Joe Rogan Experience #2116 - Kevin James

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Joe Rogan podcast check it out The Joe Rogan Experience Train by day Joe Rogan podcast by night all day let's go shimy let's go Shimmer shim shimy shimmy most people don't know about shimmy they don't know about your Alter Ego no well yeah you were the one brought it out of me we were right well we we do shows we would do shows in New York and you would go full shimmy I'd be on the side of side of the stage yelling out shimmy well when we first started by the way we we did The Joe Rogan Experience 30 years ago right just wasn't millions of people not exactly just playing pool um you you I remember susman brought you into town you started at Nicks was it Nicks or I started at stitches in Boston stitches and then uh I was like two years in when I met you and then uh I think we met at East Side mhm which was awesome what a great Club what a great Club just there shout out to Richie manini yes my man he he was it was the greatest the greatest place to go I remember uh it would be a line around the block two shows like on a Wednesday night it was insane comedy then that place golden age of comedy at the time 1990 yes oh my God it was incredible back then 91 is I started at 89 I think I Met You in what is it 90 991 maybe 90 91 somewhere around somewhere in there uh and I was you know I was following everybody that was my thing like I I was being the standup comedian with the you know the jacket sleeves pushed up and the bolo tie you know what I'm talking about I was just that straight thing and you came into town and we were like who is this dude like you just didn't care about anything and it was like you've always remained the same and it was just incredible to watch we were like whoa he just doesn't care and that's what you were you would work with me on that you would be like brother you can't be like you're handing out a platter of food for these people like do what you want to do and I was like I just got to get yeah I gotta wrap my head around that you're right you know I just I would just try to make the audience so happy you're like stop it stop it and you got to let go and you'd get me going crazy I get all fired up there I'd be like yelling to people they be like whoa it's like why maybe we bring it back a little bit but it was different man it really was it was it really taught me to Mo most of all to be comfortable in front of audience and not care about them you know it's I still I literally battle with it to this day yeah that anxiety of oh gosh I get nervous and I start overthinking things so um but it really helped me to say like just do what you do and it's almost like the CU the audience is like a dog right they they sense fear you know 100% yeah they're animals just like we are we're all animals that's right and it's like they know when you know and if you're comfortable even if you're faking it they'll go with you you do a joke and you're confident they'll laugh just because they think it's funny you they look around and everybody's like oh it must be funny because he's just got confidence by and you had that confidence always man you always in insanely intense and just never look back and way to go man way to go for you too you just always needed a hype man you you you just need someone to like let you go like give them the green light give them the green light it's so funny you're right you're right you just needed a hype man you were the one who did it for me in Montreal too yeah do you remember that going this place by the way do you remember the beer we would drink there were two kinds of this beer I can't remember this Canadian beer I've been racking my brain to think about it it was like there was like a Gold version of it and like an like an Amber uh and it was just the greatest stuff when we get fired up up there and I loved it man I loved going to that Montreal comedy F oh it was the best back when it was I think it's gone under I think they did just announced they're going bankrupt oh really yeah unfortunately see well she'd tell people what it was so what it was during our time didn't When We Were Young was the Montreal Comedy Festival was where young comedians would go up and you could kind kind of get a deal and that's where you got the deal to do the king Queens well I got the deal to do NBC right and then that turned in yeah once that failed that went into to CBS but once you get in the thing about people should know like in the 990s there was this thing that was happening where everybody looked at a comedian like this could be the next Roseanne this could be the next Tim Allen this could be the next Seinfeld so every time they looked at you they're like what do you got what do you got for me and the Agents would try to put it together as a sitcom yes and they had this showcase called the Montreal Comedy Festival the Just for Laughs Comedy Festival and it was the most insane thing you would go there and it would change your life you could have one set one 15minute set and all of a sudden you got a half a million dollars 100% you have one thing one set that pops and people talking about there's a buzz and it's like you're in you're set and they have bidding wars yes so like CBS would be Fox would be they would all be throwing in and you know there's guys who walked you remember chicken chicken was the crazy guy yes yes yes chicken got the deal that killed the deals yes yes he got like uh 800,000 or something it was some crazy money or I don't know what it was some nutty amount of money but he had no act right it was after that thought he was he just tricked everybody he did and I don't know how he did it and I wonder if he had a hype man if he could have kept tricking people yeah like maybe he just went off the rails with anxiety when success starts because that's one of the things that does happen and I've talked about it I think everybody admits it you when it first starts happening you think it's going to go away you get super anxiety ridden you you you you feel like an impostor and you like you can't like you'd show up on the set and you're like are they kicking me out like I'm still here my bud I'm telling you I've I still deal with that I'm not even kidding you obviously don't and you have't I do though though yeah I do I just ignore it I tell to shut the [ __ ] up well that's what you got to do I guess and that's what I don't do enough because I start thinking and I get thing and I start overthinking both sides I'm like oh gosh what if this happens or this that this means something to this day yeah like if I'm doing a like a theater and it's my people you know and I know that they're coming to pay to see me I I I I'm pretty confident I feel like I'm going to do well but if I do a club that they don't know me or something like I did a a corporate gig uh like a month ago like in Miami and I was like you know I was like oh boy CU corporate gigs you know they can go either way and it's they could be horrible well I get there it's in Miami really goodlook people everybody it's in a Lobby of a hotel and I'm I thought this was in the theater I'm there and it's a good and I'm now I'm getting worried I'm like I got to do how much and they like you got to do an hour and then I find out nobody there wants to see me the woman who was the like CEO of this company was it was her birthday and she liked me so she brought me in to to for all her friends to see dude I'm sitting in the lobby and I'm finding all this information out as I'm sitting there and I started I'm not kidding I started I've never had a panic attack I started going what do you mean she nobody else knows I'm here or this or that or they don't know they go no no no they don't know you know this is a company and you know and I'm looking in the room it's in the lobby I can see through like a little glass uh window and they're drinking they're hammering they're talking at table we're set up for comedy too just like round taes uh booths like not even facing you and I'm on I see a postage stamp of a stage that I got to stand on and I'm like oh my God so I start hyper ventil do I go wish I was so I start going I I can't I can't do this I'm talking to Skyler my my assistant but you know he's he's he's helping me out here and I'm like hey just tell them we we can't do it he's like what are you talking about I go just tell tell him we're going to give him the money back we're just not going to do it we don't need to do this I don't want to do it it's is not going to go well I started really panicking and then they started going up she's up on stage now introducing me and I go oh my gosh we're going oh my gosh so I start freaking out heart is going exactly I've been doing comedy for 30 years I've been doing standup I go I don't need this I'm ready to call sussy and go I don't want to do this anymore I don't want to do it I don't I get up there and go I go just get him with that first joke if you do you settle CU if you don't you know if they don't buy you on that first joke you're fed you're gone you're [ __ ] you're gone for an hour for an hour you're gone you know oh gosh and they're not even listening they're loud when they bring me up and when I came up it wasn't even like they all turned and went nuts but uh I got him with I don't know what I said I just said one joke about the lady thanking me you know thanking for bringing me up and and uh I just won them over in one little sweet way and and they they turned and they clapped and they laughed at one thing and then I went into another joke very gingerly just kind of going this that and they laughed at that and I go okay I just settled in I go I got them and they were great they were great they were really great and I was sweating the whole time I really feeling the sweat you know what I'm saying it was like it was it was it was rough but uh that's so nerve-wracking I'm glad it worked out great but I hate it but I I just I ran into Sandler when I missed you at the airport I ran into Sandler he was just telling me about the [ __ ] worst corporate ging that he just had yeah I called him about he had the same thing he had the same thing so it's nice to see somebody like that has it too yeah a guy like him can still eat dick I talked to Billy Joel and he says he literally he was like I've gone through those I'm like you but when you're playing music it's different Del throw that Saudi money at yeah he threw crazy money at him and he did a corporate gig or whatever it was and he says they weren't even listening they turned away and and it's like just you and the band and you just go let's go boys you know and they play Dana White had a 40th birthday party and uh Stone Temple Pilots played and it was insane these dudes played like it was a packed Arena enena where it was at a [ __ ] conference room in a hotel somewhere they didn't care they didn't give a [ __ ] they had a a beautiful stage set up the stage was set up nice but like you know all of a sudden they were like hey everybody Stone Temple Pilots and then they [ __ ] I am I am am yeah the I I was so impressed by his ability to perform I mean there's like it took a while for people to even filter to the dance floor in front of them and and watch the show this dude did it like there was 50,000 people out there it was incredible I mean he didn't back off at all he who cares less has more power it's literally like that's it it's I'm going around with the tray like you guys think this is funny he's like I don't care he didn't give a [ __ ] and everybody jumps in full commitment you know when someone just fully commits to something like that it's very inspiring and you you'll never forget that because if you never see anybody fully commit that's why you never see great Comics ever that exist where there's no other great Comics the best comic in the world never comes out of Tallahassee out of nowhere no scene we all need to see other people do something special and if you're lucky you live in New York or you live in LA or now you live in Texas and you get to see these killers all the time and then you get a sense of it so you know like where the watermark is until you see a guy jump in front of a [ __ ] 40th birthday party who's a a platinum selling artist in this insane band that's iconic and perform like they're performing in front of an AR he had the bullhorn and everything it was incredible it was incredible the show was amazing wow it was so good but it was like that [ __ ] guy worked for his money like he he he doesn't he didn't have like a I'll give him a seven tonight I'm going to give him an eight every night B yeah the are we were playing it's like guns blazing that's where you got to be man I got to I got to do it you need a hype man I need a hype man I'm doing uh you're two different guys you're you no hyp you know you know me if I'm left to my own devices I am I I go into a little hole I do it's my whole life everything Sports everything but this is the thing like I have uh I'm playing a first my first Arena coming up and I'm freaking out I've never done that before are you doing it in the round no that's the way to do it you know why lead for that this is it's okay you'll still have a great time they're still great the Arenas are great they're fun it's a wild experience but the round is the best because it's actually intimate in the strangest way because the West music facing everybody so all the people see each other and they're all in it together I love that I love that idea but does the the stage does it turn no you walk around I used to do the one you the Westberry Music Fair oh it walks it spin for it would spin for you and you wouldn't even know where the hell you are and then you have to walk off it's the awkward walk off you don't know where the stairs are you don't know where they are move and everybody shifted and you don't know who you're looking at you have to get find some distinctive person in the audience that