Redbar Watches Tony Hinchcliffe SUCK on the Howie Mandel podcast

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well here he is on Howe manow in a segment we like to call who's more rotten this hoe mandal I've warned you of him before you know but I'm starting to figure out what's going on with this Howie and maybe you'll see it maybe you'll pick up on this as we go through here's Howie in his hotel he's in Austin clout chasing in Austin you know might be more of a cloud chaser than jelly roll at least jelly roll is kind of I haven't busted jelly roll being too mean but this Howie Mandel is an a-hole certified a-hole I mean look how he's dressed here head to toe Teddy fresh it it doesn't matter where the clout comes from if you get views Howie is up your ass right now and trying to get in there but it's weird with Howie because remember Howie has been a comedian since the days of Richard prior how he's been a famous comedian since all of our Lives started when I was first born how he comedi how Mel was one of the top comics curly hair Bobby's World we've seen him on TV all of our lives and all of a sudden he wants to get back into comedy right we haven't really seen him in the standup World up until about you know when he started this podcast here uh and sure certainly nobody ever references Howie mandal in any of the great standup stories I've ever heard think back to all those Opie and Anthony episodes all the episodes of Joe Rogan and Mark Marin that we've all heard nobody talks about hoe Mandell or Howie mandell's Legacy and now all of a sudden Howe Mandel's back and it's almost like he sees this new scene of comedians he sees how big and rich everyone's gotten and he kind of wants to do some adjusting and very quickly you could see and very impatiently he's almost trying to inject himself into this new scene but not only to be a part of it but to become above all of these guys and quickly and he's almost doing this things very subtle but the way he treats Comics like Shane Gillis and Tony Hinchcliffe here he's almost sunning them you understand he's almost in this really sneaky Deaky way devising these questions and statements that he makes and the way he puts people down and the way he kind of handles them it's almost as if he's doing a uh premeditated positioning to to or to change his positioning here and make it so that the Shane Gillis of of the world of Tony hinch Cliffs are humbled in his presence and now you know give him this respect and not only the respect but you know refer to him as one of the leaders of the comedy world it's very strange hard to articulate in one breath but you'll catch this keep your eye opening open for this because it's very crafted it's very thought out I'm very highly suspicious of Mandel I've been trying to wrap my head around his behavior because it's so erratic and I think sometimes when behavior is so confusing it could be on purpose let's find out here's Howe mandal and he's a nasty person he does the show with his nasty spoiled rotten daughter and uh he treats her awful this is not how a family should interact with each other anyway are we rolling okay so we're here in Austin I'm telling you that we're on I know we're on I heard you say are we rolling no way to speak to someone yeah move the mic closer to your mouth oo okay hello yeah and he does a thing that we used to see Melton do we've seen people do this before where they when they under a room they're going to quickly clear a path to make way for themselves and they want everybody to kind of be under their order quickly impatiently he will put you down he'll say just the right thing to let you know you shut up and I'm in charge here and it's a very uh I've seen people do this before this is a very disgusting trait founded men here the guest is in the elevator we are in Austin Texas yeah and today's guest well is this are you playing the theme song now cold open this is very c yeah this Howe Mandel does stuff I'm Hoy Mandel I'm jacine Schultz and we are in Austin and uh chasing guest that we can't uh chasing guest he even says it we're in Austin chasing guests that we couldn't get an LA wow chasing Cloud chasing and uh chasing guest that we can't uh we can't get in La why why must you hungry for GU I there's a knock at the door Our Guest is here it is I think it is do you want to is it Tony Tony what's up yeah yes it's Tony Tony HFF ladies and gentlemen from Kill Tony be careful yes uh wait so there's three more minutes left in the podcast and there Tony not gonna get a joke here so Tony showed up late so howi he makes this crack he goes oh we got about three more minutes left of the podcast listen to Tony remember this is the quickest witted man we have we've heard Joe Rogan says there's nobody quicker than Tony let's find out is this true minutes left in the podcast 3 minutes left and it's a joke we'll be right back yeah no are you not then start's leaving wait you want me you want me now I thought you said oh you were Mak okay it was like a joke it was a joke not a good one there's so many podcasts happening nowadays that I thought you meant there were three minutes left in this one and you were going to tape another one no this is it this is the beginning of so now how has established in his own mind okay this will be cake cuz Howie is actually quite AGG ated that all these kids are rich and famous now because in his mind