Aarron Lambo Opens Up on Life in Prison, Steroids & Making Millions

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whose words to me were I will cut your daughter's head off and bow your house down with her in it and have a knuckle duster in my pocket so I hit him 14 times I broke his eye socket his cheek his nose this is a rare exclusive podcast with one of Britain's most controversial men and it was alleged that I used that 900 pound and I invested it in steroids it was alleged that I was sending it out of the back of my car because I was in there for possession of an imitation firearm I was in there for threats to kill I was in there for thefts I was in there for I don't know how many assaults I had weapons in its police I didn't have nothing I had to go to a special school then I was put in care I went to bed up until I was 15 16 years old in homes and boarding schools I was abused in them places I was beating them in places he opens up about the corruption he says he's experienced with the police I've got a PC there I've got his colleagues there I've got every police officer I've ever done a video on in that courtroom and I've won I don't believe for one second that there aren't offices there that would put something in my car that I didn't put there bang I guess slap and he said to me that's for making me look a prick if you'd like to see controversial intense crazy guests on the show make sure you like the video subscribe to the channel and turn the notification Bell on [Music] Aaron is it true you've been stabbed in the head my life that was quick yes face I got hit in the back of the head really hard with a metal object and then stabbed and you can see the line there with what you call a shank yeah what happened so it was a a it was made out of plastic light lighters that were melted together and then some metal object in that why'd it happen what was the movie This Is the movie there's a movie about it you have to pay to subscribe to it um it's the lambo movie it's only paid um for a certain part of my life which we made into a movie with with the good help of my um friend Ross who's actually also from Peterborough he's a great movie producer and he works on some great projects and it was it was it was a project that I really didn't want to do it was a project that I had to be convinced to do and it got me emotional because I was very Hands-On on the set you know I remember I don't remember the incident but I was um I was shown the CCTV um after the incident happened so I know what happened so to get everything right um was quite important if you're going to portray something that actually happens so yeah we did a we did a movie about it but it wasn't um it wasn't the nicest of experiences I only recall what happened after and the effects that happened after you know I mean I've lost a lot of my hearing in one side have a hearing aid um I've got 30 something percent of my hearing I had to do speech therapy again I had to learn how to pronounce my words again I lost all thin with my legs for four days it was a scary moment and those four days if you can imagine what concussion is like the only way to describe it's like a lengthy term of concussion very confusing you don't know what the [ __ ] is happening or what the [ __ ] has happened um scarier so why do they make a movie about you Legend what legendary things did you do that they wanted for the movie it was more of the fact that I had [ __ ] up and I had managed to turn my life around um and the success on social media I suppose um happened very quickly a lot of people I can unders I didn't understand how it was happening why all of a sudden I've got what I've got and people were making their own conclusions and they still are now we've just had a chat before the interview about that exact thing um you know all we can do is is document it show it talk about it like we will do um during this interview but then people still won't there'll be some people that still won't believe it or refuse to to believe it um but that was the reason it's showing people that you know everybody looks up but you can still turn your life around you can still make something um some people get given an opportunity and some people have to create their own opportunities or when they see one take it so what were the [ __ ] ups and then we'll talk about how you turned it around well be specific there's many I mean well big what your biggest cups um the biggest cups of being around the wrong people a young age getting used you know you you that um you that quick tempered um with everything to prove you know to people that aren't worth proving anything too um and you just end up getting just end up getting used there's a lot of kids out there with loads of potential um probably tough kids Brave kids intelligent kids um but they feel that they owe somebody else everything you know that they have to risk their freedom for that person risk their life for that person like there's this code and you're at that age and you're a kid there ain't no you know it's sad because when you're when you get a bit older and you actually you do experience a bit of success or you are successful like us we have a wider view don't we and we can see and it's quite sad to see because you know it's like you can sort of you can see the route that they're about to take you know you've either seen it or you've experienced it um been there done it that sort of um fading yeah but the biggest cups um were being around the one people yeah and are you talking like crime drugs illegal stuff are you just talking failure in business or you're talking violent oh no no I don't think failure is in in business um is is a [ __ ] up I don't think sometimes failure in life is is far from it um I would be very surprised if you think that I think I don't learn you know yeah and actually the more products you have the more you learn I enjoyed up yeah it's stressful because you always think of a way around it um but no I think it's the people that I was around um at the time that weren't going anywhere um I've never been um into massively into recreational drugs um I've never it was more fighting it was more wrong place wrong time with the wrong people it was um yeah there was there was a lot of that but now I've I've got no no no criminal record for um A-Class drugs or anything like that I think with the drug aspect I think the the most I've ever got is um is being accused of or allegedly um said in steroids but um no not not not um wildcasters recreational drugs or anything like that just being basically yeah so how did you turn your life around then there's a film made about you turning your life around how do you become successful how did you shake off that past and those people some people will see this and what I would call waking up and some people won't ever wake up from it but what what I started to think of was people listen people don't give a [ __ ] about you they don't they ain't paying your bills they ain't when you're in prison you see how many visitors you get you see how many people that go to your misses and offered to pay one month's rent give you a couple give you a couple hundred quid towards your groceries send you money in prison 20 quid it's next to zero these ride or die people so so I come to a conclusion the only person in this world that cares about me is me even if me and you are best of friends and we see each other every [ __ ] day and I tell you that I'm breaking up with me misses and I'm going for a breakup and I don't know I'm going to leave my house and we're going to go for a divorce and we've got kids and I tell you all of this what's going on you're going to tell me what you wish you would want to want to do if you're in my situation which you're not right you might have all the best intentions of listening to me but later on you're going to go home and you're going to be having dinner with your wife you're not gonna be giving me a second thought you're not so realistically it doesn't matter how many friends you've got how popular you are or how unpopular you are the only person in this world that really cares about you and your situation is you the only person in this world that can fix your situation is you and the sooner you understand that the sooner you will start being a bit selfish I went into the job Seekers I couldn't even claim job Seekers because I haven't paid enough National Insurance over the last two and a half three years of course I didn't I was in prison so what are you supposed to do I had exactly 900 pounds and it was alleged that I used that 900 pound and I invested it in steroids it was alleged that I was sending it out of the back of my car that's how I survived and people think selfish is a bad word no it's no it's not people if I say uh you know think of number one some people say no no no no you've got to put your kids first no no you've got to put you first because if you don't you will give everything you've got to help other people and you will end up destroying yourself now you can put that in many different ways you can put that emotionally financially physically whatever it may be mentally in my opinion you need to be physically financially and mentally stronger before you can help the ones that you care about right you can't support your kids through University and um through projects and and stages in their life if you're one adult now if you want to be an entrepreneur you are an entrepreneur it's taken you late nights right you've had to make a lot of sacrifices right work every weekend right every single one so sometimes you're going to be working on one of their birthdays yeah sometimes you're not going to be able to pick them up from school sometimes you ain't going to make the football match sometimes you're going to forget Valentine's