Joe Rogan Talks About the Aztecs with Josh Homme

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the Joe Rogan experience Oh have you [ __ ] have you ever been to Teotihuacan no I've never been there I heard it's amazing no something really interesting happen to me there now when I had that not only is this square that we went to and stand on this earth mound and this guy who was nicknamed miss gorilla giving us this wonderful tour I just have spot the most romantic tour ever of this place for such a rough place and he goes wait right here and we're in this giant square and he runs down this dirt mound about I don't know a hundred and fifty feet away 200 feet away and he goes can you hear me it was like oh my god I could hear him he goes this square was built with these mounds here to be able to speak at this voice to 250,000 people whoa and I was like what and then we walk and yeah I there is that it up there yes well it's okay it's that way and then go left you could look this way so you have to look backwards yeah so so if we were to see that square if we were to go straight around that pyramid and make a left that's where those mounds are and and the other thing is in these that's the same shot from a different angle that's near were these hype these shaman lift this shaman had quarters like an area of this place and there was this there's these sort of things and I said what are these to me he said their reflection ponds I said Oh like for like reflecting and he goes no for reflecting and I'd never considered that you don't look at the stars by going but that really you look down and you mark so in seven years when it comes around again you're like oh pattern as I'm always like how do you look up and learn a pattern of that right right right but by looking down oh that's crazy so they had ponds just to look at the reflection of the stars and and map them out yeah the shaman did that was like in their neighborhood and if you the way worse trauma is if you had a birthmark on your head when you were born they immediate were like two boards broke and just put two ports and roped you and began a lifetime of of like so you're a shaman which if you had a lifetime of that you'd be like hi shaman shop hey shaman I mean it sounds like being born Arroyo he's the shaman don't squeeze the show even more weird right because you don't have a history or a bloodline of it it's just it's the study of what we are and that that is significant mm-hmm because I've it felt to me immediate like well everyone can't do that we need you know you don't have a thing on you so yeah yeah if you know the birthmark yeah I mean that's a really good good like entry you know get the gate when you went to that the Aztec temple as a musician when you're sitting there did you like did it make sense like the acoustics like the way it's set up does oh the the way the sound works does it make sense to you like really connect rock today it it left a very lasting feeling of that we're supposed to be here and that you know it just it really restored a lot of faith in humanity III didn't focus on the ritualistic murder that was going on there it was just the crew that's the one set of people the other set of people built this and they might and they knew and you know much like the great pyramids that are really you know in the shape of Orion's belt exactly that same concept of like what's going on here matters mm-hm and if that is your focus think of how wonderful it can be you know like how did those people know how to make that with know you without the you know they say without the wheel that would be like really the Aztecs didn't have the wheel right yeah yeah how the [ __ ] did they do all that well at least the way they did it physically you can kind of like that we know that they've been murdered 80,000 slaves in a period of just a few days after the construction of that temple yeah so that was like don't tell me actually don't worry about it I'll take care of it I think they say that they were gonna be slaughtered I think it was kind of like part of the gig yeah well maybe I don't that I might be wrong about that well III it doesn't with that many people it wouldn't sound prising that you'd have some cooperation I mean it's hard to imagine 80,000 people at once going sorry what and not being like will [ __ ] this man yeah that sounds like a cooperative event to me somehow unless they were somehow another locked up and they brought about one by one that's an awfully big cage of günther yeah it is yeah eighty thousand that's quite an arena yeah yeah they could have to build an extra one of those just to hold them yeah that's like a giant football arena it'll it's that big yeah it's that big and and that what struck me as just because I play music as I thought okay that means these acoustics are so perfect like who do you discover that are you in a canyon and you're like wow this sounds can you hear me over there and and rather than you sort of triangulate and start doing the geometry for how that works and like oh quick someone invents yeah but geometry first though cuz I don't know it's I mean how does that you know how manifest itself that understanding yeah how many thousands of years did it take before they figured out how to construct some hell were someone on their deathbed it's like wait one last thing I kind of thought acoustic sound kind of bounces off [ __ ] you've gotta be shaped like this yeah but the Pythagorean theorem I you know I've never been to any of the Aztec temples but I went to Chichen Itza it's awesome the Mayan temples and it just there that whenever you ran out of place like that that's just magical that's so [ __ ] old and so amazingly constructed you just think what the [ __ ] was it like to live back there like do we have a terrible idea of what they were like of course yeah we don't know well but it's sort of dawned on me at some point that was like oh you mean the people that wrote our history was wrote it as from the perspective of by the way we're way better way better but okay here's the story of these other people yeah right like by some kind of [ __ ] winner right right right I can take head winner with guns yeah like before we get started I'm better than the person I'm gonna tell you about yeah but we can't even though we can't do what they did cuz what is the emotion when you when you're in that space I'm trying I'm trying to think of the right word to describe how I felt there right and I guess oh right yeah it's it really is it is off but also there's a there's almost