Joe Rogan is SICK of Andrew Santino & Agrees with Redbar about “Bad Friends” Podcast!

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small ones santino on j.r ii would you like some Santini let's here we know reported illness guys don't work why can I produce like the powerful Santino was on the Joe Rogan experience once again he's on this show far too much and you know what it is he opens for Rogan or they do a little tours together sometimes so Joe thinks let's go back to home base let's discuss Santino could be on one of those guys you know he's my guy on tour I'll bring them on once a month people are starting to turn on Santino now to they're starting to realize one of the top comments on this Santino clip is damn Santino looks like he hasn't slept in quite some time he's aged 10 years yeah that's what it was Wow Santino's really aged 10 years within one year and then another the second comment was yeah I don't know he looks pretty bloated right now did you see little Dickies Dave on FX oh man you got that free Hulu membership fire it up because little Dickie put out a show called Dave they got Santino on the show as his best friend the acting in this show is poor no there's no contracts at this phase it's laughable you'd even suggest such a thing stupid guy over here I just work with people on Wall Street all the time I don't know about money or business or any of that kind of stuff they're totally different we're already talking about you know the important thing was Santino looked like like they dragged him out of some puddles some River pale bloated his eyebrows are getting really bushy he's getting very craggly his lips are becoming chapped in blue something going on with him so it's nice to see that people are picking on his looks this is one of his top things just looks his beauty exactly it wouldn't be so fun to pick on someone's looks if they didn't care so much about their look exactly that's the thing yeah we're not going to pick on people's looks you don't care but Santino's whole thing vanity remember trying to be sexy for the past he wears foundation sometimes I he was also caught he got hair plugs the guy's got hair plugs he used to be bald up there he got air plugs we don't like guys who get hair plugs around there we don't like people that are getting fillers to cover up their scarring of course the fillers have fallen out and we don't we don't like the soy sauce thing the dyeing of there or any of this stuff to make yourself look sexier so anyway Santino was on JRE he looked awful we've got some amazing amazing Santino moments you know he's been on JRE before everything okay he's been on JRE before we're grabbing something for it and it's usually pretty boring this time everything changes this might be one of the better well you'll see let's start from the beginning and see where this goes okay we got a great clip for you guys here today from Andrew Santino the Joe Rogan experience powerful injuries you know episode 14:38 he's an LA guy but he hand does them he is very nice look at his little T cute t-shirt let's go to our first clip cringe woman joke this is it 50 to 50 cringe woman joke what's this one about Jules oh this is just a really light one more Santino does a joke that bombed with me oh okay so we'll start light and we're gonna end our fifty to fifty being picky so it's up to you fifty to fifty these are good alright let's hear this Santino doing a light bomb a cringe woman joke I think I remember this now woman and it's woman empowerment is maybe the initial intention was to be like women were we go women but you know I look at all it might be some [ __ ] I can't say go women no women versus trans women you can say go women if it's women versus men right right I can't say go women if it's women versus trans women because trans women are women you know what I say to women joy say get back indicate change you probably do say that's what you belong you do say yeah you didn't have anything to say knew these things we're going bad you can't riff with Joe what do you build bur I say get BEC connected tune and then Joe doesn't play along with him let's watch that again that was pretty crane that's transwoman kiss cheerio Elementor women you know what I say to women joy say get back in the kitchen that's what you belongs in Joe so Joe knew that wasn't funny cuz you probably do say that you do say that now these boys have been you know finally this is a nice little moment these boys have been touring with each other for quite some time and when Joe picked Santino we said how do you pick Santino I could just spend every day with this guy I'm just sick of him don't you see through don't you see his sly meanness but you know he never showed any signs of seeing through and seeing the Santino that we see however this episode changed things for us this is the very first time we see Joe being a little short with Santino you can see it here in this clip you're gonna see it in these other ones it's almost like they're getting sick of each other remember that when you'd