night because you've had some you understand what I'm saying and it takes um it takes sacrifice but the only person in this world that cares about you is you and I can tell you something else somebody told me if you know how to count count on yourself because when you really need it most people will let you down they won't mean to a lot of times it will be non-intentional it will be non-malicious right they will have the best excuse a genuine excuse but at the end of the day it still wasn't helpful when you when you needed it so yeah sooner I realize that when did you realize better um is there a moment or a time in your life where you've got that epiphany yeah it was um yeah it was when when I left prison it was the probably about three four months um after I left prisoner and what were you in there for um I was in there for a lot of things I was in there for possession of an imitation firearm I was in there for threats to kill I was in there for thefts I was in there for um it was I don't know how many assaults had weapons against police I had a lot of charges that was running concurrent so yeah and what did you learn in prison that helped you on the streets nothing more can you learn in prison you're in with a lot of people who got it wrong there's nothing to learn in prison yeah you're learning um I mean it's not like you're in 700 people that got it right and got away you're in with 700 800 people would have got caught you're learning it's just boring and I was cast as a high profile prisoner which means I was single cell so um I'll just I was on mine a lot of the time and you came out and you realized that you're responsible for everything and you can't rely on anyone but yourself that's great so um how did the trajectory of your life change because now you're a businessman now you've got make a lot of money you've got your social media so um let's talk about that um which bit um okay how did you turn coming out of prison into being a successful entrepreneur oh sorry let me just interrupt me do you class yourself as an entrepreneur should ask that first because I see you as one but do you class as an entrepreneur someone who's good at making money and running more than one business simultaneously it's a different perspective but okay prepare to take risk works for themselves employs people juicy is being an entrepreneur is actually achieving the end game or do you think is a constant process or do you see it as a journey to the end game I don't think there is an end I think there's a load of Journeys along the way even if you sell your company what you're gonna do when you've sold it probably start another one because many entrepreneurs I think that I've never obsessed so yeah I think it's a journey um never really thought about it actually I've never been asked that question what do you see yourself as a businessman um I've seen myself all my life as useless of everything everything I've ever done wow I've [ __ ] up and I have never stuck to anything right as useless as that bodybuilding was the only thing that I ever stuck to and at that time it wasn't about the physique it wasn't about the Aesthetics it was it was um because we used to train the hoodies jumpers the physique come later it was it was a weird feeling at the time the people that you're around the anxiety you had when you went in there you know you you to be impressed by something and then I had the bug to to to to grow big [ __ ] arms but we didn't have social media then so to to get the biggest arms in the gym back then we had to train with the guy with the biggest arms in the gym and they didn't really want to talk to you you know and they said you had to linger around until they would welcome you in and then when they did you could have got that opportunity when they said 10 more you do 12 you know and it was it isn't training that's fashionable now or training that I do now because even I've become lazy but that's what built the foundations that's what um built the physique and it was addictive and then when I just when when I realized I became good at something and I realized I had genetics um the physique came then of course I went I went down that route but that was the only thing that I ever realized I was any good at or what I actually stuck to after that when I started a business it was that's the second thing in my life that I've realized actually I'm good I was useless at school but I didn't believe it because I kept calling it fluke but then we're seven years in now of a multi-million pound company it can't be fluke my sister my team have drummed it into me you know because they were rely on me probably what your team do when there's a crisis it's something that only you can do so people tend to back off leave you on your own you do your thinking you go in your little Zone and you come up with an answer and I'm good at it I don't know where that comes from um but quick thinking being being um put on the spot um control under pressure uh I just happen to be good at them things and what I realized was um business is very similar to uh street life and what a lot of kids don't understand that seem to be very good at doing this and that on the street if they are just a little bit of belief in themselves or was given the right opportunity or decided to make that change they would be what we do you know what I'm trying to say it's hard to explain isn't it well Elon Musk reckons that many drug dealers are better entrepreneurs than many entrepreneurs yeah well no supply and demand yeah yeah they know Fair exchange yeah they know how to sell yeah yeah and you know they know it's about your your the Deliverance you know you know um that if you're having an important meeting you know what relies on this meeting you know the expansion of your company relies on this meeting or you know this meeting could potentially save your business whichever end of the spectrum you're at you will know how to conduct yourself that day you will know what to dress what to what to wear you will know little things that you would do automatically because you've had experience I've had experience you won't gulp like that halfway through because you you know that throws it you'll be making eye contact there's loads of things that you would do and it's the same on the street if you're going to go and um mitigate you something or you're not happy with something you're about to tell something that they are going to do what you want them to do you're going to be um dressing to impress you're going to be making the eye contact you're going to be watching what you say how you say it's very similar and when it comes to businesses business whether it's selling steroids out the back of your car whether it's selling steroids on an international level or whether it's selling fat burners legally you know online or selling properties the rock is on steroids you've got to think the rock can't say that it works for Disney he's got sponsorships even though steroids isn't a bad thing he's still frowned upon the rock hasn't done anything to anybody he's inspiring people and he's very successful just a quick one I have a digital Financial toolkit for you that you can instantly download to make manage and multiply money build multiple streams of recurring income and increase your earnings now the link is in the description is completely free it's my gift to you so go and click the link in the description right now sad to see so many um people day to day you know just walking past them or you know you're noticing something and realizing that you can see potential in somebody that can't even see potential in himself but then he's not going to know any different because he hasn't seen the other side of it what we can see but it's true I believe um I believe that legal business is you know there was there was some crazy things that I did for 80 pounds like I don't know okay one time um there well I put somebody's door through once I had a door mama I put his door through um threatened somebody um I got paid 80 quid right three years ago I had a business meeting involving an entity of my brand somebody also had a Lamborghini he also had a history in business and he was interested in a part of the brand um anyway it comes later he nearly took us for what was it between 13 60 grand um but I found out beforehand anyway when I had this conversation with him I got told it's it's business it's nothing personal dad you see the difference on the street you know you you could someone mugs you off 80 quid 150 quid people are stabbing each other for that but at our level we've got to accept someone taking us for 30 or 60 Grand or eight grand and we get told it's not personal so I've learned it's like life it's it's a big um transition isn't it um but in some aspects it's worse it's worse because there are people in our world or in the corporate world that I'm not used to but now I get to see um that are just roofless ruthless mother they will take someone's business they they go to sleep at night um it's I'm trying to give an example actually um you know whether you're dealing with law firms whether you're dealing with accountants whether you're with you whether you're not doing so well you know I mean you've experienced probably similar things to me in it and you look at them and just think my life how can you do that but it's just um will take class as they would class it as like a it's a process it's just a transaction yeah it's just um it is what it is yeah I never really thought about it like that I mean you get hostile takeovers in business they can just buy a company and slice it to bits and get rid of all the staff and you know some very famous people that do that for a living well by that security on vat so so so I only learned this a couple of years ago let's say um you do really