Redbar watches Joe Rogan embarrass himself and friends on Protect Our Parks

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so listen to this um it's protect our parks and what is protect our Parks this is Joe Rogan with three Comics he has no business hanging out with Mark Norman who's got a big problem with Joe Shane Gillis who let's face it Joe and Shane don't get a just because Joe fake laughs at Shane because he doesn't want to get caught not getting it that doesn't mean that they're meant to be they're a terrible grouping there's no chemistry it's awful and then you've got Ari shafir who is completely brain dead his special Jew wasn't good it was incredibly boring have you guys never heard of anything that happens in a Jew's life it was the same old BL I mean anybody who's watched curb knows that information or anyone who's from a Jewish family so when I saw people go dude I usually hate Ari but that uh but that of uh Jew special was brilliant oh you it was horrible we had to turn it off why don't you understand about this if I have to turn it off and it's my job to watch these things but I have to turn it off that's how you know it's terrible what else do you need to know I had to turn it off get it me so it was horrible I'm sick of people saying it was good I don't know what happened this comedy community is about as dumb as they get you could literally show them any man and say this is the new comic and they'll go we love him immediately they'll love him the next day they'll give all their time and money to anyone that appears in this scene you know as Despicable as you think you go Santino they love Santino they see no problem with him Sam telling oh they love him how so we can't even begin to understand that anymore you don't even have to understand that but that's just uh the nature of the matter but Joe Shane Gillis arish Shir and Mark Norman together there's zero chemistry there it's uh hard to watch Joe triy to you know these people are besides Ari but I I put Ari Ari has the immaturity uh immaturity of Mark Norman you know very low very young very immature Joe has no business being around these three guys they generational they're too gener generationally different to be around you're not supposed to talk an old man's not supposed to hang out with a younger guy you're really not supposed to do that it doesn't work cuz the older guys is usually being a [ __ ] a beta see a Sam Talon and hoe that's I wish that I we just watched that this morning but oh I hate that well let's open the experience and I got to thank somebody so we don't have this today but next week hopefully this will be ready we've got a system here that somebody built for us a nice extension for the browser so for time codes I don't have to go finding them and and uh clicking on them he's built a process where I can just type in the time code and hit enter and it's going to go right to it we're having some complications due to me not trusting the developer but by next week I think those will all be squared away and we'll have this sweet way to visit time codes very quickly cuz I'm very jerky and slow trying to find them on the map I go blind you know with all the hot Studio Hollywood Lights I'm a I'm a young guy and uh I really wanted to take this time to thank that developer who made this for us um because it's wonderful and I didn't treat him with such dignity you know I'm like how do I know this is safe you know you're trying to run some spyware on my machine so I don't even want to give out the developer's name cuz then you could be like please put the spyware in his thing and send it to him I still don't know if I'm going to install it I'm so scared of spyware um no but he sounds great I just did ask him about that but I did want to show him great appreciation and also offer if you get this extension working for us I'm going to reward you with I'm going to take one of the guys out of the contest week and we're going to give you 500 out of the contest money what do you think no I'm going to pay him handsomely and I really thank him for what is about to happen it's not happening now cuz we're going to do this the oldfashioned way this is protect our Parks 2075 right they've done 275 protect our Parks episodes so far okay let's pull these guys up here Shane Gillis and this one's very good we're going to we're going to bust uh Joe there's a lot of great Joe Rogan ones in this we haven't seen Joe in a couple of weeks right I know I miss him I miss a good old Joe watch okay what's our first code here uh so you can go to 1050 uh everyone knows about this but this is just setting the scene of how protect our Parks usually goes there's that Sheen goost what's she wearing today oh this isn't bad wait till you see what he wears in the next episode with Rogan some of the tops Shen Gillis ches the sports tops not this and that hat actually is one of his more pass this is one of his better fits yeah yes I gave you blood L one hour boy sorry 1 hour the first part they just talk about 1 hour and five minutes are youing 1 hour 5 minutes 0 seconds okay now what did we say takes away the overlay I already forgot about that oh not full screening it gotcha great okay