Joe Rogan - Rose Namajunas on Becoming UFC Strawweight Champion

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yeah I gotta tell you that your victory speech after you beat you wanna was my all-time favorite because it wasn't even just about you or about the fight it wasn't about anything it was just you expressing yourself Pat what he doing over there you're right checking out this earth okay and I just think that um it was an awesome yeah victory speech it was really amazing it was you were you know you were just spilling your heart out and it was in your moment to shine and in your moment to shine you you didn't make it about you I think I fight better that way you know when I'm you know it's always about me like throughout the training camp like everybody like my coaches and teammates they're always you know helping me and it just it gets to be a bit much sometimes you know and I want to I want to help other people it feels my spiritual cut more you know your spiritual Cup yeah I think that you know I've you know if your hands close to give you know you can't be open to receive kind of thing and I think that the more that I can give to people the more that I can get myself you know and I think that um you know just like plants and animals away you know if you look at nature everything is a symbiotic relationship I think that humans can be the same way that's an interesting way of looking at things if you always looked at things like that no I shouldn't say not always but I always was a person that you know wanted to be outside wanted to be in nature I grew up in a like urban jungle in Milwaukee and just concrete everywhere you know no place to go outside except for you know just playing in the alleys and stuff but uh my my lineage is from Lithuania where they're like very intimate nature and they're pagans and like slash Christian and so they really you know just just my whole family you know they come from living off the land and stuff like that and so that's always been something I wanted to do I'll just put in this situation you know just to you know try and do martial arts and trying to like you know I guess control my emotions and stuff just living in this you know chaotic environment that I grew up in and nature is where I felt the most peace at so that's always something that I connected with and then the more that I kind of focus on nature and animals are stuff like that I noticed that you know there's a I don't know I try to live my life to the same way well it's just interesting leading up to that fight to that you are kind of like the antidote to a lot of things that people getting annoyed at in MMA all the trash talking and all the negativity and all the like fighting at press conferences and you just shut all that [ __ ] down with Yoanna needs to be balanced you know it's like I mean I like entertainment you know I'm I you know I should talk sometimes too you know but there just has to be a balance you know it has to be honest too like if you really feel this way about somebody like if you're really upset with this person yeah I say how you feel but like don't just go out of your way just to be entertaining because you think it's gonna be funny or something or you think it's just gonna be like it's not genuine you know right right but it was just the way you handled yourself like cuz her whole thing is talking [ __ ] the whole thing is scaring people and bogey woman get you yeah you know all that stuff and you were just dead faced and I think ya [ __ ] her head up I really do you ever see that video like the not that one the one you just showed me earlier was like is this do like standing in front of an elephant oh yeah and he was like calm you know ya really want to trample on yeah we just watched a elephant that's coming through is like yeah they're in one spot stops yeah right right but it's just I think it's a good analogy to draw from like ioannis energy she was very like chaotic and very in my face and very threatening intimidating yeah and like yeah don't go out of your way to stand in front of an elephants running at you like that don't put yourself in that position I I had to be there that's my job you know so so when you're in those situations where you like you don't know what to do you know you just say calm yeah well you didn't just stay calm you stayed eerily calm and you were like reciting the Lord's Prayer when I asked you that I was like whoa I was like what are you saying over there and you're like I'm reciting the Lord's Prayer like the whole training I was just crazy but like that week in particular like I was convinced that this might be my last fight this might be my last day on earth like I I was so just like ready for anything at that point you know why were you thinking that might be your last fight I don't know some crazy I think I started to think that almost like every fight this is it's crazy yeah in the world especially the all of the all of the the stressors that came along with this fight in particular especially all of those like and then we have but we've had a in that fight we had we had a few like kind of I don't wanna say magical moments but say for instance we bring Mishka with us everywhere we go dog yeah our flight was delayed three hours four hours and when we landed we landed like a few hours after that truck drove through the park and killed all the