they don't have a you know a fraction of the talent that it took for him to get where he is right he's watching these comics and they're lousy he's seing the production and it's cheap and he probably can't wrap his head around why all this is happening so he's uh very aggressive with them he likes to put them down and he likes to make them nervous in his presence watch this and it's so great to see it happen to Tony you know when we're watching this we go it's hard to we watch this to hate on Tony right but every time I'm watching Howe Manzel I end up hating Howie the and almost feeling bad that they're putting these people through these mind warps if Howe ever tried that [ __ ] with me I'd knock him in the face I'd get up and i' just hit him in the face I'd kill him in front of his sister or his daughter here is Tony starting the show with confusion boom humor confusion not getting the joke and then coming up with one of his patented excuses as to why he's made it such a mess up instead of just laughing at himself hahaa he's always got an excuse to uh you know to try to convince you that uh he's not as stupid as he looks and that hat is really awful it's a promotional hat now you notice Tony is wearing glasses again he's got these tinted glasses he's been wearing okay let's see what happens I thought there's so many podcasts happening nowadays that I thought you meant there were three minutes left in this one and you were going to tape another one no this is it this is the beginning of this one we started we rolled before you got here I love it yeah Tony hinchliff ladies and gentlemen a very funny comedian entrepreneur and podcaster you you say and I believe this is true the number one live podcast in the world it is and we're in front of a live audience and uh it's a very neat nich show it's all about stand up it's a very Niche show I learned this from Entourage as well while we're on Entourage here nich Niche n right I think is another one that's very confusing listen of this Tony and most times when you misspeak on a podcast the host lets it go they know what you mean they let it go they don't embarrass and humiliate their guest within the first 5 minutes that should be one of YouTube's rules to get demon mzed if you humiliate your guest within 10 minutes you lose your monetization so how he is known for this and watch what howwi he does to poor Tony I can't believe I'm saying this median entrepreneur and podcaster you you say and I believe this is true the number one live podcast in the world it is and we're in front of a live audience and uh it's a very Niche show it's all about standup comedy why is it niche as opposed to Niche sh I did say that wrong I took a chance there the hard she Tony's face to I did say that wrong I oh that had me feeling for Tony I mean that hurts huh Tony and he's got to admit it how will he excuse himself from this one let's see the the lengths he'll go through to uh get out of this Jam comedy why is it nich as opposed to nich and then the imagine that punk ass daughter corrects you like that with that smirk on her face comedy why is it niche as opposed to nich I did say that wrong I took a chance there it's the hard CH yeah I hate when you do that though I hate when you call people you took oh but you loved it just you got off on it you were [ __ ] uh squirting downstairs with it with your new Michaela cut by the way this is all blonde here when she turns to the side it's shocking shocked to see the ponytail a Michaela style thing uh so but I like how she said why would you do that well you just [ __ ] got off on it you were fingering yourself to Daddy doing that CH yeah I hate when you do that though I hate when you call people you know what he took the E off he took the E off niche in hell it's niche no but he's a niche said I said nich okay you can create your own [ __ ] you can do it that's worse what you just said there was worse than what Dad said see this is this new Michaela styling she's got going on except Michaela would never wear this scrunchie except she would actually she probably owns that same one from Target okay so uh then the daughter goes in hard listen I said nich okay you can create your own [ __ ] you can do it you can create your own [ __ ] you could I'd want to break her glasses do it said I said n that's okay you can create your own [ __ ] you can do it you know I if you have the number one show I feel you can make up words yeah it is I feel like you Parker oh and then he hits him with another so this is three in a row remember Tony came in didn't get the joke about 3 minutes left pronounced this word wrong humiliated by both father and daughter and then he goes right into this we're going to hit him three in a row listen to this yeah it is I feel like you two met at worby Parker yeah I feel like you two met it War Parker because they're both wearing glasses and his daughter then chimes in with this very important feel like you two met at Warby Parker yeah mine are fake mine are too they're both wearing fake glasses guys fake regular glass not sunglasses fake regular glasses now Tony's do look a little tinted but not tinted enough to be here I just going to explain it perfectly yeah mine are fake mine are too no they're not absolutely these are not prescription they're not mm you're going for a look wow no this is my Hang hungover uh but if you're hung over why aren't you