sits that big guy is my marker right there the one in Phoenix spins around too what's that the Celebrity Theater you can turn it on or off yeah that's a good one too that's a cuz it's a comedy club but it's in the round it's like a 2000 seat comedy club in the round that's what it's like I would feel guilty like half the crowd is looking you know I'd be thinking now I got another thing to think about they've seen my ass for the last 40 minutes I got to spend it and do you set up a joke over here and deliver the punch line there or how do you break it up well you have giant screens so the thing about the arena is they have massive screens so if for some reason like you know uh we did these ones in Ohio uh and Chappelle came down and it was it was very interesting to watch because they didn't know he was supposed to be there and uh it was my show and uh Tony didn't know whether he was going to bring Dave up or me cuz Dave hadn't gotten there yet oh wow and so it's like Tony's on stage and he's got like 5 minutes before he should go on stage and all a sudden Dave rolls up posy [ __ ] limo this is a guy doesn't overthink things you don't need the hype man he just strolled in yeah and uh and and he just came to say hi and and he's always like should I go up I go what do you mean should you go up I go go up let's go he goes when I go you'll be up in 5 minutes he goes well let's have a drink so we had a drink and then we're sitting in the green room and I go dude he's got about one minute to go I go I'll walk out there with you cuz he needs to know that it's not me that he's bringing up da so he starts bringing me up this is one of my best friends one of my favorite and then I'm like flashing the light and he sees Dave and the crowd slowly starts to realize it's Dave when they see me and Dave walk to the stage and by the time he says Ohio Zone Dave Chappelle it is one full minute of a standing ovation one full full minute yeah so he takes this Victory lap around the stage for like one I mean a full minute man it was I I filmed it I put it up on my Instagram it's insane it's inspiring I me and Tony were just looking at each other and looking around going wow it just felt special it felt like special that you could be there like wow and then he goes oh H and he puts the the mic out just even bigger yeah it was insane it was insane it was so [ __ ] cool cuz he's from Ohio right you know he lives in in U Yellow Springs which is like right outside of Dayton so it's like for him to to go there like that and but to be in the round see the round is everybody sees everybody it's not just you facing this crowd and then you're in the crowd and they're there in the round it seems like everyone's all in this together it's in special way yeah and those screens are giant so you just walk around around but like when Dave was facing that way I'd see his face on the screen you just it's not bad it's like it's still awesome because you're there and everybody just kind of walks around you just get used to walking around nobody really stands still right and points in one direction in in Arena in the round that would be rude well the screens help I mean that is true massive they're everywhere they're giant they're 50 ft wide they're [ __ ] everywhere so that's it makes it easy it's an experience I would love to be in the I think I'm in Denver in in Salt Lake City where I'm worried about this my first Arena and it's like you're gonna have funy I don't know man it's gonna be fun you just it's going to be fun though this is Dave here it is listen to this you guys in forat I get to bring up one of my best friends one of my favorite comedians two of the best in the world ladies and gentlemen it's like a fight oh my God I mean you literally can't even hear him bring up Dave Chappelle look at this look at [Applause] this oh that's insane no no no it's like that's the sickest thing I've ever seen am it was like I felt like we were seeing the Beatles I felt like it was like Hendrick got on stage well done for you bringing him up before you I mean that's insane it was awesome that's incredible it was so fun it was so but that's the thing it's like but I do that all the time you know when I'm at the club I'll have five six guys are going on in front of me they're all Headliners I'm I'm going stage an hour and a half into the show I would again my theaters um I'd be comfortable your Club I would be afraid I'd be afraid cuz you got such Heavy Hitters and I come up and I'm talking about weird little observational stuff and it's like w it would get in my head it would no there's a lot of weird observational comedians kill there it's a fun place like Duncan kills there and you know and we're it's all just it's all great it's all a bunch of different but for me it's like to to have a I want the audience see like the best possible show they could see so they're they're gonna see Ron White they're gonna see Shane Gillis and Tony henchcliffe and Brian Simpson and that's insane and all these monsters that come into town like in any given week it's Christa Stefano or [ __ ] Dave Smith or it's like there's so many killers how how often during the week are are you there and how often like are guys working out their stuff there night seven nights a week seven nights a week seven nights a week two shows each night in each room except for uh Mondays and Sundays which are open mic nights so open mic night there's a show in the small room there's only one show but then there's uh at least one show in the main room that's a Regular Show Regular comedians wow that's incredible yeah and it's um two shows a night in each room so four shows a night how how bigger each room one's 250 and one's about 110 to 120 is there you feel a difference or yeah yeah yeah the little one super intimate the little one is like um if you remember the belly room the Comedy Store it's like the belly room and the original room had a baby and that's the little one wow it's like mediumsized little and then the big room is like the the original room and the main room at The Comedy Store had a baby that's what it's like and you when you're trying out stuff people going up there with like notepads and stuff like that Christina bitki does it all the time she goes up with a notepad a lot of guys go up with notepads yeah it's like if you got some new [ __ ] you're working on sigur he goes up with notepads if you have new [ __ ] right because you want to be able to remember you don't want to [ __ ] up the bit and the audience kind of appreciates like oh this is so new they have to look at it it's not polished and then Brian Simpson hosts this show called bottom of the barrel and that's a really fun show where you go up there and you have no material and you just reach into this whiskey barrel and there's a bunch of different premises that the audience members have written down and you pull it out you open it up and you do a bit on that yeah you just start talking [ __ ] yeah but the audience knows that's what you're doing so because they know what you're doing it's really fun yeah they're not expecting polished material everybody knows what the show is the show is [ __ ] around and maybe if I was to go there and do my ACT I would pretend like I pulled pull that out out of the whiskey bottle first the barrel and then you ever notice oh man yeah but you can like if you have a bit on a subject and you just tell them I actually have a bit on the subject and then you can do it or you know and there's also like sometimes there's like there's the other night there's some thing that I've been writing that I've never done on stage before and just by sheer coincidence the same subject was something that I pulled out of the piece of paper are you kidding yeah so I was like oh robot [ __ ] dolls right so which is like you know you can see I have a whole junk on that I just I got now I'm G to throw it away cuz you're working on it I don't want to but it was one of those moments where uh I like oh I like last night I spent two hours writing stuff on this right so let's just run with it here see what happens have you ever had a dip cuz they must go nuts when see you right yeah and then cuz back on Long Island I'll work out at a little club like Governor's you know you know I don't know if you remember that oh yeah Governor Lev Town yeah and I'll go out there and I'm Hometown boy and I go up there and they go nuts for for like a minute or something not like that but like they go crazy it's fun to see you and then within 2 minutes if I don't like they're ordering sausage and rolls and it's like they're they're they're they're talking and it's it's it's like putting weight on the bar it's like I'm like whoa yeah well New York audiences too they just they don't have much patience for [ __ ] it's a it's a good place to start comedy New York and Boston both good places to start comedy because people don't have any patience for [ __ ] right get yeah yeah we're happy to see you but come with the joke exactly let's go come on I'm here I'm here to laugh yeah I do a lot of writing while I have a tour like if I have a tour in in the theaters you know where I'll try to if I have a set theme set I'll try to add some stuff in there for the next one have you ever done that do you ever yeah yeah when you're doing a lot of shows it's it's great yeah cuz you kind of get a sense of where you could stick stuff in and you start you always have the safety net of I can go here if it's going nowhere yeah that's my problem that's what I do too I I'll write a huge Chunk on something and w't know when to bail on it if it's not going like you you know it's dependent on this thing I got to follow through with it now and if they're not in they don't buy in right away I'm like wow I got three more minutes of this stuff often times I I realize it's because I didn't buy in right that's what it is mostly with me if I'm enduring a bit I didn't want to be talking about this I wish I shouldn't didn't bring this one up like if I ever get to that place like you just have to fight off that thought there's this thought that comes into your mind like oh why did I bring this up I don't want to do this bit you can't but you can't say you know what [ __ ] that bit cuz then the audience would be like what yes yes no so you just have to never let yourself get to the mindset where you're like I don't want to do this you got to remember there there was something whatever the subject is there was something about that subject that when you initially started writing a joke about it it was resonating with you and you were like what the [ __ ] is this but if you hear it too many times it's like anything else you get tired of it you it loses its luster but that's just a mental weakness you just have to realize just say get your your head wrapped around that you can't allow yourself to think that way and surely this thought originally was valid because that's why you're so excited about it that's why you wrote a bit about it the audience doesn't know that that you've said it a hundred times over the last year right or more they they just want to hear it right so they want want they want to hear it from fresh eyes so you have to put yourself in fresh eyes right you have to be able to do that and that's the trick and it's not it's not like you're faking it either you have to actually really be thinking about it like you think about it if you want it to work at the best you know like when a bid is really sharp yeah you're you have to be thinking about it as you're like enthusiastic actually engaged with each part of it while it's happening well when I write a new bit and if I write a big chunk and it's too much I'll go up with too much stuff and I didn't rehearse it like because words are so efficient you say one word or you're repeating a word it stumbles you up and then you're like you know and then it it kind of blows it for this the next part of the bit so it's like I got to work more at um like really rehearsing my bits you know just really getting through how I'm going to speak how I'm you know cuz I Stumble all the time well the problem is then you start thinking about it right you know and with new bits they're just not etched into your brain yet so as you go up with them you like they're like little Bambi walking on ice you know it's not steady that's yeah it's but that's what like small shows are good for that's what [ __ ] around is good for right and that's what also is like that's when it's really important that you're inspired by whatever this idea is if I'm inspired by the idea I can always talk about it right like if there's a thing that I can get behind mind where I'll go so you explain this to me and then if I'm in that mindset I can make it happen but I just can't never let myself not be interested in what I'm talking about that's just that's a problem that people have and that I've had and it's it's just but you have to recognize that it's like throwing a toaster in a bathtub well what I'm trying to do now is because I really I used to write just every it was just separate jokes joke joke joke joke here and every time I would bring up a new subject it was like the audience is starting from scratch again to try to catch up and it's exhausting to try to understand so if I if I try to put it in a story or like a theme to my set at least they kind of know what's happening before you know so they know oh this was this is you know you tend to do these type of things and then you talk about something like that they they go with you it's like you're not starting a you know it's easy to what is it push a moving car momentum exactly and that's been working better for me cuz I you know I everything was like just isolated bits of jokes that I would put you know and I'd go I just put them in anywhere put a lazy uh connective tissue to it you know and it would be like it would work you get to laugh but it's like there's no you know building that's why I always admired