John Fury Holds Nothing Back on KSI | Tyson Fury Failed Retirement & Usyk Superfight

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boxing is the biggest eye in the world but it's also the biggest low why'd you keep flipping these tables it's just like choking it down the background up higher all of a sudden it's it ignited me and I'm off is he got the same hunger because I'm his father and I will keep him hungry because he's got unfinished business what's his unfinished business when some proper titles what we set out to do in the beginning Jake Paul and Tommy was the biggest fight in the world and there probably will never be another one as big what's your exact prediction for the Tommy Fury KSI fight we have to knock him out don't we we cannot leave anything to jump but if he don't knock him out I'm going to be very very very disappointed and how do you rate KSI compared to Jake Paul they're all in the same level but Tommy is leagues above these people and then what about the typhoon and Gano fight no nobody can touch base in their boxing much you want to fight him win lose or draw I'll fight Mike Tyson I'm frightened a known man with a pair of arms or a pair of feet or a pair of knobs I'm frightening a new living being I'm afraid of God we're welcoming back to the show The Legend that is John Fury we're trying our best to get Tyson if you want us to get Tyson Fury on the show make sure you like this video subscribe to the channel and turn the notification Bell on and we'll keep bringing great guests like John Fury I think they sold uh 22 000 tickets in four hours for for the KSI wow yeah yeah that is unbelievable it's good yeah yeah man so jobs are good yeah it's all rolling well yeah and you're keeping well Life's good filters if it'll make yeah most days five days a week myself doing a couple of these you know it's been pretty good yeah and we've got a great place here to train haven't we yeah are you in Camp now then yeah we're in Camp here all right thanks for um doing this for us now well Alison now I've got lots of parents at four o'clock so no that's it yeah in between in it I see you still do a lot of sparring and stuff yourself gotta keep it you're on there yeah because you never know what's going around that corner yeah that's true you know and I always believe age is a number right it's what's inside of mine like you there he talks about your face that's like a 44 yeah surprise yourself yeah you know so yeah and I think I'm in a lot better condition now than what I've ever been to yeah because of our time on mountains to do what I have to do yeah like back in the younger days like there's no time to do anything just work work and you come home you're too tired to do an exercise yeah because if you had room for that that means you didn't work hard enough during the day sort of thing you know so things are different now yeah well let me just say two remember too much too late for me at my age well I'm having a bit of fun with it and I'm running with it you know so there you go yeah something Harry and I wonder about because Harry fought in the undercuted yeah and um how much you know sparring you should do because what I don't want to do in 10 years is have my brain mashed up I need my brain because if it's always just body sparring it's not the same is it no you gotta it you can do too much of anything yeah everything in moderation sparring running bags circuit training you gotta know when to go with it when not to right and that's the key to this job not a lot of people know that yeah important information yeah you gotta know look at your man and judge him what he's up for in that day yeah and I can tell he's looking at them face color oh really yeah you can see if oh you need to give them more or less yeah yeah just by the way they are yeah the body language says everything doesn't it right you know they can't disguise it no you know if you know what you're doing and after 60 years in the game yeah a little bit yeah especially at this level yeah yeah because I you know I trained for six months and I just too long yeah yeah but in fact my wrists are yeah yeah but I started from zero and yeah I think a lot of it like in the business world it's under the kind of the harder you work the better you do you just gotta get it I wasn't good enough yeah you know on a late starter you see you can spend a lifetime in the gym and uh you can leave most of it in there yeah laying on the job I say right you'll do better but sometimes six months training yeah yeah the body won't stand it no obviously it wasn't doing six months gruffles you really it probably was on average training Maybe eight nine times a week through that time well I started like not very fair never boxed before um yeah so a little bit at a time in it you know yeah you've got a baby steps in the job ain't it yeah yeah it depends who you was matching with but it sounds it wasn't a good match because like everything but no no but I mean it's a great experience it was so close it's a great experience but if you've been proper level picking on the wheat well that's it I mean I knew it was probably someone the same experience as yourself you'd have been a good winner yeah was the fellow experience she was messing with or not it had one um White Collar pretty much the same yeah and he yeah he lost three stone um and we like I wanted five rounds because I knew I had the Fitness on him and he wouldn't go there and so we did three and yeah if it had been four I think I'd have got the decision or five yeah because I had the Fitness on him oh it really fit um but now it was it's easier money ain't that yeah and well I gave it all away to charity so you can again I can only commend you for that yeah because after doing what you've done and had the experience I'd give you money away yeah that shows you that you're doing it passionately to help others yeah and just for the experience yeah once you've got that experience now and you can you can you can live with that for the rest of your life yeah and move on and probably build on it or if not just okay I've been there no experience yeah yeah yeah yeah because it's you know obviously the emotions you go through or you know you've done it so long it is intense I always say boxing is the biggest eye in the world but it's also the biggest low right you know yeah if you're passionate about a sport like we are and to lose there's no worse of feeling in the entire world and the whole world's watching you well it's bereavement it's it's on the same part as bereavement yeah you know what I'm saying yeah some people who's intense with it you know and um the win well it's like you've been told you've got 200 years to live and you've got 10 trillion dollars to live it with yeah I'm saying yeah there's no better and bigger but like I say you've got to be able to handle the downside as well yeah because the downside can make him I'll break him yeah and life is about winning and losing yeah on no matter who you are at some point there's somebody better gonna come along of course there's always a new kid on the Block so what you do you run with your job enjoy it but you've got to know when to call it a day as well I say finish on top whatever you do right go out on top smiling no damage on your not a sad statistic for people laugh at again and how do you know when the top is because often you only know when the top is is when you've gone back down the hill you know you know but some people ignore all the warnings they ignore them if they don't want to see the warning signs of the end of a career so you think yeah I'll just one more Buzz because it's the biggest drug in the world right this kind of thing an adrenaline rush what a crowd give you every people screaming your name you're on top of everybody's bucket list yeah it's hard to say no to that on all them things will make you ignore the body sign saying you've had enough right and you think Tyson will struggle with that because it looks like he's going to struggle with that absolutely like all fighters do yeah like all fighters do because suddenly when it's over it's over you've got nothing and the way Tyson lives his life that mundane life like taking the dog for a walk get kids up for school doing household work I can't do that I could never do that right and I'm not even on anybody's level I'm nobody but I couldn't live my life like that if I didn't have goals every day to do someone to see places to go and crack opening really yeah yeah and I think that's part of how you've managed to keep your mental health good yes goals something to work oh listen if I can't sit down and do nothing Rob because I'm in trouble otherwise you know it's I'm struggling in here right yeah because you've not got a lot to do so I've got a lot to do for a lot of the day you can only train so much during the day you know and at the end of the day what do you do when you're not training yeah what you do I tend to do it myself I'm going for some nice long runs yeah use all the facilities either Jim and by the time you've done that you wake up have your tea you know we've already done a gym session a day's gone by yeah but if I was to sit in my room all day looking at that phone nah I'll go in a little place I just nosedive yeah but I will not let myself go there because I know it's not good for me yeah there's a lot of people in this hotel I maybe spoke to every one of them yeah you know because that's what I do yeah don't like meeting strange people I've never spoke to before you do or don't I do yeah yeah yeah yeah we have a chat about different stuff and I feel people you've never met before you can learn a great deal of them yeah can't you yeah they can say something what you can use what's invaluable to your life yeah and they don't know they've said it yeah you know and sometimes I don't know they told me until I think about anything else yeah you know what I'm saying yeah I do yeah and that's what I say no man's an island yeah a lot of intelligent people out there especially coming through these places yeah everyday is different folk here and everyone's got a different story to tell I just find it so for all and listening to people that's knowledge isn't it yeah this is random one John but is it true you insured your testicles for 10 million no comments [Laughter] Rob ooh the elf who'd want to ensure some nobody's testicles should be nobody you've got them for two dollars and nine million if people find it amusing what I say and do yeah that's what it's about I'm here to do one thing put a smile on somebody's face right on the ones who don't smile well I'm sorry yeah but it's just me yeah but you know there's a lot better men than me about this Earth I'm not in the insurance at all and I can name 50 straight off if you want but listen that's another day but I'm happy with me nutsack don't worry about that I might feel my Productions and you know when like here's I asked a load of people yeah what do you want to ask John a load and there's a couple I want to save to the end they're more sort of serious ones but one thing everyone wants to know is why do you keep flipping these tables is this something you plan to do is it part of the promotion of the fight or do you genuinely just get a bit like in the moment and angry I'm going to be truthful with the answer nothing staged nothing plans it happens to me within seconds right I can be sat there calm all of a sudden the one one that's it I can't help it yeah I went there with the best intention in the world to let them young Lads have the thing I just want to support Tommy well the bad language all that rubbish about people's girlfriends fiances you know it's just like chucking a guy on the pep talk higher right all of a sudden it's it ignited me and I'm off I'm thinking oh I'm sick of this I'm away you know what I don't mean to do it but I get it's a free-for-all and if anybody gets in the way well what can you do yeah yeah so I just this just happens to me that's the character I can be in my younger days I could be setting up or somebody say something to me what I didn't like yeah you know it just happens within a second it's off rolling because I'm not a man what how can I put it if you insult me I'm not going to take a week to think about it I'm going to respond in a Flash yeah and that's it yeah that's how it happened we're fighting that's it right and it's that got you in trouble in the in the past that's why it was that's why I've been to jail right yeah and that was for fighting yeah quick on the draw that was it I would not be insulted and that's it and I don't need to think about it so I can look down back I look up Nick yeah are you like me right you know what um that's what happens to me nothing in my life is planned or staged right because I'm not that kind of a person and I couldn't do it a man like me if you've seen me to an act it'll be terrible yeah because I can't do it yeah I'm as thick as two short ones you know what I'm saying I'm dyslexic I'm very bubble educated I'm a mental of sufferer you know how could I act out anything I couldn't do it what you see there is my character I've been like that from being that sized I remember when my dad used to give me food and then I took off the floor or in seconds in fact they give me my food and I didn't like my breakfast to me I just swing it on the floor and I get kicked up the backside slapped all in the back of the neck but I didn't care yeah I'd done it it was on the floor within a second the minute they give it to me I don't like it boom wow and that's the way I've been all my life you know have you managed to sort of control it as you've got a little bit older and maybe hold it in a bit more because you can't go around fighting all the time can you especially as you get older do you think you're better at handling it [Laughter] situations again in it company we keep pleases we're in what people say and what they do can have an impact on that like Sydney or you guys I could sit here for 12 months with you yeah would never have a wrong word no it's one I think somebody's being sarcastic somebody's trying to knock my family not me but in a second I'll turn on you right all right so you so have you maybe got smarter about where you spend your time so you don't put yourself in those situations absolutely yeah you've just said what I was going to say to you yeah I'm very careful in particular where I