so let's do that the way they think about things no can't help it I you can if technology arises okay there he is and we're going to go to 1 hour 5 Seconds yes got it see I can't wait till we 1 hour 5 minutes and zero seconds my God there's too much information it really is I mean I don't know what people think all these drinks and the weed and all this stuff and then you're on this freight train and really you can't remember these times it's a lot more complicated than you'd ever this developer's gift comes into our hands it's not going to be a gift because he's going to get paid too much money for this this thing that he made that probably is already out there it's a development it's a development that he's built 1 hour 5 minutes see this is going to really come in because this is complicated to get there on a timeline here like this I know there's no easy way to do this while talking so a usual episode of protect our Parks these three guys get sick of Joe right away and start riffing and doing their puns and Joe just sits there mad okay this is an example of that okay so yeah Joe really doesn't get their type of humor usually goes over his head and he starts getting a little nervous that he has to spend another four hours with these guys that he doesn't get a girl I dated went to a Scientology acting school had to go to this [ __ ] thing and watch what oh my God one of the things that was fascinating was they they'd have these moments where they would just like they'd give them the opportunity to are they playing something in this sure they are look I'm hitting play on just their video mind then they they call it like a private moment they would go up and like pretend to read a book and like off it was like it was so strange I was like what's going on here like why is everybody okay what's going on why is there but look I've paused just Joe Rogan can Spotify play two things at once via the one play button that's insane well you see what's happen happening right like watch I press play on just your silent right I'm pressing play on Rogan is everybody Scientologist and then was involved in one I bet and told me about it and he said that like dude that everyone was sent what is this oh Phoebe Kates was so pretty so hot she quit the business that up J she was around 17 or 18 during filming all right I can't imagine that this Christmas music would be playing in the back of Rogan in like stereo separated you know there's got to be something going on here do you have anything queued up in spot any songs or something like that playing it's playing Rogan can Spotify play two things at once if somebody pressed a bunch of buttons too fast CU that's just close it and restart it I think that might be a good idea sorry I hate closing an app I always feel like I'm shutting the door on a good friend's face quit open cuz really I can't have that Christmas music pumping out to the listeners like the can't stand Christmas music I can't stand Christmas um I'm actually trying to put an end to Christmas okay protect your oh that guy was my acting teacher and still do it it's got to be should try to convert you to Scientology whatever just skip this time everybody knows just give me the really okay go to 10550 which isn't that far away 105 50 and if that music is still playing in the background we got a big problem here right 10550 good Lord we might need to Halt uh Spotify and stuff until we get that thing installed because it's nearly impossible 108 see I can't even see this far here let me do it 10 I got it okay you can do it on your look at that oh you just go to him then from now on that's perfect got it what does it say on your is mine being weird say 10505 okay not lining up [ __ ] okay you know what we're just going to skip this Joe Rogan I really can't do it I seriously I'll start throwing stuff at the TV least see if you can go to 13610 cuz that's the best one oh my God I mean have you ever podcast Man Too aggrav aggravated over Spotify video player. G try 13610 13610 okay don't give me don't throw me all over the board again because okay 13 like you can't it's impossible I'm tell it's like you can go to 13610 you release your finger and it snaps you back to 132 it's impossible it's impossible I'm not doing it so Rogan you're off this time is so good well maybe we'll try it later I I mean I'm too give me something else okay you want Matt R you would go to 13510 you release the trigger of the mouse and then it throws you back to 13206 so I'm sitting here going am I is wild so then I'm going to think am I going [ __ ] it feels like your mind is stopped working were you able to do it just now uh see is it on 13610 now you'll see okay it's it is for you it is now 13607 okay is that good yeah okay watch this get surgery cover no no don't allow this AI cover it wasn't a real it was Ani a version Oh Jamie if you don't play Paul McCartney not AI cover we're not going hold on a second please everyone's talking what is AI which one what do you mean what is me no which which video that we Mercury thing Freddy Mercury singing was not real back up back up are you playing the EP part one episode Jules you're playing part two that's that's why you're the one who