really well I've got uh 500 and 500 and something thousand pound vat boom that I didn't own so what the [ __ ] is this I've got one five hundred thousand uh pound um vat built on one 500 000 pound at one little bit more um p-a-y-e so because they were both over 500 000 that's over a million right for security so when I run the vat people I said I've been paying my VT v80 I've got proof of this no this isn't yeah we know that but the bigger your business is the more risk you are to us and people if they hit financial trouble can close their business down and obviously it's a tax man that gets so they don't want you to pay in advance yes or no right so they won't fight and it said I've got the letter it's payable within 14 days they want the money within 14 days so my next question is I'll take it that's my future vat bills because I pay vat every three months right so that will come off of however long that's going to be no no we hold that money for up to 24 months and you've got to still pay your your bills that come now if you don't it does state in the letter that they have the right to close your business down now imagine that I've come from nothing no loans no no no no education nothing built a brand that's bigger than ever pay my bills and then I get that I'm not in trouble I'm not late but the government one an extra lump of money off you and if you don't pay it then we'll close you down or you've got to pay to fight it and then they go okay but either way that's still an added build you're gonna now pay that's the sort of [ __ ] that I'm saying the the legal world is is even more ruthless because they have the law behind them you know do you know what I mean I mean you you rob a drug dealer take his money beat him up you've only got him to worry about maybe a couple of mates you robbed the tax man he's taking your house anything he gave to your mates anything he gave to your family you go into prison when you come out you still have to pay it you know it's a lot isn't it really when you think about it it's even more um uh risky but yeah yes crazy you never heard of that security no no I know no we pay our vote every three months in a race but no I've never we've never been requested that I've got offered it yeah wow I mean you know they asked for tax so I actually got a decent sized tax refund um this this year because I had to pay it in advance from last time yeah yeah and why did you have to paint in a box because it's called they pay on account they predict what you're going to make yeah and then they want to take that tax in advance so it's basically a loan to the government and then if something happened to you they're not giving it back are they no no I think do you want another cup of tea no thank you and that's what the security is yeah wow now for me I can't see of any other way or any other purpose of that apart from the government gets looks at all of the big fish because you've got the real big fish then you've got the big fish then you've got the medium businesses then you've got the smaller businesses they're thinking right we need money this was during as well yeah so let's hit these big ones with security we'll get a load of money in interest-free for 24 months and we won't have to pay it back because after 24 months then we'll start taking it off their vot yeah but that one in the papers was it no no no no no no no no no no yeah that's an insightful yeah with one point something million wow pay it within 14 days yeah and then they hit your cash flow because you've got to take it out of cash flow and therefore then you can't trade properly and they've got like I'm ready for the UK we talked before about why you left and why I haven't yet but um no one seems to understand that the way we get out of all this trouble this locked down the economy is we encourage people like you and I to grow our business we help you you know you came from nothing we should be giving you um lower rate loans who helps you well the government should be doing it no they're not this is my point but but this is what they don't understand that what they think is or even the banks no well the banks is different they're not they're sorry yeah but all they do is tax you more how can the economy grow if they tax you more because if they tax you more how can you make more money how can you employ more staff it's harder because your expenses have gone up and it's not just it's cannibalism it's not just the tax business right business rates but then again once you've paid everything again you just get hit with another security bill yeah or some stealth tax yeah yeah yeah I I think this can't they're really this country yeah well of course I really do think that's also happen so then we talk about these kids that are doing this on the street we're talking about their potential well let's say there's a kid right there he thinks he's under well save me then yeah we can tell you that you'll be good at this you could you could have the world but guess what we can't help you you're gonna have to find your own way of course these kids these kids aren't knowingly any different they're going to carry on doing what they're doing if you can't give me a step up no one can give you a step up the government ain't interested especially if you've got a criminal record right especially if you've been to jail when I left prism I I I I I went into the job Seekers I couldn't even claim job Seekers because I haven't paid enough National Insurance over the last two and a half three years of course I didn't I was in prison so what was I supposed to do so when I left prison um I managed to get a job right I've got a job down the road intercept Hotpoint customer service job on the phone shirt and tie I was proud as that I'd got a job with a shirt and tie it's a [ __ ] cool center it weren't anything special but I was proud as I was getting people ring back and leave um personal uh thank yous to the bosses they were made up with me I did it for uh uh what was it it was it was one month bang on one month because they gave me one month's wages and somebody recognized me and told the boss that I've been to prison and I didn't declare it so they pulled me in off of a call and I had to go into a room and my ex was pregnant at the time of my first baby Aaliyah my daughter and they asked me I said yeah I've been to prison they said but you didn't declare it so I said because I thought it was classed as a spread conviction so I didn't think I had to declare it also if I did declare it would you have given me a job no and they got security these lads are about as big as a straw right to escort me through the call center through everybody and off the premises and I didn't I didn't have a job I had I tried to get an agency job I got an agency job I got sacked from the agency job I was Lorry loading dpd for an agency because I didn't disclose I had a criminal record but whenever I did tell agencies these are agencies that I had a criminal record they wouldn't give me a job anyway so what are you supposed to do I had exactly 900 pounds that was paid to me for that month's wages um and it was alleged that I used that 900 pound and I invested it in steroids and I went to the people that I used to do the doors with before prison the people that I knew in Peterborough and I used to it was alleged that I was sending it out of the back of my car and um that's how I survived until um until it was alleged that I built the brand up so big it was alleged that I started my own steroid lab um and it was also alleged that that became one of the biggest if not the biggest in the whole of Europe um So when you say alleged is this true or false it's alleged remember the police still want to ruin everything that I've got now right yeah so everything I'm telling you right now is about as detailed as I can tell you one thing I was told by a very very close friend of mine my best friend who um took me under his wing he said to me at that time when you're doing this and this don't buy a watch don't spend the money on your car don't flash it about any money you have spend it on the inside of your house even if your house is rented so you've got a nice TV nice sofa nice everything when you go home because you're going to have bad days also what do you want to do I said I want to own a gym that's all I wanted to do is own a gym and start saving for it so when it was alleged that I was doing well um and I was earning good money to the point where I started it was alleged that I had people working for me um I well I did do at that time is any spare money that I had I would buy a machine so I had a lot of contacts obviously in gyms around the country gym owners so when a gym owner had a Cybex Cable Crossovers you know it's 10 15 years old he's just updated he's got a new Life Fitness One Aaron do you want these 300 quid yeah so what I did is I rented a container however that much it was 27 pounds a week and I started saving gym equipment so I would have Cable Crossovers I would have a squat rack an Olympic Bar and I built it up and after about a year year and a half um I had enough equipment to open a gym people think that they need a hundred grand to open up 100 Grand business you don't I had no money at 1.2 um to to really start the gym how I wanted to start it so I didn't get a flashy building like you've got here I found a rundown building that had been not used for years um made contact with the owner and made a deal with the owner six months rent free he didn't go for six months but he went for three months that's three months more than what I did have yeah that gives me three months Head Start to start getting members in the gym the equipment is not on finance that's really owed yeah I've been 80 pound for a for a bar bill I've got a set of dumbbells once for 250 pounds