Joe Rogan - Neil deGrasse Tyson on Eric Dubay & Flat Earth

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religion in many ways gives you answers right now yeah without the need to sort of to research it or to go on the frontier the lack of education in the lack of the lack of curiosity about it's one of the scariest things about new generations of kids right like when the new generations are coming up if they know less than the generation before that's when we really start to freak out that would be a problem although I have good confidence in the 30 and under chance that millennial I how will you have to be I think Millennials have only ever known the Internet and devices so a reason but my son is a millennial and he's like my kids are Millennials so they're 20 ish so not 30s a little hold so 25 and under I think are the Millennials yeah but 30 when they were 10 the internet was around I know but they need a different marketing term so you can market to them differently yeah so to me I would put them in the same bin just as you were thinking there but but they they have a different relationship to science and technology of course they're not they don't fear the science or the technology they embrace it because it has shaped the civilization that has enabled their social life it has but through this like one of the things that I tweeted I think it was from Scientific American yesterday maybe was yesterday that it's a little bit misleading but one of the things they said is only 64 percent of Millennials have a strong belief these things these coasters are terrible they look great but then things stick to the Bell is it made of metal okay a metal coaster yeah see the hell is that sticks yeah that's the issue when it gets moisture you know about this we flip this over and you tip it over and then it you know what stay yeah oh because the pressure yeah the air pressure yeah okay but don't do it okay subjective truth 64% of what of Millennials are not are only 64% are convinced the world is a ball the world is a circle that lures us what is this fear oyd so what it's called oblique I mean I'd like to see how that question exactly because if they know that we are oblate and the thing is asking is earth a ball they'll say no we're in a blatant ball I'm slightly wider below the equator than at the equator so we're a pear-shaped oblate spheroid but it's not a pair that you would find normally if you found that peri this if I compare the shape like a ball so the these distinction these differences and measurements are so small that if you found it on the ground you would say this is a perfect sphere right let me tell you how how good a sphere it is right all right you ever see the the schoolroom globes the the geographic globes and you rub your finger over Nepal and you get the mmm the Himalayas yeah and you get the Rockies and so that is a gross exaggeration of reality yes do you realize if you took earth with all of its mountains valleys and hills and rep and shrunk it down to the size of a cue ball it would be smoother than any cue ball every machined yes yes think about it what think about this Joe really Joe Joe Chill listen to me you ready okay uh do you know the deepest part of Earth's crust no the Marianas Trench off the coast of the Philippines in the Pacific Ocean that's the deepest part deepest part goes six miles down okay okay so okay without doing and thinking of the depth sorry crust exact oh no no just access to the deepest part of Earth's crust the lowest point on earth surface the Marianas Trench right off the coast of the Philippines the highest point on earth surface the tip of K 1 K 2 K 1:32 this is Japan I think it's K 1 what why would you name the tallest peak K 2 it's good point I'm just I'm not a mountain climber but I'm just thinking where is K 1 okay with it's the Himalayan mountains okay in Nepal okay isn't it in Nepal I think it is yeah yeah okay so now let's say how high up is that was 28,000 feet so it's like five miles up okay right the distance between the lowest point on earth surface and the highest point on Earth's surface it's 11 miles that's here to the Comedy Store that is less than the length of Manhattan Oh yet we are 8,000 miles in diameter and those two points are very far separated from one another if you are cosmic giant and you came up to earth and you rubbed your finger over Earth's surface it would feel as smooth as a cue ball to you Wow in fact in this in this book I have a whole chapter called on being round mm-hmm which is all about this it's all about our perception of what is round and what is not I had asked you to debate want them Flat Earth guys no I don't I can't I'd no no we talked about it and we're gonna have a month I know what we do is and I think this is a diabolical plot so that the next time we can ship people on mass into orbit they all want to be the first in line because I know we're gonna send them so if they can see the round earth they're gonna be the first ones in space just so they can stop annoying the rest I do have people that have met that don't believe because they the problem with YouTube videos is it's a problem with a lot of things but one of the things about being unchecked while you're discussing things is you can say things you can use big words you can sound articulate and smooth and you can do it in a very professional-looking manner or do it passionately yes passionately convincingly charismatic Lee and you you're unchecked but if you did that in front of an expert and you showed them that along the way they go stop that's not true stop that's not what works right let me show you why this is incorrect let me show you how you can prove that this is incorrect show your objective truth but this is not happy to render your argument invalid so people don't have any education and then they watch one of these YouTube clips they start actually believing that this stuff makes sense because it's unchecked and I would say it's not about whether they've had education it's about whether the education they had teaches them skepticism of information and teaches them how to inquire you realize it's just as intellectually lazy to believe everything you see as it is to deny everything you see yes why should someone know automatically that earth isn't flat yet I tell them in the next breath that the entire universe was once as small as a marble right both of those sound Quilly preposterous except one has evidence to back it and the other does not and very strong scientific theoretical and experimental underpinnings so when you are trained to inquire you don't either believe everything outright or reject everything outright you're trained to ask questions you're trained to probe deeper than the layer of information that comes to you that's what should be taught in school and it's not they give you a book and say learn this yeah and you'll get tested on it and then when you're done learn this well listen also there's a problem with being in X or oblique connected to your first belief do you when you have an idea and it's in your head it's very difficult for people to shake that idea and they start arguing that idea that idea becomes a part of their identity and they dig their heels in deeper an opposing view is presented because they connect themselves to these ideas right it's it is who they are right right and so I I try not to base my character profile on something that is not yet verified as objective truth and that's a very good thing to do it's one of the reasons why I don't have tattoos on my body oh oh good stretch in my face go on one of the reasons is there's nothing I am so sure about that I want to put it indelibly on my skin well no no that's not let me say differently there's nothing I value in my mind body and soul so much in this moment that I want to indelibly etched it on my skin because I want to leave room for me to have a possibly more enlightening thought later
Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 2,633,191
Rating: 4.6262851 out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of, Neil deGrasse Tyson, flat earth, eric dubay
Id: YjWn23pEl3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 22 2018
Reddit Comments

I'd like to see your Pear-shaped Earth, NDT, lol

Also typical ball earther rebuttal: Let's talk about the PEOPLE not about actual FE claims and evidence. Ad Hominem. It's all ball believers ever have.

The real FE debunk video does not exist. No single ball defender including NDT can take a P1000 and show us that the pics FE take with them are faked. No single ball defender can take a P1000 and show us the curve. No single ball defender can get around the fact that water is level, except by denying it and never ever mentioning that water can freeze over and will then have flat ice on top.

But, FE can take their P1000 GlobeKiller and completely ERASE any idea of curve. And it's growing and growing, because, we can prove there is no curve. I hope to see NDT sweat in a chair before Congress, trying to explain why he lied about the ball; that day is coming.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MaraCass 📅︎︎ Oct 24 2018 🗫︎ replies
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