wearing sun like why what's the clear what I've learned is that wearing normal glasses for me works better than and sunglasses when it comes to a hangover how sunglasses uh um take something it's over [ __ ] it's over Tony you're emasculated you're humiliated you've been cucked it's a good thing you're in a hotel sitting in one of them chairs they call that the cuck chair and by the way if you've ever been to a hotel in Arizona Do not sit in the chairs cuz I've been to all these hotels should see what I do to these rooms and what do you think they're steam cleaning every chair these are fabric chairs in Arizona oh that's actually so Tony sits in that chair Tony sits in those Hotel chairs naked jacking off to men okay so this is a humiliation Tony being cucked let's see how he gets out of this one uh um take away everything whereas with normal glasses I still have a little bit of like I can like right right that's exactly what I was thinking when I get it when I put mine on I was I was doing that and then she openly mocks do you see what Tony's excuse was this is quite pathetic I'll zoom in on this one look at this where is with normal glasses I still have a little bit of like I can like and then watch what she does that's exactly what I don't understand what the [ __ ] I get it when I put mine on I was oh yeah you [ __ ] [ __ ] Jesus good one daughter evil you're proud of your evil daughter or you're you don't like when she makes jokes huh only you could be insulting holy [ __ ] this is the most nervous I've ever seen Tony yeah this is bad I mean Tony's doing that nervous laugh here if he had a pen the thing would have been exploded all over his shirt already he's taking his Xanax next time he goes on this podcast on very difficult we're only 3 minutes in by the way that's exactly what understand no I get it when I put mine on I was I was doing that it's a very it's a very n thing to oh no know it doesn't do anything I know it doesn't it's like you stayed inside and you're looking out the window to see if it's windy it's like you're not it doesn't clear glasses do think of this as a roast think of this as bust and balls between two roast Masters just think of it is when David Lucas is roasting you just keep laughing roll with the punch inside he's dyed window to see if it's windy it's like you're not it doesn't clear glasses do nothing but both of you are wearing fake glasses thank you for hammering this in um so I was in town I got to do and this oh the fool's cap adjust you ever seen that it's where you wish you were dead so you adjust your hat um okay now this is part of how's methodology first he brings you in he tears you down to your Bas level and then he overloads you with compliments so that he's the one who's in charge Rickman is a similar whole show this way so which code is this are we uh just go to 340 340 okay and how would you type that here 34 Z sorry 3 40 oh look at this they're showing some uh this quite the code we cracked together podcast ever 10 years yeah 10 and a half years now 10 and a half years well I should talk about like this when we're going to air we're going to air this episode uh kill Tony has been going on for 13 and2 years watch Tony's head during this he's saying to himself absolutely that's absolutely right yep absolutely yeah of course my accolades yep they all ring Tri watches it and um but it is as much as I love it and watching it and um and so many uh comedians have launched a career and I know their names and viral videos just explode uh out of there where I don't even know I didn't know sometimes that it was from your it's just amazing what you have created go ahead thank you yeah it's constantly evolving and I'm always trying to like make make it new and figure out how to evolve the questions other than how long they've been uh the questions are how old are you what are your cat's names what school did you go to where are you from he's always tried to evolve the questions these are some of the worst questions in podcast history what do your parents do for a living what's the temperature like okay let's hear some more stand up and what they do for a living like it's like I'm always trying to keep myself entertained but not only that you have an amazing probably one of the best bands I've ever heard Madness which we don't really get to hear when we watch your show yeah you know uh when you go there live there's like 20 minutes of I don't how got excited when that part happened that how he was going to talk about the audio CU you know how they don't always pipe in the band like I want to hear the band like when you watch The Tonight Show or Conan O'Brien that band is just as loud as Conan's voice it's all equal the crowd noise con's voice it's all level I want that band loud Tony it being quiet he says don't pipe it into the podcast mix they could hear it fine through the speakers so I thought that's what hoe was referring to he's like we don't get to hear the band that much but no he was saying we don't get to see this 20 minute pre-show that they do that is so good it's some of the worst music I've ever heard when you go there live there's like 20 minutes of I don't know how long it is but the but the band will play and really does cuz you told me like whatever time the show is going to begin you go we go down for 15 minutes in 15 minutes I go well isn't that late you go no no no no listen to