Jordans it's about at that time and even if you don't have the money just get it because you're gonna need it so I had some good equipment yeah I've got to build him for free for three months so go ahead start and that's how I built my first gym and you know what the gym that I've got now of course I'm going to be biased but there is no gym in the whole of northamptonshire like my gym I've got 50 Grand Harley Davidsons on display I've got it's it's just it's the gym the equipment is the same equipment I'll get companies kissing my ass now we'll give you it for free you know like a loan for 10 years or just use your gym as a showroom you know for when you do your videos of course they can learn from it I can have a gym full of brand new Hammer Strength I don't want it because I've got Cybex equipment I've got planeta equipment and I'm a gym freak I like collecting machines like some people collect stamps I've got some machines at 60 years old I've got a machine that's owned by Arnold Schwarzenegger himself I've got a certificate for it it's like a bit of History you go on one brand new machine and you go on something really old machine but all the machines are maintained to perfect work in order so it's like a it just adds character you know I don't know I just kept the gym um I mean everything is new and everything is expensive in there but the equipment is is the original equipment I kept it all yeah you do sound like an entrepreneur to me yeah okay um something you said made me a bit sad because I'd like to ask you about it you said you didn't think you were good at anything and that makes me sad some young kid growing up who doesn't think they're good or anything like I hate it if my kids thought that why was that did you have a hard childhood would you bullied was it was it just your own self-belief um because to grow up thinking you're good at nothing surely that's the quickest route down to it in life isn't it because you probably were good at some stuff you just didn't think it you must have been we're all good at something you've got this hustle this hustle that you've talked about so yeah so so where did that come from why how did you get with your parents and did you you know a lot of people who are really big they often that they're often bullied weren't there a lot of people are getting ready to hustle now or had the hustle then when I started everything what I've got now is you still do you still working right now I've got the will that I ain't gonna give up so I had the hustle to get where I am now I just refuse to fail because I noticed so many people that are watching to fail I've got so many fans and followers out there I've never had a troll to date come up to me and sound like in the street they always do it online never once it's always photos photos but I have had people comment I'm only watching to see you fail wow how does that make you feel that that's why I ain't gonna so it's fuel oh yeah yeah that's what I have now that's better than a pre-workout now now I'm just um I can't fail that's what I have now I won't allow you to see me fail none of them nobody now I have responsibilities bigger responsibilities now I have not just one family I've got families that rely on me it's not an option failing that's what I have now but no I wasn't good at anything off that I have I didn't have nothing I I was born with severe asthma um died uh uh well it was brought back three times wow um I had to go to a special school then I was putting care because my behavior was so bad in the special school so so you know my mum wasn't uh she didn't want me um and how does that look at an early age I was that kid that wet the bed I went to the bed up until I was until I was 15 16 years old so medication for wet in the bed I I I I wasn't allowed to go out into playgrounds with the other kids because I had an oxygen machine so I was that kid that stunk a piss on a oxygen machine that no one really associated with I wasn't academic I couldn't do maths I couldn't do I couldn't do anything what the [ __ ] was all good at and then when my behavior deteriorated and then I ended up in care um in homes and boarding schools you're living away from home I've got a family and then I then I was abused in them places I was beating them places it was only um a year ago I found out that we were sexually assaulted in them for places we were raping them in them places I was and and you know me and uh a few of the other kids we took these um it's documented it's on my social media um we took these these schools to court and they admitted fault and the insurance paid out um what chance did I get and when all this was happening things that I do remember um especially from so many abusive ones the ones that used to give the physical abuse stuff beatings I remember wet in my bed once and I had to share a room of a lad and I I was embarrassed the carer the man grown man that was paid to protect us um got my mattress I bought it all the way out of the room in front of all the kids I've got everyone together and told them told him uh told him that I'd pissed the bed so um you can imagine at that point so what was all good I didn't have anything to be good at and that was when I started um lifting weights actually which was the last uh care home that I was in uh that was the last one would you say lifting weight sort of in some way helped you turn your life around or even saved your life no no what did lifting weights at that point um there's another way of saying it while he's at that point I'm in a place I mean now I can't go home every time you run away the police bring you back every time you're telling somebody that this person's beating me well this has happened to me then I believe you and they bring you back so I'm in hell a young age um when when we got given a barbell in a Sports Hall we had these five kilo weights and 10 kilo weights and I had somebody teach me how to do an arm kill that was 40 minutes half an hour of me not thinking about where I was that's what that was so I suppose that that that maybe may have stayed with me so then whenever I had problems within my life the gym was a place where I could go and and that was me taking myself out of those problems yeah do you know what I mean concentrating on so many girls come back to it we've got to deal with it we've got to face it whatever it is Eddie Hall said it said exactly the same thing to me yesterday in a different way with a different upbringing but he said that all of his anxiety um drove him towards the gym thank you for being so honest um I like to spread a positive message out there that anyone can turn their life around no matter how she is anyone can start a business no matter how broke they are and if you want something bad enough you can get it and you to me sound like okay if you lose your business you can create another one yeah and you can fail five times no we have a limited company people don't actually realize empty company is quite a good design because as long as you don't give personal guarantees you start a business you don't lose your house because we take big risks people don't realize the risks we take we can lose everything and if you put personal guarantees you can lose your home so you can start a company you'll fail you can start again you can fail and you can win the fifth time or the sixth time um so just one more little piece on this and then we'll move on to something else which is if anyone's where you've been what bit of advice can you give them to roll up their socks and turn around um everybody's everybody's personal experience or personal current situation is is unique to them so it's very hard to give people advice on their situation because or inspiration or however one thing that you can say to people is don't just don't give up and it sounds like such a cliche don't give up because if just because you've had a star doesn't mean you're gonna have a shend you can change so much um and it won't be easy it's never going to be easy life is 50 50. it's a fact it's 50 50. you're gonna win and you're gonna lose and you're going to keep winning and you're going to keep losing that's what I would say so why the um why the tattoo on one side of your face I mean you've probably said it before just because you can't yeah did one day you wake up and think I want to tattoo off my face or yeah there must be more to it is it all is it all one or did you build it up over time uh no there was I've had four sessions on my face now um all my tattoos um mean something none of them are done for fashion purposes um they all mean something and many of them are unfinished it's a constant um is a constant um I suppose project um what is the one that you face me well the one on the face was one that I always wanted right um it it symbolized something quite personal to me actually which I've never explained and I ain't gonna now but give us an exclusive annoys people not even the closest people around me know the real reason why I've forgotten well why they are how they are the head one is different but I'm all about the face one can you give us anything I mean you don't mean you don't really do podcasts I think it's your second one isn't it second interview so second outside interview yeah Evelyn James English yeah um the head one though that was the original Maui ones um a close friend of mine did that so actually it's not lines it's dots right if you look closely oh yeah about two people copy that fans of mine and they've done it with lines and it doesn't really yeah so the one on the head and the one on the face a difference yeah and has it been net good or net bad for you would you say having a tattoo on your face I mean you know to pit definitely make I think makes you look more intense um is that a good or a bad thing uh well with my work