set myself down right because I know from I can look at a group of people and say yep you go there you're going away in the prison van and I want to hear it right I want to hear it you know and that's why you've got to be very mindful or I'm a mindful person yeah as I've got older and more mindful I think a lot more but even though I'm Mindful and think a lot more I can said hell will be mindful in a second and I want to be still you and you still have that inside you but you're just adapting your life to it yes yeah yeah I'm working around it yeah it's hard work but that's quite a smart thing because if there is something that's inside of you and you just can't you can't change and that is you but you don't put yourself in that situation you are almost dealing with that problem yeah well the last thing we want to do is be a nuisance but unfortunately as we get older as we become somebody there's a lot of jealous in the world yeah and jealousy can cause people to do what they wouldn't normally do yeah it's like only just the other week here I think you're a Gob Shack but I want a picture with you that's a good [ __ ] I'm sure you said no I hooked up him like that yeah I said we'll have a picture with you and I'll pray for you now I could have said oh my God that's what would have happened 25 years but we're living in a different day now yeah I've been fetchum in a world where it's a world of war Mario days is a world of war where an insult was took on board very very insultingly so that would be end up in a fire definitely every time yeah without a shadow of a doubt if a man was prepared to insult you is prepared to have a fight with you yeah back in the day and that I was brought in that world where fighting eating drinking and sleeping and handling love it was nothing new for me to have a fight of a morning before I went to work right because somebody would irritate you to that effect I remember one time when I pulled on the garage to get some fuel in the car and it was a freezing cold day and I'm pointing to the man to switch the Pom-Pom you had me there 10 minutes before I switched on so I just put the nozzle back and walked in the garage now you'll learn from that now you'll learn to behave yourself yeah you know what is it ending yeah jail yeah but people are pushing muttons won't they but now they're a bit more Daft drama today to be honest I've been brought up old school and whatnot and uh people when you've got a fight to survive in every aspect to adjust to today's world you've got to watch what you say watch what you do watch where you go yeah it's hard work for me so rather have all the hard work I will just stick to people who want to be nice because I'm generally a very nice person and I'll do anything for anybody by the way if you're stuck I'm going to help you yeah no matter what my agenda is if I see somebody in trouble with a car on the side of the road and I think it can help I'm going to pull up and help you because that's what kind of a man I am yeah because there's two sides everybody aren't they and I think and I've lived my life on this assumption I want to be treated as well as I treat other people now it's not much to ask for is it no you know if you show me respect I'm going to show you more back you know I want to learn of you I don't want to get beat up by you no you know what I'm saying there's two different things isn't it you know if I can learn off educated people which I've done all my life you know because without schooling because back in the 70s when I was a young kid you know a gypsy for school you want to learn no doubt all you got in school in the 70s was a good idea good items in school in the 70s for a gypsy no integration the aid in this idea gang bully Warfare and that's all I knew but times have moved over people have seen the light more in this world we're living today there's a lot more you can talk about a lot more you can do you know and people it's accepted more isn't it it's like this mental health thing when I was a kid in 1979 80. if you always remember don't talk about that no people think I need the funny farm no no no no no hey people saying you're taking an aspirin who thought he was a lunatic right but now that was a family I come off yeah and when you come off a family a mental sufferers a generational thing it's hard to deal with it well yeah people look at me and say yeah he's a maniac well I'm a clever maniac I'm far from stupid and I can honestly say I would never ever harm anybody intentionally no it's just not in me whatever happens in a fight the eat in a moment the Red Mist that's another place you go in your mind isn't it you know but people can trigger you but smart people you can enjoy the company like where's that to you yeah you know like if you was an idiot over there and asking me all kinds of stupid so I'm trying to make them look small I probably tip this table on top of you I want him a second yeah you know yeah but it's how you tread isn't it yeah it's I owe your threat you know so at the end of the day yeah people's right and sensible I've never had a wrong word with decent people you know that yeah it's always these wannabe Fighters these people's never a hunch in the air what doesn't know the other side of it because I've never experienced it so they can be cheeky they can be clever to cancel yeah but like Mike Tyson said they've all got a plan and they all think they're cleverly get punched in the face as you know from as I know fighting pugilism is hard work isn't it the hard probably the hardest thing I've ever done well listen I'm doing nuts since I've been opened my eyes you know what I'm saying yeah and have a roll around out there and no worries Malone's to be on fire I know it is to be feeling pain I know it is to have the pressure of thinking oh look here you know I've got to do this I've got to do this and got to do that yeah you got everything combined all in one and if he wasn't a strong mind he'd just blow a fuse wouldn't you yeah I'd say told a lot of it yeah and end up well a basket case basically and as you've got you know more in the public eye have you felt the responsibility to be a good role model do you think about that or do you just be yourself I know I don't need to think about being a good person because I'm one you know the only time you'll ever see me lose your temper is if I've been insulted that's the only time you'll ever see me lose mirag or if somebody's saying something inappropriate you know which I don't think is right you know and uh it's just the way it is isn't it so I haven't got to try to be a good boy I'm one I'm a father of six children you know I'm a businessman I've got my own things apart from boxing I've worked all my life I'm not a man who leeches off his sons nothing not ten dollars of Tyson not ten dollars off Tommy everything I do for these boys is free because I'm not interested in money don't float my boat it's caused that many problems in my life you know I don't need money I don't like money as long as I've got enough to feed myself with them pay me bills I'm happy there's my old car in the car park 32 year old an old red Mercedes yeah gets me for me to be people laugh at me driving it but you know keep laughing that's John Fury I'm not interested no you know what what's happened with money in the past then with relationships well it just people changes people doesn't it when you've gone from having basically an ant to mouth existence and all of a sudden you've got money in abundance people change they think that somebody else now if I was a gentleman I'd have in relation to I Society people I'm a gypsy uneducated dyslexic Gypsy and I try to use my manners as best as I can what my mother and father taught me to do you know my mother of values say you can be respectful you can be decent to other people it doesn't take a brain surgeon to do what that's how I've lived my life you know and I don't need to try to do anything me because I am I'm I'm a nice easygoing person it's like we're sparring here yesterday I send the kid take a good shot to stop the spa hold on I said mate give yourself that give him a minute I said you ain't getting paid for this is helping you yeah so right give him a minute that's what kind of a person I'm your kid done Pat him on the back as he walked past me and thanks for that yeah or any other gyms that I want to see him on the floor because it makes their man look good I said to my son Whoa stop recover well go when you're already yeah that's a decent person and that's what I am yeah you know I'm a decent person I think people know that but if you want to try and make a fool out of me or disrespect me you're going to see the other side of me like you would yeah if somebody tried to disrespect what you was doing and your character and your job and your life you are not a mental ulcer Freya you know I no my dad is my experience but how would you feel if somebody was trying to disrespect you and you knew it yeah I mean I'm not raised like you so it might not end in a fight you'd be disappointed wouldn't in that person yeah I would and I probably um would disassociate with that person and might even want to tell other people bad things about that person yeah yeah the only people the only thing people can say about me is running I'd run into me and the life is saying Melissa treat him right yeah man sound try and be a [ __ ] around him or he'll let you yeah in a split second I will you know I don't care all them or how old I'm not you upset me you do it to me because I'm gonna do it to you yeah and if you get the better of me good luck to you yeah because I'm gonna definitely try and get the better of you so you're basically saying you will treat people how they treat yes the nicer they are to you they're nice more nicer yeah I like these people here can I see people in this hotel you know they've even said to me oh well off the internet you seem totally different you know he's such a a gentle kind of a fella you know you treat people right you know you open doors so people let people walk past here first and all that it's called being a human being isn't it you don't have a good teacher my mother and father very good teachers yeah you know I mean Dad couldn't stand an ignorant bold child that's what he used to say bold child of him got a good idea and if we stepped on the line you got it round the head and I kick up the backside yeah done then you learn you can talk to a child all you want unless he feels the wrath of you he ain't gonna listen properly especially people like or our character me and my family when we lose kids we have trouble we have to kick up the backside yeah we have to be shouted out we used to have the stick get the belt you just get a swishy stick off the edge that was when he was naughty do you think the world's gone a bit soft now but too soft do you because yeah you know that's really frowned upon in parenting what deterrent does a child got yeah get away with anything yeah you know when my mother and father said no they meant no no we're asking them twice I never said oh why why can't have it because if you said that you've met with a slap up your ear or my dad said you and your brothers will appreciate how I've tracked you and your men because you're about to stand alone and go through anything and you know what you're right and I thank my father every day for them kicks up the backside to slap from the back of the neck the belt the stick thank you Father you made me some man yeah and that's a nice thing to say about your parents yeah it is and it's hard for parents because your kids don't understand until they're 25. too late yeah they're molded up and getting away with what they want saying what they want doing as they want yeah if I say to my kids when they're small you ain't going nowhere they ain't going and they know not to even ask again they know not to move because they know they feel the other side of me yeah and that's how I was with them and look at them today all find strong healthy men looking after the families going to work every day supporting the families on the do it at will they do it because it's normal to them it's the norm they're not worried about till can I look after my family can I do this can I do that because I've said to them there's a lot of work in the world won't find some and that's what they do and I'm a proud man of them so people can look at me and say oh is this is that oh my sons are relative like machines they can all handle itself they're all rough tough cookies people walk around them instead of to them because they've got the horror about them as that they will not be messed around but nice gentle people but they've got the aura about them where I wouldn't like to mess with them yeah and that's how I molded them yeah and this um Netflix documentary it was huge yeah it was huge apparently it's the biggest show on Netflix smashed all the numbers has that changed anything for you not really but all I can say is there was great people put it together yeah you know so you enjoyed it yeah well it's a new thing for me you know and I I didn't even think they'd want me in it well you know there was Demi Laura Tina all the boys you know they followed us around we're just starting with the cameras and we had a good wrap all of them and I enjoyed every second of that program with them I enjoyed the people you know and it wasn't like work it was so enjoyable I used to look forward to them coming yeah with the cameras yeah I love it managed to come and see me in the field with me why give me awesome my dog yeah they come another smile on my face and they used to make me laugh it was that a little place you'd go to relax or do you actually live there no just relaxing go from place to place and that someone wants sometime in the winter as well yeah but when I used to see him I used to get a light in my eye with it so you know what this is great not because of the exposure not because of wanting to be somebody to interact the way we interacted with the cast and the crew and this you get to know people don't you and you know when it was over I sort of felt sad you know right because I think you know probably never going to see these good people again you know that's not the case because they do phone me regular yeah and keep me they told me everything was a success you know it wasn't just for me a TV series it was getting to know people from