guys like Steph right do those non seiters I'm like how do you do that and how do you write God that's going to be so hard to write um who's the guy uh died he such a mitch yes same thing yeah same thing nonse and you were with him every and that's what made it even funnier you know like who does that now are there any nonsecretor guys that just go joke I guess Jimmy Carr's kind of nonsecretor but some guys just they're just one bit to the next one subject to the next and with Mitch Hedberg it was always like super ridiculous like and and Stephen right same thing everything was really ridiculous and that became something that actually elevated it to like right like it was the they weren't storytellers you know right was part it was part of the fun so out of it yeah yeah that this guy was like out of nowhere somebody asked me do I want a frozen banana I said no but I want a regular banana later so yes he's the best a [ __ ] he's the best oh he was amazing man oh that was a guy like he just didn't want to kick heroin yeah they were trying to get him to kick heroin he's like uh-uh I like it his is that what it was he just he liked it he just wasn't going to kick it he was hospitalized while we were on the man show and Doug Stan hope and he and and Mitch were very close and I you know I admired him deeply as comedian he's a he was a great comic man and that was when he was I think he was hospes with Gang Green yeah cuz he was shooting it you know allegedly it's um heroin is a scary one because it seems to touch this part of people that makes them very creative and very like it resonates with people like so much music that's great it's made on heroin but God what a curse what a curse when you watch someone who gets caught in the opiate web it's so terrifying it's so sad to see yeah and when you have someone who's just like this I mean imagine the kind of bits that Mitch Hedberg could have come up with oh over all these decades after that what a talent yeah and he was all nonsecretor it was all one bit leads into the next bit Double Tree Hotel I love it I love it yeah I love that humor man just he he was amazing yeah he was he was it's just um you know that guy had a a hard time in the beginning because people didn't know what he was doing so he would go on after like these high energy like music acts guys would sing songs and [ __ ] and they'd have like a dirty rap and they bring up be different like that death and you're in the middle of Ohio or whever and so they're not used to that and they they want the song they don't know who you are you're just the headliner oh he's on evening at The Improv okay and then they go to see you they really didn't know they just said oh look MTV half hour Comedy Hour he must be good and then they go to the local comedy club because it's a thing to do on a Friday night but when they don't know you like that's one thing uh that is you know made it a little bit easier is when people are coming to see you and they know you as opposed to who's this next guy in this guy like just make me laugh way way way easier but also comes with a trap because the laugh at stuff that's not that good right like the we've all seen guys who only perform for their crowds only like in big places like they only do theaters only do their crowds only like that acting gets soft they can get soft and still work right because they're not being tested they're not performed with other Comics all the time well you see a lot of these guys now that are developing an act because they did something on like Instagram or what whatever like develop these audiences that you know they get popular yeah and then they put together an act they go and they and the clubs are like well let's put this guy up you know yeah and um they sell out like crazy because you know they they got a big following yeah but it's not like working your stand up man it's a different game well there's also a lot of guys who do crowd control like they do crowd work stuff like it's like just [ __ ] around with the crowd and that's most of these clips youve seen a lot of guys who put up clips of cloud work because that way they don't have to crowd work because you don't have to burn your material just talking to the crowd you just talk to them it's fine that can go bad it can go bad but if you do it enough and you get some funny moments has a lot of Great Moments he's really good at it and you take those clips and that way you're putting [ __ ] up but you're not burning any of your jokes the problem is some of those guys can only do that Schultz is a great comic like he could do great bits he could do great I mean he can do anything but some of these guys are only good at talking to the audience and then when they have to do did you ever notice everybody's like whoa the audience can feel the shift when I go back to my own material like oh you wrote this yo what is this ass [ __ ] you been thinking about all day you know you're you're better off responding like there's there's certain guys that like their thing is really just talking to the crowd and that's that's a different thing it's a great thing it's really great when someone's funny at it but it's also a different thing than the actual jokes see I I I fear that like I don't like doing that like so I've built my act with the the the the the speed of it that it like no one has the chance to get in and ask a qu or you or Heckle or whatever you know you you build this sh it's just time you can't get it in so someone says something it's like you're off them Qui you know I don't want to have to depend on doing that going what and stopping and then trying to get back to the bit that you were you know doing yeah that you don't need that some people like it some people like to interact with the crowd it just it's also it it's extra juice right the audience realizes it's happening live it this is crazy and then if you get have good on liners you know in the moment it's a great tool to have I wish I could you know depend on more do you talk to the crowd at all I do occasionally you have to and then at The Comedy Store you had to The Comedy Store you had to The Comedy Store for the longest time had zero crowd control they do a good job now of policing the room but back then there was it was Comics that were the door people it was Comics that seated people was the comics that took the the money at the cash register was Comics working there and they were all like they didn't want to do that job so they were the worst bouncers and nobody ever quiet the audience it was just you need to learn how to do it in the fire but you toughen up that way like you you build a you you understand how to go with the flow right you know and some but some people don't do that and they did not like The Comedy Store for that reason like they just go up there and they like to have a slow pace and do their bits and build that's me that's more me I would have been I I was always afraid of The Comedy Store it's just when you go up like if if you know someone like Adam egot is who's brilliant at scheduling and really understands talent and where people go you just want to put them in the right place you don't want to put them after a music act right you know like that's the death that is Absolut the death is the guy who has the funny songs right you're not following that you just see the the guitar in the back and the guy's you know tuning it up and you're like oh no when is he on and he like he's on next then you're up then you know like no no the guy with the guitar always ruined the show they always killed they would kill and you could follow him yep yeah musical acts raps anybody could do a rap remember red Johnny and the round guy oh yeah those guys would do that rap you're done it was the show was over [ __ ] you see them go you I go I'm getting in my car I'm leaving I'll see you later I go I'm not there's no need for me to be here it's crazy how like a like a song or a just like a funny song it's just it tops everything yeah it who was that guy that used to be on Dr Demento there was that guy that used to have dirty songs back in the day and he was famous he would tour around with dirty songs John Valby yes thank you that guy remember that guy Dr dirty Dr dirty that's right he would light up a room light up a room you're not going on after him you're it's over and everybody knew who he was and you would hear his songs on like Dr Demento remember like late night on the radio you would hear his songs yeah he would tour and do just dirty [ __ ] songs and everybody go that guy had a business man and I'm going up talking about puppies afterwards hey you guys ever ever lose your keys and you're searching like this guy's talking about getting a [ __ ] while you're taking a [ __ ] it's he was just like but he had that following of people that would just come to see just those songs so they would hear the same songs over and over again loved it right yes that's another thing yes like dice had that like dice could always do the Rhymes and the audience wanted to hear those Rhymes what's in the bow [ __ ] oh you don't have to write as much it's great right you can you know but you're going to get bored like you know that you ever see that Kennison song about the Beach Boys uh Kennison bit Kennison had a bit about the Beach Boys about like you know imagine them 35 years later singing the song same [ __ ] song like not wanting to be there anymore that it's just not the same experience it's tough yeah yeah you want you want to be able to do new stuff the new stuff is scary but it's F it's so EXC I mean I found like it's I never really worked my act like when when I started doing the show and and getting involved with that my stand up the writing and all that I would still go to like Vegas with Ray to do it on a weekend but I wasn't working my stuff I wasn't a comedian you know what I'm saying like you got to really you know and I felt that you know you're delivering the same act year after year kind of changing here a little bit here and there and then you're going out and doing it and it was like it was bothering me so much I hated my ACT I couldn't stand doing it anymore and didn't have time to write that much so like a few years back I just stopped and said I love standup so much like I just want to start and really get into it and I tell you it's it's the how much time did you take off of it I wasn't really off it was just like I would keep it going but just doing shows no writing like I really wasn't writing for years just doings yeah I mean if if something funny hit me I would write it down but not not working it not wrting it's so hard when you're doing a television show you know and when I was doing news radio I I fell into a real like a spot over a period at least a year where I wasn't writing at all I didn't do any new jokes I had the same tired ass jokes you were we I remember jumping in your Supra and uh heading to The Comedy Store like you would go up a lot you would still do things there no yeah but that maybe that was a different time that was when I snapped out of it okay so there was a period there was a period when I first moved there in like 94 where um we were working like 16 hours a day and I was tired all the time and I would just show up at the club and do my set and then go and I was just doing it because I was still a comic yeah I was like in my head that's what I felt like I was doing in my head I was always like they're going to realize I'm not an actor I'm going to get fired this is this is the last TV show I ever work on I almost got fired from the first show I ever got was on where I was a star the show hard ball yeah I almost got fired from that I remember that one cuz I was I was getting an argument with the producer they they hired some new producer and he wrote these terrible lines I was like this is insane like this is so bad it's insane and they were going to fire me you didn't stomach it man I was like this is CRA well the thing is the guys who wrote the original show were brilliant they wrote for Married with Children they wrote for The Simpsons right and um Jeff Martin and Kevin Curran and when they had their show the pilot was their show like Jim Brewer was the mascot I remember that it was fun Mike star from good Fells was in it I mean it was uh Bruce Greenwood the guy that went on to be the in the Star Trek movies these guys been in everything he was in hard ball I remember I go to your tapings man it was so much fun they were going to fire me cuz I was like this is terrible so they they hired a new producer the new producer came in and took over and turned it into like the sloppiest most obvious terrible sitcom like that prototypical sitcom where you watch and you go got to get the room the jokes are so goddamn obvious and they wanted firing him but it was between me and him and so it it literally got down to this thing where my you know they're calling my agent saying this kid is ruining his career oh that's hilarious and I was like oh no I'm ruining my career so I always thought that eventually they were going to figure out that I'm not built for this this is not my thing and so when I would show up on on the set of uh news radio was like it's like at any moment in time they're going to figure out that I'm not supposed to be here but we were working only cuz you didn't want to though I thought you were funny as hell in that stuff like you just didn't like it you didn't you're insecure didn't have any experience about actors didn't know how to hang around with them um I was so used to Comics so for me it was like Fighters and then Comics right so just crazy people I was just only around crazy people so when I was around normal people or people that were like really sensitive like really really sensitive like itive on purpose like where they're trying to be offended by things that's sitcom people and you know when I get into that oh was exhausting that's hilarious it was exhausting and you'd always