Watch Johnny Depp TEAR UP in Court (Trial Highlights)

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Paul Bettany is a good friend that you've done drugs with right that's a strange question um Paul Bettany is a good friend yes you've done drugs with him yes I have cocaine right uh cocaine is alcohol yes pills including Xanax and Adderall right um that I'm not too sure of okay Mr Depp you you remember giving testimony in the trial in the UK correct yes and you gave that testimony under oath right yes um you were you were you gave quite a bit of testimony in that trial right uh I wouldn't be able to judge that myself it felt like a lot okay well let's take a look at some of it and you see that uh on on the bottom of that page there's a discussion of of Paul Bettany and and the things drugs that you did together and there was a question the question is any sort of pills and your answer is yes there could have been Xanax or if he needed if he asked for Xanax or Adderall whatever I would of course give it to him question so you would Supply Paul Bettany with whatever medication or controlled drugs he asked for is that right answer if he was feeling anxious or if he was feeling unpleasant I would give him what he asked for question would you give him a Xanax answer yes did I read that right you certainly did yes sir and you shared um the two of you shared an enjoyment of controlled drugs or alcohol at that time right um the two of us were making a film uh together um with respect to that that wasn't my question my question was the two of you shared an enjoyment of controlled drugs and alcohol at that time yes or no at times and misheard was quite adamant that you didn't drink anymore and that you should stop using recreational drugs right oh yes and she didn't like it when you were high on drugs or drunk on alcohol right she didn't like it when it was her perception that I was high on drugs her perception is quite different than the truth and that's that's what we're after is the truth Mr Depp this this is a text message exchange that you had with Paul Bettany on June 11 2013. correct yes correct you text Mr Bettany let's burn Amber 3x exclamation points right you see that produce you though and at this time June 11 2013 Amber is your girlfriend or perhaps even your fiance at this point correct girlfriend yeah for sure after that you made another comment and and I'd like to apologize to the court and to the jury for some of the language that I'm gonna have to use today but unfortunately um you're going to see a lot of documents with language like this after you've said let's drown her before we burn her Mr Depp you said I will for burnt corpse afterwards to make sure she is dead that's what you said that you would do after you burned her and after you drowned her did I read that right you certainly did yes and you wrote that about the woman who would later become your wife yes I did on January 17 2013 Mr Depp you texted the following for the idiot cow three exclamation points next text will do I'll smack the ugly around before I let her in don't worry apologies again to the court and the jury for this language and then you close by saying did that worthless hooker arrive did I read that right yeah you did so um one of your good friends that you've taken drugs with before is Marilyn Manson right [Music] um yes we've taken we've drank together we've we've we've had cocaine together maybe a couple of times um pills right with Marilyn Manson um I once gave Marilyn Manson a pill uh so that he would stop talking so much sorry all right um I get it and on line 22 you were asked a question the night before you were due to meet up did you have a heated discussion on the telephone with misheard about what was happening with James Franco the scene she was doing with James James Franco answer I do not recall but it is highly likely did I read that right in fact I'm not sure where you are okay um day two page 293 it's on page 32 of the document line 22 I think is the issue page 32 line 22. thank you your honor line 22. line 22 on page 32. yes too many too many numbers are you there yes yes okay so question the night before you were due to meet up did you have a heated discussion on the telephone with misheard about what was happening with James Franco the scene she was doing with James Franco answer I do not recall but it is highly likely did I read that right you did and you suspected that Amber was having an affair with James Franco correct that was the reason for your argument um yeah yes let's do this so is it your testimony that right after you cut your finger off that you or right after I I won't give you anything to argue with me yet right after you sustained an injury to your finger that's right that you right after you sustain an entry to your finger is it your testimony that you did not ask for cocaine and ecstasy right after you told the doctor about your finger injury is that your testimony um regardless of what date you believe works within the World Time Zone um I don't believe that someone who has gone through opiate dependency who has lost the ability to to produce dopamine and serotonin in their own body because um that's what the opiate does your body no longer needs to make the dopamine or the serotonin the dopamine and serotonin as you know I imagine are um things that keep us um in in in in in it gives us our moods I appreciate that but my question wasn't that my question was I'm just trying to call the doctor about your finger injury you were asking for Coke it's entirely possible that you were asking for cocaine and ecstasy objection yes or no speculation I I'll allow that question answer it uh clearly need why these more Whitey stuff um is is is uh yes it's a reference to cocaine but that doesn't uh there's