other walks of life what I could only dream about yeah you know TV makers filmmakers where would John Fury get to enjoy something like that at the ripe old age of 58. yeah you know so I enjoyed every minute of it I love the cast loved the people you know if they ever want to do another I'm up for it yeah and Tyson is because you know what you get to like people as well don't you yeah I'm not one time did those people ever infringe Canal privacy not one time there's no inappropriate questions no inappropriate TV it was done professionally and what I said to them if you don't want to film me as I am at the beginning don't bother because you're filming me as I live my life as it happens you know because I just I can't because I couldn't act yeah so I said if you want me to accept don't even have minutes I'll make it feel like myself if you want to film me on a date hour I will live my life however how I am with my family crack on yeah and that's what they did and I can only commend them for it love the people love the program and I'm honored to have been a part of it and as Fame do you even think about it has it changed you in any way or does it make your life better or worse I'm not famous you are I'm not famous I've done nothing to be I'm only a father of some people what's normal in the life you know Tyson's a famous man because he's got reason to be famous heavyweight champion of the world biggest Sports person and Tommy they've done a good job on love Island they're normally me yeah they've earned the right to be famous because I call people what's done something in life deservantly the famous yeah but me I've just been famous for being myself I'm a yeah people's tuned into me because probably I'm a bit different they don't know what's coming they think oh John Fury's coming up oh we want to see some fun if that's what you call Fame well yeah well I mean it is nowadays yeah I think you're being a bit falsely humble because obviously you've raised some really good kids I've raised some good kids I've been a good father they've had good Mothers you know we've all worked out and in to do what we can do with them you're no wonder away from everything else and all of us settles I'm a family man it wants the best for his family you know what I can say they've done stuff to be famous and I've not yeah you know and maybe I'm because we would not be sat here now having this conversation if it wasn't for the Gypsy King Tyson Fury we would not be having this conversation no matter how many Antics are no matter how much people laugh at me how much I hope you want to take the Mickey out of me it wouldn't be happening only because of him because there's a lot of other famous people out there and they've got fathers they've got mothers nobody sees their ears or it's just that me with my character and personality it comes through a bit doesn't it yeah because I am a bit I don't know my eyes I hate my life I like to have a good time or stuff and I can get in free for all and I can make a dull situation into a a nappy one because I love that kind of thing yeah and if you're not bothered about getting a punch in the air will you not bothered about being shouted are you not bothered about being insulted yeah it's full of games on it yeah because what can they do to me in my lifetime if I live another 10 year I'll be lucky you know in my lifetime I've accomplished stuff to being a dad to them boys you know and at the end of the day that's what it's all about yeah yeah you know people want to hear what I've got to say all I can say is thank you boys and thank the viewing public every day you know and I tried to put a smile on the face but there's no acting a more authentic straight through me I wouldn't want people at the wrong idea of me and say oh you know it's this that and the other you know me from the last podcast yeah yeah I'm gonna say what I'm gonna say you ask me a question you get a direct answer yeah you know I'm not gonna offend anybody I don't answer you I won't answer you but if I think people's gonna get something out of it I'm gonna answer you yeah with a direct question obviously I'm not gonna get myself shot am I no no and I'm not going to try any punches I've only had one fight so I want to talk about Hunger because we've we've got an interesting stage in both Tommy and Tyson's career yeah so obviously let's start with Tyson yeah um because they've they've built a brilliant career in a very different way and and Tyson obviously tried to retire um and now he's come out of retirement but here I think he said this we found this but basically said that um he'll only come back to get the biggest bags not the biggest belts we found that quote and so um do you think Tyson still has the same hunger now he's at the top as he had to get to the top and is that a risk for him you see for Tyson now all these belts he's already got them he's been to his Everest and climbed it and conquered it so he's on them boats but Tyson he'll set himself a goal in his mind where okay I see all this see he wants to top the Forbes rich list and all this stuff he just sets his own goals doesn't he because he's done everything else and he thinks okay now I probably won't have got all he wouldn't want to be the richest sportsman in the world he'll set that goal he'll do nothing or trying to achieve it and that's where he's coming from here he's looking at all these celebrities saying about it yeah okay yeah I can beat that record it ain't about the money because he couldn't spend the money he's got now already you know but he just thinks okay I'm the best heavyweight in the world I'm going to be the richest every week in the world I'm going to be the richest boxer out there he wants to be known as the richest boxer right right and take Floyd Mayweather's title on him in a different way so that's how I see it that's his mind ticks and do you think that it's a bit similar to what you do do you think that keeps him sane and focused new goal new goal is good for his mental health yeah because you could see on the TV show a bit that bouncing around the walls wasn't really great for him or it seemed like it on the show the thing is with him you can see him on TV what he's like dipping in seconds yeah yeah you can see his mood changes it happens so quickly doesn't it you know so he's thinking now especially now he's in in talks and in business meeting with the Saudis he's looking how wealthy that country is and it's also now all of a sudden click he's got money mad you know thinking he can compete with the Saudis is that sow his mind works he wants to be on the same level as them boys which is impossible they've got more money than fun and there's a lot of sand in Arabia so you know but that to me I can tell now is floating his boat because he's never come out and talked about bags of money before but being around people with trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars it's going to make you think about money yourself I've naive made Tyson feel inept with these few quid that's why he wants more it's only because they put it in his head yeah and he thinks hang on I've got nothing because compared to them he hasn't got nothing you know what I'm saying so he wants to be thinking now yeah I could probably be on these men's levels yeah good luck with that one yeah but that's his mentality well and it's really good to see him come alive again and entertain again the Saudis now I've given that new Buzz yeah they have because I was over there with them on the very engaging people very knowledgeable unreliable people and the longer you're there you don't want to come on yeah yeah because you're thinking there's not much back in Britain all the funds here wow everything's happening there yeah you know and they make stuff work if they say they're gonna do it they do it yeah and do it with cream on don't they you know what honestly I was in all of these people and I don't get ignore of a lot of people yeah but like they've done they've met Tyson think about money riches and wealth more than they did before because like I say if you hang around with people what's popless you'll be populous yourself if you hang around with people with no ideas no ambition you'll have none yourself but you hang around with people with goals and ambition all of a sudden you develop goals and ambition yourself you want to achieve yourself on the Saudis I've made Tyson want to achieve even more than he's got now and that's where the money thing comes in it's through to Saudis you know she's gone around them and seen all and things hang on I've got chicken feed compared to these boys I think it's bothered him right because he's realized that he's money is not a lot of money a lot of money to you a lot of money to why I'll never see anything like that I wouldn't see the the small change of it I wouldn't want to but that's where he's at now yeah he's moved on to the money goal because the Saudis have inspired him to make more and more more money right that's how I see it yeah that's interesting yeah and then Tommy so Tommy's obviously taken a very different route I think Tommy's done brilliant I think he's forged a great career for himself he was on the show and got to know him but of course obviously he had love Island he's now raising a child he's got uh Molly is he got the same hunger because it's yeah he's gone a different route to Tyson the the hungar Tommy I'll always be there because he's a fighter and I'm his father and I will keep him hungry because he's got unfinished business and I said if you get used to silk pajamas and silk sheets on all the luxuries that where you're at in life can bring you they'll bring you down in the end it'll end there for you so what you've got to do take it and run with it and still keep younger and still be humble you know and still no there's a lot more to achieve there's a lot more work to do with Tommy in life yet what's his unfinished business his unfinished business is to do something and win some proper titles but we set out to do in the beginning yeah that's what I want him to do I want him to make plenty of money which he's doing or wanting to excite people I wanting to be right with people I want people to enjoy him and what he's doing and I want people most of all to get inspired of what Tommy's doing because five years ago it was Tommy Fury no one look where he is now millions of Instagram followers he's on every TV station you know in his own right he's as big as Tyson really on a different format I'm Tyson has types of accolades and Tyson's achievements you know and I'd like to somehow or the other in still in Tommy that those achievements are achievable at 24 years old because okay you can have the money that's okay as other people got money you can have the big house there's all big houses around here you know everybody there's people around me every bit as wealthiest Tommy and Tyson but what they haven't got is that lifetime achievements they probably got a good job and they're happy they've done the same thing all their life but why not achieve goals you're not going to say okay up 24 years old I've got this money I've got that money and stop it there you know I wanted to set a fine example for his children he's got a daughter now you know he's got he's got a brilliant misses you know they work together she's a good businesswoman she gets on with it they're Achievers these people and that's what I like about them Molly's an achiever she wants more she wants to inspire more people she wants new ideas every day and I want that for Tommy I want the new ideas keep coming through so we can Inspire other people out there to follow in Tommy and Molly's footsteps it can be done yeah but if you say okay today a lot what's he gonna do for the next 40 years he's gonna have a bore in life isn't he yeah yeah you know so I say keep going keep doing your thing Inspire other people enjoy your job look for new ideas but achieve something what goes down in history I can I can tell you now about 20 millionaires you won't even know any other names but when you talk about people like any great Sports people football tennis snooker boxing whatever swimmers let them achieve gold medals championship belts cops you remember the name remember the great players like Pelly and all that years and years ago that Maradona you know George best to live on forever because they've achieved and they've gone down in history going down in history is what you need to do right and do you think these fights with people like um Jake Paul and KSI do you think they're distractions away from the achievement or do you think that's his path and then he'll no their achievements in the wrong right Jake Paul and Tommy was the biggest fight in the world at that time whether they like it or not it was the biggest fight in the world at the time it was all superstars there it did millions of uh around the world or someone admit the pay-per-views was through the roof on it you know and everybody knows them so they've took part in a crossover fight what was the biggest crossover fight in the world and there probably will never be another one as big you know because Jake Paul and Tommy was every bit as big as Francis Nagano and Mike Tyson wow wow yeah yeah so that's an achievement that's history people remember it yeah it's just a different part different non-traditional path non-traditional path but across the crossover boxing's taking over by the way yeah yeah this is your thoughts on that are they well because you were you thought it was quite good for the sport last time we talked because you still think it's good for the sport I'm even more up for it yeah because it's giving more people chances to make something of the self you know and the people can't make it in the uh Square ring they can make it in the Octagon Garden you know there's different paths to go down I just think it's open channels up for people to try harder they get inspired and think oh I can't box I'll go with that yeah you know now they're coming together and it's causing the Crossovers people want to watch it don't they yeah they want to see it they find it interesting and if that's the case yeah the one because nobody wants to watch a ball Fest on the valley where you know what one man's depth we it's uh at the blue of the other blue Corner wins people sick of that they know when these crossover fights here they happen there's real