Joe Rogan - Robert Schoch Explains Sphinx Water Erosion Hypothesis

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well his work that DVD series he did magical Egypt right was amazing yeah and I had seen your work before that in that mysteries of the Sphinx thing that was narrated by Charlton Heston Heston NBC 1993 I think in many ways it was the mystery of the Sphinx that really broke everything open it brought everything to the public attention I've had many people tell me I'm not trying brag or anything just saying it's actually that this really opened up a new field if we could put it that way a new you know way of looking at things in the popular among the popular public in the popular media that but people around the world versus the academic scholarly journals and the back-and-forth that type of thing you have to remember I'm a faculty member I'm at Boston University and my academic and many of the academics have pooh-poohed should we say over the years bringing things to the public but I think it's been important to do now what we're talking about for the people that are uninformed is the idea that some of the structures in ancient Egypt are far older than conventional wisdom or conventional modern-day archaeology modern-day Egyptologist they would like us to believe that all of this spawned from a very specific time period and people like John Anthony West and yourself and some other folks at Graham Hancock are proposing that it's entirely possible that there were many different eras of construction in Egypt and that there are some structures that are far far older than we think yeah exactly and this what I was alluding to is this really opened up with our work on reading the Great Sphinx yes and I think you know the story but maybe just to summarize in the smallest of nut shells John Anthony West before I met him he was became a follower should we say I shouldn't say follower because that sounds wrong that sounds like it's a religion dogma but he became interested in the work of the late swaller de Lubitsch who died passed away in 1961 but he had mentioned in one line that the Sphinx had been weathered by rain I would say precipitation as a geologist not wind and sand so this if it were true and it is true would put the Sphinx back to a much earlier period which would tie in with swallowers work and John Anthony West's subsequent work that there were indications that dynastic Egypt as we know it going back to about 3,000 BC was really a legacy of what I call now an earlier cycle of civilization something that goes back much much earlier which at this point I date back to the end of the last ice age ice age end at 9700 BC just to put it in perspective for people so when when did you first get on board with this Jonathan II was come to you or John Anthony West okay so the story goes this way John Anthony West published serpent in the sky his probably most famous book first edition 1979 he was then looking for someone that could really validate or at least assess from a scientific point of view this theory about the Sphinx which he had just barely sort of touched the surface based on SH Waller that maybe it could be older but this was really a geological question he mentions that in 1979 in serpent in the sky John Anthony West went on to become very involved with Egypt and he started traveling to Egypt he led tourists to Egypt he wrote the travelers key to ancient Egypt in 1985 also mentions in appendix I think it was just the older Sphinx theory but really looking for someone to at least assess it scientifically he met a fellow at in in Egypt actually at the time Robert Eddy who is PhD English literature I believe something like that but he was teaching in Cairo American University in Cairo I believe then he came to Boston University this is late 1980s I was and still do teach at Boston University full-time Robert Eddy and myself got to know each other Robert Eddy mentioned me as a geologist too John Anthony West and that maybe this was someone who seemed fairly knowledgeable fairly open-minded about things at the time did you have any thoughts on Egypt or no III my interest in Egypt goes way back I was reading about ancient Egypt when I was literally six seven eight years old I had a grandmother who had a wonderful library at the time and I would go through her library she had books from the British Museum on ancient Egypt going back to the turn of the century so I I was prepared in the sense I was open to such things but I didn't imagine getting involved in Egypt in any way professionally did you have any thoughts about the dating of the Sphinx or the corners or anything back then yeah I looked at yeah there were there were two things so there were two things going on in my head back then which maybe prepped me for this number one I knew the conventional story I knew that the Sphinx goes back to 2500 BC according to the standard Egyptologists in 1989 which is when I first I believe it was 1989 I first actually met West in person I had in my mind that the Egyptologist must be correct because they've studied it they must know what they're doing I was coming from an academic point of view I I'm not I'm just giving you no saying where I'm coming from right I had gone to Yale University to get my PhD in geology and geophysics I was very well grounded in quote the status quo academic point of view so I thought when I would first went to Egypt I would just prove West wrong I would just prove that the Egyptologists knew what they were talking about but and this is an important but I was also trained in many ways both as a graduate student and going back to my grandmother who I had great respect for and was also