this the band is the the room is packed people have been waiting a year to get tickets and that room is packed and this band who are seem like the most accomplished accomplished Music musician I mean really look at these head I'm going to zoom in on this this is right on the money this is everything I wanted to be said about me coming from a legend this is yep coming from absolutely who are seem like the most accomplished accomplished music right on the money exactly what I want to be said kind of venue up close really sets A vibe and not only do they set a Vibe they also a Vibe for a black Jazz party outdated jazz music from cheap black musicians What A vibe um you can go to 0530 now is he going to talk about it's coming up right here okay keep going as a comedian or as a host you have like a backup band which is playing along with you it's just totally absolutely I'm obsessed with music always have been and more so live music like if I find a song of any kind that I love I'll look up the live version of that song and always enjoy that more and so when we moved from you know what you're not into music you're into audience reactions screaming hollering see I'm into the live version much more because of the Audi the audience shots of the live version I like to imagine they're all screaming my name that's the comedian oh no what happened 0530 there we go a backup band which is playing along with you it's just totally totally I'm OB with music always have been and more so live music like if I find a song of any kind that I love I'll look up the live version of that song song and always enjoy that more and so when we moved from LA to Austin we had a silly comedic band before that would play we had a silly comedic band before Jeremiah jber joolz jety Johnson that was a silly joke band before nothing like this good band of blacks Band of Brothers from LA to Austin we had a silly comedic band before that would play characters and barely you know I mean it didn't fill the room with sound it wasn't about that it was kind of like a joke on the old talk show band and if any of those band members are listening right now are they thrilled with you yeah no they're very funny they left quite the legacy of silliness it was very silly it was in fact in my professional opinion of the show a little bit too silly it took away from the opportunity sometimes of the bucket pools oh okay clip it send it to Watkins now I want to make sure Watkins cheers this from at least 300 different people you clip this part starts it uh chroma Chris remember he's a CH red is listening I hope you were a joke band you actually took away from the show insane not like John Lewis or whoever you've got playing the keys now so um that was extremely disrespectful especially to a band that's been thinking that every day and feeling that negative feeling that you give to them and now it's confirmed and even how he you know who's a incredible [ __ ] he's dressed in uh help me merch from helicine you know even he was shocked that you would talk about the band that way you didn't even think of that as a mean thing to say and then you expanded on it got even nastier too silly it took away from the opportunity sometimes of the bucket pools because there was all these distractions whether they were dentists that episode or I would kill for the dentist Wizards this just reminded me how much better the buckets used to to be when you had all those guys around these bucket are the worst part aw we don't actually jerk and a hoodie no more hoodies if they're wearing a hoodie that we don't need to see them do stand up what about a crew neck if they're wearing a crew neck sure that's fine these hoodies I mean that is a disgraceful thing to wear out in public different character so it added an element of Comedy um but only silliness and you know I always think that the backbone of the show is the bucket poles the opportunity the risk he of anything can happen is it it could be great and it could be the worst thing ever it could be the funniest thing ever or it could be sad like we saw in the back half of that episode that we taped last night a lot of people talking about how many friends have killed themselves and things like that and you're like oh my yeah I don't think how's into that Howe doesn't get off on that uh okay what's our next U little code here 7 0715 0715 look at this new system we have here Red by you wh Jeremiah posted this crazy Tik Tok where he was like singing along to the succession theme song I'm not going to do it because it's too cring literally been stuck in my head for like weeks maybe we should hear it I'll find it why don't you find that that sounds good great actually here someone there was someone painting I saw in the oh listen to this so yeah they're talking about how you know how Tony has the artist up there that paints you know some sort of interpretation of each show usually drawing Tony is a a superhero God rising from you know a burning car crash saving the day they're going to talk about that a little bit here listen to this whole atmosphere in general you had someone there was someone painting I saw love cor did you notice that no no but the whole atmosphere was just very cool and the vibe was very cool and exciting to be there just overall well the painting thing is by Design because I figured we have every other type of art pretty much happening right okay