Freeway Ricky on Why Kids Want to Be Dealers, How Not to Get Caught

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so what I found interesting is that you had managed millions and millions of dollars had hundreds of employees I guess workers and so forth he a very complicated operation with a lot of different moving parts but when you went to prison and you got your life sentence you didn't actually know how to read I didn't you were illiterate Toni a lyric which is mind-blowing I mean I guess anyone who's illiterate in America who's an adult to me is a bit mind-blowing but you never just bothered to learn how to read never never saw any any reason why I should read I didn't see where it was going to fit into my into my world okay you know if a person don't understand it's like trying to get a person to walk around with an empty bottle in a pocket they're not going to do it for what you know why would I walk around with this making my pants tight and taking up space I could put something I'm going to use okay and that's the way I looked at reading but once you got to prison then you realize that if you don't learn how to read you gonna be in there forever yeah and then you started learning how to read gradually just like I've got in the drug business I learned lesson from the drug business when when I was sitting there I started going back over my life analyzing it and then I learned that when I started a drug didn't I knew nothing about selling drugs but I wanted to learn how to sell drugs and I found out that anytime that it was something that I wanted I always found a way to get it and I approach reading the same way that it wasn't going to be easy that I was going to have to start off slow you know my celly made me my cue cards and I started off with my ABCs learning of sounds and you were how old to the touch um move 30 something 30 submarine how to read at a first grade level essentially yep yep knowing in the first grade yeah my daughter she's four and she's reading better than I could read in wow so you hear daughters actually I had more books parts but you could do that oh yeah yeah waiting yeah and my son I have a six-year-old son who he just one reading in comprehension in the first grade at his school okay so definitely they were both better at reading than I was at 35 years old but because you learn how to read you're able to start reviewing law books in your cases and ultimately you got your life sentence reduced to what like 10 years or something well first 25 25 and then I want another peel and then I want another appeal and I got it down to I think 17 okay so you're a lawyer who you spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on wasn't able to do as good of a job as you know he thought he thought that I was done you know he wouldn't even do the appeal even though he's in the documentary you will see what he says he found the issue I argued that issue with him and him debated this issue over the phone like hours and it was like no Ricky this doesn't fit you your conviction is from Texas and your other conviction is from Cincinnati that's different you know and I was like no it's not the conviction the wording the conviction was that it's the way the conviction athlete so yeah man learn how to read saved my life yeah literally that you would refer to Nancy Reagan the trap Queen hey I was just joking that day yeah yeah you know was well I mean you were at your height it was the 80s so it was Reagan on Ronald Reagan yes well Reagan yes and then later on you had Bill Clinton and under Bill Clinton more black people went to prison that under any of the president yeah yeah you know in in retrospect Bill Clinton actually said that their incarceration policies were not a good idea not none of them was Bill Clinton he heard a lot of people with he took away the 2255 as well which is well it used to be with the 2255 if you ever came up with evidence that would prove your innocence you could submit it under 2255 but under his administration you had a two year window to come up with that evidence and if you didn't come up with it in two years if you came up with it a month after oh well was there a big difference between Clinton's drug policies and Reagan's well you know I think Reagan really started to get tough a policy you know they implemented the one hundred to one ratio you know crack the particle canes right and it's just crazy because ultimately they're just as addictive yeah same drugs I mean trucks all all the scientists came in you know and testified today were the same drugs no different than you know but at the end of the day the courts went with you know Congress's recommendation and you know I got to have the guy who who who drew up the policy he's going to documentary saying that when they drew it they all knew that it was racially motivated but they so did they still did it what clinton did is he saw how ronald reagan benefited from the war on drugs so he came in and got even tougher yeah you know and this was sort of one of the one of the reasons why black people i think ultimately did really support Hillary Clinton because I think that most people of voting age had relatives who went to jail under her husband that's very possible I don't think that she really addressed us as a community either you know didn't come out and embrace us quite a few of black politicians were supporting her but at the end of the day you know blacks feel left out right now we feel abandoned unemployment rate is at an all-time high and you know it's bad in the hood right now you know most of the and and you know they use these entertainers to to justify that that we were ok you know to the brown james's and you know the Kobe's and the jay-z's and the denzel's to say in the old firs days oh look you got over but when you add those