very should we say liberal and open-minded but critical you always have to follow the evidence wherever it goes and that's always been my rule of thumb that not everything is always the way people say it is even if there are quote authorities and something I already knew when I went to Egypt for the first time was that some of the very old Egyptologists in the late 19th early 20s today just the way it looks the feel of the Sphinx not based on hard evidence really that maybe it was older than the pyramids that maybe it goes back earlier so I felt that it wasn't all said and done and you know pat and sound that the Egyptologists necessarily knew what they were talking about in modern times because some of the earlier Egyptologists who they held in very high respect supposedly had said different things secondly and I hate to bring this up but I will because it's part of the background I my grandmother who I mentioned a second ago was a theosophist Anthea if you know anything about theosophy it also suggests that you know maybe there's things that go back earlier I don't what is a theosophist a theosophist it's it's uh how do I explain it you have you heard of Blavatsky Madame Blavatsky no okay oh I'm losing my headphones theosophy was founded in the late 19th century it questioned a lot of the materialistic values a lot of the dogma of science of the time of religion of the time it looked to the east in particular to other philosophies other worldviews so basically it was a way this is what it did for me at least and I'm not a theosophist I don't want to say I'm a theosophist but reading Theosophical works on top of everything else allowed me I think to expand my horizons and to see that maybe the dogma of the day is just that the dogma of the day that there are other possibilities and not that we accept something just because someone said it or it because it's old or because it's this religion or that religion or that supposed to be an ancient culture but no you keep everything open you look at the evidence and that's really where I was coming from but my point is that even in the late 1980s early 1990s when I first got involved with this if I looked at it grid Klee the evidence was not that definitive for the age of the Sphinx so I was going in with open-minded possibilities but honestly when I first went to Egypt with John Anthony West in 1990 I thought before I got off the plane that this would be simple open-and-shut case I would prove him wrong in the sense of his assertions that maybe the Sphinx was older I had no doubt at the time that my colleagues in Egyptology must know what they're talking about and all of that changed literally within 30 without saturating 30 to 120 seconds of first scene reasonings yeah it really did what was your first impression because my first impression of the Sphinx was now that I saw it on the ground in person there was something wrong with the Egyptological dating because when you look at the Sphinx as a geologist with a geological eye this was not weathered by wind and sand this was not desert erosion and weathering that I saw on the sinks the body of the Sphinx which is very difficult to tell because it's been heavily repaired and reworked but particularly on the walls of what are known as the Sphinx enclosure the Sphinx enclosure is important because it preserves a lot of the details and if you haven't if the audience has not been to Egypt they should realize that when they carved the Sphinx it's all solid bedrock only the head initially was above the ground surface you carved they carved down into the rock to free up the body what I call the core body of the Sphinx and it's that core body and the walls of the enclosure moreless the quarry around it if you want to use that term that showed these ancient weathering precipitation erosional features that are incompatible with the last 5,000 years of climatic history on the eastern edge of the Sahara so immediately I knew there was something wrong geologically had to figure that out either this was a weird geological anomaly or something else was going on and the Sphinx might go back to earlier period also I want to point out that when you look at the Sphinx and other geologists have looked at this as well they did not just chip away at the rock to carve the body more or less you could have chipped away at the rock with pickaxes and that type of thing shoveled out chips of rock in baskets that would have been the easy way what they did is they carved out huge blocks of stone and when I say huge we're talking multi-ton tens of tons some of them may be over 50 tons or more of limestone they move those due east of the Sphinx and built what is now known as the Sphinx temple which is still there in ruinous condition and the valley temple so you had these two huge temples and what is interesting a lot of people don't realize this or they don't think about I think those constructions which are contemporary with the oldest portion of the Sphinx in some ways are more impressive if you think about the technology and what went into constructing them then the age of the Sphinx itself so it's not just this Fink's it's also these limestone temples that are associated with the m-word built contemporaneously so Jamie pulled up two photos here the first one that he pulled up was a computer image that showed the Sphinx and showed I'm looking at yes and and in this image what you can see that's a computer image that's actually from mystery of the Sphinx and then there's a inset that's an aerial photograph the real thing and that shows how when they were carving the body they cut out huge blocks and then put them in position to make what's known as the