hear about tyrants you'd always hear about like the Brett Butlers and the people that would scream and throw coffee in the face of the writers like news radio was that bad like those guys were oh there was none of that there right that was cool no there was a party did the writers were great it was totally different kind of experience right but what was my point my point was that what was my point you were saying that thought I was going to get fired yeah it wasn't it wasn't for you you thought they were going to find you out oh so I I had to just do standup just to prove that I was still a comic because I remember at one point in time the producer of news radio said to me he was like why are you still doing stand up you're an actor now I was like oh no never take that away from I was like Oh no I got to get out of here I was like I was literally thinking like is like a trap changing you this a trap and then um I had uh one really bad set one night in front of one of the producers and one of the writers [ __ ] ate [ __ ] I went up at the store like late at night at like 1:00 a.m. in the main room and just had a terrible set just bombed and then I I really got to work after that then I realized like oh I've been slacking off that's what I felt man I've been slacking off because I've been working 16 hour days and I use it as an excuse to not write and then from then on like everything got way better like way better my my stand up I I dialed it in much more how do you write how do you are you the guy sitting down I mean I sit down in front of a computer and I just write I just I don't write like this is exactly how I'm going to say it I just like spill my thoughts out because I feel like it takes me a lot longer to write the words than it does for me to think about things so the more time that I'm actually just writing the words it's extra time thinking about the things you speak into a computer you talk it no I just type really yeah I type and just whatever the subject is I'll like there's this one subject that I'm doing right now where I've written it written about the subject four times so I start a whole new Microsoft Word file four times and just completely revisit it just one more time what program are you using because I'm nuts with that I just use Microsoft Word and I go into uh there's um focus mode have you seen Focus mode Yeahs everything else out yeah I used to use right room I'll still use right room I did scrier I like I use scrier yeah but I'll find one thing about it and then I'll go I don't like this that it does sets my bits up this way or it can't do this or it can't transfer that and then I'll spend the whole day looking up for apps for the perfect app and I'm not and I'm not writing yeah you just jacked yourself of course of yeah yeah I try to avoid that but scrier what I do with scrier is I make each individual bit once I have it kind of boiled down then I put it in the columns so the way scrier set up you know whatever the subject is I love scrier the only thing it didn't do it didn't transer transfer to my phone or or the other you know like when I'm at a gig and I want to look it up quick you have to go to like a Dropbox or like that you know and it was like it was annoying I go I can't I need it right away yeah that's where notes on iPhone is the best the best the problem with notes you ready for this I got them all you can't categorize you can't it it it either goes alphabetical so if you have your bits I like seeing my bits on the side where I go I'm working on this and be able to move them anywhere you you can't right cuz it'll fall into that that kind of screws me up that's true that you can't keep it in order that's the only thing about then I'm off that one then I'm looking five more hours I'm looking for other hours right because if you have a folder in your notes and then you open up that folder and edit any one of those things any one of those subjects it'll move to the top cuz that's the newest one now yeah yeah that's yeah that's not d That's That should be an option somebody should make a just for stand up for for one of those things I I I would love it I would love Yeah but most Comics don't use them most Comics just write things down like you ever see Mark Norman stack no it's crazy he's got a stack like a [ __ ] like a phone book like that thick of index cards and napkins that he keeps in his pocket and he's so crazy like you try to read it you like it's literally like an insane person you're like cuz his handwriting illegible yeah and there's no order to them there's just stacks I mean he might how many how many did he have in his pocket 150 probably easy way more than that 200 200 in X cards where do you even you go how do you go here's what I'm going to do tonight card 167 to one no it's a it's a window into the madness that is the Brilliance of his comedy it's just all w i remember Richard Lewis would would uh throw out I mean like it' be a piano up there and he threw out like a scroll of like it was like just you know legal pads of paper and like crazy stuff all over set it all up and it's like he was a little nuts he was nuts with that yeah that was also part of his thing right there's Norman's look at Norman's stack look at that look at that yeah I can't believe you carry this around with you you're going to get a bad back I'm worried about his back you you can get a bad back from that lot of it's like sitting on a fat wallet exactly exctly taxi drivers if they have too much [ __ ] in their wallet you'll you'll you'll have a little bit of a lean you'll get a bulge in your back I could never do it I can never I don't even know what I need to have it organized yeah just yeah you were always an organized guy like even back in the day I to I admire that I think that's a very important thing that some Comics feel like they don't have to do and you don't have to do it some of the greats don't write anything down don't get me wrong but I feel like when I write if I just physic phally write there's jokes that I will get that I won't get if I don't physically write and not a few of them like a lot of them like some of my best bits ever came from sitting down and writing do you find if you write the bit out physically write it out that you will remember it better too or Not by hand yeah if you write it by hand you remember better that's proven so if I do an arena I got this from you by the way I got this from you because uh CU I'm not doing it anymore I need to no this is this is what I got from you because I didn't have a rider cuz I'm lazy so when I would go do theaters they would just use Kevin James Rider so when I went because we were the same manager yes so we're the same manager I was like what shimmy eating like did you see that yeah it was like all normal stuff and like whatever like maybe I added whiskey to it or whatever it was but uh one thing you had was index cards yeah and Sharpie so I was like oh that's a great idea so every time I do an arena now I set up index card and I will get there an hour early and write out all my bits write out all like the the the key points of the bits all the things I want to talk about and set that there and then next bit set that there and so I have this coffee table and I've got all these things index why don't you do a prom or something like that you don't want to do a prom no no no I don't need that I'm fine once I once I write it all out I've been doing it every night I know every night it's like I just like to do that as an extra little detail just an extra little just just really dotting all your eyes and Crossing all your teeth so I feel good when I get I don't know if it's I'm losing my memory you know whatever but it's like I need a I need bullet points up there it's let me get you some of this do you take any tropics I take nothing okay this is what you're going to get I'm I'm going to give you this just take this one and I'll get you some more I'll send you some more that's Alpha Brain that's uh on it the Black Label Alpha Brain that is the the top of the food chain Alpha Brain the strongest one am I going to see unicorns no no no no no no it just it helps memory it's really good for memory and it's really good for uh focus it just it gives you like a little extra juice mentally now if you're [ __ ] you're not going to notice it like I try [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] snake oil trust me as someone who makes a living using his brain there's certain things that you can take that are not bad for you that are just nutrients that enhance brain function you know another one is creatine creatine creatine's okay it's okay to do that oh yeah creatine is very safe creatine's one of the one of the safest supplements um it's also uh what does that do though it gives you it's well it adds water to your body your your body has more water and that's one of the functions of it and it's one of the reasons why it makes your muscles look bigger it makes you stronger it really does work as a like a a fitness supplement like is a like if you're training lifting weights creatine is one of the very best things you could take creatine I was say beta allany that's another one but I got to I got to give you this thing that widman gave me these herbal pills completely natural he gave me we were playing golf in I forget we're Atlanta or whatever it was with DC Cormier was there it was just the the three of us went out and I was you know I get up in the morning my back is killing me my everything my joints are hurting I I I get to the course you know you walk around Hills up and down all day you know I'm like I'm going to be so gone on this thing and wein says take a couple of these you know pills you got these things they're completely herbal and you know what is it it's ashwag like it's I don't know but it's what the key with this stuff is I said why you know because he gave it to me and he says just do me a favor Mark right now where you feel how you feel how you're join I go I feel horrible my knees are killing my ankles everything I feel everything my back you're swinging a golf club that's it's brutal so he goes and just take three and tell me how you feel in like you know in a few hours or whatever it was and I forgot about it and around the ninth hole but I swear I'm I'm around the turn I'm um it's a couple hours later I'm going I feel amazing for some re like all the joints you know like uh like the Jiu-Jitsu finger thing when you get when you first come back and it's like that pain I had all that joint pain and and and it was gone I was literally pummeling with DC I'm like come on let's go man I felt amazing I go I go it's the pills I go this is insane I go can you give me and DC tried them too and DC said I haven't wrestled in a long time he goes he tried them he goes I love like I want to know I know nothing I I go I'm trying to figure out this is a placebo effect or what it was he gave it to me again same thing felt amazing so does Weidman have those on his Instagram can we find out what that stuff is I'm I want to literally I don't go into business with I want to I want in on this thing whatever it is dude I'm going to give you I have some try three yes just try it just Mark how you feel if you have any pain cuz if you go ah I felt nothing it might be the case but these things it I'm I did it a few time and they ran out of he couldn't get them and then he got them again everybody who's given how long before they make that illegal whatever it is I know they just made bpc 157 illegal it's it's the I'm telling you I'm I'm I'm out of shape now it is literally the only thing that gets me up and I'm like whoa I could I could work out I could do it really I took them I again I want to know what's in there yeah I'll I'll find out from him um it's all natural stuff but the thing about it is speed's natural too you know I don't know it's all coming from the earth I know everything's natural the key what they said in these things like the guy throws out like CU When you get even if you get ashwaganda the active ingredient in it will you know it like once it's G people sell it anyway and it's like dust it's like crap in there he doesn't use he throws out like 70% of the stuff he said and I was like I don't know I don't care what it is I just want it I want to give it to my family because I I wanted to feel better you know I'm just an older guy feel you know yeah I'm you got to help me with that working I'm telling you I am literally right now I feel like I am on the cusp of either you know being that athletic guy you know go back into where you know I get in shape like crazy or I'm wearing cardigan sweaters and literally you know Grandpa good well just get a trainer I can't I'm doing a documentary right now yeah and I started it in January I'm assembling the best guys like like Dolce is going to help me out with this thing he's awesome we already did one we already did a documentary I did it on uh it was called cheat day where I thought you could work out like six days a week and just have one day to eat what you you you want and just do it that way and I had Dolly come in and and and be on be in it with me and and work me out and do it and he kept going you're not you're not going to be able to do this and I go why CU he go your one day is going to destroy everything and you said and I remember this he goes you can't outwork a bad diet and he was right it was like I would crush it so hard like people don't know what I can eat like you know I'm you know what I'm saying you know like when people go I'm a foodie you know like it's like you have no idea how much I can Crush food and that one day would just destroy it for the rest yeah the the food thing is you can't outrun a bad diet you just can't you can't it's the best phrase it's real that's that's where it all comes from it all comes from food and we're all addicted to food and it's the craziest thing if you're addicted to food because you have to eat it it's not