyright to that video now doesn't it i have no idea what tms do they pay you for that i never got paid for it because i had nothing to do with that so tmz was just lucky in getting the inside scoop to your divorce from mr depp huh i have no idea it is not that's not my area of expertise i wouldn't even know how to do that he said hipston's eyes hips and also what does that get me if i wanted to leak things about johnny i could have done that in a much more successful way in a bigger way for years now when you were extorting him for seven million dollars i got a fraction of what i was entitled to in the state of california by the way what extortion is that right that is correct so it was during these cycles of violence in 2012 that you gave mr dap a knife as a gift i gave him a knife um i think for a birthday present early in our relationship i believe it was around 2012 but i'm not certain we've seen a picture of that knife but i think we should bring out the real thing yes that's it that's the knife you gave to the man who was hitting you right mister wasn't worried he was gonna stab me with it when i gave it to him that's for certain but you gave it to him while he was abusing you allegedly i gave it to him that year do you remember that testimony yes i do those locks were to the penthouses at the eastern columbia building isn't that correct that's correct you changed the locks to the penthouses on may 22nd 2016. i attempted to that's why you felt comfortable having james franco over the evening of may 22nd 2016 miss heard i do not know when i do not know when james came over okay let's remind you can we please pull up planters exhibit 304 which is already in evidence and play from 254 through 439 um [Music] you and mr franco on may 22nd 2016 right miss herd that's correct and you're taking him up to the penthouses aren't you that's where i lived yes and it's past 11 p.m at night isn't that right i'm not quite sure the time it looked it looked like that knew mr depp was out of town on may 27th when you went to get the domestic violence restraining order isn't that right i don't know if i knew that at the time you knew you knew mr depp was heading out on a european tour that week isn't that right i'm not quite sure what i understood of his schedule at that time you knew he wouldn't be back for weeks right no that's incorrect [Music] you
Channel: jukedoo
Views: 5,972,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JWe6bT9tIJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Thu May 19 2022
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