Joe Rogan - The Truth About Trophy Hunting

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did this and everybody else weren't eyes and I'm like do they give you grief for dressing like that not to my face but maybe later [ __ ] Oregon the ability that's probably and so yeah I don't know I don't know why I'm on there I don't who contacted you um sick or the interior department so like you're in the middle of a run running up Mount Pisgah yeah no I got a call Washington DC so much [ __ ] up swear to God this can't be good because it was after okay so Trump put out the tweet and he said something like he doesn't see how hunting for elephants is conservation or or helps wildlife it's a it's a horror show doesn't you know elephants or any other animal something like that and I was like what in the hell is that what are we talking about no elephants talk about elephants that's fine whatever but he said or any other animal yeah so I took that tweet I posted it and addressed it and I don't know if he saw it I don't really know but soon after that I got a call for this thing and so because I was you know I know just from Huntington Africa and how it works and the hunting is necessary over there if the animals are gonna survive if if that's a complicated story the complicated situation but people people don't want to hear that now and so here's an example of in Tanzania there was a the largest hunting concession and I'm trying to think how big it was I I can't put the number on how big it was but they'd been in business for forty years so a hunting concession is is they have you know hunters from usually America go over there they pay for that for the access to the land and they pay for the right to hunt these animals so this place had been in business for forty years they went out of business because of this import ban Obama put an import ban on the ivory of elephants coming back as trophies but also ban wise yeah the lion thing was right after Cecil the lion it was done as a political measure right so he put a ban on you can go over there and hunt them still because you know we're from America we can't say what's legal in Africa but he can say what he did was say we could hunt him whatever because I can't control that but she can't bring him home so nobody's gonna go and spend seventy five thousand kill an elephant or fifty thousand to kill a lion if they can't bring it home right so that basically shut down hunting and this outfit in Tanzania that business business for forty years they closed they went out of business about I think was about two months ago now and what happens is when they don't have a the concession they can't pay for that land it is given back to the people and for us here they'll be like oh that's great you gave the land back to the people no it's not good to give the land back to the people there because that people can't do anything don't have any money they don't just like so what happens as the poachers as soon as the hunting concession moves out poachers move in and kill every animal the only reason the animals that were being protected in that hunting concession was because there was hunting in there these this outfit would spin I think in the last three years they spent over two million dollars on anti-poaching efforts so two million dollars to protect basically their investment which is those animals that were in there yeah they'd kill a couple because because elephants were hunted and they ran the haunts and probably Lions but by and large they're protecting the majority of the herd well give me give me those numbers again because you were giving me the numbers on elephants legally and illegally killed right so so and I asked this back at our first international Wildlife Conservation Council meeting and this you know PETA was there and all these animal rights activists I don't want to say psychos that could be disrespectful but anyway these extremists were there and so it was kind of heated in some point some cases but I did ask this question how many elephants are killed legally in Africa each year and the number is about four hundred four hundred to kill legally in the entire continent yeah yeah so take Arius so big you can get America the United States of America you can also get all European countries you can fit a lot of [ __ ] in Africa Africa's huge you get please yeah and so there's some there's some areas where you're not gonna hunt elephants because there's not live there's not enough it or they don't live there but there are some areas where there's too many elephants it's just yeah that's what's confusing to people people here elephants are going extinct well yeah they are in some places yeah and then in other places the problem is with local farmers they have these plots of land and the elephants come in and eat everything and destroy their land and they can't do anything about it what are you gonna do this how the public is an elephant how many thousands of pound ten thousand pounds of [ __ ] I don't even know they're huge huge but they can't do a goddamn thing out here about elephants they the people that they're like the elephant is ruining my crop yeah that's what I need to eat yeah I'm gonna kill the elephants gonna lay there and rot yeah there's these these people are starving and it's there's a food chain going on there and humans here where we are we're so far above the food chain that we're like sitting in a platform looking down watching