as they're ever gonna get yeah because both men are trying to prove a point they're trying to make their sport better than your sport and vice versa so there you've got a slugfest haven't you there's probably not the same finesse not the same skill set but the trying has had yeah and that's what people's paying for the effort my um I mean I've all since I got to know Tommy a bit I thought a very grounded humble guy but my respect for him when he won the Jake Paul Paul fight went up tenfold because I don't think people can really understand the pressure on him to lose that I mean even you said his career might be over his own what happened it would have been yeah because there was saying he's going to let the older boxing down he was carrying that weight the boxing World which is unfair unfair yeah you know people's having bits of games with him and saying oh you've got to change anything we know it's only banter but it can affect you at that level you know and that kid at 23 years old was carrying a weight to the World on his back because he knew when he I lost to Jake Paul would have been disastrous was he nervous well I had to train his mind for as long as I trained his body right I said look at this level welcome to the big time it's one big mind F let's say without swearing yeah but if you can control the mind if you're a winner yeah because if you can't there's the door just be a bill filler be an average ordinary person if you want to be extraordinary you've got to be able to beat this a lot of people can't and a 23 year old I said forget everything in the world forget what people say they're not doing it forget what people do you're doing it the balls in your court I can only take you so far but it's up to you if you want to be somebody and go down in history you need to deal with these situations forget who's at ringside forget about any kind of promotions forget about letting people wind you up tunnel vision we set a game plan stick to it and that's what he did you know he made it a little bit hard for yourself but pressure caused that yeah you know because we have an impressionable to stop Jake Paul because after what we was doing in the gym he never took in that fight pressure again yeah and not one person a boxing fraternity or in his own country thought he's going to beat Jake Paul and that's why wow yeah not one they all see I did I had Tommy all the way you got all these Hotshot presenters all these pundits Atomic art when Jake Paul Jake Paul Jake Paul so either they was jealous which I think they was the green eyed monster swayed the Judgment yeah that's why I've never bothered with them I don't mention any of the names I don't want to see them I don't want to work with them I don't want to do nothing with them because they showed me what day it is where they are you know and like I said to you in our last interview people like you to do well but not as well as them yeah and they look what he's done he's knocked all of them out with a cockat hasn't he yeah you know the no he's exceeded them they've been in the job years got battered to death and not got a quarter of the money Tommy has yeah and they can't deal that people's Good Fortune wish them luck yeah wish them luck and I'll tell you what your life will improve as well stop being jealous be happy for them because it's Destiny you know look at all those rock stars look at all these movie stars look at all these kings and queens it's Destiny so Embrace some mushroom look and say you know what Fair Play You're the chosen one yeah Tyson destiny because the upbringing the ad where he was from it was the most unlikely looking world champion you'd ever seen I didn't even want to connect him with boxing he never did personality he never had anything but look where he is today because it's his Destiny and nobody can stop Destiny it's like me now I'm sat here with you but if I've got a date with death I'm on a collision course for the Big D there's nothing I can do to prevent it it's come out into me so what I do is think you know what I'm dealing with today while I'm above ground and everybody that does well you know what I say good luck and I want to enjoy what they're doing you know I look at all these people all these massive stars I'm not sitting and regretting what they're doing thinking I'm a waste of time I want to be like that I'm saying yeah go on I'm entertained I love it what world would be without John Wayne where everybody be you out without Humphrey Bogard Carrie Grant Sylvester Stallone all these great people too many to mention I tell you our lives will be dull because what do we do when feeling dull click the TV on those big stars are there to entertain you even though they're getting paid millions and millions we've got exotic Lifestyles when I click my remote on I'm entertained and that's what it's about good luck all them Rocky movies you know what I mean all in Western all in army pictures I'm entertained by people's brilliance I'm not feeling sorry for something I want to be like that oh I hope you die because you've done all right that ain't John Fury that's not me I want to enjoy I want to enjoy your expertise and is there a problem with that no I think it's a great way to live life of course yeah like the Kings and the Queens yeah I like the processions like the gold carriages I like the millions of people tuning in you know I watch it all they're there to make your life better entertain you okay there's a few down times few sub times there's ups and downs every Walk of Life but most of all 95 of the time you're enjoying it yeah yeah there you go Amen to that amen what what your honest real thoughts about Jake Paul because we it seems like at times you want to really respect what he's done for the sport and at times it seems it gets a bit under your skin my real thoughts about Jake Paul very clever witty intelligent and excellent business kid if he was my son I'd be very very proud of him you know I'm not going to knock him because now the Pauls and the Furies they're like setting Stone out there you know and everybody needs a dance partner but again I'm commending brilliance and that's what you see in Logan Paul and Jake Paul brilliance and I enjoy it yeah yeah I don't wish them ill oh oh yeah oh he's a schizer I can't watch him he's big-headed he's cheeky he's Larry when the job's finished it's only a business I enjoy them kids I really enjoy them when I admire again Brilliance they're entertaining me Logan that day I watched the video back and forget what I done when he was still on that thing going that way he's going like this he was laughing watching you wasn't it I loved it I always sat on my bed and I laughter is at ease movements for one hour I forget what I was doing he was on top of where you stood on top of his arms everywhere people was throwing things he's following it with his hands yeah hilarious mate their quality Brilliance again on the entertainment they inspire me and I say to my luns be like them you can't knock a kid like that 24 or five year old him and his brother yeah multi-multi-millionaires wealth world famous they're all been rubbing shoulders every Everybody worth knowing good luck to him yeah brilliant I remember one of the guys who trained me who was an ex-ufc fighter when I had my fight and he said there's a weird thing that happens in fighting which most Fighters stand as non-fires to understand whereby you can end up becoming very good friends with the people you get in the ring with and I'd never understood this because I just assumed you'd be Arch enemies but like why well just because I guess because I didn't know the fire world and you just think oh you know there but like like you said like Jake Paul and Tommy Fury would not have achieved individually or what they've achieved without each other exactly in the ring that's what I'm saying to you but would the eight each of that they're in no but no I wouldn't have thought neither of them yeah neither of them inside like I say you've got to admire those kids and I know deep down inside to admire what we do you know because if they didn't they wouldn't be the characters they are one day you know they're caring boys at me and I'll tell you what people again who knock them are jealous of them I've not got a jealous bone in my body I love to see people's family do well and like I say if they can entertain John Fury I'm up for it you know if I can see him on there I'll watch Jake saying today click me videos let's have a look at a Jake Paul runt let's have a look at a wrote Logan Paul runt where would we be without all these rounds in this door world today they keep me wanting to live on they inspire me to get to another day yeah because if I get a bit of dull time off thick Jake baller yeah oh I'll just have a quick look at Floyd Mayweather's Antics on on all them other great names you know and I I love what people's got to say as well yeah yeah like I I really like Sylvester Stallone yeah intelligent guy comes out with some great sayings you know and I've watched him from being a young boy you know I like they inspire me because they still look good they're still working they're still making movies they're still making my life a better place yeah in and all the other great actors out there and he's not he's just one of them I admire all of them you know and why wouldn't you yeah yeah I love success you know you see him when I see I see a daughter in the street you know and I'll pull up I'll say to him only just weekend there's a dosser he's on the front I said look that's how old are you 35 okay yeah what's your outlooking life apart from me and sat here feeling sorry for yourself waiting for someone to give you a favor or a tenor or a pound coin it's not what you want I've got another choice I said you have got a choice you have because there's like-minded professional people out there want to help you you can find work I said you don't want to work and all you're doing is feeling sorry for yourself you know what have some pride Gods give you a life live it out properly don't waste it like you're doing now now so what I'm going to do for you today I've told you them things I told him where he could get help where you can find work professional people to get in touch with and I'll take baby steps with you and get your life back together and for now unless I'm gonna buy her some bread and cheese some chocolate some fruit I said and a pie in case you're hungry now I said think about what I've said don't ask me for money I said because I don't like giving money because it goes on the wrong stuff now I said I'll feed you and advise you that's the best I can do for you today I said it's the best you'll ever get today because I care about you I said hmm 35 year old I said you could meet a young woman have a nice family get a good job you know and there's lovely people in the world today to help you achieve that so why not embrace them and I know that me a stupid man like me if I'm in trouble I've been taught by my parents there's professional people out there caring people who want to help and they can change your life so there's no excuses is there no anybody can be what they want to be in this life anybody if you want to be a jogger and you're overweight you can be a jogger in a year's time you're a jogger you're a slim person it's mindset if I want to lose four stone tomorrow if I want to lose it that bad I can Mind Over Matter isn't it go for it and failure is not an option because you can't fail today because there's too many good people want to help you and everyone will wants it everyone it was an art in the body Rob wants to see people do well not sit outside of a shop being a dozer people walking past you feeling sorry for you no life's too precious my friend that's what I say correct me if I'm wrong no I completely agree you know advice on food what can you do the problem is when you give people money and they don't know how to handle the money doesn't change their life it makes it worse um it would be nice if the government made more effort to get people back into work rather than just Doling out welfare but again they do don't they there's plenty of places you can go for work true there's plenty place place everywhere yeah you know she's we can blame the government for everything but the government's provided these places yeah where you can go yeah those places I've told you about the governments provide them on the pain these professional people to help you out of that situation so you can lead a horse to water or whether it drinks not some of the matter isn't it yeah yeah you know what listen can't blame the government blame yourself yeah well 100 because I can find work yeah yeah if I'm skinned today there's somebody out there want the job doing I'm not going to sit outside my legs crossed wait for somebody buy me a pie I'll drop me two quitting me lap I'm gonna go and look for some work excuse me Madam good morning how are you you got something wrong with your roof I use it when the frames need painting your door needed to fix in your fence needs doing your grass needs more we're not going on somebody gonna want someone doing for a fair price aren't they yeah it's better than begging yeah 100 and it so what's your exact prediction for the Tommy Fury KSI fight How does it go well we have to knock him out don't we we've got to knock him out and why is that because we have because you know what we cannot leave anything to chance so we're training here we've got the right kind of Spar running for what we need to do so you're training to knock him out to knock him out yeah yeah there's no there's no other option because anything can happen in a boxing match you see all these bad decisions you see all this bizarre stuff only recently we don't want to be part of that and when you've got knockout power use it so we're training to put him out yeah right and if he doesn't knock him out he'll be that convincingly nothing can go wrong yeah but if he don't knock him out I'm going to be very very very disappointed right very disappointed you know no pressure like yeah we know what we've got to do Tommy is so much better than this man you know it's only mindset what stops him from knocking him out either knock Jake ball out only for the pressure yeah you know because what we've seen in the gym against Ronk Fighters you know but again it's mindset pressure the occasion it all adds