Joe Rogan Getting Emotional Talking About Rose Namajunas and Pat Barry

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it's two of the best women in the world well not just there's a few in the ufc that are really exceptional there's one who's really interesting her name is rose nama eunice and she's uh an intensely like sweet person she's super emotional like there was a video of uh of me interviewing her after she just rewon her title and i was talking about her her mindset she find that on my instagram because like i was talking to her after she won the title it was this amazing thing she knocked out this girl zhang wei lee who's this monster she's terrifying she's this physical specimen and she knocked her out with a head kick in the first round it was crazy but before the fight she was like almost in a trance and she was standing there while they were getting ready and she's going i'm the best i'm the best she was standing there like like this is after she won the title but give it give us a volume well this girl just got knocked out but back it up back it up he's that's pat berry that's her boyfriend and her trainer and he's like who's the best she's like i'm the best and so they they there's these they they give her the title and then i talk to her about it and when i'm talking to her she's emotional she's crying and i cried i totally cried this is the first time i ever cried again during an interview the first time but god did it man i i really just had to have faith in him that's what got me through you were so focused before the fight started you were standing over there and as bruce buffer was saying your name you were saying to yourself i'm the best i'm the best i am the best see do you understand that has nothing to do with male savagery that has nothing to do with male savagery it has nothing to do with males that has to do with someone trying to overcome all of the obstacles that are in in play when you're trying to be great that's what that is it has nothing to do with men she's like one of the most feminine people ever she's beautiful she shaves her head so she doesn't have to think about her hair but if you see her with long hair she's a gorgeous one she looks like a model it's like it has nothing to do with deers it has nothing to do with men beating each other up there's nothing to do with brutishness it has to do with high level problem solving with dire physical consequences and the reward you see the reward she's the champion of the world that's how beautiful she is yeah she's [ __ ] stunning she's gorgeous she's gorgeous and she is the champion of the [ __ ] world she's the 115 pound champion of the world she's tiny yeah well she weighs 115 for a brief amount of time okay she really probably weighs like 125 and she cuts weight okay that's what they do see that so that that's she's a great example because she there's nothing about her that's aggressive nothing about her that's brutish when when she won the title the first time was interviewing her one of the things she was saying is we have to be better people she like had this message while i was interviewing her in the cage after winning a fight and she's like we got to be nicer to each other that was her message it's not it's about transcending whatever you whatever you think you are and becoming something better that's what it's about see look at you see i told you now we're basically it's intense because i didn't obviously understand at all i've heard you talk about it and it's really i hate to say it but deep it's very intense and i didn't understand because uh you know in my life i work hard i try to improve myself and i feel like a lot of people who are really driven that way have some demons or something they're trying to prove or overcome um and maybe what you're doing and what you're involved in you know because i asked you couldn't you just um
Channel: August Rein
Views: 701,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3ibTzqChGeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 24sec (264 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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