Joe Rogan on the Real Rick Ross

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but cocaine Cowboys one and two oh my god it's that there was one year where everyone who graduated from the police academy either was murdered or went to jail every single graduate was either killed because their they had a part a part of the cocaine business or they went to jail for being corrupt Wow all of them there's more a pattern of this is true please Google this there there were at least at the time more banks per capita in Miami than anywhere else in the country because it was all used to launder cocaine money Wow yeah no [ __ ] man again man you get that level of money and as you start getting banks and stuff I'm just saying those two men documentaries I can't say enough good things about them they're so good sounds exhausting not the documentaries but the actual business of doing it well that's why you need coke coke on your own supply man that's the only way to keep up with the young kids I mean if you Rick Ross which one the real one or the real one no no the rapper Freeway Ricky no yeah yeah the real Rick Ross I know I know is the freeway Ricky yeah that's the one you want to ask you don't to ask the rapper the rapper was a prison guard do you know yes yes well you know Freeway Ricky who's been on the show a couple times sued to get his name back and to keep his dude from using his name because he was actually Rick Ross that's his actual funny story I didn't know he's on your show dude he's been on twice Rick Ross Freeway Ricky was the guy who was selling all the cocaine that paid for the Contras when the Contras are fighting the Sandinistas in Nicaragua in that hole Oliver North [ __ ] chorus Freeway Ricky was the one who was selling all the coke to these people he didn't know how he's getting these coke he didn't know he was actually getting out of people that were deep deep state deep state but I'm telling you I'm telling you to find the threshold he learned how to read it's a great style Ricky learned how to read in jail and then learned how to become a lawyer in jail and then realize they tried him for they did they hit him with three strikes but they hit him with two charges at the same time which is not how three strikes work so he went to jail for life and then got released for time for time served because they tried him incorrectly right so yeah rikes was in exactly one of his strike they were there at the same time you can't do that it has to be like you go to jail you come out you go to jail again you come out and go to jail again they go alright you're a criminal I'm gonna keep you in jail that was a height idea which is [ __ ] up what's it like sitting across the table from you he's a very nice guy very smart guy he was a tennis player man played tennis in Compton yeah couldn't [ __ ] read man couldn't read played tennis in Compton and was just seeing all these people around him that were making crazy amounts of money Wow and is a real calm nice guy and that's one of the reasons why he did so well said he wasn't this crazy buck wild dude driving Rolls Royces throwing money out the window he wasn't that guy he was like the cool calm collected John wick sort of character that kept his [ __ ] together you know and everybody respected him because of that he just was like you mean the same reason why he learned how to be a lawyer while he's in prison he's a systematic you know intelligent dude who just had a [ __ ] education you know just grew up in a very bad scary dangerous environment and you know didn't even learn to read and in jail in Lincoln the history of the Irish it and I had it was selling coke and didn't even know who he was selling it for didn't know that the people he was selling it for like the the context that he had were directly supplied by the Oliver North Bush and yeah Wow interesting man yeah Matt Wow I just have all over north for president t-shirt I wore it just to piss people off I didn't know what it meant I was like 17 the whole thing's crazy that this Rick Ross guy the rapper was actually a prison guard there's a photo of him was [ __ ] prison guard uniform on Wow I mean I liked him a lot I reckon Ross the way I do I liked it and that was a lie on with the big st. I don't know the big single I don't I do have one big one that I've sang before
Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 538,447
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Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of
Id: UyMjxwcmpoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 28sec (268 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 21 2018
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