people up to the millions of have-nots then it don't it don't go out you know a couple months back I took some guys from North Carolina through downtown LA to see the homeless population and they wanted to get some footage of it and they couldn't believe it yes good road LA is pretty [ __ ] up not pretty way way too [ __ ] up I mean it's it's you know I get to travel the country now and I get to go to a lot of places and I don't think that is a skill no I worship Skid Row yeah it comes to homeless well you know you found sort of 2017 with Trump and office Jeff Sessions is now looking to make tougher drug laws once again to looking at are prosecuting marijuana federal marijuana laws it's almost seen that they want to roll back you know the legalization of marijuana deal for it yeah I heard him say that uh that they want to get tough on recreational states yeah but I don't think people are gonna go for it I think people were fed up with the wrong drugs they know that it was a crock of [ __ ] excuse my French they know that the news media all played a part of the on the hype I mean I read one time that Harvard had did a study and they showed that the babies that they were showing on TV is crack baby was actually alcoholic babies right you know babies who mother was on alcohol and not crack cocaine and it was just so minigames preying on people that uh made them lash out against people like me who basically was just trying to feed my family you know I wasn't out to to hurt nobody or see anybody do good but nobody gave me any other opportunities nobody came in and and and would show somebody who was willing to be a hard worker say I was willing to work hard you know I was willing to work as hard as anybody right and I think you would talked about how when you look at an average black kid from a poor neighborhood the first successful business person they see growing up is a drug dealer absolutely absolutely so that's who they that's what a mimic yeah that's what a respect that's what I dress like I mean look at all the dress codes you know the ice-t did the documentary called a planet rock you know and all those guys in there RZA and everybody talked about how they see like the way the drug dealers dress Yeah right yeah Run DMC dressed like the drug dealers even exactly is that so so they I mean hip-hop loves drug dealers I'm really society I'm gonna say hip-hop society society there they love drug stories yeah Al Pacino is still a star from Scarface oh yeah I mean paid in full is considered one of the greatest you know hood movies ever you know if you had to start off being a drug dealer today how would you do it well really from scratch I would go out collect me some cans and bottles raising the up $25 find the biggest drug dealer that I can that will sell $25 worth going sell that $25 turning that into $50 and just start from there I would heat as nice as I can I wouldn't buy any clothes and I would save every dime that I have what would you do not to get caught well I wouldn't be flashing I mean the cops are not and they got a tough job you know the cops got a tough job and I'm not a friend of the cop seen by no means you see these cars in my face that's from police brutality you know I've laid on the ground many times it's it on curves hundred times but they got a tough job and catching me will be even a tougher job because I would hide from them I would dress in ways that they wouldn't recognize me I would drive cars that they didn't think I was driving I would just be somebody that they least expected tell me to be some drugs I would only way I would get caught is the city would be saying freeway Rick freeway Rick okay and what you're describing is is essentially what you went through you were a low-key you dress like a bum but ultimately you got caught yeah do you know of any drug dealers major drug dealers who ended up not getting caught I'm sure some yeah I know I know firstly I don't want you to name any names but you personally know I know a couple yes you knew a couple they never went to prison never let to prison every went to prison and how did they not go to prison well they got satisfied huh they quit quit quit yeah you know they made enough money Baldwin ice house and when I say a major drug dealer seven $800,000 it's pretty major in the drug business okay you know most people don't make a hundred grand I like people think people think that selling drugs is just I mean it is easy but it's not as easy as most people think everybody in it is not a millionaire everybody who's coming cocaine heroin or whatever it is is not rich there's a few and there was a few that was able to get him a nice house buy a truck a diesel truck or a dump truck and we're able to walk away and start legitimate business we started judgment business yeah my appetite was a little bigger you know a lot of I wanted multiple businesses and my ultimate goal when I got in was to uh to get into the business and to get out I think the like of a formal education hurt me in a lot of ways you know not being able to read applications and contracts the way that they needed to be read and also my background you know where my family came from my family didn't have the wherewith to say hey Rick let's go Bob McDonald's and let's do the same thing with this McDonald's that you did with that $150 that you started with let's turn this mcdonald in the 10 mcdonald's is or let's turn this one car in the hundred cars my family wasn't a savvy savvy enough to to show me how to do that
Channel: djvlad
Views: 1,022,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VladTV, DJ Vlad, Interview, Hip-Hop, Rap, News, Gossip, Rumors, Drama, Freeway Ricky, Hillary Clinton
Id: 0fLv0T7jNc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2017
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