selected this okay okay here's part one let's try this again only give me ones that are going to be I want to fall on the ground laughing at this time code okay because it's anything that I even have to try to explain I'm going to go berserk can go to 13610 here's this check it out the Joe ran I mean we need this guy more than ever I really shouldn't have been so weary about maybe I should have just got mware 13610 okay we're going to try it 13605 here we go okay Joe Rogan's wearing these great glasses this is going to be classic would love to see you do itar and still [ __ ] around well here's the thing's your favorite color here's the thing we were just talking about this because stavos was on my podcast stavos stavos she calls him stavos okay so I was Jing about that at the beginning stav Rose which is what everyone calls him which is what he calls himself which is what it is Joe accidentally called him like I have many times in the past before I got to know him star rose was just sitting across from Joe the other day where Joe pretended to love him they've met each other many times he's performed at the mothership many times they've spoken for hours and hours and hours on end they are good friends Joe called him [Music] stavos and watch him try to explain this one away not only does he mess up call him the wrong name that's the name I used to call him too but he tries to deceitfully get out of it I've never seen a cover up of this sort wait till you see the spin that he tries to put on his screw up to get out of this one Biden me and him and and Biden that's fun I would love to see you do it and still [ __ ] around hilar here's the thing question what's your favorite color here's the thing we were just talking about this because stavos was on my podcast stavos stavos baby yeah how do you say it right stav Rose but do you say Rose or you say stavos stav Ro maybe maybe if you're do you pronounce the rose or maybe it's kind of like this reminds me of a time where a kid I was in like third grade and he he wrote I like to play sports a lot and he spelled it a o t one word and the teacher goes I'm sorry those are two separate words and the kid his name is Frank he goes maybe they could be a little closer together though so she goes no it's not a lot it's a lot he goes but maybe it could be a little closer together like you know 50 you know that's cute that's what Joe is trying to pull off right now he's going yeah but it's like stavos like you don't pronoun it's like Euros right like he's really trying to pull a fast one he knows that's not the case watch him again try to uh get out of this one it was pretty so many rap songs had Trump in them hard to rewind to the man is it flattering that he wanted you to do the got go back or what did he want the debate oh he wanted me to have debate with Biden me and him and and that's fun I would love to see you do it and still [ __ ] around here's the thing question what's your favorite color here's the thing we were just talking about this because stavos was on my podcast stavos stavos baby yeah how do you say it right stav Roose but you say Rose or you say stavos stav maybe if you're yeah don't mean don't they say it like they they they they don't say St roast St roast that's better right am I saying it right yeah yeah just say St St just say stop Rose Shane's a bully to Joe just say stop Rose enough with the [ __ ] it's getting crazy I mean Joe what are you trying to pull here you forgot the guy's name you have no respect and you know why cuz you got no business being around these kids you're trying to be the this hero of all the Comedians and be in all of their lives you can't be in your son your kids lives that we've never seen ever I see northy every day there's no excuse there's no excuse that your wife and kids have never been seen and you're this famous and big there's no excuse to oh you know there's never a story Joe Rogan's kids were at the comedy club oh I saw Joe Rogan at a barbecue place with his kids you have never been around those kids are they in a safe Panic Room under the ground is that the only time you get to play with them we see you with the dog we've never seen you with the wife and kids but you're hanging out with stavos it's really really weird that we don't and he never mentions really a story about something his kids did he's got maybe two vague kid stories that he repeats kids are like that I know that for my kids but he never tells you a specific story about we were at an ice cream parlor the kid did this stavos baby he's on the podcast he's so [ __ ] funny man we were talking about squirter he feels horrible now for not getting the name good thing you got these little glasses to block this part of your eye where it usually tears up he was wearing this [ __ ] I would love to have this by the way I me these how good would I look in these [ __ ] GL this is the best Joe's ever looked is't that something he looks great in costume I've never seen a Contraption like this there these eyeglasses which are already nice glasses on Joe without the gimmick and then he's got plastic white Japanese eyebrows a plastic white Japanese beard that are attached to the glasses with these