it they're they're embedded their ground level they'll in there it's it's the whole it's a whole analogy of you can't have virtual world people solving third world problems yeah that's you know and it's just we we people here have all the answers it's like you have everything you want you have at you live in excess you know you're fat you have you throw food away what are you talking about you have no idea what it's like in Africa so they're 400 elephants are killed legally 30,000 are poached a year 30,000 and the reason that's happening is because the hunting had to move out the hunting closed down or hunting is what pays for the anti-poaching efforts but when hunting money isn't there the poachers were in rampant 30,000 elephants that's why they are devastated it's such a not hunting it's such a hard thing for people to swallow because what I this is from the point of view of someone who loves wildlife I think this is what people want what they want is the humans to leave the animals alone and the animals to live in this state of bliss where they exist perfectly the balance of nature of predator and prey all plays out in a natural way without people going over there and shooting elephants then sticking their tusks on their wall yeah I mean we've all seen those pictures of these giant fat [ __ ] holding a rifle standing over a lion and you like this just looks wrong yeah it looks like American gluttony makes its way over to Africa and some guy shoots a line with a rifle now he's standing on its head and he's gonna put it on his wall and it's a fat [ __ ] house somewhere that bothers people I get it I get it too I mean I'm not arguing that well but you got to fix Africa first yeah and you're not trying so this idea that if you just leave all those animals alone and stop hunting them everything's gonna be fine no they're gonna be wiped out you got a people have to look at it pragmatically first and then idealistically because pragmatically you have to understand that these animals 20 years ago were on the verge of extinction so many different antelopes so many different what we would call game animals animals that people eat we're on the verge of extinction until they started instituting these big hunting concessions and having people come in from Europe and America and hunting in Africa then the community started to prosper because if someone's paying you know I don't know how much is it to shoot like a nilgai or something like that maybe fifteen hundred so think of how many of those things get shot and some of that money goes to the ranch some of that money goes to the professional hunting guys anti-poaching conservation efforts and then you have unprecedented numbers there's more of those animals today than there have been in decades yeah and it's all because people put value on them yeah it's all about the animals have to have value and people say no well if the animal has value being alive it's like okay what does to you cause to you if you don't live over there if you're not pouring your try not starving to death a picture of a lion is amazing okay and that animal is beautiful there's value in it being alive but you got to understand those people need to eat they need to work so if they're not worth working for the hunting concession if the hunting concession goes out of business like the largest one in Tanzania did after 40 years what are they gonna do they can't go get a job at the mill you know what I mean there's no there's nothing there's not industry over there so what happens is as they some of those people and I don't know for a fact but I would I'm gonna make an educated guess that they would go from working as anti poaching officers or or helping keep the animals alive as as part of the anti poaching program straight to poaching yeah well that that's happened back and forth both ways right yeah former poachers became anti poaching officers when the opportunity right and they were great ones because they knew how I worked and I knew where the weaknesses were and that saved animals but it's just like it's it's sad because that you know that last two months without that hunting concession there without the anti poaching program in place I guarantee it's been a slaughter the animals that were being protected are now just being slaughtered by poachers and again the difference between looking at things pragmatically and looking at things idealistically idealistically we would like all those people in Africa to have plenty of food and plenty of opportunity for employment and plenty of things to do with their life but they don't yeah you know and the the situation that had emerged with these hunting concessions is superior to the situation that's in place now yeah and it's also superior for the animals themselves including the Lions in Zimbabwe they had to kill look look this up Jamie see if he could because they had to call I think it was something along the lines of 200 lions recently because they had decimated the undulate population because they weren't kept in check all right because the Angela putt though the way these the balance of nature works out is you have to have a balance between predator and prey yeah the only way to keep the balance of predator is humans that's it the only thing they exist unless they keep yeah Zimbabwe wildlife reserve will call 200 lines to control a population explosion claiming hunters have been scared off by the outcry overseas of the line