people in New York which was right by our hotel which if we would have been there on time we would have feel signed the posters and then been outside at a park walking Misha something just little things like like that like we would have been outside maybe at that spot and had been witness to that and antiva March yeah and there is just all this stuff about you know like people gonna be protesting and stuff like that and they even like the day of the fight and I just get a lot of anxiety all that stuff I get anxiety over like big crowds of people and it's like you know they're crazy you know in it it's yeah I just I wasn't even just thinking about the fight when you wanna it was more than that you know it was like what if what all her energy represented to me like on my past like just negative people then you know you know wanna want to strike fear into your heart you know and I wasn't gonna let that happen even though I was scared but you know I just I wasn't gonna stop doing I was doing just because of that but you were eerily focused like one time she stuck her fist in your face and touched your face you didn't even move yeah cuz I know what you needed a reaction from me you know it's just like it's just like with anybody you know you don't give energy to something negative you don't feed the fire you know yeah that's gotta be a mindfuck for her though right right I used to people reacting to her and head-butting bet you know go ahead with her trying to show her and you just stayed calm yeah because I mean you know it's it's uh either you really I mean it's either one or two things either you really dislike me enough to like you know put your hands on me outside of the competition or a fight you know or it's a character or you're just doing this for show right you know it's either one of the two and I just don't think she's really a bad person I just think that you know she's put in this position and maybe she you know that's what she felt like she had to do well I wrote something about the volcanoes the mirror daniel cormier fight the other day that what OHS demure was trying to do and what Cormier was trying to do it's like they're trying to sow seeds of doubt that you're trying to there's a real issue with someone that's about to fight where you're about to compete and it's this crazy nerve-racking thing and the unknown is always there you don't know what's gonna happen right so someone can convince you I'm gonna [ __ ] you up you let goddamnit you gonna [ __ ] me up yeah you start thinking it if you if it's in your head and that one of the things that daniel said in that fight was that there's there's levels to this thing like you think you're gonna come in [ __ ] me up this is crazy it's like this he's not you do not have experiences yet right and this is something that I you know I have my respect for you want to still you know and I think it's great that I was put in this position to face her because I had to get better in order like I had to get up to that level you know to face her and I had to do a lot of research and work on my you know mental stability I mean she kept saying I was mentally unstable even those you know phone calls and stuff like the conference calls for hand and I was like everyone you were mentally unstable what was there I don't know because Rose is mentally unstable yeah oh my dad is my dad was correct like in what way I mean well I don't know to me I can't speak for myself but like it's like everyone getting ready for a fight that's right it's um there are some people who can be excited about the fight the entire time and they don't give a [ __ ] about anything and they just they just love it and then there's also the ones who who get ready for a fight and while getting ready for the fight it's nerve-racking and especially with all the boogey woman and all that you're mentally unstable and then in the history with her dad and her is she growing up and just all of those things coming to a head this was exactly what Rose wanted to be the scariest possible situation for her to be in New York with the end with the auntie for March that happened in front of the hotel the morning of we bit we almost didn't make it to the fight I don't know man it's like somebody asked me like what's different since you've been champ and I'm like really I'm just sitting here trying to figure out what's different you know like obviously you're sitting here talking to you like that's cool but I want to talk to you before this thing happen right right so yeah I mean things are different you know like I definitely noticed more more people recognizing me we have a very unique look to with your shaved head yeah and you guys are gonna fight again in April uh-huh back in New York yeah yeah because come to Brooklyn what when you when the fight was over what did you what did you take some time off like how did you did it did it even sink in like yeah we had to go we had to get [ __ ] out of there we had to go home like like oh that's like you know the truck accident and like the protests and all this you know paranoia that I had I had to hide away I'm a hermit so like I like to like to be Broadway loose we went straight to the airport 2:30 2:30 in the morning our flight was until 9:00 a.m. yeah I really gonna be a marathon right yeah the next day yeah we heard there's gonna be a marathon but also Rose did what she