Joe Rogan on Life After Death

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the Joe Rogan experience like I'm watching this show Vikings right and oh man it pissed me off episode 2 this guy puts his feet up on the table and he's got rubber bottom soles of his shoe mic you [ __ ] he has a heel that's clearly made in a factory and there's like this textured plastic bottom to his shoe like how did no one catch this you guys have this amazing wardrobe and all these ships and I'll take a picture of it no I'll put it up on my Instagram later it's so dumb it made me angry but I'm watching this and I'm like how do we know this was how they talked how do we know this is what they did how do we this is some weird interpretation of some historical events really hard to interpret and of course thoughts don't fossilize oh no I start off early in the book about you know who are the first people to figure out we're gonna die right and become aware of our own mortality in a way that well maybe I can conceive of being somewhere else I don't actually die so we know you know elephants grieve and mammals grieve and you know dissertations dolphins whales and so on and chimps say you know they feel these mothers are just just depressed and almost suicidal when their infants die but that's different from you know conceiving of like well I know I'm going to die because I see people around me gonna die but I can conceive of maybe some other place to go so I start off with something of a paradox that if I ask you to imagine yourself dead you can't do it because to imagine anything you have to be alive so it's not gonna be like falling asleep and waking up the next morning because you have dreams or whatever it's gonna be more like general anesthesia where it's you know 10 9 8 boom boom lights out and you end but you just never wake up so and we and so we talk about things like well there's nothing after death but but even the word no thing implies there's a thing or you know you're going to this place this nother there's there's nothing well no thing or nowhere it implies that there's aware that you're not going to but there's not even aware that you're not going to and it's like you know with Lawrence Krauss and some of these cosmologists you know what was there before the Big Bang so when you say well imagine no universe you know no stars or planets or gay Lexie's no light but there's not even any space or time and at some point you just we don't have the words to even say what it is we're trying to talk about there's there's nothing before the Big Bang you can't even actually talk about it well don't they think now though that it's in part it's entirely possible that the Big Bang is like a cycle yes well I think it's something like that it expands and contracts infinitely forever yeah that that's a preferable well again we have to come up with some way to talk about it so don't we also have this weird biological idea based on our own limitations that there's a birth and a death of everything right so I actually have a chapter devoted to Deepak Chopra in the Eastern kind of buddies now yeah I went to his Center down in Carlsbad and spent some time there and I think he's all right he's a good guy yeah no he's totally a good guy I mean he's been and at times in the past either misleading or misled yes sometimes that's right you know some of his recommendations for dietary things or whatever perhaps but I know for sure because I've gotten to know him pretty well that he totally believes the stuff he says it sounds like woowoo as I used to call it but a lot of it if you interpret it from a kind of a Buddhist Western Buddhist position you know when he says you know consciousness is the ground of all being it's the ontological primitive these things that sound nonsensical but if you think about it it's sort of from a simple perspective the entire universe is in your brain and when you cease to exist the universe ceases to exist are you but you're in your brain mm-hmm you know I call that the weak consciousness principle it's just sort of true by definition now he goes a little bit further and says you know that consciousness is everything and that we bring into existence material stuff by thinking about our observing and or whatever and here's some quantum physics experiments that are really spooky it's like okay time out you know quantum physics is weird and spooky consciousness is weird and spooky that doesn't mean they're connected he thinks they are so it's a debatable point okay but still the the experience of going and so we did the meditation thing and all the massages and teas and the food and all that stuff and it's it's this beachside Resort in Carlsbad you can't help but feeling better like yeah this stuff works where's Carlsbad it's down by Antoninus north of San Diego beautiful totally beautiful yeah he's got a deep box not done and he's got a good thing going and not just deep buck you know there's other people like Sam Harris Bob Wright has a new book out called why Buddhism is true okay so it works so we're back to does it work what do you mean by does it work not just for me I had an experience and I felt better we got to do better than that for science so what Deepak and Bob Wright are talking about is that is that the Western version of Buddhism may actually work medically it may you know lower stress hormones in your body the lower blood pressure these kinds of things that are measurable because that's what we want to know from a Western scientific perspective not just do I feel better but 67% of the people who did this particular treatment they got better by these measurable criteria okay that's that seems fair enough to me I'm open to that hmm now this idea that there's nothing or no thing that we can't even we can't even wrap our head around nothing because we think of a thing there's no thing but