in but again mine trained but he's been on the big stage now he's been on the big performance for Jake Paul so this year now he's got the experience he's got the experience of it and it's that much better you know he can cope with it now you didn't know what to expect expect before but now it comes throughout the flying colors and this unfortunately KSI is going to meet a lot different to Tommy Fury than what he's in him from the Jake Paul he's in his own town in Manchester as well you know at the end of the day this kid's got power he's eight and every week's at the minute right he's hitting everywhere it's an air to them you know at the end they've got speed guys we've got lighter men we've got heavier men we've got unorthodox men we've got everything because no matter who it is I take this [ __ ] serious you know because I treat everybody what's game enough to get in that ring there's a threat and if they're training as well and they want it and they've got to set it's up to me to make sure they're capable and ready and that's what Tommy will be is he'll be a monster and gets in that room right and how do you rate KSI compared to Jake Paul do you think it's better or not as good as Jake to be honest with you they're all on the same level right you know put them all in about shake them up and it's what's on your like ain't it you know what I'm saying but Tommy is leagues above these people yeah we've got unbeaten kids here now unbeaten Pros in the gym here right you know and um you know on both of them guys are not the quality of these men we've got here you know so all it is Tommy's that much better than them but I gotta praise him I mean if they are they to be respected as boxers people like Jake Paul and Casa in terms of how good they are why not well they're getting in the ring aren't they you know Howard is yeah you had it the other day that's hard work man I can say this much you know when everything all the dusters settled when everything's still you've got to say well done boys the game of the getting armor the fighting men if they wasn't fighting men they've been a different job yeah and they find people with more experience well oh yes there it is coming up in front of Tommy behind all the bravado he knows Tommy can fight yeah he knows it's a problem he knows his game's on the line as well yeah not so as much as Tommy because if he was salute he's meant to lose to Tommy nobody's expect him to win deep down inside they're not expecting KSI to do nothing but KSI have big expections big expectations yourself and credit to him why not so yes I commend them in every way whether he's as good as whether he isn't it's all on the night in it but I've trained Tommy in a way that he's going to take someone yeah probably off you know we've got six rounds to do it or less you know so we know what we've got to do and don't forget I'm experiencing this job as well very experienced I mean fighting all my life I know what it takes I know what we need to stop ease gallop we're doing it now yeah we're doing it now so I don't see any other any other outcome but a knockout yeah whether it comes in the first round second or third it's coming it's coming because either got Jake Paul out of there but all the occasion all the weight on his shoulders now it's different yeah and you know he's gearing up and he he's whacking away with both hands and Tommy's a tough kid he's not a kid you can knit and he'll shy away from you with him it's like putting petrol on the fire he's gonna come straight back at you well more and more what if Jake Paul can if sorry if KSI can land a decent shot in him I'll be surprised you know you know he'll be just at him and he'd be relentless you know if he thinks he can run he'll get the ring cut off he'll be intercepted and blown away yeah because he's got the strength to do it he's got the size to do it he's got the stamina through it he's got the self-belief to do it on one's a fighter from his backbone I don't know much about this other guy how much does he want it when he's feeling pain when he's seeing blue strikes all through his eyes when he's feeling everything when his legs and his lungs are burning then you know whether you're a true fight or not and they've never had that experience never had that experience he has yeah because he's been sparring with every weight champion of the world and Tyson monk techno personally Tyson kill your ratspiring brother or no brother you'll smash into bits and then call you a useless so and so afterwards but that's what makes him as hard as iron and if he can get lugged around with him I've seen them do 10 or 15 rounds I'm falling away at one another you know yeah yeah and I've met a very Tyson I'll smash their muscles right through you you know because he's probably got an interior complex ties because he's a bit loose flesh anyone's approve a point here saying fat wins every time it's tough enough though he's been in the trenches Tommy even in the sparring even in some of the summer fights he's had he's been caught he's been it you know and at the end of the day he's only on obviously South 10 fights yeah you know so but I'm quietly confident yeah and then what about the Tyson and Gano fight is that one that Tyson's taking seriously is that going to be a real fight or more of an exhibition how's that going to go well you've seen them on yeah you've seen the look on his face I I I would take that guy seriously he is an animal well to be honest with you he wants to impress doesn't he and there's now's his time to shine yeah this is ease golden opportunity exhibition no chance no might be for Tyson but the minute Tyson sees him come in full force this is gonna be he's going to be a Smasher do you think ant and Garlic's really going to go for it yeah and he's got some power hasn't he now well you want one of your own head would you no I've seen him lift me out of the ring I've seen him I've seen him slice men's faces off we'll want it yeah you know and at the end of the day they're coming from on on uncouth Place certainly daf Big Shots yeah you know you can't really train for these people you can't prepare for them but let me tell you it's gonna be a rough tough job yeah you know and he's got 10 rounds to do it I think and Ghana is Tough Enough I think he can hold the shot you know and he'll want to impress Mike Tyson morning yeah you know how do you feel about Mike Tyson training the opponent of your son who's named after Mike Tyson well that must be a bit of a pinch yourself moment well it is for me because you're not the end of the day I think a lot of the guy but I don't know it is what it is and it's business yeah you know and then maybe I take it you don't hold it against him for doing that no no it's business yeah someone's got to do it at the end of the day but it's a strange one isn't it but I could look at it okay I could easily go the other way looking at it let's put it that way I go the other ass and get upset yeah yeah I could do for looked at it you know I'm thinking okay you should be in Tyson's Corner really yeah you know and at the end of the day um he he he's named after you understand the other yeah anyone no he knows that doesn't he he knows yeah but at the end of the day everybody needs to make a living yeah a Mike Tyson at the minute's making a living isn't he yeah yeah but let me tell you I'll probably save someone Saudi about it to him yeah I'll probably tell him straight what are you you're about to say about it yeah I'll say listen I'll probably call him a traitor or something no I'm only joking but uh like I say let them do what they want to do yeah you know and he can do what he wants to do yeah I'd like to fight him on the undercut well this is it I wanted to ask you about this is are you just sort of teasing you wanna fight there's my right unto God and I'm a Christian man yeah you want to fight him you believe me I want to fight him you want to fight when you lose a draw I'll fight Mike Tyson wow don't you worry about that do you think you could make that happen well they can the Saudis I know they can yeah they can do you not have any idea if Mike's up for it I don't know you don't I told him let's lose someone you know what like I say it's Desiring it yeah you know he's been to the top of it you know he's probably going to try and get yourself up for something like that with me I mean I don't know but listen you fighting against the person you know what everybody's got one good performance yeah that's true and it's all right looking at me when people pump me worst performance world champion what you've got to say about all of this yay Savage but no I had don't forget I'd eat wings I'll beat the Italian heavyweight champion yeah he was six foot seven and a half an 18 Stone he was the Italian favorite Champion I beat him I beat the man who beat the man who beat him Kevin McBride do your own work Kevin McBride yeah stop Mike Tyson didn't he yeah Michael Murray stopped Kevin McBride and I stopped Michael Murray yeah ease EFT and I left but I think I'm a little bit better condition than him right and I know I'm every bit as strong as him yeah I know I'm stronger but listen if I'm wrong Mike Tyson put me right well do you want to fight me I want to fight him on the undercard I don't need weeks of training that's it let's fight I'll come over there with me back we'll jump straight in the ring we'll get the money sorted out I'll climb straight in it's only gonna be a short fight anyway the two men's gonna meet in the middle of the Ring it's the first one to hit the floor in it and I mean it from the bottom of my heart and I'm totally I'm there shouting for you all the haters the dreams can come true if he knocks me out fairly yeah they've had a good day won't they yeah if he chins me chins me well I'll try and Chin him as well yeah and would you go for The Knockout straight away would you middle of the win and I don't know I don't know how to fight any other way right all my fights have been a front [ __ ] job yeah that's it because if he gets me get to me he probably will get me yeah but I could get him as well good luck yeah yeah I'm a big man you know I'm nearly 20 stone in weight I do 10K runs I can spell these boys I'm you know what and like I said I'll just turn up I don't need to have a camp I fought all my life mum's cheeky to me and there's no time for a training yeah you'd fight next week yeah well fight today if he was there now and he upset me and I must have a fight because that's the way I'm gonna lose a draw it's like the way I've lived my life I've no time for a training camp if a man's insulting me in a public house or if a man's insulted me down the road I can't say oh wait I'll fight you in three months I get fit let's bring it on let's do this [ __ ] now that's how I am yeah but he wants he can have it that's my right under God I'm a Christian man I'm frightened a known man with a pair of arms or a pair of feet or a pair of nuts I'm frightened a no living being I'm afraid of God yeah but the rest of it no fear do what you gotta do I'll definitely do it to them well I hope that comes up well let's hope so yeah make me a rich man all right and and I would celebrate that I'll probably get me a good item as well there you go we'll have plenty one though I'm not bothered no I don't know what you're saying you've got the experience you stay ready and fit stay ready I'm strong I don't take any kind of drugs I don't eat well I get to sleep I'm training all the time I've never smoked in my life I hardly take any alcohol yeah oh listen I'm 58 we know that but he's 57 but I'm a big strong fellow Susie yeah maybe a fairly even match well he's got the accolades yeah go look to him but there's one thing I got is a pair of balls like King Kong and I mean nothing about my yeah and anybody who thinks I haven't stepped forward and test it yeah and see if you can beat me yeah anybody do you think um Tyson will ever fight AJ that seems to be the fight that should have happened for the for the for the British public as a fan and hasn't and is that ship sailed now yeah it's a good question wrong is AJ even good enough anymore do you think he wants to get in the ring there I think in AJ's case looking at his last performances he's on a buildup mission for a big paid isn't he you know they're going to try and match him and tremble the grass is low get fights he can win right but him and Tyson would be a big payday for them is it though Vodafone what I'm seeing now it'll be a relatively a mismatch really yeah and I mean no ill feeling to AJ at all he's been a great Champion again he's inspired me I've had a lot of great pleasure watching him fight he's not the same kid anymore AJ is not the fighter he was three years whatever happened when Andrew is stopped him it all went wrong from there on he's never recovered you sick from me ain't worth a carrot no he's a cruiser what he showed you what happened the other day you know he needed 20 minutes to recover yeah and only for being the star of the show and groom for bigger things it could well have been a new champion but them again shook them all in the bag it's who you like but Tyson's levels and leagues above them right but will he ever fight him I don't think so no I think that boat sailed and gone because AJ's mindset's not what it needs to be for Tyson he needs a big win the only way that fight could happen and it would happen if AJ was to beat Dante Wilder right then Tyson and say oh yeah could take it look at him but at the minute Tyson isn't even consider him as a threat to nothing do you think there's a chance AJ beats Wilder on no chance unfortunately not no you know Wilder for me he's not my most favorite man in the world he's a terrible Sportsman he's like a big kid you know he's in his attitude when he loses you know but can the man punch yes he can as he got a pair of nuts yes he has yeah no one you can't you come on your chin out like while Riddick because he'll put you to sleep forever it's only the Gypsy King Tyson Fury can take Wilder power no one else can take it it's been proven yeah look at elenius that is a knit in about 30 seconds want me a little six inch one that isn't it he had a good old dude with AJ Clay Jay caught him you know on a week's notice so when you look at the pros and cons of it all he had so little notice Rob Fellini he still went he still went seven rounds yeah didn't he yeah so how