Joe Rogan on the Aziz Ansari Story

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yeah and I think we're and also I think one of the things that's going on this is one thing that's empowered the women's movement empowered a lot of other movements is access to information correct it's radical it's happening so fast and it's it's inundating us and we have to catch up to it it's like it's happening so goddamn quickly that we're just trying to okay what what is okay now what's not okay now what can we do what can we not do right and access to each other never before have ten women all assaulted by the same man been able to meet each other right well how else would we run into hey were you assaulted by that guy by any chance like we're able to find each other I'm Jamie were you talking about Steve Carell in the office was at you that was talking about that yeah you watched the old episodes of the office which is not that long ago yeah he was such a creep he was kind of like bumbling yeah you know like it was I think the percept said where our girl shows up to sell purses and he's just like makes a big to-do just like you can have the conference room and guess what I just got this espresso maker don't make me give it to you cuz I won't oh you need a ride home I'll give you a ride home but you're creepier do the right thing was a very particular creepy thing based on today's like world right and I think that like I mean and what I know about the English version I don't know what the intention was for the American version the idea was to make him kind of polarizing and I make it's it makes you uncomfortable and he you know it's crazy that it wasn't that long ago yeah it was like but it's like you know it's like you know it's interesting because so much of this is is almost it's because it's so intangible it's hard to explain and I think this is why a lot of guys are getting annoyed because when you get granular about it it makes us seem like we're just being crazy because so it's like you hug me at the Comedy Store and it feels different than when let's call him Joe Blow hugs me there's just something creepy about Joe Blow and there's something not creepy about you and I can't explain it and I can't tell you why and I sound crazy and manic and history that doesn't sound because that's the same way with gay guys there's certain gay guys that hug me where it's creepy there's certain gay guys that hug me on the out anybody but there's certain guys that hug me and like what's up I'm a hug and it's all just warm and friendly and it's cool it doesn't matter if they're gay or not but then there's other guys that they they hang on to me a little or they'll squeeze my back a little and just get these a little little extra going on like okay I think that's what like females are kind of trying to sort of say with the more granular stuff in with the Aziz story and stuff it's like I know it sounds like I'm being crazy but I promise there's something [ __ ] creepy about it and I know that I don't have proof and I don't have photo evidence but I'm but in the more I talk about it the crazier I sound but I think that that it's just making me Steve Carell thing is making me say it's like a hug that lasts a little too long I had a guy once in an office right but don't you think the Aziz store is like look you don't have to try to tank a guy's life from a bad date it seems like you both 8:8 each other out went down on each other and it's like it sounds like it sucked but then you're anonymous and then you're 22 or 23 like this is like poor judgment and here's an employee there's a lot of cruelty involved it like somebody described it as revenge porn and that's it for women yeah it's an Avenger but it's just like look this is not these are not comparable crimes to like what we've been discussing and I don't know if and I can't speak to saying who's guilty and all that sort of information but I don't think that that this person is coming forward ik waiting it to rape I think women know that there's different echelon there's rape sexual assault assault I mean look I don't know enough about I don't know were there but like I do know in my 20s I'm not saying as he's guilty again I don't know but in my 20s I had a lot of sex that I felt I was coerced into that was transactional sex that I didn't want to have you know and this is something we talked about in the female brain movie is that men are less able to read choose emotional cues on faces than women are how does that work it's so apparent so we have evolved to cry 4 times more easily because men have a harder time reading emotional cues on faces well that's why women cry so we crazier because men are designed to sort of like see movement and to hunt and right you're not designed to sort of read like Oh is she frustrated or angry you know like have you ever been on a double date with your wife and like you think that her and the other I can't imagine you on a double date that's so weird thinking about I've done those things really in the very early I've done recently but annoying yeah and you go on a double date and think you have to [ __ ] talk to the guy and he's asking you a million questions about hunting and you're like just listen to my podcast why do I have to if I can do this for free and then your wife is talking to the other girl and you think it's going well and the girl gets the car and you're like a little unwell and you're like she was such a [ __ ] I couldn't [ __ ] stand her and you're like it seemed like you guys got along great you know like has that ever happened to you my wife's not like that I was pretty she just talks and she's not like if she if she thought something was bad she would let everybody know like right away well she would just it'll be obvious