be hanging out with a kid in seventh grade you spend every day with them and then your mom would say you know you gotta spend some time apart I think you guys started to get sick of each other yeah Joe Rogan is starting to get sick of Santino making fun of his little joke so it starts light let's hear that again can dick kick change you probably do this that's where you belong so you do say that yeah that's how I say [ __ ] terrible so [ __ ] terrible [ __ ] terrible [ __ ] terrible why why is it terrible what I say to women joy say get back into kitchen probably do say that's what you belong so you do say that yeah that's how I say [ __ ] terrible so find out if that meant Santino does have fake laugh laugh what they love is messy like to McEntee glanced at Jamie to laugh at them but then Jamie ders has a complete story oh yeah Jamie has never laughed at any of these guys then we go to this is the good part to 2115 this is the big one yes maybe we should do a stretch before this one we should this is the big one shouts to the sky let me line up this time code 2 21 15 to 21 15 this is good M is completely shatters Andrew Santino's reality here what do they say to 21 15 here we are it's coming the show bad friends Andrew Santino I think to run their 3rd or 4th episode we made a video about them the day their podcast was released called bad sets it's awful remember this video doing very well on our YouTube right now and we really focused in on how awful their set was I don't think I have to remind you remember the baby blues said it at a shelf people know about this band it's a very reasonable critique very reasonable critique and we were met with some hostility by their fans you know the worst one of the hardest things that I have to go through day in and day out is unwinding all these dolia and Santino fans they've been fully tricked I mean Joe Rogan co-signed to these boys told them they were good and you got a lot of guys millions of guys it's like untangling a pair of headphones effort you got a folk yes one of those giant balls a shoelace is all [ __ ] up we're we're it's gonna be a long process might take me months but I'm willing to be patient one not after the next however we're about to watch a clip where Joe Rogan kind of parrots some of the information that I gave out in that video and Andrew Santino is going to shut the [ __ ] up and make him change the subject you'll see I think it speaks for itself can we play the clip oh yeah they're discussing Joe Rogan's gonna bring up oh I heard you started a podcast with Bobby Lee's still doing that podcast here let's watch this is the real world about those golf shoes I got to also jealous and I love this jealous Jamie Jamie just get some great stacks Jamie Scott's a gradualism it's all love Jamie you're gonna lop none of it you still do in the podcast of bobbili yes that's a weird you still doing that podcast with Robbie Lee you mean the one we just started now either Santino tells Joe exactly what's going on and Joe just doesn't care so maybe he and seems like yeah started a podcast with matically yeah did I promote it I want to come on up promote it yeah fine and then when he finally comes on you still do in that podcast with Bobby J you idiot it's not about yeah I just started it that's what I took so Joe not even listening these guys really Joe doesn't really care about what they have to say it's more about Joe needs somebody to talk to at talk at yes exactly Jamie it's none of it you still do in the podcast of Bobby Lee yes me and robert e lee how often send it every single week comes out on Monday it's called bad friends it's the most [ __ ] fun thing I've ever done in my life [ __ ] most fun thing I've ever done in my [ __ ] life fun hey where did you learn how to talk like that Tony see Hinchcliffe this is [ __ ] great by the way just [ __ ] crazy exactly what the [ __ ] I like to happen when I come to a [ __ ] venue and sell a bunch of [ __ ] tickets so the [ __ ] main thing doesn't [ __ ] work ah you think it's the corner the mics sound guy chord okay why don't we just switch the corner why don't we pretend like none of this ever [ __ ] happen why is it the most [ __ ] fun thing you've ever done in your [ __ ] life look at those eyes yeah what a bad guy what a bad fish let's hear some more great we talked to each other for just over an hour about a myriad of things I set up bits for him to do well we do a bunch of different new fun stuff every single week it's it's actually been doing my own podcast is fun but doing one with him has just been like you know dude he's the perfect guy for podcast everybody has a thing for you the thing for people watching he's got he's a hard he's so silly he's a fun guy and I see Joe's eyes darting towards that TV Jamie has pulled up the bad friends podcast which one is that episode one the same one that we've used so they've got the bad friends podcast pulled up and you see beautiful Andrew Santino sitting against this mini eggs purple egg shell wall with his stupid shelf he's sitting in front of