can you compare him to a man mother knock your brains out with either end yeah and he's not the most elusive person there is he he's not a lateral mover he said don't go anywhere I just think he I think he'd just be suicide for him right but if it was to get the win over Wilder well do you think Tyson might then absolutely yeah the flings reignited isn't it yeah but he's got to do something big it's no good beating these bombs and expecting to get a fight with him because Tyson ain't up for it he's looking at bigger challenges he's looking at John Bones Jones I mean all this job yeah a bit of excitement you know what I'm saying he knows none of them over whatever it's competing he'll smash you set the pieces whenever he fights you sick if ever he does believe me it won't even be a contest I know people are getting on you sex boxing ease the money can do this let me tell you we can't you can't a relatively what a novice did the other day with him a 24 year old novice little men can't miss a big man especially a good Big Man on a good big man beats a good little man and you sex a very very excellent good little man yeah he can't mistletize them no too much artillery too much skill too much brains too much strength and money ah there's no get offs with him it's like I say if I'd have been looking after Daniel dubar whatever he'd have been heavyweight champion of the world because I would have stopped that fight there and then I said hang on no we've won we've won on a knockout we can't knock him out twice I'd have ended the fight there and then right but the rookies aren't they they're rookies at their own game yeah you think they're clever but they're not clever and I said right it's over with one and a massive protest would have all invaded the ring would have gone mental there'd have been no more action there'll be no more action and if that have been sharper that have saved uh embarrassment later on because people saying he's quitties don't miss his Twitter he'd even saved all that yeah and people would have thought even if he didn't get the result didn't get it overturned he'd always been remembered for dropping you SEC Everly whatever they wanted to call it whatever they didn't want to call it it had been remembered on a bright note instead of a quitter that's what they're saying now because the team didn't look after him probably did no one off no no they don't no one off they don't know enough if Angelo Dundee hadn't have been in Muhammad Ali's Corner the 94 Henry Cooper Henry Cooper have knocked Muhammad Ali out but quick thinking on brains gotta lay the win they cut the glove give him time to reset himself call the referee over made a big do of it he went on to fight for the heavyweight championship of the world against only less than the one yeah otherwise Henry Coop would have stopped him because he was out in his feet but in this case they was found wanted corner everybody wrap around him because Alan said no with what no more no more put Downs in there left the ring or we would have invaded it you can imagine what would have happened yeah I could just see it your top wait a minute I'm gonna slap the referee to his teeth rattled honestly that'll be Mayhem completely but listen you've got to have it in you you've got to have the oil in your car haven't you well yeah and look after you they ain't got it they think they have yeah yeah there's more to this game than the ICS my friend yeah but that's just what I would have done that's my opinion no one else's but I could have saved Daniel about a lot of embarrassment even if he never got the result people remembered him in a lot brighter note in a lot better position us well a lot of people thought he won on The Knockout yeah why but why put your male at risk when he'd done his job really yeah whether it's a logo whether it wasn't it would have been enough for me to invade that ring and call them all to the full Affair yeah and what could they do about it yeah nothing [Laughter] you mentioned earlier about um John Jones and Joe reckons John Joe Rogan Joe Rogan reckons Jon Jones Got Talent a chance against Tyson what do you think Jon Jones has got a chance against ice what in the optical I guess he must mean in boxing because no because obviously obviously Tyson's not an MMA no listen let me tell you it was a boxer Tyson if you're a numb box you'll chop your face off but it's what you're avert to and what rules you accept isn't it now like I said in a previous video let John Jones do what he does best let Tyson doesn't read us best and ties guys can mix it up a bit he cannot you can elbow you can you can do the stuff and he'll run his bodily strong he's got he's got you know he's got the strength of a creeped on bull Tyson you know you want me let me tell you a bit of training for that job for Tyson it'll be a match-up but as a boxing match no nobody can touch Tyson in a boxing much no but Tyson if he was going to fight these kind of and obviously he's going to take training to do it but when you train a man to do something he's a different all-new ball game Tyson can be learned to do his game but he can't be learned to do Tyson's game because it's a skill set right and do you think Tyson would actually do that do you think he would ever have a mixed fight million yeah absolutely wow yes the payday was big enough catch up with those Saudis well if you if he wants to catch up with a Saudi he's got to get all these Donuts yeah I think that's on the horizon Tyson's on the mission now he set himself a goal all these big monstrous names he wants their scalps oh wow on the beam of his house yeah that's what he's up to and he's going to make a shitload of money he probably will be able to compete with some Saudi I don't see them top points but there'll be some Saudi out there where he can compete with and that will be a mission yeah but that's it he's going to get a shitload of money he's going to get a lot of scalps he's going to let put a hell of a lot of enjoyment out there and people can just enjoy the self-counter yeah it's big things happening with Tyson yet big things you know and uh let's enjoy and wish him well yeah and if any of those boys beats Tyson I'll be the first man to shake the run and say Well done lad you're the better man but I don't think he can no but a man enough to say it and so is Tyson he's not a crybaby like Dante wild looking for an excuse he will say Well done my friend thank you for your time thanks for the experience and thank you for the paycheck yeah sound good yeah sitting it yeah that's the way it is be right about it you've got to be you've got to be of dignity and defeat haven't you but Tyson he's never defeated in his life about anything I'll try I watched him do 10 of himself one time 20 Stonewood he must have been 25 so I'm trying to jump a five bargate he went to it that many times he finally got over it so let me tell you when you've got a man like Tyson with a special mindset with superhuman beliefs is a threat for any man in the world including Jon Jones you know but if Jon Jones tries to box him put in half it's like him gangano if he tries to box Tyson he's going to get sliced to pieces how do you thinking wins got he's got a he's got it in everything but the kitchen's incanic he's got to throw everything at him because if you're gonna go and try and out jab the heavyweight champion of the world what's known for Speed agility and movement what are you gonna do come up short yeah but angano's Mike Tyson's bright enough to know that as well right Mike Tyson be telling him you've got to do this and you've got to do that because he's fought at the elite level he knows Rick text to do what he does even though it's a mammoth tusk he has to follow what Mike Tyson's telling him or else he'll get butchered yeah but is his own game going to come out of him in the fight is he going to win a big kick from someone breaks somebody's leg you don't know what these men are capable because you know when you're already played with when you think you're losing because I've been in them situations I've been in sticky situations and you don't know what you're gonna do because in my case I'm telling you straight I'm getting in the win I'm getting the win I've got about your expense and I've got to go to prison I'm getting a win so if he's got that same mindset how do you know he hasn't you've got a problem yeah a massive one he's obviously got Pride he's a world champion himself he's got all of his country behind him he's got the whole of the world looking at him you know and everybody's waiting for somebody to challenge the Gypsy King aren't they and take him to the wire Willie sees his moment I don't know until I meet him and speak to him in person which I probably won't but I can tell what's going to happen that with a minutes conversation with him if I spoke to him in 60 seconds I'd know he's in demeanor you know you can see it in their eyes I mean it sounds like it's had the struggle growing up doesn't it yeah yeah doesn't mean a thing I've been struggling growing up you know we all take knocks down here and there but I can tell in a man's eyes what he's got yeah I can tell I'm on with them Steely desires where you're in front of them they're looking at you you know you're going to think and you know yourself and I know because I've been involved in them situations he's looking to do me damage this man no matter how they look at you how quiet they are there's something in their eyeballs that say I'm gonna F you up mate bud I've seen it yeah I've I've tried to do it and many a time I've been big and strong and I Savage myself outside and Paul stops out to get the win I said and I've never lost a street fight in my life never never even come close what's the hardest fight you've ever had on the street or in the ring or the hardest situation fighting well in the Rings different because you can only do the punching you've got to be fit haven't you if you're not fitting the ringing you've not had the eight week Camp you're not all the sparring of all the diet you're gonna come short because it's a Sportsman's carry on yeah you know but outside you know how's it different on the street well you can use everything you've got can't you not just your face not just your fist I've never been living with me on the street no no they wouldn't even live with me because the things I I'll do to you and eat at the moment you wouldn't you you they give you nightmares mate to be honest with you but that's me that's what I'm gonna do I'm a street fighter so if you want to fight me come prepared have you ever been close to losing almost true not even close no the street fights normally are they over a bit quicker quick yeah you know if you're still fighting after a minute that's right that's not normal no no no like me and I was a decent fighter in the ring I wasn't a bum in the room I got to number three in brit number four in Europe you know and I think a box on World Plus Men and on my own the only time missing me get knocked out the thing is when I've been out for five years fatas are big and never trained at all yeah just turned up on a Saturday night cause I'm bored you know what I'm saying but when I took my time to train and there's something I was a decent boxer I was tough and everything but you know what I got a desire to win on that desire for me that was to be a little bit more than anybody else I've ever met yeah yeah you know because it can be intimidating you get among two like the size of me coming at you and people know that I'm a bit dangerous is over pretty quick yeah you know but if they try and follow me like they try and bite me or they try and do things to me I'm going to do it back about 50 times worse right are there any rules on the street none none whatsoever it's up to you what you're gonna do right but obviously if you see a man down and he's just stressed and there's no threat but if you need to stop yes stop yeah you stop yeah you're only fighting like a wild animal when somebody's fighting like a wild animal Buck Right or when you see a man down he's injured that Human Side here comes to play right comes into play where you say oh no the man's got a family he's got kids leave it yeah almost enough yeah you walk away wash your face you won't have a glass of beer assess your injuries yeah did you used to get a lot of injuries do you find like Knuckles and wrists is that an issue look you know what I'm saying but I get arthritis in my feet in the cold weather look yeah me I'm bored on crippled you know what I'm saying so uh it's got a price to pay hasn't it yeah you know but at the end of the day because that one there looks like almost indented yeah it's gone it's gone the flap this look but developed me living in my lifetime they got me out of a lot of sticky situations you know what I'm saying and uh they've they've abled me to be the man I am yeah I was a lot better people out there than me you know what I don't see anybody any bigger art than me I must be something to breed the king of the world mustn't I I can't be an absolute waste of time when all my son's gonna provide every one of them one's the best fighting man in the world so you come from somewhere doesn't it yeah yeah it'll come from somewhere you know I'd be called a decent Stone in one night these if you want to fight him man you don't want no better stud than me would you huh truthful are we yeah not denying it yeah because at the end of the day the proof of the button's eating it yeah I'm game I'm game you have to kill me to stop making you know what I'm saying if you're knocked out you can't go on can you don't know what day it is like when you get it in them Rings you don't know what day it is you're so exhausted by the time you do get chinned because you're not fit you're not bodily fit three minutes ain't 20 minutes with an athlete who's been trained to put your lights out and you've only got one defense and if he's a bit better than you the old gloves on what are you gonna do big man's 18 Stone watch on the chin repeatedly when you're out of it you're out of it aren't you you know but like I say without a pair of gloves on you know different when that big nut was smash across the bridge of your nose and the elbow hits you in the temple and then you can't see then you grab all of them then you Buckle them to the floor and then you're on them aren't you okay it's been bodily strong and it's