like heroin like if you're addicted to heroin like oh I've got a heroin problem but I'm going to take a little bit of heroin right no you're going to go full bore again you're you're going to be [ __ ] it's like it's one of the very few things where you're addicted to it and you got to not be addicted to it anymore but yet you still need to eat it well what that's crazy that's a crazy conundrum and most people's minds can't really process that that's right and I I can't I just I can't because he he he's given me the diets do you know just do this this and this and this you know it's form me it's very simple I mean by the way does every who who would needs some another grown man to tell you what to eat you know by now you know seriously you know and same thing with working out you don't know move your body whatever it is do you know what to do you may not know the intricate stuff of like split squats and this and that work this thing and but General Health you know what I got to move my body more eat better Foods less processed we know it but yet man I can't that's what this documentary I'm doing about it's like why I have access to the greatest guys why can't I still do it it's like and part of it is I need the goggin you know yeah you need a hype man you do you need someone around you who's also doing it well that's it it's Community I don't have that it's like when I'm with Dolce if we're on a movie together or who do he's got me in shape he's giving me the meals and you know it Mak when I'm My Own Captain yeah I'm homeboy I'm gone I'm just gone you know one thing that you can try uh that I guarantee will help you lose weight is the carnivore diet because if you do it the one thing that you're going to not eat is any carbohydrates you're only going to eat meat and if you cut out all bread all pasta all sugar all [ __ ] I'm not saying this is a great great diet I'm not saying this is the way to live I'm saying this is the best way for me to eat I've done every other kind of diet this one works the best for me and it's the one that keeps me lean cuz when you eating just protein your body hits a satiety level if you're just eating steak just steak your body will hit a level and you go this is all I need and then you won't want to eat more but if I'm in that same mind space and there's a steak there but it's next to mashed potatoes with gravy a of pasta ice cream then I'm going to keep going and I'm going to get another 7,000 calories I'm going to keep going but if I just eat the steak then my body starts processing ketones I start instead of using carbohydrates I'm only eating protein and fats your body goes into like a a ketogenic State you think better gives you an extra Gear with thinking the ketogentic thing is I mean that for me is worked it's cuz DOL will hate me for saying like like he's like you know when they say blueberry you know you know carbs he's he he's like carbs are fine for you like the right carbs there's nothing wrong with carbs it's a fuel for your body but what I'm saying is if you're trying to lose weight one of the best ways to regulate your appetite is a carnivore diet because you don't overeat with it but I think it's deeper than that for me I think it's mental I think it's like anything will work I fasted that you like I've done everything you know it it all works for a while but why am I this size now you know I'm you know every time I'm like you know just recently I started stop comparing myself to other people and trying to like just say get better than yourself yesterday literally that that concept for me works it's like when I'm in there cuz he'll give me workouts adulter to do too and I can't do I don't do them I can't do the Reps four sets of 16 I get so bored by myself like I start doing my own stuff I'll do eclectic stuff great stuff on a treadmill all movement stuff like I love it just throwing punches doing things but I walk around and then there's no way to measure it though because the next day I'm not doing that I'm you know so it's like I'm the guy who walks up to the bag hits the bag a couple times then walks oh look at this thing I got I have every piece of equipment in in in in my gym I do if you if you saw my gym you go the rock live here you know it's like literally it's like they see me and they're like what are you doing it's like I buy everything cuz I buy into it I'm like because it's a little piece of hope that's what it is right right a treadmill is a little piece of hope it's a hope a new thing like I got the uh Jacob's Ladder I go oh it's great it's Jiu-Jitsu you're grabbing a ring this is great functional yeah it's collecting dust is what it's doing it really I because I don't use it so I need something that's what this thing is what can get me because I am like most people I'm telling you you don't need a lot of stuff but you need something to engage yourself every day there's got to be a bridge between what the goggin the way and people who do nothing like like you got to get that like you I I saw you were doing this with the other comedians which I love you know it's like where you go I just want him to walk or just get him down there get that is so important man because it's like if you can get into that Groove you do feel better like that's what blows my mind I've gotten in shape a couple times and I'm like I don't need to eat any more crap I don't I love the working I love the way I feel and then it slides right back what happens well let's in it's one of the things about you that makes you really funny is you're indulgent you're just W you're a wild dude who's like trying to stay buttoned up it's like part of what's really funny about you and that Indulgence it it it goes into other things and for you it's food right you know luckily it's not gambling or something like really crazy right but I don't I I quit things too like like like I feel like I have the same almost intensity that you have but I'm not a finisher like I don't get really things we started jiu-jitsu did do we start at the same time yeah basically the same Beverly Hills Jiu-Jitsu right like you were the one who brought me down there yeah I'm a blue belt and and barely 30 it's like you what I'm saying it's like cuz I start stop I don't you know what I'm saying and that's in my head I'm like ah if I would have done what Joe did man look where I could have been and I you know I'm trying to you know why do and then I start comparing like you can do it now you do it and I if if I play that game I'm done cuz I can never catch up to other people well a lot of it it's like learn Behavior patterns you just have you get stuck in and if you're unlucky you can get a bad behavior pattern or constantly quitting things right but if you're lucky you could look I got very lucky that when I was 15 I got obsessed with martial arts right because that was the first thing I ever did in my life where I didn't think I was a loser anymore I was like I realize that if you work really hard at something and you're completely obsessed with something it could transform your life so my my life from the time I was 15 to the time I was 18 I was a different human from 14 15 I was insecure I'd get bad social anxiety we moved around a lot I get picked on a lot and I went from that to being completely confident being just a different human being I was fighting all the time it wasn't like to me the the fear of like confid was pretty much gone cuz I was just engaging in Conflict all over the country I was flying around my whole High School all my time so I got in my head that the way to feel better and to get life to improve is to just [ __ ] dig in and keep going and don't ever quit don't [ __ ] quit that's so great but I got lucky that that's something that I fell into when I was 15 I often think about you know there was one day dude one day when I was coming home from a baseball game where I walked up the stairs we were getting ready to ride the tea which is like the Boston sub system and we were getting ready to ride the tea but the line after the the baseball game was like really long there was so many people that were on the tea so we just for a goof walked up the stairs to see this Taekwondo school and as we were walking up the stairs this guy John Lee who was a national champion at the time was preparing for the World Cup and he was like 28 years old he was in his Prime and he was kicking this bag and as I was going up the stairs I was hearing and then the sound of a chain like sh and I went up and watched this guy kick the bag and I was like what the [ __ ] kick kicking the pole yeah yeah and I was I was just I was like I want to learn how to do that right and I was there the next day I signed up I I had enough money to pay for the class I signed up and I was there every day from then on I was there every day I mean every day I worked out every day of the week I worked out Sunday I worked out every day I never took time off I was there for hours every day I just eat food go there and be starving by the time I left and then head home and go back that's you're blessed brother because you you have something that most people don't have that they don't have that like you have everybody has the intensity in the beginning you know when they see something they like I want to do this I want to say I do like every I get all pumped up like this is it this is all I want to do and then it's like you don't want to suffer you don't want to put the you know the work in that's the difference between we we both love Jiu-Jitsu well to love something you gota you you got to know it you have to know it right you can't love something you don't know well I love it but you know what I don't love obviously I don't love the mornings getting the geek cold gon you know there's things about getting in with a you know what I'm saying getting on the mats they're sweaty they've been there since like f 5:00 in the morning I got to travel to do it uh it's going to hurt these guys are coming after me you know it's like you know you're in there and it's I'm nervous and my so I stop like I I I get back into it you know I'll I'll let it go for a while you do you go through that and you become you know you overcome those little things and it's like that's how you grow it's like I get right up to the edge of it and then I'm like ah I just so I don't love it as much as you it's like you have to you have to you commit you have to suffer you have to you know that's the only way you're going to show your love for anything is you you got to suffer for it there's got to be that you got overcome that otherwise you you don't you you die you know you you have two PE everybody has two people inside of them everybody has the person inside of them that wants to go to sleep the person inside of them that wants to quit that guy's winning by the way that's the guy who's you see before you right now and the other guy that's like no this is what you need to do but the problem is with a lot of people that other guy that's like no that's what you need to do that person's really timid and that person they they just well maybe it'd be better if we just went for a run like shut the [ __ ] up I'm going to eat chips right and that that timid version of you is what you need to cultivate into being like the boss that's the boss so I have a boss my boss is that voice I let that Voice win every time I love it that voice says shut the [ __ ] up and get in the cold water that's dying to yourself man that's literally saying I'm not going to where I'm comfortable I'm going to you I'd much rather do this I'm sure you you know much rather do something than jump in a cold plunge every you know get a cup of coffee and go hang out and talk you know you do that and that's something I need to do more and more like like we all do it's like it's the only way you're going to embrace it and and get better at things I'm trying literally with flying like I used to I drive everywhere these gigs and it was getting so much that I'm like I'm I'm afraid of flying but I'm like I got to just die to myself just do this have faith you're going to be fine just do it and each time you do it you're like all right we did it yeah and you have a bad flight you're like I'm not doing that again you know but it's like you know it's you just got to give the boss some strength yes yeah and the the boss the boss has to win a bunch of battles and when the boss wins a bunch of battles and he wins them every day then eventually the boss becomes a louder voice and then you get get it to the point where the the boss gets to tell you what to do and you don't Dev and even though you have all those feelings every time I lift the lid on the coal plunge I'm like let's not do this every time and but the boss is like shut the [ __ ] up the boss gets mad if those voices pop up so like I'll make you do an extra minute [ __ ] get the [ __ ] in there I love it and you know there's two pieces of advice I always give Comics or or just young men in general aspire to be the person you pretend to be when you're trying to get laid Yeah just be that person instead of pretending to be that person become that person right become a person that you would admire you can do it's possible to do if you can pretend to be that person you can actually be that person right aspire to be that person and then the second one is live your life like a documentary crew is following you around live your life like as if you wanted the whole world to go wow that guy's really killing it like I love the way that guy handles things I love and then you're not going to you're going to fail you're going to [ __ ] up you're going to you're a human everyone's going to fall into a like God what a loser I am right just go back with the same ethic get back into it with the same mindset live your life like a documentary crew is following you around everywhere how would you want to be seen who well be that person actually be that person become that person you can become