Joe Rogan - Trophy Hunting Is Weird

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with we have a hierarchy of life things that are closest to us we feel more connected to we don't feel connected at all the bugs nobody [ __ ] about Bob right vegans slap mosquitos all day long nobody gives a [ __ ] about that left but there is a life that you care about when things get warm and human huge yeah they get like too close to us yeah I wouldn't when they get too close to mammal like people freak out yeah I went on South African safari last year and it was like I couldn't fathom someone going and hunting a leopard or something like that that's a weird thing that's a big game [ __ ] that's a very weird thing it's a very different thing it's not it's not a it's a it's almost like what that is and I'm not saying sadism maybe a little but what what that is is like it's an aberration off the original idea and if this is the only way to look at it and people would get mad at me that are hunters because I'm a hunter and like what do you say look it's not the thing to do unless you're doing it on just to control population there's no reason to do it but what what happened was in the past the only reason people hunted was for me right you barely could stay alive anyway and when you went on a hunting party you didn't go for sport you went to go to kill things when you have so much food that you don't need to worry about food and you've already been shooting all these animals then they start doing these things called slams they call doing super slams or the Grand Slam there's a doll sheep slam as a sheep's lamb or rocky like a big horn sheep slam there's a white like a jamboree no no you you try to kill one representative of each of the subspecies yeah yeah it's a big thing it's a big thing with these guys like a poker run calm like the the the big six are the big eight in Africa in Africa it's a big five is that what it is the big five yeah the five most dangerous animals to hunt on foot it's like cheetah lion hippo rhino and whatever the [ __ ] leopard Leopard yeah there's a bunch of these kind of slams they have them for turkeys they have a wild turkey slam you get the Gould turkey get the Osceola Turkey there's a bunch of different turkeys all over the country one in Florida there's one in Mexico it's different turkey point being people start collecting it gets it gets weird well that's the trophy right yeah it gets weird it's like it gets to this weird place like you don't think they shouldn't do it like okay are you eating the turkey you are okay that's cool are you eating the deer yep okay well then I have no quarrel but when you start going like leper yeah lion knows I said Cheetos elephant was the other one yeah yeah man I mean the only reason why you shoot an elephant is if the elephant's gone on a rampage through her village some people and you want to protect people's lives and I'm on Team people other than that mm-hmm why the [ __ ] else would you shoot a telephone or idea like I saw an elephant that the biggest elephant I've ever seen as far away from me as you were sitting right now oh my god and I almost had a heart attack on the Safari see but I think those things are amazing it was amazing it was amazing but like you just know cuz you what you're doing the reason I was so close is because we were watching them push trees down with their trunks like 4 or 5 inch trees just some oh my god don't like it's nothing you know what I mean like you'd crash a car if you hit one of those it would crash the car and like they're just from home and they're right next to you and if they go thump on your Jeep that's the end of that you know what's complicated someone was trying to explain this to me and I should really be honest about this a guy was trying to explain to me that when we think of Africa we think of a country it's not a country it's continent and it's a way bigger concept in North America we've seen pictures of United States stuck in the middle of Africa now he was [ __ ] huge and he's like unfortunately there's places in Africa where they have over populations of elephants and they encroach on human civilization and they do have to hire hunters to come in and do it and kill them or they don't hire them the hunters pay and the money goes straight to the village the meat goes to the village and people get very excited about people hunting these elephants so and when I hear that probably seems like a sort of short term solution to the village right theythey a village doesn't give a [ __ ] about the elephant's they want there they want to eat probably right well they care there eat their crops but becomes a big issue yeah and they eat the [ __ ] out of there's no chance so when someone was explaining this to me I remember you know what we were saying this I was like why the [ __ ] would you ever want to kill an elephant we know there's not that many of them he's like yeah this is why it's complicated there's not that many of them in some places it's like in LA there's no grizzly bears right now but if you go to Montana the people that live in Montana are going hey it's really bad I start hunting these [ __ ] things they just declared them open for in Wyoming there they're not they don't have they think they just started a hunting season and it's very controversial and they just in Dayton down anymore no not anymore at all no they have a lot of them and the people that live up there especially people that have been mauled or know people have been mauled like hey [ __ ] enough enough I get it we made a great comeback yeah but you know if you're in Chicago there's zero bears like so if and this is a tiny place in comparison to Africa so when I was saying that like I thought that elephants were endangered he's like yes and no you know they're endangered in some areas good point the fucked-up point the most dark point about all of it is that trophy hunting is the only thing that keeps those animals healthy this is what's [ __ ] up I was talking about playing campaigns about this this weekend when and this is when I say trophy hunting I'm even talking about normal hunting for meat like impalas or you know eelain's he's these big-game animals that people hunt for because they're delicious and even them in Zimbabwe there's a lot of areas in Zimbabwe that are not high fenced they're just open enormous areas all the money that would come from people hunting there would sustain these local areas sustain these lodges so it makes it viable to keep these animals alive and stop poachers a bit as long as the anti poaching right exactly yeah only thing that funds the anti poaching so here's what happened to see so the lion [ __ ] went down nobody wanted to go to Africa anymore to go hunting and all of these businesses are go under so there's nothing stopping the poacher so the poachers move in and kill everything kill everything like that it's gone the other ways how many elephants were killed last year by people something like 400 or Google this legally killed elephants the number of illegally kill elephants 30,000 come on 30,000 most of them are killed illegally most of them are poached they have this one elephant you know that last elephant that was dying the male are excuse me Rhino rhino white white rhino or black rhino which Rhino was it a black rhino yeah they have that that poor bastard with armed guards around 24/7 yeah because they were worried someone's gonna kill it shoot it and chop the [ __ ] horn off yeah like the poaching is way scarier than the hunting and the only thing that protects the animals from poaching is hunting it sounds so weird and so foot but you have to look at it honestly yeah they said something similar to us in South Africa about that that that if they need the funds because the anti poachers you know they they stare they're all over the place and then here's the other problem when you say poachers these poachers you know what you're really saying poor people that's what you're really saying they're poor desperate people they don't know what the [ __ ] to do and if they could chop off a rhino's horn and make some money they're gonna do it if they can shoot that animal that's not theirs and use it for me they're gonna do it yeah they're starving to death well I mean they have no options there's a piers people in parts of Africa that are living in grass huts my buddy Justin Wren he goes and makes wells for these people in the Congo and the stories he tells you would just make your eyes tear up these human beings and they're living like this 24 hours a day for their entire life and this is this is the norm so we're talking about poachers who are you talking about people that are [ __ ] desperate yeah you can call them poachers you could dehumanize them with that term but they're just poor people and the old ways are none of them the movie stereotype poachers gotta be some of them but most of them aren't now here's what's even crazier most of the anti poaching agents used to be poachers that's nothing you know it's not surprising and now they're poachers again because they're but they're hunting people who they got out of that got out of this position that can't be anti posed okay so now they just like um poachers again no perfect this happens to a lot of us gone well so sorry this when cam Haynes was explaining this to me and when is it explained to me I'm like well of course so they don't even know how many animals are left in these areas where people who abandon them that's great branches that were once thriving ways to see the thing is most of these animals a good percentage of her we're on the verge of extinction just thirty years ago because people were just over hunting them and poaching them and doing whatever they wanted to him then they started putting value on them people would go over there to hunt them so people would keep these huge areas and that populations boomed yeah cuz they were taking care of him because they were they were a resource mhm and and this is couldn't this is conflicting to people it's wild it's very wild I
Channel: JRE Clips
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Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of, trophy hunting, hunting, poaching, poachers, cecil the lion
Id: Kro1aO7h2mI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 11 2018
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