it doesn't make any difference no um depends where you are in a situation you're in I suppose my life is eventful everything happens I've got a story for and everything whatever country I've been to something has happened and of course there's people that don't know anything about me and it's first perception so when there's been a situation and an altercation or something and yeah of course it's it's gone against me people have thought I'm somebody that I'm not um but it is what it is I'm friends with Martin Ford do you know Martin he's got similar on yeah on his face he just said he wanted to stand out and be different well he didn't need to try I did it he's actually in my movie oh I see yeah he's taking great at the moment yeah he's got who's got the scariest face tattoo you Martin Ford or Mike Tyson well Martin Ford can't class himself as a scary face tattoo Martin I ain't having that you've got a Sideburn and a little bit on your jaw mine's off my face bollocks I ain't loving that and Mike Tyson although mine is a lot bigger I ain't gonna say I'm scared of them because he's a hero of mine and he's possibly well he is the artist man on the planet so don't put me in that situation either but I'm loving it that Martin Ford's got a [ __ ] scarier face though no so we're going Mike Tyson Aaron Lambo Martin Ford that order would you say well I can see how this is going to get twisted it's fine this is fun if we're going to um yeah face those yeah absolutely yeah yeah absolutely but Martin Ford does have some incredible tattoos though yeah and Toes he is a really cool guy I really like him yeah yeah no he's um I've known him a long well I only known through the podcast one of the best things about doing this make some great friendships we've been in and around the same city for 20 odd years never met no no we have yeah who knows we've probably got mutual friends yeah yeah no Martin's um no he was um he's always been good to me yeah I know him quite well it's one of them ones where we don't see each other we'll speak to each other often but when we do um it's I suppose we haven't been away I don't know we just have a good yeah so I've caught up with him a couple of times when he's been to uh my bear um we um yeah we've we've been in around uh actually I've trained a few times um with him in the early days um listen he's doing well he's on his own Journey as well so um some of your videos are really viral um and the ones that I think a lot of people particularly talk about are um for example the one where you went to Costa Coffee and you just confronted a guy I think he used to work for you um so can you tell us about those why do you do them um well they're not planned no they're not planned at all one day you wake up and go I'm just going to go and confront this guy no don't even wake up with it really anything happens in the day and it's an opportunity arises wow because it's pretty intense in those videos with the police for instance yeah right I've got a lot of fans and followers that are police officers around the country I'm actually around the world got no issue with them at all absolutely not um with those people of the police specifically you may well the police in in in general if my daughter went missing tomorrow you know they're the first people that are going to help get her back um but I've got an issue with individuals so when police have stopped me for a number plate stop something genuine I've had officers after speaking with them for 10-15 minutes and they're doing their checks they've said to me ah surprised you haven't got the camera out to me why you're doing your job mate I had it with my car my car was actually not taxed it wasn't my fault I mean I've it was a company car um one of the team hadn't taxed it and one of the officers and they know me in North France one of the officers um uh said to me it's not taxed I said it is I made a phone call it's not taxed that's Satan really sorry but it's not taxed and his colleague we were talking and he said I was expecting to get the camera before you're doing your job and my car ain't tax there's nothing I can do what am I going to do do a video and try and say something that is not but when I get accused of doing something that I haven't done and I know 100 I'm in the right and what is going on is wrong get my camera and I'll film them so what was it with the guy in Costa Coffee or he used to work for me um he had a we had to let him go we got sent papers from his ex um these are explicit confidential court papers right that he had sexually abused um a minor um and it was graphic horrible in a business world you can't just go up to somebody and smash somebody in I'm going to lose everything that I've got right the court is going through the courts of this there's all it was already a lot of legal attention with this um and as you know as a boss an employer you've got to let people go the correct way unfortunately it doesn't matter you've even got a pound of last month's wages even when they're sick like that um your opinion doesn't matter it's what the law says so that's what's happened there's always people that are trying to have a dig at me because they want a little bit of fame or they try and build their business off the back of trying to cause a argument with me or they want a following following is is everything to them there's always somebody what he did is he tried to jump on the back back of that um and what you've got to be careful of where where I think people are very silly nowadays and Society isn't a nice place Mike Tyson said this there's no consequences at the minute for somebody saying something everybody online Everybody's Got A Plan until they get punched in the face right right but there is no consequences no for somebody for trolling sagging off you slagging off your wife slagging off your kids or slagging off your business even though you've never done business with them but they can do that they have the right to do that it's wrong it's not policed right so he started having his opinion on me and the brand and what I couldn't work out was you've been sacked right we ain't on good terms you're slagging me off he's put his profile picture is in in a mental t-shirt and a mental hat as in your brand as in my brand well if you wake me that much what the [ __ ] are you doing plus with what I know about you I don't want you wearing off he's doing that and of course I live in Spain well I was back didn't tell him because I don't tell people all the time when I'm back sometimes I'll just come back it's not public knowledge I've got no interest in doing appearances I want a bit of time off for my kids or whatever maybe I've got some personal things I need to do and then I go back so I'm back and forth all the time sometimes I'm posting videos of me in Spain but actually I'm in the UK so people don't know where the [ __ ] I am I'm in control of my social media it's not in control of me so I was back now one comment he posted once um which was on a video that somebody made of me and he posted the comment similar words to that dwarf is lucky he's in Spain or he's lucky he's he's hiding in Spain because there's nothing more that I would like than to throw at the wolf around the room what do something's like that and then some other threats he put on there and when I was back at my coffee shop one of the team just happened to say oh he's working in Costa Coffee around the corner so I hadn't woke up that morning it was just a passing conversation that somebody had mentioned so I said to my sister you know Sonny's around the corner working in Costa Coffee she said ah what are you gonna do oh somebody asked him for a coffee and he said he was going to throw me around the room didn't he well we'll go and see if he's gonna do it okay so I went around there and as I walked in sure [ __ ] he was making a coffee and he turned around and look he kind of went sunny I said hello mate I'm not just said well I read out his comment but out loud I said it's lucky that he's hiding in Spain because there's nothing more I'd like to do to throw this dwarf around the room well today's your lucky day you get to throw to the wall around the room so I'll see this the whole time that was all live yeah so I just literally hold the phone there yes so as he walks around I'll put the phone on selfie and I said right so don't [ __ ] this up because you've got one chance all right I'm gonna give you a free shot so you could be internet famous here you could be that person that knocks out our number so put man's in my pockets and I went up to him closer to what I am to you I said um I'm gonna do and of course he didn't want to do it he won the police now the people um whether it be ex employees or or whoever was making a video on me at the time um I tried to make out that that video was fake that he ain't really a fonts that um he hadn't been in trouble with the police for any of this right um but what they've got to understand is think about it I've got a multi-million pound business the police want to arrest me at every opportunity that they can get if I was to go around and I'd pick somebody who was completely innocent and did a viral video on them I would lose everything I've got an instant he is in trouble after that video went up do you know what was even more crazy I started getting his ex-girlfriends and his ex-girlfriend's daughters inboxing our page telling us how weird he was and what he did to their mother what he did to one of the daughters this is other incidences so of course some people that just follow for drama they then start trolling my page I heard different I heard you just called him a nonce because of well don't just wake up one day and call somebody a nonce but of course now what do I do I can't post other people's personal comments online