that person it's funny we're doing that now and it's like we started in January and I'm I've I don't know I think I might have went up four pounds I don't even know like it's like you know because I've go down and then it's like but you're right you're right and we want to I'm going to show it all you know because that's what it is it's the struggle it's the process dude you just need a hype man if we were neighbors oh buddy by the way I love Austin I'm coming here I want I would be here every day [ __ ] move here move here the club's always very available you'll have fun great place to work out come here to my gym we can work out together oh man come we got a beautiful gym here dude I think I'm just going to rip my kids out of school we're going let's just do it it's great here man it the people are so friendly you got the the way they treat like Freedom here is like a religion freedom is a different thing in Texas they they are not interested in controlling your you know like what you buy and where you go and what you do on your land you can own zebra they don't give a [ __ ] there's more wild tigers or there's more Tigers actual tigers in captivity in private collections in Texas than there are of all of the wild of the world world that's insane well you just sold me I need people who have and tigers they have I I drove by a place the other day that had giraffes people have giraffes you can have whatever the [ __ ] you want if it's your land they just leave you alone they're like this is your land you do whatever you want you know and they love and and the the comedy here they love it's booming I went I got my beard trimmed at a place just yesterday and they were talking about the mother like they go and it's great this the it's a whole different vibe here and everybody's great and I'm like really and he was like oh yeah well this is the first time in our lives where a scene emerged there was kind of a little bit of a scene here in Austin there was a few clubs a few Comics some good Comics came out of Austin for sure but there was no real scene where a bunch of Assassins lived in town and now there's like Shane Gillis lives here Duncan Trussell lives here Tom gur lives here Christina pitsky lives here Tony hinchliff lives here David Lucas lives here it's like holy [ __ ] Brian Simpson lives here Tim Dylan lives here he's got a house he's got multiple houses he lives everywhere but there's so many killers here it's just every night you go to that club and it's just packed with great comedy you know what it is I'm telling you it's Community yeah I don't have that like like when I'm I have it in you know little bursts when I'm with people on a movie set or whatever it is but it's like I don't have that in my everyday life I need that I think I really think that's a big thing I really because I need the hype man I need but I need you know to be in that group where you just start doing it I did one one uh training camp with Wyman and those guys you know earlier on and uh with aljo and and these guys and you know I uh just jumped in with them and it's like I was with them for I don't know a few weeks three weeks you know and then I had to go out but it was like you developed this Brotherhood yes it was so much fun it was you know going through everything you're eating together you're running Sprints together and I was like whoa this is really really cool well that's what that's one of the great things about fight teams especially like uh Sarah Longo it's like those guys are so tight they're all friends always such a friends and they got so many killers there too Jesus Christ aljo Mor this is the funniest thing ever I came my first day on the camp whatever and they were sparring in in the octagon and I had my headgear on and everybody's pairing off with everybody you know just in W been go you know when Longo setting it up just you guys go with you guys everybody and switch it around this and that and I was like worried because I go Chris I don't want to go in with you know get in there get in just mix it up and I'm going I I'm I'm not even a fighter I'm I can't do this you know whatever I got in there everybody else Alo knows me you know you know these guys know me morab thinks I'm a fat old fighter like he thinks he doesn't know any I get the headgear on he just recognized me as an actor and he starts going starts dancing around I'm going whoa I know right away he doesn't he doesn't know I'm not you know I'm an outside guy he thinks I'm a guy in the camp and he just starts going crazy and I go oh my God and I'm punches and this guy's moving around like crazy on me and I'm like I'm looking for Wiman and it was it was amaz he was the sweetest guy ever but I got lit up by him in two second I go I had to take it off I go I'm an actor man that guy does not get tired nothing he's wild to watch do he see him with Henry cejudo he's got Henry cejudo picked up over his shoulders and talking and he walks him over towards Mark Zuckerberg he's it's h zudo that's an Olympic gold medalist and you're carrying him around like he's a kid on a schoolyard [ __ ] up it's a different breed man oh man he's an animal Mor Rob is an animal and the sweetest guy once you know he really the best I love that dude and everybody loves him like the response he gets from the audience yeah he people love him his last speech was so ridiculous when he wins he just gets so fired up he's amazing they [ __ ] love morab man they love look at that look at him that's Henry cejudo dude you have to understand how crazy it is that he's carrying around that guy on his back like that guy smile I mean two division UFC champion he won the flyweight medal or the the flyweight belt and he won the bantamweight belt and mor Rob is literally toying with him he's smiling and carrying him I mean that's that is so wild to see that was one of the most shocking things I mean I've seen a lot of shocking things of people getting knocked out I've seen a lot of things but to see someone treat Henry zudo like that carry him around like that laughing with a smile on his face was like now I could say I spar with that guy there you go but yeah that caderie we we needed as Comics like that's why we opened up the club we opened up the club because we realized that one of the functions that The Comedy Store had for all of us it was home base we had a home base it was a great old club with this amazing history and we were proud to be a part of it and so we'd all get together and we were proud We were com store Comics it was fun you go out on the road you come back home and you back at the store yeah and some of the best shows that we would have all year would be like Tuesday night Wednesday night shows at the store we'd go there and it was just so fun and everybody's just so happy to be around each other other comedians just have fun and talk about jokes and talk about standup and then when we came out here I was like well there's no Home Base there's no Home Bay we did the Vulcan but it's not set up good for a green room I was like we need a real home base and then I started looking I started looking right away and uh the first place I bought was a cult theater was owned by a cult that fell apart and then uh we got this opportunity to get that place on Sixth Street and I was like all right this is it and then we just started building and it's better than I ever could have hoped it's it's a real Community now like you go into that green room and there's like [ __ ] 20 dudes in there just talking laughing having fun sod's there and Lewis is there it's like people from the road guys from New York guys from La people are coming in out of town every week it's fun man I miss that man because I I don't have I have it when Sandler goes on tour and he he he'll bring me out and and I go with him and it's just so much fun it's so much fun man it's you know that's what we're missing you know if you're the guy who just does the theaters and you know you're with your family all week and then you have your act you go on the road it's not the same experience it's not I've been that for years that's the guy I am you know and I miss it man I really do come to Texas Jimmy I know come on buddy I got you you got to once I take this it's a good place to live the Alpha Brain man it's going to change everything I want to take those widman pills do we find out what the [ __ ] they are I'm I'm going to bring them into I have some just try them and and be you going to be honest I'm going try them right away I can't wait to try them in my mind I've already tried it they had me wrestling DC that's ridiculous wrestling DC and playing golf that was the funnest I go into Pummel him just messing around while he's holding the golf club and you just feel you're like oh my gosh he's a bear oh my gosh yeah DC's bear div two Division champion man you get you're almost like you're playing with him but you get scared it was like I was with with boss when you you introduced me to you got me to boss when I met boss I remember I first had it was just the King of Queens started and uh I was like we could have this guy come and train us this guy that we used to watch you know yeah what was it on uh panra and he had the high boots and stuff like that and then I was like Whoa man we can get this guy to to the you know to our dressing we could work out with him I had a little space on on the set where you know we would train and I brought him in that first day and he couldn't even speak English it was me and rock you know and I think my brother was there and uh they were I'm talking to him and trying to keep the conversation going you know like that he's just sitting here like he doesn't even know what's going on really just looking at me and then those guys left the room and I felt like I was in the room with like a leopard you know like where you go where you're feed as long as you're feeding at conversation stuff it's okay keeps eating it and looks at you again he was just looking at me and I ran out of conversation I ran out of conversation I'm like all right so uh and he's just looking at me I'm like this is a different human in front of me you know especially back then oh gosh things could go bad yeah B boss was a scary dude dude in his fighting days he was the first guy that the UFC hired um that I got excited about right because uh he was a guy that I I knew who he was cuz I had seen him fighting pancre and he was one of the very first highlevel Strikers that made it into MMA that Dutch kicks kickboxing style we this here oh yeah in pancreas they you'd have to hit with the palms and boss figured out that instead of [ __ ] slapping people you just speed spear them with your palm like a punch spear him and he would say he would hit this part of the wrist he would say as opposed to even the palm the bone his bone and he would mhm yeah he worked the bag with his palms to develop that power and he had this crazy ability to pull his hand back like his hand like my hand doesn't really go much back further than that but boss's hand goes way back like this well he's get freaky long fingers crazy weird he's a weird he's a real freak every injury I have to this day from turf toe and came from him you know I because when I he's the greatest guy in the world by the way once we got to know each other and he's awesome he's one of my best friends and he's he's uh we threw mat's in my garage in in in Ceno I remember and he would come over and train me and you know we would start on our knees and stuff like that and I remember one time uh we would just start on our knees and we were locked up and I remember I outmuscled him and I pulled him to the side and then two seconds later he reversed you know I was like whoa but I got him right there that was pretty sick you know and the next go we had it he pushed he goes you don't have like he he rolled me back and I heard a pop and I thought it was my knee but it was my toe my big toe oh no tur toe for still here still really yeah yeah never got rid of it these pills help these pills help that P tell these pills should be in the back of a wagon dude I'm this is for everything I got to find a way diarrhea ghea I just want to make sure you cuz you nobody's you're going to be like dude they do nothing which I love that I bet they do something I guarantee if you're having that kind of an experience with them they do something I just wish I knew what they were it's I well I'll I'll find it out for you I don't want to do it now when we don't have it why don't you go grab them go grab them and bring them in here I want to know what they are otherwise we'll be you look at it know what they are yeah well is it just the Pill by themselves it's a pill by themselves oh there no bottle sketchy no no no it's not sketchy this [ __ ] just not sketchy promise you it's not sketchy I no no no because it was a I'm telling you we will figure it out just you you're going to love this stuff yeah I don't know about all this no I think you will you and I will sit down with this stuff with why man and we'll we'll going to I'm telling you we're going to save the world with this stuff it's an if an old man is telling you this I am you know yeah I'm telling you it's the one thing that's dude we're both old now is that wild remember we were kids never thought you going to be an old man never never how am I going to be an old man how is that possible I'm a young guy I'm always a young still that's exactly it also you never got beaten down by life right right cuz you have a great job like if you if you have a job that sucks you can get beaten down by life but if you have a job like we have we enjoy our job it's like a thing it is what we do for work but it's also what we enjoy right and it is work but it's fun it's great there's nothing you know stress is the stress in work is different yeah but they say You're only as happy as your least happy kid right I mean oh that's true that's true so it's like when you got that going