yeah reverence and there's almost like some strange gratitude yeah like where you're like thank you for I'm so thankful to be part of this even just by living in a time just to appreciate this yeah yeah it there feels it's soaks it feels like knowledge expanding that I I don't have so I just feel like oh if I can have a piece of that if I could understand a piece of that but just standing there is sort of understanding it right we have such an egotistical perspective when it comes to our personal civilization that we do that like this with the internet and with cars and with planes and all that this is the best way there's a word for it I can't what art can you try to find such a thing please what is the word I I know there's a word for the word definition is to believe that the area you're in is the finest of them all yeah up to this point I think yeah I've heard that word I know where you're saying that is it's some kind of [ __ ] syndrome at exactly certainly was created by a man there's some guy was like this yeah yeah I don't think it was a girl if it was he was like one of them alright but don't you wish that there was like a supportive mother was like yes sure honey you are the best to this is the best yeah number was Lee don't worry about Hamid don't worry about him guys he's fine you are the best yeah it's like the same thing with the Native Americans and the settlers that the settlers were imposing their lifestyle but the people that experienced the Native American lifestyle they wanted to stay living like that for sure well III think because it omitted some of the so many of the things that the European culture was bringing yes and and and I you can it seems less like a distinct possibility that the European perspective like when Pizarro and all that you know was a 12 of them conquistadors killed like a thousand natives in and a come a matter of hours when you know when they land mm-hmm they're looking for gold everywhere I'm right at first they have this this belief that something big will come across the water and be their God and here comes a ship with a bunch of dirty [ __ ] that literally factually dirty [ __ ] haven't written across a boat mm-hmm and and you know I think about that perspective where they obviously were like these people are nice but I've had enough of this well they should have invented ships we're better so let's kill everyone here yeah well that's what I mean Cortez yeah Cortez that's what it is yeah yeah they didn't know what was going on because I don't think the previous to that time they'd ever seen anyone on a horse before no and and they come across you imagine a big boat and then a few horses where they're like what the [ __ ] is yeah Gary come over and look at this it's just it's impossible to fathom a man riding a beast they're probably in the [ __ ] with like rusty armor from being on a [ __ ] boat for months yeah like looking like [ __ ] being desperately like like that I imagine their relief when they come off on these horses with this armor and all this stuff and they're like they're cool this is gonna be easy you know I mean at first they they must have thought maybe we could do this with some goodwill but quickly it's like you guys are too primitive we're just gonna take over here I doubt they even thought they were gonna do it with goodwill I don't think there was any goodwill back then I think people were just murdering you you think that there's perhaps that more people took more lives in a way like for per capita or something I think it was a more brutal way of taking lives I'm sure people take more lives today in war but I think back then it was just it was hands on right but it seems like more percentage of the people that are alive had an opportunity or the possibility to kill someone yeah today yeah - so it's like if you if you are with a hundred and fifty people all of which I've killed at least three people right that's an interesting group and then you land on a boat and you've been there for months you're like maybe maybe you are like we gotta kill somebody and rape something and take something as quick as you know of no idea what the [ __ ] they're saying cuz you can't speak to the language so it's easy to just and they're being nice you're like they're gonna [ __ ] these people up in five four three legs eyelid gap enough it's bizarre well that's the history of mankind is men showing up in boats and killing everybody that they met and then kind of doing their own version of a selfie on the dead but yeah right getting the sides yeah yeah yeah draw me imagine what it would be like if you could be a fly on the wall when Montezuma met Cortez just to be there and see what that was like when these people who had never encountered Spaniards before and these guys show up in these boats with two absolutely different beliefs and perspectives of what's about to go down which craziest that is why Mexico speaks Spanish because people don't get that in their head like Oh max it's why all of South America except for Brazil Brazel is Portuguese yeah we don't get that in our head like Mexico speaks Spanish why are they sent ass [ __ ] Seguin yeah Spain's way the [ __ ] over there how how is will they speak Spanish yeah like it's it makes no [ __ ] sense but then you realize like oh my god they were conquered by the Spaniards whoa yes in a long long time ago long [ __ ] because III because of having a my music teacher as I as a young boy drilled the song in 1492 from Spain through wind and storm energy the Nina the Pinta the scent that 1492 1492 which is which by my watch is a long time ago it is it is but it's not you know like I had a joke my act about the United States being founded in 1776 people live to be a hundred that's three people ago that's real I know it sounds [ __ ] up when you hear a funny yeah when you hear it it sounds like you see right well it's not right well what's funny that is totally true yeah it is right I mean that's yeah yeah that's right yeah the thing is anything that happens before you were born seems like a million years ago of course I know but also 1776 seems like yesterday to me I wasn't alive and I'm ready to admit that but I get that seems like all that is just very [ __ ] super recent yeah [Applause]
Channel: JRE Clips
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Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of
Id: el5RWp46sV8
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Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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