because that's not fair on them it's bringing other people in but what I can say is on my children's life I have papers from a court to say that that he's sexually assaulted somebody very very very underage and I'm not talking in the teens and he's bullied them and blackmailed them um uh and and I've tried to Blackmail the the mother um to not do anything about him someone in the papers and I'll post the papers but I cut out the names yeah in the comments but there's still some people that choose to not believe it but okay all right um but yeah I outdoing cost of coffee yeah that video was wild yeah yeah I might re-share that later as if it needs re-sharing yeah I had so many views let's talk about masculinity because Society at the moment had this conversation with Eddie Hall yesterday you know we've got Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson who seemed to represent love Jordan Peterson you do yeah why do you love him why do you love Jordan Peterson he's helped me so much I think um understand more I can't say about myself but just understand more and actually he's helped me put things in better words better he creates a better understanding of something it's actually okay you know that's right yeah um my good friend Nick Winston um he put me onto Jordan Peterson which I didn't know who he was yeah he's been on the show shared a few um who Jordan Peterson what yeah I just think he's uh that one of the my favorite clips of him um or the clip that's been taken from one of his interviews was when the the the the guy interviewer said to him uh you said it was um okay for guys to be dangerous and you're implying that they should be dangerous and he said um he said no I'm I'm saying they should be capable having a nice guy it doesn't make him a good guy he makes him weak having somebody who's capable broken control out now before I knew Jordan Peterson was I used to see this to say the same thing but in different words in my in my earlier training videos right doesn't impress me coming into the gym picking the heaviest weight repping it from one rep and throwing it and screaming and putting all of this oil and gear into you in order to be able to do that what impresses me is lifting a heavy weight four reps yeah so when I lift the heavy weight I'm thinking of six at that point I'm thinking of somebody entering the house somebody um attacking my grandmother you know of course of course something to do with somebody and my kids and it I'm flicking that [ __ ] switch and I'm repping and I'm ripping and I'm rapping and I'm rapping and I'll put the weight down again and then again and then again put the weight down then I'm asking you are you that is because I have that in me to do that Eddie Hall I've got a lot of time for anything isn't just a strong man to me yeah he's he he is uh he does it for reps you know um Eddie Hall is a strong man at one point I was one of the strongest bodybuilders not power lifters not strong men because I said he holds category and one of our bodybuilders there was no bodybuilder that could lift what I could lift four reps and none none not without tearing but when it comes to pressing not pulling pressing exercises none fat even now and I'm not a bodybuilder anymore my videos where I'm getting 60 kilo dumbbells which isn't a particularly heavy weight to me but that's mind-blowing for some and I'm ripping it out for anywhere between 12 22 reps I'm holding it at the bottom doing knock-knock jokes I'll train with some of the biggest the pros the Olympians I'm a close friends um nobody can do that Lee Priest ridiculous um but Eddie Hall is a strong man it's completely different he's just read his mind blowing you know that's another level of strength but to be able to have that in your head you know that's that's what makes you that's that that to me is scary that's what I practice is there's no point in lifting a heavy weight from one Rebel news is that what use is that in life you know bodybuilding the the physique part was never interesting to me it came later same as for the priest for me it was all mental it was pushing yourself past any limits that you once thought that you had yeah and seeing what you can actually you know um do but um no that was that was probably the the the the one the very first clip that I saw of Jordan Peterson helped me a lot that's funny you say that because Eddie said yesterday when he broke his 500 kilo deadlift world record he did the same thing he went to the darkest place in his head that he could ever find he worked with the psychologist to do it to trigger his fight or flight response to unleash more power from his muscles apparently you can unleash 15 20 more power in your muscles like when women are asking their children can lift up a light car and he was talking about that it sounds like something similar with you you go to that place to trigger some extra strengths I used to do that to get where I am now there was there was there was times where I I was up against somebody who was a lot bigger than me a lot harder than me and there was a lot more of them people watching this podcast now or whatever look at him talking taking him out to be the big man really Harrogate how we go UK BFF British finals what's the UK BFF UK BFF um the biggest Federation was in the UK for right for people who don't know no for bodybuilding yeah yeah right so you become a British finalist and then you know you go from there into the olympius and so forth so every big name in bodybuilding was there or competing or is a part of the UK BFF super heavyweight bodybuilder super heavyweight so think about that in boxing you've got your lightweight your middleweight your heavyweight now super heavyweight it's big give Nemo he was debt collector apparently in London drug dealer bodybuilder good for genetics owed me money months and months went past and then when I asked for it on the phone I said listen you've been saying this now and the conversation for the very first time because it was always Pleasant up until that point turn and then he told me that he's not paying me and I said to him all that me and you have got an issue and then his words to me were I will burn your house down my words to him was be careful what you say because my daughter lives with me his next sentence was I will cut your daughter's head off and burn her house down burn your house down with her in it that was two months before the British Final in Harrogate I think I only held it in Harrogate one year that was that year I can't remember I went there and people knew me knew where I was going because I knew he was going to be there and I did exactly that when when I saw him he had to go upstairs and in that venue he had to go all the way up the top of the stairs and when you walked into the venue you walked and the theater you're in the theater the stage was down there there was chairs up there left to the right and he was there and he was with some Biggie Smalls looking mother he was with uh five other guys and another well-known guy actually who tried to protect him at that point um a very good martial artist in the industry tough guy me and him ended up being friends afterwards and that's just me I'm not martial artist not a pro boxer I'm not a UFC fighter but all my life when I've had confrontations and I knew that it was only going to go one way I used to take myself into that place I went to the disabled toilets I looked in the mirror and I took myself to Dark Places to the point where I couldn't there's only one goal now that was it The Mirage just walked straight out I don't know if anybody talked to me anybody but whatever but right up to him and had a knuckle duster in my pocket and I'll say Kiff you're going to threaten me and my family and he turned around and he kissed his teeth at me I was and that was it I smacked him right my hands around his dreadlocks so I hit him 14 times I broke his eye socket his cheek his nose is for sure I flipped no I'm just Aaron I'm not a cage fighter I'm not a UFC fighter there's five other dudes with you but you see now the Fear Factor that's gone in them now if all of them had thought about it there's one of me I would have lost logic says that you know the odds but they haven't they haven't taken themselves to that dark place the the fight or flight hasn't been triggered you understand what I mean I'm just using that as an example and there's been many times in my life where I'm about to take myself to that dark place like Eddie Hall has like many people watching and I said okay so now talking about it it's probably just activated in my head you're saying something that you're good at maybe you're not good at anything or you don't think that you are many of you out there but if you if you think about it we've all got some type of skill that someone else hasn't maybe that particular skill we've used for the for the wrong things and it's got us in trouble however you happen to be good at it or you've taken yourself to a place where other people can't take well if you use that in other things like Eddie Hall has you can reach limits that other people can't reach whether it will be in the gym whether it be in business whether it would be you've got something that other people around you haven't got that's why you've got what you've got same as me you know but it doesn't mean that I'm any better than you it just means me and you have different superpowers and somebody else yeah you know but yeah I'm able to take myself to that place but it's a dangerous place to to take yourself because when you take yourself there forget about seeing red I don't believe in that I think that's a cop-out never understood it I saw red you didn't judge I'm sorry I beat him up I saw red you didn't you called your wife a slack so you punched him but you're telling