did and as soon as it happened we all went oh [ __ ] I mean obviously I knew that was gonna happen like I actually actually envisioned me knocking her out with like a uppercut in the third round because I thought she's gonna be like overly aggressive at their certain points she would get frustrated that didn't happen because it you know she thought I was throwing a jab but yeah why do you think that I mean when you went into that fight she was such an overwhelming favorite she was thought of as being one of the pound-for-pound top fighters in anyway class and why did you think you were gonna knock her out because everybody tries to take her down everybody's so desperate for the takedown that it's like her striking I mean this from what I see it's I mean I sit across from Valentina Shevchenko and like we go like back and forth like it's not a thing to me like I got Pat Barry Pat I see Barry in my corner I got Trevor Whitman in my corner and I've done Taekwondo striking like my whole life like it's not something that I've never seen before you know and just that dutch-style at Kate boxing like it's great it's hard it's very intimidating to send across room but you can you know it's very rhythmic on the beat like it's not I don't know it's it's just something that it looks scary but it's not to be scared of you know that's interesting the way you're putting it because most people thought of her as being like this very solid her fundamentals are rock-solid she's incredibly taxing yeah this is jab ya know and but you just saw that the rhythm was predictable I mean we knew everything she was gonna do before she did it just we've been watching it for a long time you know like and she is the D like I mean she's the most dominant female like these girls could not hang with her you know and she's still the best out there you know yo yo Ana's been on the radar since she be Carla like we knew that that was the fight as soon as she'd be calling it was just how are we gonna get there like what route are we gonna take to get there and so when the fight came around a big a big this whole this entire training camp was mental it wasn't physical the whole training camp every day was mental mentality mind mental mental strength just mental mental mental the entire training camp and one of the keys to the fight was knowing what she's going to do before she does it I mean not just in the fight but in the interviews in the press conference backstage backstage like we we we knew everything that was gonna happen and it all happened exactly the way we know it was going to we this was this was an excellent dissection of a person of an athlete now what is the feeling like having gone through that having accomplished it having literally blown it out of the water right you smashed in the first round crazy moment yeah now I got to do it again I know what's the thought process um you know just you can't make the Mona Lisa twice you know like so it can't be the same approach you know it has to be something different it has to be but you know at the same time and if any broke don't fix it either so like it's got to be a combination of like you know we're going to keep doing what we're doing but you know keep getting better obviously all the time we don't we don't prepare for one in particular person it's always we're roses on the road to getting her black belt and that's what that's what the mission is I mean of course we do get into particulars based on who it is but that's only for a very short period of time the whole goal is just to make Rose a black belt in every and grappling wrestling and striking interviews everything just just become a black belt become a master of all of it that's been the goals like even another like he was saying the mentality of this last training camp it wasn't just like you know okay I'm gonna I'm in a journal which I do you know journal that we're all like you know like we talked about just doing like a float tank or something like that like those little mental exercises are great but also like whoo working on creative it was about this I just I was doing the number of ice baths you took oh yeah I did my ice bath I said yeah was the worst every day but like every day to a point where it actually became challenging for me to get the water colder because I was like this is ridiculous how should you get in and with an under now it's gotten to the point now it's been under 25 seconds like the you know me first it was like boom right like it's under twenty second twenty seconds and she's just stone-faced it's just amazing yeah the last one that I did like it's hurting so bad I was like crying like I never had I started crying like because it hurts a bit but anyway like yeah so that and then I'm a lot of benefit from that yeah yeah I do like I I mean the yeah reduction of inflammation mm-hmm yeah and they're just like mentally and emotionally - right um you know cause it's like why is this so scary but it hurts you know yeah but it's good I mean if you can get in the cold ice bath and nobody st. across musn't scare you [Applause]
Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 332,933
Rating: 4.9140658 out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of, Rose Namajunas, Joanna Jędrzejczyk
Id: zFe4xchhkzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2018
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