Redbar Watches Sam Morril BOMB on Rogan

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Sam moral on JRE did you guys catch this does anybody watch this [ __ ] there was some funny stuff that happened here let's see if we could U uh get it pulled up on the web browser hopefully show show give some examples right it's great great perfect perfect silver silver here we'll pull it up uh JRE Sam Morel let's see that how this [ __ ] starts check it out banging pots and pant by day wakes her up every night I don't really like why did it go black now come on why are we going black here there they are you like starts right off the you got listen okay watch this watch closely The Joe Rogan Experience Train by day Joe podcast by night all day we I don't really like weed do you like cigars I like alcohol and I like coffee I mind a big cigar guy do you want uh alcohol I it maybe in like second half of the show second half of the show I like I like to feel the C oh Joe don't like that so Joe says do you want to have a drink here and Sam goes maybe the second half of the show I've got a real agenda to show the world who I really and Joe doesn't like that like Joe doesn't want to talk to [ __ ] Samurai sober good God you know Joe doesn't like Sam Morell okay but he knows this gu a part of the scene we got to keep this thing going that's like Rand stair he's being told that he can't have a drink till the second half and then he's thinking so Sam's planning this out he's thinking this he doesn't like that why is Sam planning this out I don't really like weird do you like scars I like alcohol I like coffee I my big cigar guy do you want uh alcohol I have it maybe in like second half of the show second half of the show I like I like to feel the C prepare glasses with ice oh he wants a drink now when things start getting a little sideways yeah oh so what's happened brother how you doing great and why can't you have a drink the RO going pretty hard with this hour and I know you know he does a podcast called they might be drunk he likes to fancy himself a big drinker right and there he is he wants to be sober and attentive and then he goes oh is this a guy from love his blind here Kenneth oh [ __ ] is that Kenneth hold on let's let that clear up and Kenneth from Love is Blind right there I don't think you're a good fit for my black family you know Sam moral it's like okay I would have understood why you you know didn't want to drink till the second half but then you spent the first half doing jack [ __ ] I mean you're not even attempting comedy here you know why use this you got this huge opportunity and by the way you could become a multi-millionaire if you just do the bare minimum to be somewhat funny you just have to attempt some sort of comedy and they'll oh you'll be a multi-millionaire in two weeks if you play your cards right Sam Morell goes on Joe Rogan multiple times it doesn't move the needle for him you know why isn't he Rich why isn't he big and successful it's because he goes on RAD and he blows the opportunity sits there like a lump and talks to you as if you're just a normal dude at a job what's the point his co-host Mark Norman is out there making a name for himself doing pranks for Amazon maybe the second half so let's just get a glimpse of their discussion here for a second I I still romanticize the road I still love it I did I did theaters last year for the first time ever just a theater run so that now I'm back in clubs just tighten it but it's I love it man yeah uh I don't know if you know anything about Joe Rogan he doesn't want to talk about the he's done all this talk already he's on to the next he wants to talk about Biden he wants to talk about trans kids he wants to talk about how silly this strange world is he has no interest in hearing your stories about oh the road yeah the road okay the road he don't go on the road no more he don't care but Sam wants to spend his time talking about this horse it's the best experience the Arenas are pretty nice they're fun in the round they're really fun they look fun theaters are fun but it's slightly removed from a club club is better than a theater yeah it's pretty cool I mean theaters I forgot how intimate clubs were just doing theaters you're kidding last year and being like oh [ __ ] I can and this is where the Big Joe Rogan audience that you're so excited to get they've all tuned out now they don't know you you're not being funny you're talking about the road this is the the one that gets skipped by Alexis Ren and Shantel jeffes and all the cool people who watch Joe Rogan they ain't watching this one I bet the numbers are very very low I can't wait till Joe comes back to YouTube so we can compare numbers again I know when is that happening we can compare the comment section is going to be phenomenal you know is he going to be editing stuff out of the YouTube version for self-censorship you know what's going to be going on with that it's going to be very interesting but here is skippable Sam blowing his opportunity on Rogan should we go to you could go to 2320 this is the kind of combo Joe is interested in having that didn't work what do I do here just 2320 2320 yeah give me those numbers every time give me those numbers all the time okay here he is samal and yeah we're just GNA this is a Joe Rogan moment here yes this is just listen to this a bullet in my head honestly I really would cuz the amount of people they're like oh they're on vac there's a a Jewish