the judge you saw red so you're getting some sort of mitigation you know hormone steroids I couldn't control my temper you didn't bang him because she took a tablet 40 minutes ago you banged him because he pissed you off there was something that he did right let's just let's just be honest let's be honest you know it's just take responsibility for your actions stop blaming it on other things babe I'm sorry I'm on too much testosterone that's why I [ __ ] her because there was an opportunity She's Fit you thought you weren't going to get caught right you're in half decent shape so you what it turns out you got caught that's what's happened let's talk facts a jabber test did it make you put your dinner you know what I mean but it's true though it's [ __ ] true I'm not denying it it's true I don't take it as an excuse when tiny [ __ ] you've done somebody [ __ ] up and they blame drugs and alcohol I've been pissed out of my head there's been nights I've been on MDMA I've had great nights on MDMA I would still know if I'm doing something wrong the other main male at the moment that's influencing the most people especially young men is Andrew Tate what what do you think about him um well I told you before we went live I was supposed to have a meeting with where he wanted to meet him with me a week before actually he got linked um I don't know issues with him he he said things that I don't agree with and he says things that I do agree with I'll say things that you don't agree with and I'll also say things that you know what Aaron's got a point um I think he tries to ex you know ex I think he explains things in a more understanding way and I think he um he he pisses people off in the process but that's no different to what I do he just does it in his own way he says the Matrix are after him do you think they are I don't know about a matrix because I don't know but he's he's pissed off the system yeah you know he loses people in his words or maybe he means uh means it in a different way but yeah I mean he's pissed off the system and um and yeah of course people are gonna use him as a example the system is going to use him as an example different to me and if they get something that sticks how do you mean they don't [ __ ] they'll they'll throw everything at him you know the um they'll they'll Finance the fire and they'll get you for it and they'll make an example of you absolutely they're all they're looking to do that to him yeah why do you think that is just because he's pissed him off because he's vocal yeah because he's vocal and people listen so he's got power and influence yeah and you you just said same that they'll do to you why would they do that to you absolutely there's things that have been going on over this last year I I explained to you briefly before we went live that I haven't been on social media I haven't been able to talk about on social media I've had court orders against me on social uh for social media um and it's it's a tricky one because the thing is I've earned Millions from embarrassing nor Fantasia police force for example um people don't know this because I haven't even gone live on this you're the very first to hear what I'm about to say the chief Constable of northamptonshire police took me to court and they tried to sue me they gave me seven days I have the paperwork to close down my my social media and I thought I fought it the lawyer that I had that morning didn't turn up I spoke to him the night before he didn't turn up then turn up the call and I was left to defend myself in court me and my team luckily I know a lot about the legal system I'm extremely clever when it comes to law I know how to do what we call bundles I know how to write them out I know how to set them out because if they're not written out and they're not set out in a certain way then they won't be heard in court so I told my team in our boardroom what I needed they're all writing things down and I told them how to reference them how to set them out foreign that happened and I needed a bit of motivation because I was the night before and I said to my girlfriend I don't know what I'm gonna do because they've got to the lawyer oh she said to me go on I don't know why you need a lawyer she said you're smart enough to beat these without them and her saying that she said look at the other stuff that you've already done and that you've beaten them with just that made me believe in myself when I came into the office mate the next day was so much belief in power Natalie will tell you Eddie will tell you it was like it was like a uh you know like a Law and Order series you know what I mean it was brilliant do you know what I even did I even went cocky with it on the on the legal papers it said Court reference number northamptonshire police reference number I wanted my own reference number I just made one up now in full well that from the beginning of the case all the way through the end these reference numbers will be on there well our reference number it was um FTP MH one zero it was [ __ ] the police mental hamster one nil I've still got it I've got everything I can give you if you come to my headquarters tomorrow we've saved every bit of paper for the court case you can see it for yourself I remember before the case started I showed my sister she was in the dock she looked at it and she looked at me and she went you haven't and the judges are looking at it the prosecutors are looking at it no one's clicked right so they have to read that out at every hearing and I'm giggling I've got PC there I've got his colleagues there I've got every police officer I've ever done a video on in that courtroom I've got detectives I've got their legal team and I've won and to give you a breakdown of how I won I did my own research now I could have closed my social media down from immediate effect that would have been quite scary and intimidating for some people when they say you've got seven days to do this or however long it was for seven days and 14 days I think it was seven but I chose not to because I thought to myself hold on a minute Facebook don't don't communicate with the police at the best of times so I very much doubt that they've got access to her so I think it was a bluff and it was a bluff just means that they take you to court after that to get a court order so when it was my turn to speak um I said to the to the judge um my case can't be heard in this call and the judge is looking at me and they're looking at me I said listen in order for you to close down my social media you need to pass a law through Parliament and in order for anything to happen you need to take me to the high court it can't be heard in this court and just um so you know judge I'm willing to go for this case to go to the high court but can you remind the other side that is going to be at the the taxpayers expense because they're the ones taking me to court and they've now got to justify this expense so the judge looked at me and they were all talking and then the judge said to the people that are taking me to court to the police Mr Lambert's right can't be heard in this court and he's already said that he's willing to go to the um to the high court so after a lengthy process we get a we get the police notification the police have withdrawn from the case so the chief concept I've got the paperwork Chief Constable of northamptonshire police versus Aaron Lambert and they took me to court for my social media now what would have happened off the back of that is if they would have got my social media taken down but then because if that if they had won that case every police officer that I did a a video on will have been able to sue me through the police Federation through the Union but they couldn't they lost it and the PC videos stay up So when you say you made Millions out of the police is it the revenue from your videos well I don't get revenue for my video I've never run Penny through one view oh well so how'd you get that how did you make the money from my brand right every penny I have is from what I sell on the internet my videos are still free they always have been this is what the haters and trolls don't like or the fans that ended up being haters they've seen somebody on my team for a long time they don't know that that member of the team broke the rules I've had to let him go but of course you don't want to make that public knowledge because it involves other people right but when they see that ah money's gone to your head for getting a lot of people that helped you hold on stop stop so because this person's no longer on my team or on my social media and I drive a nice car you've come to the conclusion it's down to money and I've left them do you know what I mean so from that people come to a conclude to a conclusion about so many other things so you said the system's out to get you like it is Andrew Tate why because I've embarrassed them and you think they'll never stop until northamptonshire yeah yeah how does that make you feel I believe the police want to put me in a situation where I'll either lose everything or um or they want to put me in a situation where I'm going to do something stupid or lose something or they will they will um put me in a situation and uh yeah [Music] that's why I don't live in northamptonshire and whenever I do come back to northamptonshire I go to my offices I go to the gym if I want to socialize if I want to go shopping I'll go to London Birmingham Leicester wherever I won't go in northamptonshire yeah I want to do that there's people that live in northamptonshire that I don't forgive get mouthy online try and portray me to be somebody that I'm not they try and create rumors lies people from my past ex-employees as people if I bump into you let me make it very clear I ain't controlling myself I'm gonna work