there's never a thing right right but how do we or why why don't we just say we don't know why don't we speculate on the possibility of consciousness being some sort of ethereal thing or something that exists outside of the Bible we don't know we really don't that's what I say I conclude and you know I don't know if there's an afterlife or not at very end of the book we can come back to this later I just say it doesn't really matter whether there's an afterlife or not because we don't live in the afterlife we live in this slot so this is the time you got to do whatever you got to do I called this alvey's error Alvie is Alvy Singer Woody Allen's character in Annie Hall I remember the scene early in the movie where he is a flashback as a young boy and as he's in this psychiatrist office with his mom and you know what's the problem he won't do his homework you won't do your homework why won't you do your homework Alby says the universe is expanding he says the universe is expanding does the universe is everything there is and if it's expanding one day it's all gonna blow apart so nothing really matters I'm not gonna do my homework and his father yells at him what does the universe got to do this we live in Brooklyn Brooklyn is not expanding that's my sort of take-home message we don't live in the afterlife right or before the universe or after the you now that matters I mean it's interesting to talk about but we live in this life yeah so this is what really counts they're fascinating things to contemplate but ultimately really for practicality sake you really should be paying attention to life totally I mean this is why I tell Deepak all the time he says well you know Michael this table is actually made of atoms that are mostly empty space and the quantum physicist cording to Sean Carroll that's not correct over there right yeah he explained that yeah the idea of empty space he's like that's no that's just a poor way of describing okay and I would defer to him and let him describe it he also described the super positions like particles subatomic particles being a superposition where they're in a state of moving and not moving at the same time okay he explained that in a way that completely [ __ ] my head up too I thought I didn't think I had it figured out but I thought I had a definition that at least was like okay well it's this even though I don't understand and he's like no it's not even that okay yes I refer to be please if you're interested go to the John Carroll podcast well as I understand it anyway that it doesn't really matter because the atoms are jiggling in a way that this is solid you could tell it's solid and this is the level we live at so there's so many drop this on your head you're in trouble that's right yeah so again we don't live in a quantum world we live in a macro world where it's this kind of stuff does matter okay so you know so for Deepak the whole Western Way of thinking scientifically there's a beginning and an end time is a linear thing that we can measure and there's birth and death all that is the wrong way to think about it that the Buddhist way is that it's just all consciousness and when you die you return to the conscious state you were before you were in before you were born so so the physical body is just an instantiation of this conscious thing whatever this is and and okay you know I don't know you know I'd be surprised but I'll be pleasantly surprised I'll tell you that if it turns out close my eyes for the last time and I wake up and you know there's Deepak and you know whoever my friends Carl Sagan and Stephen Jay Gould and all the greats Asimov over there everybody's there hich is there you know it's like oh boy okay this isn't this isn't hell if that's true you know I'm not against any of this just like I'm not against Ray Kurzweil in these guys figuring out that we can live 200 years or 300 years great if you can do it you know but let's just you know so when they say to me Shermer don't you want to live to be 500 it's like just get me 280 without prostate cancer give me the 90 without Alzheimer's you know hundred get me no hundred so I'm not on a morphine drip in a bed you know just quality of life incremental a year by year and if it turns out you solve these problems and we lived 150 200 then we have a bunch of other problems we don't even know about yet okay well I think there's some beauty in temporary things that we for whatever reason we're we're avoiding that concept we were terrified of things ending there's beauty in things being temporary right you don't want to go to see a movie that's a hundred hours long movies a great movie minutes 90 minutes you're in you're out maybe two hours if it's three hours of it's Blade Runner or something it's something crazy like I quote Christopher Hitchens in my book cause I love his analogy first of all you're at the party and and death taps you on the shoulder says you have to leave and worse the party is gonna go on without you and they're gonna all have fun it's like oh no but if the Christian version of heaven and hell is real you're tap on the shoulder at the party until you can never leave the party it's like oh that's even worse I don't want to do anything forever right and imagine the classical version of what heaven is like a guy with harp and there's a bunch of babies with wings like what or even that aside that there that this Y hich called it celestial North Korea you have a dictator that knows all of your thoughts and everything you're gonna do it's like wait a minute that does not sound like fun to me [Applause]
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Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of
Id: ai7wi8j7A6o
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Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2018
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