this is great I love this so yes we have a guy painting on stage cuz I figured we have every other type of art happening let's do them all okay great concept let's hear about some of those other Arts that take place on the kill Tony stage by Design because I figured we have every other type of art pretty much happening right we have standup improv hosting right um hosting oh thank you I like I feel like Pablo why do you got all those dang windows on your Tahoe thank you hosting huh one of the highest Arts top three we've got standup improv host I love it this is was going to be like Tony Soprano skulls yeah I mean he could sure he's an art uh he's an art lover here by Design because I figured we have every other type of art pretty much happening right we have standup improv hosting right um U music there's a video technology happening podcast techy video technology one of the Fine Art I would say and now the award for best video technology also the kill Tony videos that they play suck and are way too long they're terrible there's no art happening you put up with this why for 35k what is he paying you by the way to do this probably a lot it's her dad that's like the best G you can just ask for raise anytime I wonder how much money she has I hate her uh stand up improv hosting and of course video technology music there's a video technology happening podcast Tech technology so we have all of these different art and even the joke books that you give out for those if there's a there probably is some people that so horrible what were these created by that guy from uh impulsive Mac these are like mac lean joke books uh for those if there's also this whole that how he's doing we just watched him do this with Ethan like a month ago that's true where he was he got obsessed with H3 and train how he did he was like this is the best show best I've ever SE this how doing how's going into every community and running this stick and they're all honored cuz the like Tony and Ethan they get to tell their moms that they know Howe and so how he is weasel in his way weasel his way into all these people's lives I saw this with Rick glasman with H3 uh with with Tony here and it it seems like these these people are excited to tell their parents that I'm going to be on the Howie Mandela show surely you know Howie surely that means something he's been in your life your whole life I think that's how he is able to do what he's doing here because all of these guys they really want to Mom you're not going to believe it Howe manale yeah cuz all the other names would you can say Shen Gillis the oon to your mom they don't give a [ __ ] even if you said to your mom Sarah they don't give a [ __ ] but oh Howe Mandel they get all excited AGT Leia some people that watch my podcast that are not aware of kill Tony Bonsai I hate those if you ever see this Bonsai guy destroy all his journals R them up I hate those cheap cut leatherbound journals he's using a wood burner to engrave the kill Tony logo it looks awful these journals are not cool they're not nice they're very gross and they look like Native American trinkets made in China Native American trinkets which I glanced at saw the made in China sticker I said no thanks I'm not accepting gifts till the baby is born there are parting gift2 minutes 22 we're going to be using Red Bar rewind go on so they call Jeff Ross Jeff Ross the Roof Master like Bert does where he calls someone in the middle of the show if you bring him up and so he's talking about how he came up with Jeff Ross and that's why Jeff's on the phone okay let's he kind of that's a no and yes you remember because we I was turning him on to Jewish soul food and uh this is Jeff eating more and more and Tony after a few weeks on the road with me uh had a new nickname what was it Tony he's Fat Tony so they're talking about they went on the road together Jeff Ross and Tony hinchliff fell in love at the comedy Story Goes why don't you come on the road and open for me buddy he must have seen something in you where he could get away with a lot of his Road crimes where he knew that you would let it happen I mean you've let your dad get away with many crimes so you'll let Jeff Ross do his hotel stuff you know which is every Comics dream the hotel stuff after the shows in strange cities so Jeff Ross is with you and Jeff is telling a story now on the phone about how Tony was the skinny scunny guy but when they went on this tour together Tony ate all this fast food and he started growing a little gut they started calling him Fat Tony listen uh had a new nickname what was it Tony he's Fat Tony Fat Tony beautiful smile was now like doesn't Tony have a beautiful smile and laugh he's really being really Beau sensitive and sweet on this podast look at that little mustache he was that's turned to say before he was acting like this on the New Year's Eve show too where he was like so calm this is kung fu I'm sorry to interrupt but this mustache is very Kung Fu go on he was being show what I was just saying on the New Year's Eve show of kill Tony he was acting so calm well he was on something oh my God I asked Brian on Brian red band's engagement post I asked hey for the New Year's Eve show did Tony take a Xanax and I believe did I think he took two bars because Tony if you did you guys see the kill Tony New Year's show remember we watched the show the night before we saw Little Live