and I'm going to do it well so the best thing that I can do to avoid any situation is take myself out of that situation that's one reason right the other reason is the police I don't believe for one second that there aren't officers there that would put something in my car that I didn't put there that would not stitch me up people like Simon Beck's PC why wouldn't you I've embarrassed him you've tried to take me to court you've tried to sue me you've tried to get the police Federation involved you tried to get the north Northampton sheer Chief Constable you've lost not only have you lost but I sold out on PC t-shirts worldwide his colleague his fellow Firearms officer worked for me for two years told me that after that video other officers were bringing in cups mugs PC dick head over there he had it at work he was getting asked for selfies in Asda well he's [ __ ] patrolling the neighborhood people are wearing PC t-shirts no one's taking it seriously he's trying to make an arrest and people are coming over hey PC let's have a selfie he pulls me over did you know northamptonshire police is the only in police force in the whole country where armed response it's not mandatory for them to our body Cubs wow fun fact for you um he pulled me after the PC video in an unmarked car my kid's life I'm Marco his colleague opens the door puts handcuffs on me straight away gets me out I'm not resistant stand outside the road PC gets out this is after the PC video I've got hands of hanker from the front I tried to get my phone out to press record he takes it off me as he walks over I look look again and he goes I bet you won't expect it to see me would you and I went what they find a tub a white tub No Label in my pocket it was Alpha A5 weight loss capsules what's this weight loss capsules we don't know that but the minute you're under arrest for possession of intent to supply of A-Class drugs of course you are his colleagues start searching the back of the car it's nothing in the car done nothing wrong now I know you can't just search my car so I've said to him you've got a warrant for that he stops and he looks and goes I don't need one he said you've just been arrested for possession to intent to supply so they've used that to search the car okay as I've turned my head bang I'll get a slap around the face actually it was half cheek half year it was one of them ones that really really really hurt a lot it made my eyes water and he's a big lump and I was like oh and he said to me that's for making me look a prick so I'm handcuffed and he slap me and I looked at him and the very first viral video I had 17 and a half Grand from the first batch of Alfred fives that I sold so I looked at him and I said after the last time you made me 17 now I've run I said slap me again I'll take another 17 now and he looked at me and he didn't believe it he went you're fine I said slap me again now although I was getting cocky all I was thinking at that time was what's he putting in my boot was he putting in my car that was the only thing because I said to him where's the body cams and that's when he told me that body comes and then another police officer turned up with a body cam to then transport me to the police station where I was later on released about charge so on and so forth but all I was thinking was at that point I want to get out of this country Lane don't want to be here and I'll shut my [ __ ] mouth after that yeah I got cocky when I was at the police station when I was on the camera but at that time it was drummed into me very quickly what if and after that I don't trust them don't trust them how do you okay it in your mind to have haters you've got haters how do you live your life because some people they just can't handle it they don't pay their bills your haters pay your bills well what I don't understand is I've just told you that with my following for argument's sake I sell out for a fives right the weight loss capsules now for you to go onto my page and to say this you've just told all of your followers that you've just commented on my page depending on how many followers you've got let's say you've got 3 000 friends on your Facebook on average that's an average person I'm gonna have one or two sales out of that now the moment you're racist or you're abused or you start doing things you get blocked from my page but if you're just going to go on now and just say Roy Ed sometimes I'll go on there and reply because it kick-starts the the feed and it's interaction and then I just sit back and I'll go about my day um what what I don't like what does bug me and it has got to me certain things is what I've learned from people I can post a picture of me and my girlfriend with no comment somebody that I've done nothing to never had an interaction with I've never caused a problem with would go on there and because she's not white and she's not English we'll go on there and put Romanian prostitute LOL or looks like a man boy or whatever and it's just like what what what's wrong with you um why would you do that you know that's just another form of racism right that's you know I did a video a live video in the Jewelers where I brought my sister some earrings seven Grandy's earrings were and it was the day before Black Friday and I was joking with the woman because I said can I not get the Black Friday deal today because it's a day earlier right one guy commented on that um feed and put just because it's Black Friday it doesn't make it doesn't mean you have to buy black people presents so the only thing that you noticed on that whole video that was my sister's black that's the only thing you've noticed we find out as a school teacher from up North what these trolls and idiots that hate don't realize or fail to do is cover their own tracks I don't realize that every comment or every interaction they make they leave footprint and if you've got Tech guys that work for you and you've got a good team because it ain't just me like it ain't just you we've got people in the background very clever people if you well when you become successful if you want to maintain that success surround yourself with people that are smarter than you yeah and I learned because you don't know everything and keep some things your your secret weapons secret right that's how you always stay one step ahead and you will find out these people Joe Rogan a few times has been banging on the the rock is on steroids yeah why is Joe Rogan like pushing hard on that and do you think the rock is on steroids I know he is you know he is yeah how do you know I'm gonna tell you why not huh why not but it's irrelevant even if he is I don't know why so well I think Joe I mean I like Joe Rogan and I like the rock but I um I think from Joe Rogan's point of view is if you're going to inspire kids and you're going to be a public figure tell the truth I agree with that because I don't lie about taking steroids and the reason why I take them now to maintain and and the reason why I took them before um and I've done videos on showing people you know I don't agree with trying to get people on them but if you are going to use them then use them safely and don't listen to the guys selling you out the back of his car who's not a doctor who doesn't know your body you know and I try and help people because I'm a public figure and I've got kids that follow me but what Joe Rogan needs to understand is I'm not governed by anybody I'm not sponsored your property company doesn't sponsor me so therefore me saying that doesn't affect my income you've got to think the rock can't say that it works for Disney he's got sponsorships you know and even though steroids isn't a bad thing it's not illegal in England for argument's sake it's illegal to sell not to possess is still frowned upon so might take round upon you think because people don't understand and it's abused um but um Rockies on it I can tell you but it's if the rock can't go out and publicly say he is and I wouldn't expect him to it's you know you're talking he's built a [ __ ] career on how he looks and it is what it is I just hope the the person he gets it off [Music] um which I don't see that happening but I know of that person I just hope that um oh you know the person who supplies him well I know because we've got mutual friends um but I hope that people don't do the dirty and start um selling that like they did the liver man and other things because you know yeah the liver King yeah he's a Target he's a target for that that was uh yeah but it's Amplified this is what I mean it doesn't matter the quantity the quantities are wrong the amount of money was all wrong it was all yes he is on steroids or he's admitted that now yeah but yeah but he is on steroids so that that then he was on steroids but the the list and all of that that was all very exaggerated but um somebody still sold that information now the liver King didn't do anything wrong he wasn't hurting anybody he was doing videos and people found them interesting so it was a good move and The Rock hasn't done anything to anybody he's inspiring people he's a likable person and he's very successful I'm really grateful you spent all this time with us thanks for coming over thanks for hanging out thanks for being so honest and open about subjects other people won't talk about for example steroids Aaron thank you very much you're welcome thank you [Music] all I can say is wow I would love to know what you thought about this interview and Aaron Lambo in the comments now [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Rob Moore
Views: 99,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rob moore
Id: mbqQ9E3KYPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 26sec (5786 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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