swings temple due east of the swing and the second image is the Sphinx temple okay you look at this it says the Sphinx faces due east the Rising Sun and right in front of it is this phynx temple so this is a humongous temple made out of these huge blocks of stone which were carved out when they carved the body of the Sphinx and here you see in this image another picture of the Sphinx temple and so these erosion if you can see how you can they are they're enormous okay these erosion features on the blocks don't worry about them for the moment okay let's go back to the Sphinx enclosure itself it's a Sphinx enclosure where you see the rolling undulating profile the erosional features here you see it in that picture the vertical fissures and I know you're familiar with this personally because I've heard you talk about it with young Anthony West that can only be caused by precipitation the rocks are like a layer cake so it takes out the softer layers it recedes the softer lair sound the harder lair stick out further but the water also finds its way down crevices and cracks natural features that are slightly softer and it forms these vertical fissures I want to make the point because a lot of people get confused they say couldn't it be rising Nile floods no geologically that would give a very different signature on the Rockettes not floods coming up from the bottom it's actually precipitation and rainfall runoff coming from above it and bring fall over thousands of years well there's two aspects here it could be thousands of years it could be much stronger rainfall you know huge flash floods that type of thing and part of the story that I hope we'll get to is that initially I'm jumping around here a little bit and we're all but initially I was thinking five to seven thousand BC that was very conservative based on the geological data based on the seismic which we have to get to also but now I believe we're talking prior to 9700 BC for the original construction of the Sphinx and we can talk about why the datee and at 9700 BC we have the end of the Younger Dryas the end of the glacial epoch the end of the last ice age I have now put together the story based on evidence and when I averse I say if I say I believe something or I think some it's always based on evidence I've been piecing together that what we had ending the Younger Dryas ending the last ice age was a huge eruption from the Sun a huge solar outbursts huge climatic changes which put among other things a lot of precipitation a lot of moisture into the air which came down as precipitation with huge floods huge essentially thunderstorms etc and I think a lot of the initial erosion that we still see on the walls of the Sphinx enclosure go back to that period so you had the situation where you would get this incredible weathering and erosion and then it continued for thousands of years after that and was reinforced until you had the Sahara coming in in relatively recent times and geologically Holocene times this desert the Sahara Desert so before that it was some sort of a rainforest it's savanna - rainforest it actually varied over time and before that it was very fertile savanna lots of plants there people have seen it even in popular movies and whatnot how the Sahara at one point had water and all kinds of animals that's before the end of the last ice age before this these incredible changes that we have at 9,700 BC so that's where the Sphinx I think the original Sphinx goes back to that time period and that's what the Egyptians called Zep tepi this was a first time for them or what I call an earlier cycle of civilization the last cycle the one that we're still part of in my terminology is the last 5,000 years so civilization arising re-emerging I should say about 3000 to 4000 BC coming into really what we have now is you know high technology etc but before that there had been an earlier cycle civilization that was essentially snuffed out or brought to its knees if you would by the end of the last ice age and just to map this out a period from about 9700 BC this is what I'm reconstructing now - about 4000 to 3000 BC where we have civilization re-emerged between that period so thousands of years 9700 BC to say 3700 BC for round numbers 6000 years we have essentially a dark period and what I've been now calling Siddha solar induced Dark Age sort of ironic the Sun would induce a Dark Age because it brought civilization back to an earlier stage if you would I'm just not sure I follow that well how did the Sun do this um solar outburst essentially coronal mass ejection huge eruption bigger than anything we've ever seen and so that's what laws is massive thundershowers and we exactly knew modern history nothing in modern history is even close to this but we do have isotope data etc that indicates this has happened in the past at the end of the last ice age and I'm sure it's happened many times over and you have a lot of markers that indicate this you have vitrification of rock in fact a lot of the markers and I don't want to be debating the issue necessarily but a lot of the markers that people have used for a comet at the Younger Dryas or during the younger dries really most of them are at the beginning of the Younger Dryas that's what they're claiming but a lot of the a lot of the dating is very very iffy I found it interesting for instance someone will use something as a marker for the Younger Dryas and that will give a date of 12,000 plus or minus 4000 years so yeah this is just the way geology is but
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Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Thu May 31 2018
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