yeah the whole thing is so weird because what people just jump on it you know that you watch The Lion King Oh Simba no don't kill Simba and Oh see so he's got a name and all this craziness it got to such a point where there was this discussion about Cecil's brother that Cecil's brother Gary Oh Jericho like oh my god they killed Jericho and then people were relieved because they found it it was a different lion and it wasn't Cecil's brother Jericho it's like they're watching a goddamn reality show it's like Keeping Up with the Kardashians now in Africa yeah what do you give a [ __ ] what the [ __ ] name of the African lion is yeah you're crazy it's not Jericho oh it's it's it's Michael the lion so it's okay yeah that's crazy still a [ __ ] lion but this shows you this first world view of this wildlife situation that is not ideal by any stretch of the imagination I think part of it like with that the whole cecil lion thing it gave people a purpose it's like oh I have something to stand for I have a purpose now and that's where I know people are struggling out there finding what's my purpose yeah my doing you know and they're spinning their wheels they don't I don't know what they do but that gave them something to fight for yeah and it wasn't right it didn't help anything it hurt those two hundred Lions could have been fifty thousand dollars each to a hunter ten million dollars it went to Zimbabwe stayed there or or at least employed people but no they were killed and there's no game you know it still sucks all across the board it sucks the whole situation sucks these weird - operations where they let Lions loose and then they let them out of the cage and then people show up that day and the Lions don't know what the [ __ ] going on and they shoot this line and then stand that sucks - yeah I don't like that the whole thing is weird it's it's not look wildlife in Africa and high fence wildlife it's not ideal by any stretch of the imagination and these animals that were going extinct and now aren't because people were hunting them it's [ __ ] strange that's a strange balance yeah like that the only reason they exist is so people can come over there and shoot them like we don't I don't want that I mean I would like them to just exist well the thing yeah but people aren't going to contribute that money to pay for the anti poaching just to go take a picture like it's not gonna happen if you go to the Missouri Breaks or something like that and you go hunting mule deer like those that's what I like I like animals that exist because they that they're there this is their spot this is where they are like if you go to the Missouri Breaks and you go up into those those hills and look for for mule deer those [ __ ] have been there for thousands of years I mean they have found skulls of deer of white-tailed deer in Florida that are 2 million years old right they're the exact same animal two million years ago so for millions of years longer than there have been human beings those things have been in that form running around North America and wherever the [ __ ] they can that's what I like I like that too but don't forget that hunting has played a part in keeping those numbers healthy you know the deer and out there's more deer there's no big-game animal north big-game animals in North America now than there were a hundred years ago and that's through hunting and conservation that is true but it's also because 150 years ago people went [ __ ] ham yeah wiped out most of them right it was well real bad when about we weren't hunting before refrigeration exactly yeah but we've learned from that we learn ok this is how this is how we need to do it this is how hunting fits in this equation and that's where you know we talked about the International Wildlife Conservation Council that's given me a way in to talk about a bunch of other things too so one of those and we talked about animals in North America is Ryan Zinke who is the Secretary of Interior he created this new I guess it's a bill I'm not like this political expert I'm a bow hunter right I wear a flannel shirt and baseball hat but he did create this I'm gonna call it a bill but that protects the the winter that we call them wildlife corridor so it's where the animals can go from the summer summer range to the winter range where there's not going to be development there so he created that because that's how those animals like in Montana make it through the winter right if if they're up in the summer they make it through getting in fall and then all of a sudden winter hits they have to have a way down into the low country to where they can their winter migration to where they can survive the snow and where they can make down and there's good feed down there if there's gas rigs or mineral mineral extraction efforts going on that impede that then they might get hung up up there and get stuck in the snow and die so he realizes that he realized the need for that he created this this new program that's going to make sure that there's no development in there it keeps those corridors open and that's that's why our numbers do so well is because there's people like that with the vision on keeping our animals healthy with this
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Id: xLFssbOh8xY
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Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Sat May 05 2018
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