holiday I'm like I'm Jewish I've never heard of that holiday that's not a holiday I don't know what the hell you're talking about you know and then like then we got MLK day then then Val you shut down for Valentine's Day oh my God there's always something that's hilarious so you know thank God for standup it's like it's always there yeah just like what a what a [ __ ] weird time it is today what a he has no this is what 23 minutes in Sam's Talking Joe forgot that this guy's talking to him and Joe just sits her 23 minutes in he couldn't be more bored by Sam's [ __ ] monotone ramblings and he just kind of forgets that it's his turn to talk I got to see how he gets out of that one again look at this Sam ends this convoluted nonsense statement that couldn't be more I mean Joe you know he's past this kind of he wants to talk about how comedy is banned yeah he wants to drink he doesn't want to talk to you sh thank God for standup it's like it's always there look at this he doesn't know what to say he's so bored out of his man just like what a what a [ __ ] weird time it is today what a and what a weird time it is to tell jokes Sam's aware of this now it just in in in the cult right now yeah such a a strange [ __ ] time you know it's a he's looking up here's a new one this is Joe Rogan un luck when he starts looking up at the ceiling what's up there that means he's not interested in anything he can't look at you he's so disgusted with how he has to force this and pretend to be engaged in a conversation if you're ever a guest on Rogan he starts looking up at the ceiling while he's talking to you looking around he's looking for answers anyway where but your eyes because he is so Bor he's in this teeny teeny room looking right at Sam Morell Who's Laughing well it's and I hope you learned your lesson and why does Joe never learn okay you didn't have a good time with samural maybe stop booking him your fan nobody wants to see a Sam Morel episode here how long did this go 3:30 they talked well I guess those drinks come into the second half maybe it woke Joe up what a [ __ ] weird time it is today what a and what a weird time it is to tell jokes it just in in in the culture right now this is [ __ ] just such a it's just such a strange [ __ ] time you know it's uh it's a strange time to be doing standup it's always a strange time to be I mean I think during the Crusades it was weird to be fny I think it's always a weird time so dangerous I think it's always a bad time to be you know but man is it kill me okay let's see this next uh 12855 is that okay yeah oh 01 2855 yeah always Jo me like that it's much quicker on the mind okay so let's see what's happening here okay so this is uh almost halfway so will Sam ask for a drink let's find out they're watching this really stupid you know it's ve a very Boomer thing to do I wish this wouldn't uh overlap when I'm here Joe Rogan's making Sam watch Steve Balmer going crazy on stage some like video from the early days of the internet where a Microsoft employee or CEO or someone of Microsoft is doing a keynote for Microsoft and they start screaming crazy it's one of these very Boomer viral videos that nobody today finds funny nobody has the time for it Joe's showing forcing Sam to view this and after Sam sees this he might need that first drink let's find out look at this this is insanity it's not good Sam doesn't care for this some [ __ ] video of a man on stage it's not this insane he's software so what imagine you're in business with these guys like oh my God we're in business with Maniacs this is either getting you this is either getting you fired the [ __ ] up or you're like I'm out watch Sam watch Sam but this is this is where it gets corn ready for this here we go this is horrible this video he don't care brutal brutal yeah it is brutal you get to say yeah after your thing though hey man that's the kind of guy I want running my company that he seems like a great owner for the Clippers all in that's what I was saying that's I remember this video he go making him watch another version part of his act you know his act was that he would go nuts you know it was fun so if you're gonna have to do those kind of things where you go out in front of all the [ __ ] employees and dance around why not go nutty yeah why not go nutty then people will talk about it forever yeah can I do a drink by any chance he's ready to drink can I do a drink by any CH he know this is not working he could feel the thick awkwardness in the air he wants that drink now look at his face there hold wait for that to clear look at that could I get that drink now we've all seen that in sitcoms and movies I think I'll take that drink now if you don't mind yikes imagine in these comedians get super I mean this is a big deal for them right the biggest show in the world it's could make or break your career now so he's got to be really going through it especially imagine you're an hour in and you and Joe are just not connecting uhoh huh just a scary place to be I'd be terrified there go to one 01413 wait you say that again that's a lot of numbers here one more time 01413 wow okay let's see what happens here oh God Joe's really he's talking about the movie X mock X mock again cuz you kind of know it's coming but you kind you also kind of want to believe a little bit just baby deer is cute doesn't mean the mountain won't get it he loves that that's the problem he got [ __ ] we think he's a good guy he's a good guy he's doing