that was regular Tony the next night New Year's Eve Tony does the show in the arena again this was a Tony we've never seen he was fully sedated heavily on medication he must have saw how miserable the night before went he was panicking it's an arena he took something cuz he was this was in Papa Tony like Papa sitting on the couch smiling at everything laughing at the commercials everything I've never seen him he wasn't clicking his pen he was like this he was in heaven so I think he pops something I asked Brian Redban on that post I go did Tony take his an I said congratulations on the engagement exclamation point did Tony take his Annex at the New Year's Eve show 75 likes on that one itching up to like normal human race I was like getting fatter and fatter just you know a pound every couple weeks fat and it got to a point where go ahead go ahead T yeah my body did not know what to do with it my body was used to one course of really one meal a day right and Jeff was having appetizers soup a salad course the main course and then he has dessert like my son close your legs this isn't Jamaica wife spread eagle here invi right in front of your dead this is like this reminds me of oh no there's a negro in my daughter you seen this where the dad watches the girl get [ __ ] by a black guy that's basically what's happening here I don't know if you guys can see this she's sitting with her legs fully open like Olivia mun on a boat Olivia Ms another one of these perv she's always you'll see this every once in a while she has this thing where she posts a picture where she's spread eagle and they get the most likes and she does one about every six months she does a spread that's her sickness that's her fetish so she's doing this tune now right in front of Daddy in the in the hotel room on the [ __ ] couch very gross but listen to this madeup story Jeff and Tony cooked up to cover up the uh abuse whoa what was that yes he's saying yes go ahead yeah and that's it and then so so it got to a point where um you know Fat Tony was was becoming a reality okay they're showing this GIF of a fat person where the button about to pop because I guess in this story Jeff's about to tell Tony's button pops but listen to this tale stage I guess it was you know Fat Tony was was becoming a reality and we were on stage I Toronto um uh the Queen Mary the queen victoriae theat Queen Elizabeth theater the and um the top button on Tony's jeans in the middle of his assx he's opening for me it it the top button explodes and like pops off flies into the front row hits a lady in like the cornea so you're saying that Tony got so fat that his jeans Buton I mean imagine a je I could imagine dress pants button popping off jeans buttons do not that's odd they've showed that with like I welded on it's like Boy Scouts put those together you can't get that nickel that [ __ ] penny off it's not coming up so you're telling me that Tony got so fat his jeans button popped off with so much force that it hit a girl in the front row in the eye okay but the story has some more additions to the front row hits a lady in like the cornea and like what the hell like wasn't sure what had happened at first and then she like P his Levi's jeans button out of her eye socket basically her boyfriend's freaking out right we have to stop the show the ushers come over the lights come off we take an intermission the L's like you know like flipping the hell out and uh I come out to see what's going on it disrupts obviously the flow of my big entrance we take the lady and her boyfriend backstage she's young she's hot the boyfriend's getting all like weird about you know that being and Tony are taking care of her and they wind up having a fight and he leaves her there he leaves the girl the boyfriend yeah the boyfriend leaves he wants to take her to the emergency room she doesn't want to miss my set so she stays and she sits with Tony on the side of the stage and they watch my entire set and when I finally come off stage she has an ice pack on her eye and she's making out with Tony no I know that Tony works for you right she was you know she W up so Tony hearing this for the first time all yeah I think so and it's hard but Tony has to still agree the LIE story you know CU he he was agreeing with it at the beginning and now we're at a part that he doesn't really like of the LIE story where he's making out with the girl he doesn't like when people tell his sex capades either he doesn't like when other people tell those personal stories but here's the part that gets weird right about the wife yeah keep this is all good fat don't works for you right she was you know uh she wounds up coming with us to the next stop on the tour her eyes start Ping up and uh and uh you know she was Canadian you forget this [ __ ] story did you forget uh Tony got a quicky wedding with her um I cosigned her three adopted uh children and uh now Tony lives in Austin with his blind wife and three kids okay so that's all like a joke at the end right Jeff Ross is saying he goes long story short short Tony we went to Vegas Tony married this woman now they live together in Austin now I almost don't know if Jeff started the joke story at the she was sitting there making out with Tony and then Tony didn't laugh that hard and just sat there like cuz he thought maybe he was going a we definitely know the Tony get married to the girl that he poked