been violent and bodily strong yeah yeah so there was only one thing we wanted to um bring in this interview that was also in the last one because it's so important you're a massive advocate for mental health yeah yeah and never stop banging on them yeah and Harry said you know what we talked about in the first episode but I said that's the one thing we've got to talk about again so if anyone's struggling they're alone they can't cope um as someone who's dealt with it and helped your son deal with it what would you say to them I would say to those people there's a lot of good people out there a lot of Sound Advice I go to those places very regular in my life and that doesn't embarrass you you don't feel ashamed no not at all you know I've cried now is that before Dave run the people you know it doesn't make me a lesser person you know what I'm saying because feelings and emotions are different to what I've been talking about and people cannot do any feel can they no like me if I'm on a Dandy and I'm I've been suicidal but I'm experienced to know at my age now that it's a passing thing it don't stay so you have been suicidal before you've thought about it oh dear really I think about that many a Time wow even though I've got Sons what's multi-millionaires the kings of the world the Champions sometimes I give up a month that my life ain't worth living why do you think that is I don't know you know you can have the old world and he ain't got nothing a little thing can upset me like like someone Daft like you think could never upset you he'll get to me I'll nose die of me but all of a sudden when I've hit the rock bottom I think I'll shape myself of a nice cold glass of water and think let me get my armor I'm gonna fight back I say okay Mr mental health let's have a pawn shop I've never lost on the street ain't gonna lose with you you ain't beating me and you don't want to get back up and I feel my strength coming back on the edge coming back right I'm proud of myself well that might be the biggest fight you've ever won yeah well it's one I have to fight with every week on my life without fail yeah you know because sometimes for dma I can sit in the house for three or four days at a time and think about my life and I think you know what could have been better I could have done so much different but I try and turn the negatives which is a lot of them in my life into positives on some of the negatives the negatives are you feel a waste of time you feel like you know what these kids will be better without you and all this that's what happens and um I don't know [ __ ] on it basically it's like no dipping mud you go from one level to another in seconds they look let's move on yeah and then at the same time though you know you give thanks every day and you're really grateful yeah and you know you've been a good father just starting to think about those things help lift you back up well because you know you're a good dad people you know you're a good yeah you know you can only be there for them I've been all a step of the way but people can live here can't like it's like now if we wasn't doing this now when you dip so quick like we do you think oh dear man I want to lay down you know what I'm saying but talking to people and being here with use I'm knowing that I'm probably gonna help somebody else it's good in it yeah never be ashamed of Who You Are you feel like crying cry yeah yeah no less of money yeah feel upset get it out don't hold it in because I'll tell you know any old emotions in pain worse yeah it hurts doesn't it it can actually make you will can't it oh it's painful yeah I get pains in my throat pains in my feet pains in my chest pains in my head right believe me yeah and it's all emotions trapped up emotions in it yeah yeah you know what like now you know but it goes as quick as it comes because it's like a switch in your brain it's like there now I was thinking about all negatives of talking about if I talk about 30 seconds I'm living it right I'm there you know what I'm saying yeah but I trigger a switch on within like 30 seconds now I'm getting back to where I was yeah but for a point when I think of all the negativity people's gotten their lives and you look at people struggling like man young people killing yourself yeah it's mind-blowing on it and you know when you hear about young people taking their lives and whatnot I'm thinking instead of me doing what I'm doing should be trying to help these people more and more but then but you're just talking about it now talking about now people but the trouble is then you get in dated with different people and all of a sudden your mind don't become strong enough to deal with it because a lot of people ask for help you mean yeah and you know and sometimes you're the one needing more help than them yeah if you understand what I mean rob you know but I I don't know it's a difficult one and that you know I've always said it that mental health is a bigger pandemic than anything we've ever seen forget covert 19. forget all these uh variants that mental also it's a Slaughter what's just done to me then within a second a big strong man it's humbled me and took me straight to the ground I'm ready to tap out you know what I'm saying yeah and it seems more and more people are struggling yeah cool way way more do you think it was always like that but people were raised to never talk about it or do you think it's got worse well it has got worse hasn't it it seemed to get double worse you see the thing is now you're living in a world where they can get so much shite and they think it's gonna help them but it's sending them down and down and down I.E drugs alcohol Bad Company you know doing tough stuff thinking it's going to take the misery away you know but at the end of the day it doesn't the only thing that combats this is looking at it rationally and if you get bad speak up and say to people I'm not well today I think I might be uh slipping that far I need a bit of help no shame to ask for help no you know I had gone today my mother oh man I'd say I'm terrible today and she'd just say sit have a cup of tea you'll be all right in an hour what's the problem you have a chat for half an hour you're back in the game aren't you and you don't want to lock yourself in the room no when I'm feeling rough I'll go and walk out there's plenty of people out there on their Good Vibes or bring me back on track yeah because I'll get talking numbers it was not depressed and um I will be smiling with them yeah and we're talking about normal stuff you know I can be out of character and you enjoy that kind of thing but without the proper help and not having the guile to Source it you're only gonna go to one place like me I don't take medication because I refuse to do it because of who I am Roger refuse to do it because I'm fighting it myself because you know what if you get medicated your medication you just think these are vocal I'm a loser and I don't want to lose this battle and I want to inspire every person watching this podcast today that it can be done because I can do it when I stop you or you I'm gonna click the Switch get back in the gym with them and do my job I have to for their sake my feelings don't matter but they're good vibes will give me Good Vibes so hang around with people Good Vibes yeah if you if you're poorly and you can get down in seconds you know talk to people who's gonna pick you up and advise you properly never listen to crap you know it's like when I was in prison everybody was a lawyer everybody was a barrister and they knew nothing only all they do was cabbage your head but when your own lawyer come your own Barrister come talking property and giving you hard facts yeah you know that listening to everybody else is just rubbish listen to the pros it's like Tommy's not going to listen to a coach he's never had a box in his life is he it's the same as me I'm not going to listen to a man who's never had mental health or has never anything to do with it I'm going to talk to people the ice in the field you know and that's the way it is it's like me and my sons we all were well we're all tearful People Big Shane big massive one six foot six 27 Stone you probably cry at the drop of an act like me I've only got to think of sad stuff for negative stuff unless inner softness comes out when I don't never thought I had for it to happen to me yeah but not in my head because it depends what mode you're going doesn't it what gear you're in you know what I'm saying I don't lifetime whether I'm in Iowa you know I don't know but when I walk at that door in a minute I know one thing that if I've helped one person though all this has been worthwhile hasn't it you know because people look at it as a box of frogs in but it's not his feelings isn't it you know I've had a lot of crap in my life what's going on in my life is horrible you know I've lost all my family was in years and they couldn't take his talk down it and you've got no one's made of iron no matter who you are your skin and bone and blood aren't you an 80 water you know it's just what we try and be what we mold oursel to be more kids what we Inspire to be and my my only goal in life was to inspire to be wrong Rock of a person your family can look up to and respect and admire because if I couldn't do that I would want to live forget money forget Fame if I'm a if I'm a no good person I'm not a good father not a good parent I'm a waste of space I've got plenty of money a nice car does that alter my job it puts me straight in the [ __ ] category doesn't it and I don't want to be one of them I'd rather be like okay I'm nice and humble speak to people help people you know let them be nice to me so I can be nice to them does that make sense yeah yeah completely so there you are and does it um sometimes scare you that you maybe see some of these traits in Tyson yeah well you know it's very frightening to be honest with you because Tyson like all he does now behind all that Persona gives out the IMI is probably the softest gentlest person on the planet you know what I'm saying and that's how you can be agreed and you can be what you are because there's two sides to people isn't they there's that loving care inside which we've all got you know and when you think of sad stuff it's just a melting job for us I don't know why it happens like that what just does you know if I see people upset I get upset myself and I've got no to be upset about I don't like seeing people upset it's horrible isn't it bad vibes that's how do you call it today you don't keep out the way of it just say listen pick yourself up it's a brighter day yeah there's plenty to smile about in his life in this world look at a lovely Sunshine we just have a Saturday yeah we're moaning about how it's too hot I'm thinking can't keep them happy well that ain't me Rob I just sat out there you know I thought yeah the world's a lovely place you don't have to be rich not to be famous to enjoy it there no just do your thing do your thing and be yourself and be nice to people and if you can't advise them properly don't advise them at all yeah you know because the worst thing people want when they're not well as well not well is bad advice isn't it it's all right people saying do this do that it's hard to do it and it's hard to do it and like I say I've got to be like I am myself to get from day to day yeah yeah because yes and now I dip there and that didn't take me long did it yeah yeah you know on you but I'm used to it now 58 years of it you know if I watched me of either with it you know because my father go down the road and punch a windscreen out the car right you just like that full windscreen all over the Bonnet get out Smash It Up feel better then yep yep that's how it was and that but he well me I don't know just because the other way we just want to you know get to a point in your life where you just don't want to dip but we all do it don't we you watch most of my most of my things I do I can go to them points you know I I try not to my I won't let my mind go to sadness because if I do my days ruined I won't go there Rob you know it's like I thought some stuff there and I thought it's too heavy for me yeah even for somebody like me who's stronger than most it's too heavy for me I can't carry it sort of get out of there get out of there quick and chat I'd rather do 10 Rounds with my Tyson and Mike Tyson together than have a minute of that mental health thing wow so let's switch it up then what are you really excited about at the moment in your life what excites you what projects have you got going on we'll get you up in the morning what's next other than maybe a fight with Mike Tyson I don't know you know you don't get Smith in the morning knowing the position I'm in now can improve somebody's life you know and after people come speaking to you I've watched them some shaking you know someone trembling and I'm thinking I said to one lady the other day I said listen don't tremble I said I'm no one I'm just like you I said you know and it's good to see you never be afraid to talk to nobody I said you don't need to tremble you're as good as me I'm as good as you we're all human nothing separates us as when you die and when our Queen dies The Hearth that comes out the old is the same what goes back on top here no different to the king queen or Ordinary People nothing separates us only in life accolades what people's other people other humans are put on other humans when you look at it Nicole why today we're all saying we're all the same kings queens it's not it's not like a king's got three heads and we've got one it's like you've got three brains is it or six arms you know so what do they get around about why Shake note to shake about I said you consider yourself as good as anybody stand up straight put your chin in the air and smile and engage in any topic you want it's not hard but some people and I thought oh I hope I'm not offended anybody I thought it might have been my appearance on me the way I look you know and it was sort of it was like freaking me out I'm thinking the woman's answer is like that and it unblocks as well fellas big barely Lads yeah they're coming they're all discolored they're all tongue-tied and I'm thinking God whatever's wrong it does yeah yeah it does that's why are you all right you're all right I don't know oh no it's just what I've been wanting to meet you for a long