All Popes of the Catholic Church: St Peter - Francis
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Channel: Dieu le Roi
Views: 5,503,682
Rating: 4.7446594 out of 5
Keywords: all popes in history, all popes of the catholic church, all popes in order with pictures, vatican city, biggest church in the world, world biggest church, popes of the catholic church, all the popes in history, popes in history, all popes timeline, all catholic popes, all the popes, list of all popes, popes, history, timeline, all popes, papa, tutti i papi, soglio petrino, abemus papam, san pietro, roma, caput mundi, cum clave, stabat mater
Id: 305OOQGc2yY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2019
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