what we call the bad set so this is Joe Rogan's first time seeing the bad friends podcast let's see what Joe Rogan has to say about Andrew Santino's new show you get to know him and you love him yeah like he's such a sweetheart if you go to go to this week's episode go to episode three and it's with the shelf who's the designer we Joe wit this is half of the stuff we'd get to we talk [ __ ] about it from our fans Wow what's with the shelf who's the designer and then Santino starts tripping over himself I get that set well we talk about [ __ ] with that with our fans wait what your fans wait a minute so Joe Rogan starts critiquing be awful set and Santino quickly and you know how I know Sheehan Tino is terrified right now you know I know Santino was going through the he refuses to give any eye contact to Joe he's staring at the screen he's locked into the screen he's got uh yeah yeah I know me and my friends don't worry about any of the set stuff let's not talk about the [ __ ] set because the first day his podcast came out he was pacing all day over our video so for Joe to sit here and start talking about the bad set it's really you're giving this guy I knew I mean I don't think I have to explain good kiss Joe right on the lips after watch this we didn't even show you the whole thing watch us he's such a sweetheart if you go to go to this week's episode go to episode 3 and it's with the shelf who's the designer we Joe wit this is happening so if we get to we talk [ __ ] about it from our fans who like that togethers let the producer you have a producer that decorates know we just told them to throw stuff on the wall you put some stuff on the wall get him he stay won't look at Joe just like keeps going [ __ ] we got it what listen cheering yeah let's go back to the first line of bull shambles over like 50 different things to say yeah cuz he knows like [ __ ] up so three and it's with the shelf who's the designer we Joe wit this is half of the stuff we get to we talk [ __ ] about it from our fans who put this is half we jet we talk [ __ ] about from our fan no no no your fans in fact all stuck up for you see we we got in and the best part we made fun of their set before their fans even we're able to roast them about their set so we made fun of them and their set so so brutally that their fans won't make fun of the set now because then they're giving us the power there exactly so their friends their fans don't make fun of the set they don't make fun of the set even if they had planned on making fun of their own set in joking about it with their fans that joke is ruined we took that joke that joke is ours we make fun of the set where the guys who make fun of your [ __ ] set so we try and look you'll never see Santino show stuck a via you want to see this all over again watch this like he's such a sweetheart if you go to go to this week's episode go to episode 3 and it's with the shelf who's the designer we Joe Witt this is half of the stuff we'd get to we talk [ __ ] about it from our fans this is half of the stuff yeah we talk [ __ ] on for our fans that's not even a real sentence and you don't [ __ ] just like what my favorites that I about he's seeing this too because he comes every [ __ ] man I go together previous the producer you have a producer that decorates no we just told them to throw stuff on the walls because we're like just put up some [ __ ] I know you put some stuff from the wall that represents what you love we're gonna we're gonna it's brand-new we just started the whole thing we haven't done it yet also you know you need an American flag behind you that should be what we all want to go to go to episode three go to episode three go changement CMT no don't anything about this said he's saying whatever you can to get Joe off this [ __ ] set stuff and Joe saying the exact same thing why isn't it decorated to show off your personality is this really your script do some wearing this and Santino's doing this thing he's got his eyes locked to the screen because he knows if he looks Joe and the eye is gonna start tearing up Joe might have even seen our video no Joe don't watch nuttin but here let's see if there's any bit more I think Joe said something at the end that was really bad - yeah the producer you have a producer that decorates no we just told him to throw stuff on the walls because we're like just put up some [ __ ] online you put some stuff on the wall that represents what you like we're gonna we're gonna it's brand new we just started that we haven't done it yet Oh what are you gonna hang what are you gonna hang that's gonna fix that monstrosity we're gonna we're gonna it's brand new yeah you ain't doing [ __ ] what you like we're gonna we're gonna it's brand new we just started the whole thing we haven't done it yeah also Jamie look at that respects you didn't even believe him we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna change it and Joe looks at Jamie's like yeah right listen to this guy with his bad set you know American flag behind you that should be what