dangling chains so that it Jiggles creating an effect that he looks better in this outfit with this hoodie I mean it all goes together he looks cool here this is the best he's ever look um but it's a shame because it's blocking the pain in his eyes from knowing that he [ __ ] up let's see those eyes and so we spent 20 minutes talking about squirters and he not himself day people were calling for me to host the Republican debates unrated we literally show we showed the studies from the Japan okay were there I'll do a couple more now um okay did you want okay you could go back to 10550 if you want this one I just thought was an interesting you could do it can to Jo I can also do it if you can't oh oh yeah you can do it okay prove it oh look at papa I landed on one where he just given a big papa face Papa pill just woke up from nap and he's excited to see his grandchild can I have $20 Papa please okay go to this D time code already you're so fast it you're so good at it it would take away the picture you okay you're right go ahead feel free to remove my art wo okay is it on 10550 10637 it says but maybe it is if I hit play Let's see what happens yep now it went to 10554 is that okay 10554 I mean we got to make decisions whatever footage of the planes hitting the towers now it's at 105 again the angel fell Fallen Tower Tower 7 Tower Pizza let's see what happens you watch The Towers fall you're just like what the [ __ ] man to records what an insane way to do it too with planes filled with passengers it's like a double attack right it's a full terror attack double attack and they ruined the airport they really ruined the airport the airport was great you go visit your friend at the gate oh see your girlfriend all yeah from the window hey we both Che on each others your friends came off the plane you were right therey up yeah you pick people up at the airport right at the gate yeah yeah those were the days we do that with my Dad we and then that [ __ ] shoe bomber douchebag is the worst one that's the worst that's so that one's so stupid one [ __ ] tries to blow his shoes up yep the underwear guy and the shoe guy underwear oh yeah what was that oh yeah there's an underwear bomber CHR we have a question about what's about to happen here you know how Mark and Joe have this they're at odds often yeah there really are at odds and Mark will make these jokes that go over Joe's head and then they are they've been famously reported and covered and it's kind of uh Joe's kind of like you know Joe doesn't really like Mark's puns frustrated when they all start riffing yeah and he doesn't really yeah he doesn't get the jokes and they go oversight he gets mad and he's been you know mocked and humiliated online for this so we're wondering if that's in his head and he's trying to prove well let's see what happens here and we'll try to figure it out for a second I was like wait am I wrong about that there was one right was I think there was China needs to have if that one doesn't go as planned you're [ __ ] and sad you're [ __ ] and sad and everybody beats you up just like sounds like my high school sounds like my high school the one listen okay all of a sudden so no one else is really laughing he goes you would end up what [ __ ] and sad you would end up [ __ ] and sad if a bomb blew up in your underwear as an airplane terrorist okay and then Mark says what Jules say Mark says that's like me in high school like me in high school no one else laughs in the room everyone's like okay but Joe dies laughing for the first first time at one of Mark Norman's jokes almost as if he's trying to prove that he gets Norman's jokes the only other option here is that he hates Norman so much that he's actually laughing like a hyena because he's picturing Mark being a [ __ ] loser that's really funny to him I'm not sure let's is sad the Mark Norman story is sad everybody wants to beat you up oh my God you like that huh oh my God that's funny really why is that so funny Catching Fire and then a bunch of patriots beating the [ __ ] out even so Mark kind of knows you'll see Mark kind of know he's like is Joe [ __ ] with me here why is he all of a sudden laughing at me being a [ __ ] loser he doesn't laugh at anything I say and now he's laughing a [ __ ] loser what is going on well Mark is going to strike back yeah and Mark I don't know if anyone's covered this yet this is big you know Joe what do people say about Joe Rogan he's 53 right look at these sleeves are getting piratic like a pirate costume piratic uh Joe Rogan is 53 they had a skyriter right that in the air now the only one who doesn't really like Joe Rogan short jokes is Joe himself Joe still does not want to believe he's short okay he works out every day to widen because if he can't be tall he's going to be wide right we've seen a lot of short guys pych substance does this Aaron Berg does this a lot of guys the opene twins if they can't be tall they're going to be wide which actually shortens them to the naked eye they look shorter and stupider when Joe Rogan was on uh news radio and all these shows and when he had hair we never thought of him as a short guy no one did you just thought of him as a I mean maybe you knew