time and I've finally met you and it's a bit overwhelming as well though but let me get you a glass of puppies I'll get a glass of lemonade that's about it but you know that's what gets me up in the mornings stuff like that because people without them were done we're done you know everybody's nice Hammer yeah everybody's nice and even if you get someone who's not so nice you've ever chapped you when telling the Rights and Wrongs or air him or air and they can use their own common sense in any way shape or form you can get to where you want to be can't you with everybody who knows walk away laughing with me because I'm not I don't I'm not an heavy person I'm not somebody that's going to try and try and sort people's lives out because they can't do it because I can't sort me all no all I can do is tell them to be positive and within half an hour or an hour something Good's gonna come along and put in a whole better mood it comes to me something for 58 years alive are the times where yeah poor yep suicide yeah that I've gone yet yep yep yep that's the way forward I've been there well that's no precedent to set as a father when you've got kids I'm never in one time am I can talk about it now but I've never talk about when they were children because they were all going up now so I said every parent out there were young children be a rock don't show them kids your feelings because they're impressionable they believe and if they think the parents are weak what what have they got to stand on nothing they're on soggy ground growing up aren't they they want to become dry Rock Solid Ground looking up to a parent if you're ill won't seek help we all we've all done it we've all done it and those people there they're not trained after life unpaid well for no reason are they because they can make a suggestion to you well here's one when I took Tyson down to we went down to Goodwood somewhere I think it was to some Priory places and we went I'm saying it because I've not died in nothing me and tires I went there I was shot in the room and I got as much therapy as he did nice I'm certain I thought yes keep going laughing here right [Music] so much knowledge yeah and it wasn't directed at me I was sat in the corner yeah over there and she was there this woman it's whatever she was a psychiatrist that's what they are let's let's talk about it properly Anis saty and I'm in the corner she made a lot of sense in my head as well I went out of there feeling a million dollars yeah yeah and so did he yeah yeah you know what we said went down to bognor Regis to get an ice cream we started laughing at one mother we said you know what that was therapeutic isn't it [Music] yeah and I said you know what I told him I said you paid for that as I've got it for note yeah he said how do you feel so yeah a lot better educated and it's probably the best ice cream I've ever had I was watching the they was watching the waves coming out of Bogner Regis I'm going to walk around a pretty little Seaside town and we both felt amazing yeah so that's the way forward yeah and when we went there our heads has fallen off we drove from here Manchester let's set early off and I'll tell you what was the bad ride up there there's nothing I hardly said every sentence was Doom and Gloom all this that and the other but on the way back it was brand new brand new yeah a couple of visits and they're starting the other it helps doesn't it yeah you know because they're professional people and I never believed in anything like that you know I thought it was all Shelton's but I'm glad different yeah you know because my daddy was one of them don't you talk about that you'll get me looked down people think you need a Funny Farm song do you want to be looked upon as a fool well it's not you're not a fool if it's a mental health thing it doesn't make you like you're not Compass mentors so you don't go out across the road no it's just a feeling isn't it yeah and no one's got an answer for it all it can do is make you feel better and it's like the words and what they tell you to do it's like they're giving you a step-by-step course how to get through it isn't it how to manage it and I learned more that day and I'm managing mine because even though I got a little bit upset they are new to flipper switch and get back on clock because otherwise you have to get the kleenex out and it was not very good for my image but do I care no I'm a sufferer as you can see so like I know you're in Camp Johnson yeah make this the last one yeah um this show is called disrupters do you think you're a disrupter do you think your family are disruptors you know you think you've brought something new to the world when you say disruptors in what way well I'm asking you well I don't know what the word fully means disruption means causing trouble but it can mean causing trouble in a good way Jake Paul causes trouble you flip tables and people love you for it but coach can you be positively that's right two ways of looking at me and disruptive yeah you can be disruptive in a nice way in a comical way on a business way or disruptive in a bad way were you there strictly to cause trouble you wanna you wanna set everything to Ablaze you know what I'm saying you want everybody to be upset that's disruptive now what what we do you know I was okay I lost my I lost my weight for a little bit that's me I'm gonna keep losing my way no matter where I go where I don't go if people say something and I don't like it I'm gonna be disruptive but not in a way where you're let's just say you wanna harm anybody or you want to you know put an end to it all and make everybody unhappy what your behavior my disruptive is enjoyable isn't it because you're never gonna disrupt me at a boxing show to a way where you know I want to take you outside and I want to punch you out one another it is only what it ever is going to be a bit of a fistic of so you know when you rip your top off in front of Jake Paul what have happened if he got in the ring would you I'd have punched him you would yes yes call someone he'd have it me yeah because if he gets in the ringed at me I'm gonna do the first that's what it is right but it's only a fistic of school well I've done all my life you know my [ __ ] had been ripped off my back I would say at least 500 times in my life I think you've just ripped it up I always fight with no shirt on and when I'm gonna fight I don't like clothes on me and it's a it's a traveler thing yeah if two men's gonna fight the script to the waist like the old people who don't understand that because they're not in the community well for a traveling man you get your shirt off you don't fight with your shirt on I don't know too much I've read a fight with a shared on the other fight with a vest on or someone but I like to be stripped to the waist if I'm gonna fight you my shirt's off right and is it part of the peacocking process of showing I don't know do you know what if you just fight better without it no no if I'm going outside that's but that's part of me I'll rip my shirt off there and then because I want to get stuck in and I think that's a problem that's a thing a preliminary The Forum yeah you know you know I could have a shirt and costing 500 I'll rip it to visas to get it off me you know what I'm saying Chuck it in the edge and I probably won't even find me share it afterwards and I'll get in the car undressed trip to the waist whether I've got blood on me or not I'm not going to look for my shirt forget the shirt I'm on another planet I've got another [ __ ] when I calm down the shop tomorrow well I just want to say a massive thanks John this has been so much fun again and I think you're doing great things in the world I think you're spying a lot of people I hope so and also you know being very open like you are I think that's great there's no the one thing I want to finish on here there's nothing fake about me there's no pretense I'm an armless guy but I've got Pride am I and my pride to me you know it's all I've got you know I'm carrying a name but don't belong to me it's my father's name his father's name and he's found generational thing so I believe when we pass on we're not gone they're here they're watching what you do and I hope that everybody thinks past and present that have carried the name well I've done the best I can for reason that's why I say to my zones it's not just a boxing match it's more than that you know that's why you've got to forensically go through it properly to get the win because the name f u r y it means more to me the life itself it's got to be protected it's like a coat of arms and did you know we've got a coat of arms to our name have it yeah yeah I'll find it out and I'll send it to you yeah thanks yeah coat of arms so even though it might be might mean nothing to nobody but it means plenty to me because without self-belief and pride in your name and pride in who you are what have you got you can have billions in the bank if you live in a 23 carat platinum gold house you've gotten off in if you haven't got your name on what you believe in and it's a generational thing with us and when I die all I want to say are my on my Graves there's two things he was a man of his word he done what he said he was going to do and he never took a back step from anybody in his life wouldn't lose a draw end it there he was a man amongst men and that's what I want to be remembered for because that's what I am yeah I've never shied away from a fight in my life I've never been insulted in my life and let them get away with it I've never took one back one step I'm very man out there that thinks he has or ever let me know because I've never met him that's a lie and that's all I've got left and that means more to me in the trillion dollars these my son's doing well it's add-on this is dear life but I always remember you're carrying that name so you do the best you can with it and I don't mind if you get beat wouldn't lose a draw but give your all to the best you can you know we all get beat up at some point I have a plan you've got hiding there's not been one way traffic in my life I've been Beat to Death won some lost some I know what defeat us you know the only time I've never been beat is outside but look at me in the ring but even when I was under all that pressure when I couldn't go on and you try to get up on you that your legs don't belong to your body and somewhere your head your brain it engage in the rest of your body you all could think about the name I thought look here but where I'm at I'm not supposed to be here because of who I am but it's humbling as well and in life you get humble don't you have a humble a few times not just fighting in the ring yeah a couple of times been lost but some people can unbelievable words as well nice words and you don't have to be a big strong fighting machine to be knowledgeable to help people and be sincere they're the people you want to look up to yeah them yeah forget look it up to me forget looking up to me in any way shape or form the people you need to look up to is the gentle sensible sincere caring loving people and they haven't got to be fighters to be like that and I've met loads of them and they're my favorite people yeah you know even me I walk away and quietly think you know I wish I was like at them saying I'd have been like him my life would have been so much easier not as much War not as much tile and sweat people like me more you know and I felt better in myself and I walk away sometimes from them kind of people I think you know what they've just shown me right where I'm at or sometimes nowhere I'm a totally a nowhere man because I've done nothing in my life to learn anything only be a good father I've looked after me family as best I can and I put them first and everything I've done in my life it's been for them that's the only good Tate about me nothing else I want to be nice and respectful to people and a lot of other people I'd never see a man without a piece of bread I'd never seem stuck for a few quid if I've got it if I've got 10 pounds to my name and you need half of it you're getting it I'll see you I'll get some more I said you feel good about yourself don't you when you do something nice with people how good do you feel really good one of the best feelings oh do you never get a feeling better in your life would you no when I do something good it goes right through me Pleasant feeling like you'd never ever feel in life and it's that Godly thing about you isn't it where it's Human Nature to want to feel good about helping your fellow man isn't it you know and that's why I like doing and if I can get them feelings every day I'm going to get them am I doing the right thing it's like when The Spar in there you know young lad took a good shot I stopped the spa so long on needs a rest they're not getting paid to help you made me feel good about it and you know that kid you come and tap me on the shoulders walk past me thanks he said but what that feeling you want than that yeah and the kids are at me the kids so there you have it we could go on all day but the results still the same yeah be nice to people and they'd be nice back if they can't be nice to you pray for them in the name of God thank you Jesus for this good company and getting the word out there trying to help people and they can still get an insight to where it all started as all started from me a crazy man this has been so much fun real pleasure again John thanks a lot for doing it God bless you Rob if you want us to get Tyson Fury on the show make sure you like this video subscribe to the channel and turn the notification Bell on and we'll keep bringing great guests like John Fury [Music] [Music]
Channel: Rob Moore
Views: 187,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rob moore, john fury, john fury interview, tyson fury podcast, fury interview, fury podcast, tommy fury, ksi, tommy fury vs ksi, tyson fury ufc, ksi vs tommy fury, tyson fury vs francis ngannou, francis ngannou, mike tyson john fury, mike tyson john fury interview, tyson fury next fight, at home with the furys, will tyson fury fight anthony joshua, will tyson fury fight usyk, usyk vs fury, will tyson fury beat usyk, john fury boxing, john fury ksi
Id: 8UcBYKWakT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 32sec (7472 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2023
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