this is kind of awkward here Eddie he goes well seems he knows like what's going on there's another good part because you can know so Joe knows he's like who seems he knows not like he's actually taking this personally I could tell I could tell the the feeling in the room so then Joe starts trying to make fun of his own American flag another really good part coming right after this so just keep listening you look here look at you and Tina Turner [ __ ] stuff from the wall that represents what you like we're gonna we're gonna it's brand new we just started the whole thing we haven't done it yet yeah also you know you need an American flag behind you that should be what we all do now go to go to episode three go to episode three and go to the very well go to the beginning I think is this is an episode where I brought a airsoft gun to the studio Bobby with a gun is a you know who those glasses all you read the script look at those glasses you guys reading a script what is this there's solar this is exciting because when Joe does this that means Joe don't respect it no so Joe is finding holes usually if he liked something he would just go rock on man that's really cool great job yeah awesome but he's finding little things to pick apart you don't usually do that and this guy loves Kyle Dunnigan what are you guys reading the script let's see this so he don't like Santino's new podcast at all the beginning I think is but this is an episode where I brought a airsoft guns roll to the studio Bobby with a gun is a you know who those glasses are you reading a script is this your love letters to each other yeah that's reading sweet sweet nothings but Bobby got a gun I mean I gave Bobby a variation of Bobby I don't know who did that good well he always works I'm Asian he's wearing slides go to the very end go to the very very end real quick there's the airsoft gun comes out way later okay imagine if we all do that every podcast we're gonna have an American flag in the background well I'll decided to do it that way oh here it is yeah and I shoot a TV wait hold on and there's something coming up so Joe brings it back to imagine if we all had this American flag in the back of our podcast and Tim I don't even want to entertain that his eyes are glued to the TV screen I've never seen him so shook it all my existence he's really trying to show Rogan this bit where Bobby pulls out a gun Wow a fake gun yeah toy gun okay and we've been doing for 10 years yeah congratulations yeah but let's hear what Rogan thinks about this bit okay playing it let's watch we all dare eyes that every podcast we're gonna have an American flag in the background we're all decided to do it that way oh here it is yeah and I shoot a TV well completely all right people people got freaked out the thought of a real gun I think this is one you had to be there things so okay since you know that's a shoujo the podcast starts getting rattled when Joe makes fun of the set thinking about you know our giant victory here that we're gonna be having and then gets distracted by going on but you got to see the part where we pull out a fake gun and then they start playing in Joe goes looks like it's one of those had to be their thing and look at see this is Santino Santino he's got his body language don't look good honey he's hugging himself he's in full protection mode his eyes have not moved from that screen showing that he's trying to you see what he's doing here well decided to do it that way oh here it is yeah and I shoot a TV people didn't like people got freaked out they thought it was a real gun I think this is one you had to be there things cuz right now just like you with a gun yeah no no it's not I know no I'm saying but I brought an airsoft gun which is a bad way and he's going like this look at him he's grabbing his arm I yeah I know uh but uh we've never seen Santino in this hypnotist state where he's just staring doesn't have anything to say so that really got in that threw him the [ __ ] off right that's down about the set threw him off and now he's just sitting there ah I think I love Joe Rogan now and Joe so stupid that he doesn't realize he's feeding right into our little tricks well didn't like people got freaked out they thought it was a real gun I think this is one of you had to be there thing you ever see me doing this lock me up look at this arm massage he's doing he's grabbing both of his arms and going like Oh plants plants my key clients clients had to be there things cuz right now just like you with a gun yeah no no it's nice smiling to try to that's what comedians do by the way that's why it's kind of hard to catch them these days they try to smile through the all their worst problems just keep the smile on your face in the world won't see the pain oh I see the [ __ ] pain I know no I'm saying but I brought an airsoft gun which is a bad break the TV yeah Bobby their main issue the TV so I did it we're children he I run a BB like what's it shooting it's airsoft gun so BB gun yeah oh so you shot a BB at the TV yeah I think I should