nothing here that says that I ingested the drug not saying there is but you were asking for more cocaine and you were asking for more ecstasy correct I wasn't asking for more ecstasy I was asking for ecstasy because that was what I was requested from was requested by Missouri this is this is where you tell Amber in a recording that you mentioned the day I chopped my finger off so let's listen to that right you're talking about I'm talking about Australia today now we're talking about Australia okay yeah you hear that and you said the day I chopped my finger off let's let's play it again thank you fight you're talking about I don't know I'm talking about Australia now we're talking about Australia okay are you sure that's yeah let's do it one more time that I got my finger chopped off no no you saved the day that I chopped my finger off so let's play it one more time because I think I left out the word that it says the day that I chopped my finger off okay I'm not so sure in fact earlier you had quoted Jerry judge from uh the airplane tape is calling me um wait till he falls asleep and I'm positive that those words never left his mouth because he was he would have if I would have been making those noises in the bathroom he would have ripped the hinges off maybe they left his mouth when you were passed out sir respectfully let's listen to this one more time staying as argumentative and I'll move to strike can you please bring up defendants exhibit 638 [Music] I'm sorry what what is are we going to enter this into evidence sir yes your honor move for the admission of this video into evidence we have no objection your honor all right 638 in evidence thank you now you can publishing [Music] what happened what happened [Music] foreign [Music] no nothing happened to you this morning yeah you're right I just woke up and you were so sweet we're not even fighting this morning all I did was say sorry did something happen you this morning I don't think so um no that's the thing you want to see crazy [Music] oh really [Music] really [Music] I didn't you were smashing [Music] do we have a date for this um we have a table and metadata or anything on that why don't we let's since you have some questions about it let's why don't we watch it again oh I've seen it again okay we you know what we we can we don't have to do that that's good we don't have to do that this is at your house in West Hollywood on Suites or Avenue correct that's correct and that's you in the video Mr Depp right that's correct and you would agree that you were violent In that clip correct um clearly I was having a bad time I don't uh I don't know what it was with regard to completely at this point since I don't know the day but um um being legally recorded by your um chosen others uh well it's quite fitting with the rest of the photographs tape recordings she made so um I thought what was most interesting is that she tried to hide it from me and then that she laughed and smiled at the end I thought that was most interesting part myself but so yes I did assault um a couple of cabins but I did not touch Miss heard and as you can see I think you know and you may have been you may have been may have been drunk in that video correct possibility of that yes sir you poured yourself a a mega pint of red wine correct a mega pint yeah I poured myself a large glass of wine right I thought it necessary and what I would propose to play is 3210 to 3805 so we'll make it 586 a section 32 10 through 38.05 all right yes I think thank you and with your permission I'd ask uh for us to play this okay Jerry go ahead thank you actually before we start Mr Depp during this meeting that you had with her at one point you tried to cut yourself with a knife correct I don't recall that no okay let's play this I mean I might have made a move [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] this is really pretty thanks do I want to cut you yeah on the chest [Music] just don't cut your skin please do not cook your skin please don't okay why would I do that you see don't please do not do that please do not do that don't please stop I need to do what I want I know and how it hurts [Music] no thank you no thank you this on the pillows [Music] I know never cut you I would never do that to you [Music] get on my arms no because it's gonna go to court it's really tall don't don't don't don't don't please don't do that Put The Knife Down Put The Knife Down don't don't do that do not do that Tony please you're gonna look at you you're gonna hurt yourself please I want to look at you [Music] stop please don't wait for the pain to go away it's not that it doesn't make you go away trust me and do you know it doesn't make you go away really did it make you go away yeah yeah it did please don't please don't do that okay [Music] just look here there is looking here for no other reason to be here [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] to use to cut me with it would be too painful and dull and dirty to use it right it's pretty no no please do not do not do don't don't you're gonna hurt yourself don't please don't cut yourself please please don't please stop please stop please don't don't hurt yourself please [Music] help myself your honor I think that might if it's okay with your honor I probably gonna move on to something else later okay I assume you still have quite a bit Cross or a bit I'm not not exactly sure all right but more than we could do yes okay all right that's fine all right ladies and gentlemen it looks like we've come to the end of our week
Channel: Entertainment Tonight
Views: 13,444,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Johnny Depp, Amber Heard
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 22 2022
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