the right thing and then him B on the glass and you don't hear a sound you're like oh my God you're gonna die in there yeah you're gonna die in there a24 makes a lot of cool [ __ ] yeah just not banging on it and knowing you ain't putting a [ __ ] dent in it so here's some X Mock and a footage he's showing forever it's I like when she just shoves a knife in them I love un Hollywood endings dude I love when when they don't give the PE and a lot of those movies bomb because people want a happy ending like I think one of Woody Allen's best movies ever is purple Rosa Cairo and it's a [ __ ] Downer of an ending and I think that's probably why it's one of his biggest bombs you know what it's gonna be like you can have a robot and you can have a robot for a wife but that robot for a wife if she catches for a she's still talking about exmachina he's moved on Sam started talking you about some obscure Woody Allen film pretended he said nothing and Joe just skips over that and he goes imagine you have a robot wife still thinking of MOA which he's thought about too much the movie should almost be bad to Joe by now that he's seen it and thought about it this much imagine having a robot wife let's see how Sam responds to this is you doing anything if you do anything anything that's illegal yeah you get like a red light code and she detains you cuz your robot wife is stronger than you and you could [ __ ] this like really hot robot wife and she looks like just a really hot woman we're all going to be Subs super sexy but what she really is is a a murderous robot capable of pulling your [ __ ] head right off your body how far are we from are we from robot wars then like we have American Robots versus Russian robot he's doing he's just you know playing that game hoping he could salvage some of this stuff okay this is where things get squir this is a good one read me that number 01 48 there we go watch this one this is where they really just disconnect fully this is pretty tough to watch Joe looking very short in the frame here by soldiers minds are trial by Australian Army see what I'm saying yeah I'm telling you this is that Quake thing we're not far away from that yeah it's all oh look at that thing but if you can make millions of dollars playing Quake why wouldn't you just play Quake exactly it's like we think of it's bad because it used to be bad we got to get over that idea same goes for only fans it's your [ __ ] body right I mean well listen I'm all I'm a I'm a fan of people doing whatever the [ __ ] they want and I think there's a lot of pressure from people shaming people and people getting upset at other people's choices like worry about yourself you be way better off you should worry about yourself you know a lot of the times it is your own issues with it right like for me like you know I think I think I don't think everyone should go to therapy but I think some people could benefit from talking out loud and looking at themselves you know what do you mean by that I think people who are judging other people's lives okay what do you mean what do I mean by that so Sam starts doing this Dopey thing where he's like I think everyone could benefit from a little therapy and talking to somebody and really just having another person there and Joe just finally hits a wall with this [ __ ] and he goes what do you mean with this [ __ ] and then Sam gets all nervous he what do you what do you mean what do I mean and then Joe goes I'm just [ __ ] with you watch this go down now that you know kind of what happened here watch this again this is pretty brutal I think I think I don't think everyone should go to therapy but I think some people could benefit from talking out loud and looking at themselves you know what do you mean by that I think people who are judging other people's lives what do you mean what do I mean by that FU oh she wasn't [ __ ] around no for sure it's just I I just think sometimes if you're really oh he wasn't [ __ ] around he slipped he slipped into what he really wanted to say oh look at the pain and Sam I me remember when Samy looked at what do you mean I mean that's a bad conversation all right and then finally let's do this one read this one you man uh 01 5730 okay here we go this is our final note here I think this is a cute Joe moment okay Joe moment let's see what happens what kind of deal are we talking about it depends on who I am yeah if it's me right now yeah I'd be like this is crazy talk I'm very I mean I'm turned on and I have an erection but I'd like you to stop I'm going to jerk off in your bathroom but if I was 24y old me I might kill that dude how [ __ ] strangle that guy there's that movie about this you see that movie to die for with Nicole Kidman it's a great movie oh yeah Buck Henry wrote it who wrote The Graduate and she gets a young Wen Phoenix to murder her husband she's his teacher it's kind of hot there BR hell ha no fury like a woman's gone there's crazy oh I've ever seen him do something like that he really is bored with Sam look at this again four with Nicole Kidman it's a great movie oh Buck Henry wrote it who wrote The Graduate and she gets a young waen Phoenix to murder her husband she's his teacher it's kind of hot though Hell hath no fury like a woman's gzy Joe and Sam everybody
Channel: Redbar WRLD
Views: 22,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Flh1JrNNNzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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