out her eye we know that's a joke where did Jeff start the joke and where did Tony go from agreeing with a li story to a joke the point of this is Howe doesn't know that's a joke yes so there's some miscommunications here watch this and uh now Tony lives in Austin with his blind wife and three kids yep yep it's all true oh my God see he's back to laughing now that he knows that's the best story that's how you met your I didn't find that on the internet you're very private yeah very private when they talk about popping the question yeah that's y wait from the cuz I've been at the queen I played the Queen Elizabeth theater for that button to actually cause an eye to get some speed like go I mean the front row of a theater you're talking about there's probably like 20 feet between you on stage and you're not at the tip of the stage you're also maybe five feet back on the stage you think about a big theater stage think about an actor from the theater being able to shoot his button 30 feet with enough speed to to Blind somebody to get in their eye and cause some damage crazy trying to do a li story in front of Howie Howie has questions let's see to actually cause an ie to has to really get some speed like go far it was you know what it became where Tony didn't want just the pastrami sandwich he wanted to CH taste the smoked meat to P save this for your buddy David this is some old Boomer ass dusty ass comedy some Rog dog [ __ ] the P if I hear you name one more sandwich I'm going to expose you for the crimes didn't want just the pastrami sandwich he wanted to CH taste the smoked meat okay there we go you asked for ity the corn beef the lock is so y yeah you're gonna pop some buttons when that happens no you're not it's never happened story I also had the uh corn beef of the um woman yeah yep who and uh you know you po her in the eye right at your daughter's [ __ ] when he said that her spread ass [ __ ] puss you probably no he shoes you can't say this stuff hoe shoes right yes and down below fancy podcast big mansion in Austin where his kids run around yeah they're all fat yeah little fat kids running around Tony's fat that girl left out she really did and we're and this is that's an amazing story thank you Jeff thank you for exclusive for your podcast Jack thank you thank you yeah wow bye Jeff I I love you love you Jeff I love you guys Tony take care of hoe down there I love you guys I'm so jealous I'm not hanging oh what pills are you on whatever Jolly rolls takings with Jeff I'm so jealous I love you guys just wish I was there with you you wish you were in this room like this this sucks hell yeah we'll see you soon pal love you man all right love you guys so fun there's been rumors you're married you're not married and how did you meet your wife that makes sense you were married story of my marriage is actually kind of wilder than that I remember and I was going what the story of his marriage remember when Tony married that crack wh this was crazy this I didn't I totally forgot about this there was it was years ago and all of a sudden Tony hinchas has a wife from Australia not only a wife but a nude emo goth model wife speaking of Mia goth she was very Mia goth yes she like all black everything black hair very pale like a very alt type girl and she did artistic alt goth nudes so Tony gets married and you know we've been making fun of Tony at this point he didn't talk about it ever he posted a couple of pictures of her but that was pretty much it wondering what happened Tony's marriage we were always wondering what happened because we always assumed this was some green card scam she was pulling she was some model from Australia and she wanted to move to the states all of a sudden she's marrying and Tony wasn't Rich at the time remember Tony didn't have any money he was severely ugly probably 10 times uglier than he is here and she was this model and you could tell that uh he was being used or something weird was going on she's posted nude pic and everybody he was basically like the first Big Mike and Lana Rose and we were like all the Tate style fans to Big Mike uh with Lana roads we were always harassing Tony for you know the the nudes and every week we were she was serving up new pictures of Tony's wife naked for us that she was posting Tony's going to tell the story of what happened there would you like the first time he's ever talked about this I don't remember him ever bringing it up while they were married or after for old oh check this out remember this sound effect the digging the tunnel from the opening uh all right let's just hear for Old Time sake Tony's marriage story wilder than eating Jew food till you poke somebody in the ey well yeah that is you're right that is a little tough but no my actual marriage was uh was short-lived but very much fun it was a a beautiful very cool Australian girl that uh I met just like I would meet anybody and uh at The Comedy Store back in the day took advantage of your uh Power position there okay I understand front bar and um she was super funny and super cool and we're still friends to this day but we went to uh she's like oh my I have to go back to Australia because I've been in America for a certain amount of months and I'm like screw that let's go to Vegas I'm like I have nothing to lose turns out she's the ays of a you know long story short billion dooll Tire Empire in Australia so I'm