he was short but it wasn't like oh my God look at this [ __ ] vile [ __ ] you know uh uh what do they call that movie wiggle just your chest uh a shimmy yeah look at this [ __ ] [ __ ] doing a [ __ ] shimmy shimmying in they shimmy they don't walk that's what happens when you wide in as a short person you actually get far more bizarre looking and you start you do a little shimmy so Jo don't like height stuff what time are you already there 12330 I'm going to let you do it cuz it keeps getting messed up great 12330 and Spotify this will be the last week this is also the last week of these in ears the custom in ears will be here next week this is going to be a remk this show might get like 30 times better because I could the sound quality okay 12330 thank you and always do that to me always just keep repeating time codes over and over and over again because I'm never listening 12330 God forbid I get there okay 12303 that's pretty far away but wait I could do a 15sec increase Perfect Look at that 12323 amazing right 123 yep okay we get that right was that Hitler and the the veness how weird is bending KN is disrespectful okay so Joe's all high and stupid they're talking about Napoleon's grave he goes how weird is bending your knees disrespectful which doesn't make sense how weird is bending your knees disrespectful this is what he said and they're going what what bending your knee listen some ways respectful or yeah or it somehow another compromises you well you're disrespected yeah I get it though even when you're dead you're making somebody in the future have to adjust for you yeah boy that's pretty sick that's weird it doesn't bother me no of course you wouldn't well you're 4 fo8 yeah but over what did you just say catch that again there compromises you well the you're disrespected yeah I get it though even when you're dead somebody in the future have to adjust for you yeah that's pretty sick that's weird it doesn't bother no of course you wouldn't well you're 4 fo8 yeah but even if you're 4 foot eight says Mark and what does Joe do look at Joe's face yeah but Joe couldn't [ __ ] believe this is what Joe did did he just say that [ __ ] did he just say that [ __ ] [ __ ] just talk pretend you didn't hear that's the lowest been accused of and especially from Mark Norman this guy that you've never understood why anyone likes him and he calls you 48 to your face then you come up with this big excuse yeah but over you bend over that is true I I rarely have to duck he won't look at us I just wouldn't understand why anyone would give a [ __ ] let's see if he ever looks at him is he peering over at Mark he didn't want to look at Mark until he could compose himself he heard Mark say forfeit he went like this when he was ready and look at this face that he's making look how mad he is see this that's a straight line he can't believe somebody would step to him like that he just can't believe it they're already thereit you're going I'm not [ __ ] bending down for anybody joke world would watch this and think it's four buddies getting along huh that joke world don't know nothing were there any more from this yeah you want 13240 13240 let's go I'm getting good at this you're doing great thank you no more Spotify after this for the rest of the day till next week look at this one wait say it again 13240 where you were at it's good it's fine oh great look check the exact yeah yeah you can see pictures of his wife on a plane heard Jackson's wife was hot video him of him talking like a comic like this [ __ ] that he said about about electric tanks they're going to make tanks they're going to be electric okay we've got Joe's first Trump impression have you ever wondered what Joe's Trump impression is like well you're about to hear it he's finally debuting his Trump impression here it is Joe Rogan's first time ever doing a trump impression and it sounds great you can see pictures of his wife on a plane like wife was hot video him of him talking like a comic like this [ __ ] that he said about electric tanks they're going to make tanks they're going to be electric they're going to be good for the environment and they're going to blow the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of everything they're making tanks they're B for the environment that's like my trump kind blow the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of everybody that's what makes Trump cool to you sometimes he forget why would you want somebody blowing the [ __ ] out of anybody was there any more here uh 21445 our final45 do I need to know anything about this one it'll be obvious okay 21445 I thought that was a great Trump by the way 24 they've got tanks sorry we like a good Trump and he's trying to do it in front of Shane cuz he knows Shane is Shane oh Shane practices that Trump okay what was his time 2445 perfect look at this it in thisle this size what's that you want this size hole bigger oh they're shotgunning beers okay which would make you full and tired okay you don't need to shotgun beers and especially Joe doesn't really shotgun beers as you'll see but they do this thing where they shotgun BD lights Joe will bring up how Shane saved BD light by the way in him