on it always bounces that out where you're like man the greatest life here ever and then it's like oh my gosh I got to deal with this you know yeah and you know it's not easy for kids no like especially today with social media and the just the weirdness of the world and I mean if you're a [ __ ] kid today you're a 15-year-old kid and you're in high school and you see what what the president is you're like what right that's the guy running the world like what is happening is how crazy is this and then you you've just gone through Co so everyone's confused like what happened was that locked up for two years like what happened and now here you are you're about to make it out there in the world and you're on social media all the time like it's a tough ride for kids today it is a very very very tough ride with new challenges that we never had to experience dude I my oldest daughter is on the Spectrum and you know so we we started seeing uh you know this anxiety and this disconnection and it was she developed you know uh these ticks you know I mean like really bad where she started like hitting herself you know like couldn't uncontrollable and she's a big strong girl you know uh she was about I think 16 15 at the time and you know I remember I mean it was so scary for me that I had to lay on her at night and hold her down and I you know I'm pretty sure she was hitting so hard and she's apologizing she's like I'm sorry you know like I'm I'm like what are you kidding me it was just it broke my heart so br to the hospital we went to the hospital to find out what we didn't even know what this was and uh you know we where it was coming from uh so they they got her to calm down and and uh she was still ticking and stuff and I talked to the neurologist is that what it is I guess I don't know the doctor you know and I go what is this what can we do and and and he said he basically said she's developed these ticks it's like you know this is something you're just going to have to learn to deal with you know you're going to have a child like this you have to prepare yourself that you and your wife are going to have to you know deal with this for the rest of your life this way and I was like there's got to be a different way he's like there's no way of really we don't know you know and I just I went oh man it crushed me so it was like me and my wife were like what do we do and my wife read this book she was just doing all this crazy research and she found this book disconnected kids and it was by Dr robbert Malo so you know I I I got involved with him I called him and he literally took my daughter he go I know what this is he goes it's okay uh he he says uh I can work with her and we were just out of like we were lost we didn't know what to do I mean I mean violent you know it was like oof um so we took it to to this doctor and within two weeks no drugs anything two weeks ticks were gone and he said they're going to still be there they'll they going to come up every once in a while but he fixed her man and I'm like whoa it blew my mind man it's like so I I was like I just want to give other parents hope and and and and I knew another guy who had a daughter who's severely autistic and uh you know she was nonverbal and you know you know violent too and he said he he he goes I will and he worked with them and and she's getting so much better and now and speaking and uh it's an amazing thing this guy does he's great how is he doing it what is he doing I I don't know at all you know he's he he works with the brain waves and and um again not a doctor but there's no you know medication in there uh involved which I was very important because that's what they were recommending to the hospital just put her on some medication I'm like and turn her into a zombie exactly I I can't do that and she's so much better now she still has the ticks every once in a while you know but she's great she's connected he gets it connected he does all these like brain things and he works with the you know and how it all ties into the the the motor you know whatever that is that's so fascinating it's it is and uh he's another guy who's like I I really uh is this it I've been told via your assistant this is what it is there's no name for it apparently no name for it yeah what do you mean there's no name what do you mean there's no name okay so it has ashwagandha shav shat shatavari shatavari shatavari kavich seed F fenu Greek seed uh Pali guui Shalit oh Shalit Shalit I've heard of that stuff before I've heard of Shalit uh gura and sunti oh boy well but that's a mouthful ain't it I think this it's not that the ingredients are that unique I think it's the fact that the way they do it is I don't know that he says he doesn't use anything that's been like he throws out a majority have it which is that's why it's hard to come by and it's like active ingredients for everything you they could sell you all the stuff but if you don't get it from the right place you know it's it's just not going to do anything whatever it is I give it to you you really okay I'm interested I've never tried ashwaganda here's something that has the same in I'm not saying this is it this just has the same 650 herbal supplement the same ingredients healthy skelet muscular response um maintain healthy skele skelet muscular system okay interesting give it a send me that send me that Jamie that is the same ingredients I mean I literally copied and pasted and Googled they're showing the same thing same dosage that looked like a [ __ ] it could be low redage company try try it okay that I know nothing I'm going to try it thank you I'm excited and I'm excited to try this you give it to everybody I need this anybody who like I just for me I want it for me yeah and I know I'm not gonna you know if it does if it I I sense to be like I'm not if it's not working it's not working you go it's Do's website if it if it works for me do has it yes okay that might be it it must be it must be it if it's on his website that's it infl 650 okay um but uh yeah it's it was it works herbs work there's a lot of them that work yeah some of them are really good it's so that's what's interesting about pharmaceutical drugs is the vast majority of them were sourced originally from Plants a lot of them from the Amazon they've come up with a bunch of different pharmaceutical drugs just from based on compounds they found in the Amazon yeah I don't even know I just I I know nothing about this stuff so when you started doing this documentary what was the purpose to find out the the process cuz it's like I've I've I'm going to do a movie right now like every time I'm I try to get in shape it's always like I always have to get in shape it's almost like you know a fighter who fights and then gets so out of shape again it's like well that's it I mean I shot a movie two years ago where I play an exorcist priest like like and I wanted it to be like it was really crazy horor like legit story so I wanted to be look a little different be you know uh right in the part and just have a different character so I got down to 230 I I really worked hard you know like that's low for me and uh shot it and thought we were done with it and I got to pick up a couple scenes I'm 280 no dude I'm GNA have to look like either right in this priest got stung by a bee and it just swelled up to or or I got to get in shape for it so I got to get in shape for it I got to get back down to that again how much time did you have I have as much as I you know I we'll shoot it when I'm ready but it's like it's waiting there to do a couple scenes 50 pounds how long does it take to you for you lose 50 I could lose it really quick I could fast and lose it seriously I can lose it in I could I could lose it quick like how many weeks for 50 I could do it in a month what that sounds so insane less than a month I could do l 50 lbs um that's amazing I can do it fast fasting just not you know but that's nothing must feel like [ __ ] though right no no no when I fast I didn't you know how many days have you fast in a row you don't you don't want to know how many days 41 and a half what 41 and a half you went 41 days with no food water and and a little salt in the water like a little electrolytes and I lost wow yeah see when I lock on I can do something oh I know that but that's a crazy lock on 41 days that was I fasting for it was mental it was like I I felt so bad for my daughter I said I'm going to do this for you is something that I could do you know and apply it to and it was like so emotionally tied into me and I started fasting and I go I didn't I didn't say I'm going to do 40 days I just said I'm going to do whatever I can I'm going to start fasting right now and I was praying for her like I mean I was worried and I did like 4 five days and I was getting through it but I was like I was wanting to get off it then I was like well I got to start to eat because I'm really hungry and I went and I I I I talk to my daughter I go how are you feeling she goes I've been feeling good she goes have you been fasting for me and I go yeah and she goes thank you so much and I literally went okay I gotta keep going I'm I couldn't stop then so I just kept going day at a day at a time you know just do it but it's amazing how your body you don't need it you don't need food as long as you have fat on you like that like for me I lost I think like 60 lbs wow yeah yeah there's that guy that was in the 1960s right Jamie that one dude um he fasted for 300 60 something he big right yeah is just take uh IV vitamins just water and vitamins I didn't even take vitamin like you don't need anything you know and I felt you took no vitamins nothing wow but you know it was it it cleansed everything out of me like I'm not saying it's the way to go for everybody you know like I don't I don't know again not a there's definitely some health benefits to fasting especially short-term fasting well but if you're big you can do it why not that's it it's like well how are you going to survive well your body eats fat that's it that's what it was doing it was surv you probably had good energy I I was pretty good for you know a while and then you'd have these dips and you know you you'd feel like wow I feel miserable I'm going to I'm off I'm done and then you fight through it and you like the next day you wake up you're like I'm okay again you know it's like keep going just keep going your body just says all right this is what we're dealing with we're eating fat I literally wrapped up the 41 and 1/2 days at you're going to crack up I went to to Pizza University which is a un to learn how to make pizzas and I didn't even I forgot I had booked it and I'm like oh my gosh and I go I'm not going to kill it while I'm there it was a three-day course where you get like a little diploma I wanted to know how to make the dough and everything like that and uh I went oh no there's Falls within my diet I just wanted to make it patch 40 days and uh I went down there and I did the whole thing and I never ate a bite wow yeah so it was it was crazy but then you blow back up to this you know it's like it's so it's like that's what the document about the documentary is about the process and finding something where you can help people with their health with you know it is what you were talking about it's just get up and do something walk do a little bit more each day is the key you know it's like when you don't even notice it's happening and all of a sudden you're this active and a big part of the key is having other people to do it with that's one of the great things about like you were saying training with widman and those guys it's like you're you're in a group where everybody else is working hard too and it's contagious right it's you get caught up in the momentum and it's great and everybody comes out of there feeling better and you all went through something together yes that's it that helps it's very hard to do it by yourself very hard it not only helps it's like we need it I think we're we're built for that we're made for that Community you know yep 100% 100% when you don't have it it's it's hard yeah it's not a good life if you don't have it it's just not you don't want to be by yourself you know like let's what you always hear about those uh like Howard Hughes type characters and by themselves are scared of germs and they're [ __ ] hiding from everybody the world gets smaller and smaller and smaller yeah the bigger you get the world gets smaller and it's not good not good for you no yeah you could lose your marbles got to come to Texas Jimmy I'm coming I think I'm coming I think should my wife's hearing this she's going to hear this for the first time but like I think this is it yeah it's a great place to live I look here in Florida and you know is a great place to live it's fantastic I again I've never spent time here in Austin this was the I was here for a few days we were writing and um I felt immediately at home like the moment I moved here I was like this is where I was supposed to be like it made sense it made sense it's like of course I thought you'd never leave La 2 I'm so that was so cool well I had been wanting to leave for a while you know I tried Colorado a little bit you moved out even from La further out in the stick right in the Hills yeah I was out in the Hills yeah I was always trying to be look when I bought my first house I bought my first house out in the hills on like 4 Acres right because I was like I don't want to be around people I want quiet I want animals I want I want to look out my window and see a hawk fly by that's what I want to see that's what I like you got that here yeah but that's what I like I I don't like I don't want to be overwhelmed by people I don't think that's healthy for you I don't and with me La just got sketchy during covid it just got the George Floyd riots I was like this is sketchy I was watching a bunch of looting I saw saw these kids break into a clothes store I was like