have gone inside Joe's like trying to find reasons that this sucks like wow riding like Joe and Jamie have been talking about Santino behind his back no to Jamie yes he keeps looking at Jamie Lee see what I mean like why are you picking apart piss you're the one who brought it up hey he's still doing that podcast with Bobby Lee and he's like yeah let's show it and everything he's showing Joe is [ __ ] on so what does Joe think maybe this is a little over the line he's kind of insulted man he's being a little bit of a bad friend but Joe's the one who told everybody to go off and do podcast but now I think Joe is seeing yes this isn't what I meant I meant do what you're passionate about and do a podcast and now I think he's seeing all of his friends how they're taking advantage of the medium and now he can't stuff it back into the box here he's going hey you're kind of making a [ __ ] show with all these podcasts and I think that's what's happening I think he's kind of you know he's doing in his own way subconsciously [ __ ] on Santino show right yeah I'm wise to see Joey remoting it well yeah why is he putting down all the moments let's hear this again children he run a BB like what's it shooting its airsoft guns a BB gun yeah oh so you shot a BB at the TV yeah that's just like I should have gone in seconds wait why so you shot up baby at the TV and he looks at Jamie that's idiot right what's going on I thought you wanted these boys doing casts raved yeah but Bob does that stuff to me only when I'm with this man white togas you shot a baby of the TV Anson - yeah in jegos this is happening so why is Joe so you know it's subtle but it's happening oh so you shot a BB at the TV yeah I think I should have gone inside a TV yeah Bob Bob does that stuff to me only when I'm with this [ __ ] smoked cigarettes in there - he started smoking again yeah not inside we make him go outside I'm just trying to find anything he can to put down this show now would you like to see Rogan disrespecting Santino once again yes is there any more to this part here you could check a couple it's played for two more seconds and then we've got it we've got some more proof of him disrespecting Santino he's he's seen he's starting to see this ain't the real deal I've been on airplanes with him he got nothing to say yeah well it comedies funny men we see he see we see he's at our last time code and the great and powerful Andrew Santino this is - 4200 - 4200 what's gonna happen here Jules another disrespect I can't see what Joe thinks about Santino's no show with little Dicky that he's here to promote Wow - 4200 is Joe gonna do another district phul moment let's find out bro we didn't talk about your show he'll a new show I got a new show isn't it come out today or something comes out today comes out today March 4th it's already March 4th comes out today how is it March 4th been abducted by aliens and times been stolen from me it comes out today on FXX and on Hulu me and little Dicky there it is talking wait wait hold on play much when you play a clip when you play a clip about what I said about the show I can't believe they left it in is that little Dickies parents that's his parents that play his parents I'm sure look at the very end there's a clip I say not keep going in me that's me talking head listen to what I say about the show you're gonna love it turn this up from the show little Dicky things gonna be one of the best shows ever so congratulations you know part of one of the best shows ever I hope I okay wait wait wait let's hear some little bit [ __ ] well Dickie thinks this is gonna be one of the best shows ever so congratulations on being part of one of the best shows ever he says okay now let's hear this I think gets a little bit worse let's watch I think it's funny the FX guy was like how do you think you know they're [ __ ] rousing me into saying something I go I think it's one of the worst shows of all time and everyone should be embarrassed to be a part of it and he's looking at me like what do you I'm like dude I'm a comedian it's a joke what the [ __ ] there's a comedy like and they explain to you what happened here so they're doing press for the show and they were asking hey what do you think about the show and Santino goes it's one of the worst shows ever I think it's gonna fail and everyone it affects was like dude no we don't you're not trolling the news with Tom Segura while doing a show we're trying to promote the show it's the opening day you're telling people that you're being an [ __ ] we didn't hire you for this you're a you know a bit part in this show it's not that they don't get your joke it's that we've done the job this is what it is you're in your contract we were hired to give these interviews you don't start saying it's the worst show ever this isn't your show so they're probably all you know the producers the people who work on the show they're probably rolling their eyes at this let's watch I go I think it's one of the worst shows of all time and everyone should be embarrassed to be a part