the UFC is the official sponsor of BDL now is that true or BD light's the official sponsor of UFC so budlight stock goes down and they run out to try to save the company so they advertise remember Bud budlight was boycotted right because of the transwoman we spent a lot of time boycotting Bud Light and now the UFC has they're you know they've teamed up for the biggest you know uh collab ation and history as far as bu light's concerned so why aren't we boycotting Dana White the boycott must continue we don't stop just because oh well Dana White got him so now as long as the trans person got hurt which I agree with in this case believe me I agree but you must carry on the boycott the boycott doesn't stop because Dana White says it stops now you boycott Dana White for being in cahoots with the Trans Beer Company sorry no more MMA shut it down no more pay-per-view no more going to the concerts he's done of course so I don't I don't understand how that doesn't carry over so budlight is back and Bud light's watching all this going you got to be [ __ ] kidding me seriously we went through all that for them to not even really care they don't even really care we thought this was the beer of the fot watch Joe's going to shotgun a beer I've never seen anything like this except for me drinking every drink or opening any beer or any bottle so watch this make it a little bigger bigger is easier can I use the eagle yeah that's good I I like the eag I like you struggling Jo I like you're having a bit of a he's getting nervous watch him mine come yeah watch Joe he's going to shotgun a beer this is incredible we're doing it old school boys moral com we're doing it Luke style yeah okay luk Style got wait for uh for Luke Marcus he's nervous oh look at him there you go he doesn't know what to do here we go Nei do I count of 22 wait a minute look at him he nervous it's Christmas it's Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas I love you guys so much I love you guys too yeah let's go watch this look what he's doing the beer spills all over him did you see how much beer spilled out and he's just acting like that's normal let me cut you back it's worth it here we go count of 22 watch how much beer spills out and then he doesn't acknowledge it it's Christmas Merry Christmas mer Christmas I love you guys so much I love you guys yeah let's go look at this spilling all that was a a river no one else spilling by the way he's covered he's covered in baby be thing already walking away here's the thing too this um I've got some in here too no no no no one else has any left so he spills half the beer on him he drinks about two dang ships and then he goes I got a lot left in here I think you know shotgunning it's still leaves a lot left meanwhile all the other cans are dry Shane's can is dry as if a vacuum cleaner sucked it all out even arish sha feir you know a crippled Jew is able to do this but Joe is covered in beer he doesn't acknowledge you know if you soak yourself in beer that's enough to soak through a hoodie he pretends it didn't happen I hope people saw how much out look at he's soaked he's soaked right now and he won't acknowledge it and now he's going there's still a little left I guess that's just what happens right like it's not easy to get it all you got to go not this way but but that thing is but what I'm saying is the the eagle's way better eag good that's empty the Eagle's purean touch in here still the Eagles football team oh and then he has to prove that he could finish it he goes I got a touch in here still I've never seen him this nervous and now he's going to drink the rest of the queer it's still good it's pretty empty look this is pretty empty too but look what Shane look what I have to do Shane look what I have to do J hers is going to be good Shane's embarrassed swishing around to get the last out what I'm saying is just like the Eagle's the only way to well it doesn't happen with Shane he doesn't have to swis [ __ ] no spills he's shotgunning it that's important it's very important to do this right you've been humiliated once again should we shotgun this shot you guys want to shotgun a shot with me throw on some n Kanye do you have that available this new Kanye is the best music I've ever heard oh I don't think I do believe that look at this shirt I got this is $7,000 from uh Sports World which is a company that resells Sports clothing what is that called that market place owned by that Jew who's that guy who racks up the prices of stuff stock x uh oh oh you ever you stock X it takes about four or five weeks to get your item and then it's been touched by the hands of shadester before it come uh that's where I got this do we have the music I sent you a link it's not we're going to drink together we're going to shotgun a shot oh there was another guy too there was another guy too who said M I go oh wait I got to tell you this whole story so there's this guy goes Mike you can't be drinking Jim Beam we need you you got to think
Channel: RedBar Fools clips
Views: 42,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 21sec (2181 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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