Johnny Depp Can't Stop Being Savage in Court! (Part 3)

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thank you [Music] describe the look on his face when you believe it registered that you're standing here with alpacas and kind of happy as he was driving by yeah I charge for my time yeah and it's the same thing you answer my question in fact you charge 710 an hour for your time don't you counselor can let me complete my answer I'm not happy to respond sir please just please try to stick to the question that I'm asking you you've had you've had your chance to go well beyond the question being asked but if you could just please stick to the question I'm asking you would go a lot faster I don't think your microphone was on there it's not it's not really that's all right so just if you could answer the question that's asked okay thank you thank you let me let me start over sir you're you you charge Mr Depp 710 an hour I'm told that the payments in the future directly to her this is clear here say he's not answering the question I would ask for you to instruct him to answer the question and not be smile on his I'll sustain this time you say next question what role did you play with respect to the payments ultimately made and in fact you're being paid for the time that you're sitting on that witness stand today are you no your main contact with Mr Depp and this company's is his sister Chrissy Dombrowski correct no one of your colleagues maintains active communication with Christy Dombrowski correct could you ask a question again counselor one of your colleagues maintains active communication with Christy Dombrowski correct no can you turn to page 116 of your deposition certainly did I read that right yes but you that that's what you need to find this right sir now part of the services that you provide that your firm provides to Mr Depp is to Mr Depp owed um significant amount of money to the bank of California at that time correct no in layman's terms terms that that I can understand because I don't I don't speak all the kind of business school terms that you speak he didn't have enough money at the time correct he was spending more than he was bringing in correct that news that he was given that night was catastrophic wasn't it no foreign was given some catastrophic news about his business answer that is correct Now read that right you did but remember I did not Define that sir you'll have a chance to the attorney will get back up and um now you at this meeting you had a discussion about his financial affairs and a necessity to formulate a revised business strategy and plan correct yes and he talked about the following financial information you talked about his taxes he hadn't paid taxes in years correct no that's not correct that he had not paid any taxes and years is not correct but I just would like to move these into evidence I don't plan to publish them or anything at this point [Music] [Music] foreign you understood that Mr Depp showed up hours late for work on Pirate's five correct that is not correct yeah three million you've asked me a question I'm trying to remember no I was actually just asking if that's what you wrote it's my understanding she was going to contribute the money okay so I just asked if that's what you wrote Let's I think you've answered that can we please pull up exhibit 1596. I I understand that you you wanna you wanna speak your own narrative here but my question was simply that this letter says that this check represents the first of multiple scheduled installments to honor the full amount of misheards three and a half million dollar pledge gift correct we can both read the letter and answer Jess thank you sir good afternoon and would you please State your full name for the record and Mr Connolly uh where are you testifying from the building and and where do you live I live in Essex [Music] okay all right hold on Mr Conley for a minute foreign [Music] so okay so that's that's marijuana what about alcohol same question and then you saw then you went in the house and saw Mr Depp in the foyer correct yes correct and Mr Depp was trying to urinate in the foyer wasn't he you know Mr Japan is penis out objection I love you next question and you were trying to get Mr Depp out of the house correct correct I'm trying to get myself and Mr Depp was refusing to leave the house was he not so much Refuge he just wanted two minutes to save peace [Music] foreign [Music] thank you so much thank you foreign
Channel: Andrew Pandrew
Views: 9,061,940
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Keywords: Johnny depp, Johnny Depp Amber Heard, Johnny Depp trial 2022, Johnny Depp vs Amber heard, Johnny Depp vs amber heard court, Johnny Depp amber heard trial, amber heard Johnny depp, amber heard, Johnny Depp takes stand, Johnny Depp v amber heard court live, Andrew pandrew, memes, Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard Full Trial, Law, Johnny Depp court case live, Johnny Depp Funny, Funny, Johnny Depp Savage, lawyers, Fun, part 3, johnny depp being epic in court, Andy, Court moment
Id: zThHvY4aXy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Tue May 03 2022
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