of it and he's looking at me like what do you like dude I'm a comedian it's a joke in the [ __ ] this is a comedy like and they got took it so serious as an amazing comedy doomed know that these are the you're doomed you're doomed get the hell out of there this show is doomed so Joe Rogan in his head cuz Joe Rogan didn't know about this Joe Rogan's been pooh-poohing since he know cuz he thinks oh Santino's going on Holly what he's doing all these dumb shows so when Joe's had he don wat Santino even doing this show this was the one perfect excuse that Joe had to run in there and say don't do it even with the show Joe Joe did a little spiel about how he hates that comedians used to use comedy just to get on coms and that they don't respect it as an ass so Joe sees this here's Andrew Santino using us just to get on all these [ __ ] sitcoms you know doing this terrible performance but watch this I think this gets better like dude I'm gonna come in it's a joke what the [ __ ] this is a comedy like and they got took it so serious I do know that these are the stop it why no you know these are the guys that are doing the promo the advertising company you know they come in and be like hey tell us about the show it's like what do you want me to [ __ ] say I'm never going to do now agent shields you from that says mr. Santee agents of shield - that's when you go to a premiere when you do a premiere they ask these persons and I don't go to the premiere I have to get a better agent that doesn't put that [ __ ] oh look at this here they are they're finally at their wit's end with each other then you got to get it seen Joe lives in this fairy tale land he doesn't understand these guys got to work man they're not all the powerful rich Joe Rogan just got 30 mil among Joe really doesn't understand that they got to go out and work and Joe's going get a better agent you don't need to do any of that [ __ ] yes he does he has to do all of it look he's so replaceable they can replace him with any [ __ ] so yes he has to do all the stuff that they tell him to do and Joe soon they're like get a better agent Santino finally has had it with Joe starts making faces hit him finally watch this you don't have to you do it's in your contract you got to go get her better get a better agent that doesn't put that [ __ ] in your contract Joe see what he does you stop [ __ ] laughing this is him just baiting me to get angry about it you have the guy don't have a choice there's a fight but the show is good people watch the show it's gonna be good pardon yeah the show's good watch the show it's gonna be [ __ ] funny and if it's not at all Joe Rogan strong aggressive because you [Applause] me too you seem aggressive now you wouldn't throw that in there unless you were getting sick of Santino s OS we call a show was sick of Santino you seem aggressive Joe Rogan's is starting to notice that this Andrew Santino is a ball of [ __ ] watch this it's gonna be [ __ ] funny and if it's not at all Joe Rogan strong aggressive because you know how to get my goat laughing like you don't [ __ ] know watch the show watch the show on in town Thursday night no I go to I'm in Philly this weekend there was look at bad Andrew Santino Kingdom moralized by his buddy Joe Rogan we know report on [ __ ] that clown are all of those mean comments and are you to biddy about the set gonna be retracted I don't know I maybe Joe is just a jealous bitter troll with no contest I'll just say Bobby came with some heat in the room because he was psychologically attacked by some online trolls that attack bad friends Andrew Santino put me in a milk he's screaming and all that stuff I just didn't like Peter talking bad about me [Music] Clym makes me so [ __ ] mad recording but dude I want to choke him out and report us [ __ ] that clown sometimes I play with my butthole when I jerk off spread the legs and tuck it around he's talking bad about me Italy smack them in the [ __ ] face Slugger Santino so [ __ ] mad this is a spooky case we know reporting let's go [ __ ] that clown now zero party tolerance on my [ __ ] he know who reported killed [ __ ] this guy's they'll work breath party [ __ ] dude they [ __ ] with me report us [ __ ] that clowns tickle tickle my butthole when I jerk off spread my leg can I get down to town [ __ ] trolls every day my key trick
Views: 350,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Red Bar, Redbar, Red Bar Radio, Redbarradio, Mike David, podcast, comedy, comedy podcast, scarsclub, scars club, drama, drama channel, andrew santino, joe rogan, jre, stand up, bobby lee, bad friends, bad friends podcast, chin, bryan callen, funny moments, accents, tigerbelly, chris d'elia, ymh, lil dicky, fx, show, tv show, dave, pilot, freestyle, gun, clips, theme song, review, joey diaz, robert downey jr, fight companion, jordan peterson, text, trump, workout, miley cyrus, elon musk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 16sec (1936 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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