or just just sort of like sometimes there's like basically and we talked about the movie it's like it's just men are not as good at reading emotions on faces so it's like if you were to say like Whitney how are you and I was like I'm fine you might just be like okay she's fine let's move on a lot of guys can't understand that there's a discrepancy between what I'm saying and how I'm saying it and it's like about just reading like how muscles move on non-human faces so it's like you can look up sort of the difference and you know so I'm not defending men in that area I think that that an interesting conversation that might come up at some point is people who have autism are really gonna be [ __ ] in all of this people who can't pick up on social cues because so much of this is nonverbal I fear that we're gonna get to a place where we're gonna have to like sign contracts and [ __ ] before we have sex and stuff because you know I I know that in my 20s and I'm freezing up just talking about it is that when men made physical advances to me I would be giving off these nonverbal cues and I wasn't saying no but my body was saying no and I'm not saying it's necessarily a guy who's supposed to like be able to read my body language but that's what was happening cuz I froze up because of my trauma response when I was scared and also we are conditioned to be submissive to men I am conditioned to feel shame if I don't [ __ ] a guy in a certain amount of time what I spent a minute if I was the opposite I thought you would feel shame if you [ __ ] a guy too quickly if you [ __ ] about a guy on the first date you feel shame but if you there's this sort of like unspoken rule that you like kind of have to [ __ ] a guy on the third day what yeah Oh totally am i do not think that Jamie's never heard of this yeah I feel like guilt and shame and I'm difficult and I'm a prude and I'm like I would I hurt you yeah this might just be me but like every I mean every girl that I know that I maybe it's just my Jenner raishin or something every guy out there's like all I gotta do is just get three dates in and we're in but think about all think about negotiation so just that just the tip is like something we joke about right but it is based in the idea of negotiating for sex so if someone is starting to say just the tip that means I've already said no and you'll come on how about just a [ __ ] and I'm like now just come on just the tip it's like we joke about it but that means that a negotiation is going on and then I've already said no and then you just get worn down and that's like transactional sex which I think women are kind of just I won't generalize about all women but I think some women are like sort of like I don't want to have that kind of transactional sex anymore and like like I feel like I'm being used as a blow-up doll and I think from what I understand that girl felt if she felt like she was like rushed through dinner and like went back and was just sort of expected to be [ __ ] and I think a lot of what's happening is that men were promised something from porn and women were promised something from romantic comedies men were promised that women like wanted all the time and women have been promised that men like want to talk to us and I think these expectations are clashing so I think it's a little bit of nature and a little bit of nurture so a lot of it being media misrepresentations of actual relationships and that's the models that people are acting on maybe yeah I think it's different for every person because every one person has a different experience with sex everyone has a different ability to read faces everyone has a different nature and nurture everyone had different [ __ ] parenting and then there's a problem with like sometimes you really shouldn't be with that person then you're there yeah and you're there and what do you do I mean I've literally had sex before just to like get out of there I don't wanna argue with this person right now but I feel like this person feels entitled to my body and I feel shame and I'm embarrassed and like it's just all this stuff that's really kind of hard to explain and I think it probably is annoying to the guy and I just like I don't want to be difficult and I've been so gas-lit to believe that I'm difficult it just gets like really messy and then by the time you figure it out you've already had sex oh [ __ ] can i my parking pass back this is part of just being a human and trying to navigate your way through the [ __ ] treacherous waters of just social interaction and sexual interactions I didn't figure it out until I was 32 years old I wasn't able to like articulate or figure out whether actually want to be having sex or not so like my advice to all my guy friends is do not have sex with girls in our under 30 cuz like I could not I didn't have the ability to even know or say what I wanted until I was but for men a lot of men feel like if you have sex with a girl who's under 30 then it's fun and you can have fun but if you have sex with a girl who's over 30 they're pressuring you into this you know relationship very quickly what's your intentions where is this going I don't know what we how we stand with our [ __ ] Walker find another one there's tinder you can find plenty of what if you like I just wanted to calm down you're like oh let's work this out I mean look how about your we're gonna have to like start talking to each other I guess and like setting expectations I know that sounds like it doesn't it [Applause]
Channel: JRE Clips
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Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of, Aziz Ansari
Id: nDzmRjo4sXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2018
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