like this is great what do I have to lose uh your mind your sanity you can't just marry people what I have to lose she can't sue me she has more money than me this is a win-win to get uh falsely married marry her and she's not going to take my money she's fully loaded so this is a win-win situation that's all I had to lose was any money or future money and sure enough it worked out perfectly wait how doesn't get wait isn't it your ex yeah it's my ex-wife who has an ex-wife and says it worked out perfectly thanks how jeez he's difficult huh he makes you explain everything I mean Tony was just kidding there yeah it's my ex-wife who has an ex-wife and says it worked out perfectly I'm tell the divorce worked in your favor is what you mean 100% it was amazing we had a good run yeah that's fantastic I know it is everyone that knows us knows it was like the coolest uh beginning to end I know you I don't know that I think it was a horrible weird uh sketchy situation see this now is making it seem like he actually is still in love with her love with her just would do anything he was too cool so when she said I want to end this marriage she go yeah of course a joke marriage to me too and me while he's crying every night knows us knows it was like the coolest uh beginning to end it was like middle and end 100% I was just in San Diego two weeks ago and her and her new boyfriend and our old dog all came to my show that's disgusting that's cocko absolutely I still see her she came to my show with her new boyfriend and our old dog that she kepts that's cocka you don't let somebody take your dog sorry you let someone take your dog and then they bring it back with the new boyfriend that's cuck you're sitting in cuck's corner I'm imagining a scene from girls or something like that yeah some Desi [ __ ] her and her new boyfriend and our old dog all came to my show sat they're not one and the same side stage no they're all different entities Howe yeah and uh we had a blast we're all super cool she has she's like the funniest coolest real funny yeah the pictures of her slitting her wrists every day on Instagram were a hoot I mean this girl paraded around like she was a ghost from a Japanese horror movie there was nothing funny about her in fact every day like she it would be like like posts of her like there was nothing and then it would be like life is nothing more than a laugh I would love to she acted like a well I mean I don't think she those were the exact words she meant she doesn't she doesn't I uh she meant what she meant by that was that she thinks life is a she wants to end her life that's what she was suicidal she was like a Suicide Girl but legit in way more remember she paraded around like a dang ghost oh I love knowing the Tony is pining Over The One That Got Away that makes him so we should check up on her all super cool she has she's like the funniest coolest chick are you cool with and if you don't want to talk about it we won't but are you cool with your family I know you were raised by a single mother right yep single mom and uh great was that it for Tony here 3120 for a little one to end it off this is great because every Italian tells me the same thing you might be able to guess what do Italians all say about their mom let's hear it Tony's going to say it himself TV shows and all those roasts and you were on the road with him and playing big theaters and eating Jew food yeah you were he was amazing Jew food oh God yes I had no idea I didn't really know about like courses I didn't I'm an Italian from a mafia Italian family growing up I didn't know about courses like the Jews have in their Cuisine what he's talking about the Jews break out a piece of matah they laain about some prices there is definitely not multiple courses well maybe for the Ethan Klein of the world but uh very weird coming from an Italian who's constantly bragging about how Italian and how great of a cook his mom was he says this oh yes I had no idea I didn't really know about like courses I didn't know like there was like levels to it that's not a Jew thing kind of I mean yeah Italians do like kind of a salad but everybody in my family always ski the salad cuz my mom's sauce was and you know the wait are you my Mom's sauce okay I've heard it all now let me guess she makes the best sauce it all tastes the same you know what the best sauce is prgo I guarantee prao you do a spoon by spoon side bys side test of the raw pasta sauce unmarked jars prgo and your mom's sauce we taste them you're going to favor prago you are it beats Italian mother's sauce every time and every taste usest I can prove it send in your mom's best sauce we'll put them in uh they'll I'll do the taste test how about this are you Italian sending your mom's wonderful sauce no don't do that I'm not tasting anyone's homemade sauce you're throwing away every other course every night it doesn't make sense the most coarse heavy I know all they do is bring out food so you're like yeah we had some salads but we would throw those away because of my Mom's sauce okay there he is Tony hinchliff remember the more podcast you do to promote something the more trouble you end up getting in and there is Tony
Channel: Redbar WRLD
Views: 59,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 50min 10sec (3010 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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