God damn it this is sketchy these cops can't do anything they're they're overwhelmed and then there's all this defund the police [ __ ] going on and everywhere I would go I would go like you'd see tents and I was like this is a society that's falling apart and if you don't get out now you're going to get stuck in something unrecognizable this is not what you signed up for when when I lived in La in the '90s LA was great was great kind of a lot of traffic but other than that it was cool great place to live all these Comedians and artists and fun sunny out all the time yay we're in the right spot but after Co after the George Floy ridot and was like uh-uh I'm getting the [ __ ] out of here and then just the lockdowns and all the Ridiculousness and the hypocrisy and just realizing you have to pay attention to how [ __ ] stupid the mayor is I never paid attention to the mayor I didn't give a [ __ ] who the mayor was and then when Co comes along like oh that guy's a real problem like these people can become real problems they can tell you you have to close your family business you've had a business for 30 years this [ __ ] [ __ ] who shouldn't be managing a [ __ ] Taco Bell is managing the entire City's economy like oh my God and then they went after him too which is even great like black lives matter was protesting in front of his house like 30 days in a row like good that's what you get [ __ ] that's what you get it just turns on itself people just and then you you brought it here and you planted these seeds and look what's growing man it's just so amazing luckily a lot of other Comics decided to move out here that was the big one Ron White was the king he was always here Ron White was here before Co he knew Ron White I remember calling Ron White up I go why are you living in Austin he goes he goes I'll still come to the comy store but I [ __ ] love it he goes I love Texas I love being here I love living in Austin's a good City I was like damn it sounds like a good [ __ ] City and so when the pandemic came around and we were looking for places to live we had some friends that were coming to look in Austin I was like let's look in Austin and we came and we saw this house on the lake I was like let's go my buddy I have my buddy Scott Voss he lived in uh New York like most of his like in the city and then he all just abruptly moved to NE brunfels you know new brumel and he's always like a bow hunter and all this stuff and he he loved that stuff for bosses boss is they're they're great friends BOS out here too now yeah I know I know I know the whole thing yeah he's uh they're amazing and uh he loves it I'm always like how is it you know like are you you know missing New York and he's like not a stitch you know it's like you could always visit New York I love New York I love to go back and visit I love to visit and eat yeah well I'm on the island so it's like it's not in the craziness right but it's it's yeah it's it's the island is a different state yes it really is it's a 100% it really is yep it's a different state it's not New York City no no no I'm on you know it's it's it's it's it's very rightwing yeah it's different yeah it's much more families mhm yeah much more normal which is what I need you know you know but here I used to love working on the island that was my favorite place to work Governors yes [ __ ] Chuckles do you remember Chuckles yes is that minola was that minola minola that's right yeah yeah East Side was great that was a sad day when East Side tied closed and then they they opened another one Richie and it just got away from him and it was just not a great you know he took on a massive like store like a massive warehouse and started rebuilding it and just got you know in over his head with stuff and the you know the boom was slowing down a little bit you know and it just got tough yeah Long Island has always been a good place for comedy though there's always real good Comics coming out of Long Island there's always like a long island attitude like you get guys who come into the city from Long Island afraid of that that was another move like oh my god making that move to the city people like you going to go to the city I'm like I'm not going to the city yet I'm not ready I'm not ready I was so scared the first time I performed in the city I was so SC the seller where' you go Boston comedy club no catch a rising star yes me too Louis fanda yes yes I was so terrified I thought I was going to bomb I was so nervous I've never been more nervous for a show in my life because all the greates were went through there you know I remember I watched a video that was online of Richard prior I guess back then I must have watched a tape because this is we're talking about like the early 90s it must have been a tape but I watched a VHS tape of uh Richard prior on stage at catch and I was like oh my God I'm GNA perform in the same place and I knew Richard Bowzer had performed there I knew it was just a legendary Club I couldn't believe I was I couldn't believe I was there I couldn't believe I was allowed to be on the stage me too man yeah but when it went okay it went good you know I was like okay and then the next show I did the city I was like loose I was like this is just a crowd these are just people that's it and then I just got loose but the the the this Allure of the city was always like you can't trick them they're going to be the smart people like you can trick all those losers that come to see you at a bar in you know the middle of Massachusetts but if you're going to go to New York [ __ ] City you better have your act together M you know and you your act has to be tight stand up New York the comic strip the comic strip you remember Eddie Murphy was there oh my gosh Eddie was here yeah you know you see that Chris Rock and these I'm like who yeah well the the CL the clubs in New York there was so many of them Boston Comedy Club yeah danger Fields danger Fields I played how I played in front of probably three people right 1:00 in the morning at dangerfields yeah I was there once dangerfields and my spot was at 9 :30 and I got there at 9:00 and everyone was by the bar I'm like what's going on they like there's no crowd and while we were there two people showed up and remember remember Bobby oh he put the show on yeah he was crazy Bobby Welcome To Danger food he just brought him intoed down and then the show started yes and we we all did stand up for two people I love it they were like held hostage how could they leave we're going to get out of here this sucks like what there's five more guys coming there was something about back then that I I mean I missed so much that I guess it's the community again but that whole drive to to you know the newness of being in these clubs the you know the comedy seller you know also we didn't know if we were going to make it that's it you know you back then you were like am I going to be a real professional or is this just [ __ ] should I think about getting a job job right you know I quit my last job way early did you yeah I was working at a place called Granger in the uh in the warehouse just pulling orders it was like an industrial equipment company and uh I hated it it was so hot and I'm I'm like miserable and I'm doing like one like I'm doing an improv class and like a couple dates I have here and there and I was like I think I'm going to turn into comedy I think I can make a living of this stuff and it's like pulled out way too it living at home my folks and like I might have pulled out a little early but you know but that's the way you do it though you'll find jobs and things to do to make money while you're struggling right but it's if you if you have a net you'll fall right that's you got to you have you have to be 100% all in cuz in the be and in the beginning like in the first days when you and I knew each other we were just like kind of opening acts right which is like you're not really making much money maybe you could headline some little scrub room in the middle of nowhere make a couple hundred bucks that night drive to Connecticut you know so it was a it's precarious like who knows what's going to happen I could fall we all knew guys who fell apart it was guys who were like Headliners were big comics and they just fell apart they fell apart they couldn't they couldn't handle it for whatever reason it's weird fear of success or just like whatever it is they just they didn't know how to go to the next level or I think for them it's a lot of that they didn't have Community I think back then even more so than it's a problem now it was way more of a problem back then because everybody was in competition with each other right nobody looked at other people like other people that are just like me that are out there doing great and so that's awesome for everybody right back then like if you and I were friends and there was a Tonight Show host spot available and they were going to talk to you and they were going to talk to me we couldn't be friends anymore right and like the people would like turn on each other they would they would backstab each other like the famous David Letterman and Jay Leno things right Leno's like hiding in the closet listening to yeah it was like they were in competition with each other did you have a group of guys in Boston around you like when you first started or no was it just you me and fit Simmons were always tight right and we started out literally a week apart apart from each other in open mics right and so and then Chris Maguire I was always tight with Chris and there was a few guys from that era that I I stayed friends with that we did a lot of Road gigs together and we were tight and that was real fun mostly Fitz Simmons because Fitz Simmons was he was a good buddy and we we did a lot of gigs together when we were starting out we drive to Rhode Island for free yeah and just do open mics Allen pencilvania for I mean like 20 bucks or something I remember like I go this is cost me more than tolls yeah I was like but I'm wi yeah but that's the only way to do it you know you have to you have to put in those hours and that time and you have to be and if you're with someone else is also doing it it makes it way easier so yeah it made it easier for sure to be friends with fit Simmons because we were both doing the same thing at the same time yeah but there wasn't a group like we had in LA in La that was that was the different that was a different thing that was a real brother and Sisterhood like it was like everybody was like so tight and everybody was so supportive cuz it Coen coincided with the internet when the internet came along then instead of everybody being competition with each other for a sitcom or a you know a TV show now everybody was on each other's podcasts right so now it was only beneficial yes it was like if I could go do Schultz's podcast that would make my Netflix special get more people to watch it if I could go do this it would do that if I could do all these different things it would actually promote stuff and it would make it bigger and better and then it was like everybody's podcast grew because they were on other people's podcasts and no one suffered No One S there was no negative like of all the people that I ever had on my podcast that went on to do podcasts and tour and do Arenas it only helped it only helps it never hurt it only helps it helps them it helps me it helps the audience it helps everybody helping them is insane I mean like look at the careers you've built from this you know I didn't I just exposed people to talented people that already existed and that benefits me you know absolutely 100% but it's like you you give this platform and it does it it grows because then they're able to do it and bring up other people and you know and then other people are seeing that and they're they're applying that in their own lives yeah it definitely wasn't the okay back in the day I felt like I had my brother Gary and rock and you know uh Adam Ferrara and Richie like we had this tight group that we would look out for each other those guys you know we would try to do that but other than that it was backstab it was like back they were just trying to get in the way and don't tell this guy about this audition it's like you know I hated that I hated that well that's why I loveed hanging out with you and Ferrara and you know it's like you could find good dudes and you all hang together and all enjoy each other's success and and do shows together too that was the most fun thing when you and I got to do shows together wasn't that the best it was the best oh I loved it so much had so many fun gigs it was such a good time and just to be on the sideline cuz you're one of those guys that if if I'm laughing hard in the room you go crazy oh you get me nuts you build me up you are you are the the hype Manz you would fire me up and we' well I always knew you at your best I always knew who you were like if we were just at a bar and you just start going off about something and we're crying laughing you had this ability to get [ __ ] furious about something in the most hilarious way and I was like you got to bring shimmy out you got to bring shimmy out on that stage you were like one of the few guy I'm telling you and Sandler are guys that believed in me more than I believe in me you know what I'm saying really I mean it's sometimes your your special quality is to be comfortable around your friends and then that that's where you show your full potential right and then it's up to your friends to say you got to just carry that with you on the stage CU that's you at like the bit that you do about pulling up to the curb and the the the lock cancels out with the girl grabs the hand that that is that's a that's a full shimmy bit yes you got me you built it me you like you got to go nuts with and I was like more and more and and going I literally jumped in the audience during cuz you got me like that was when we were up at Montreal you like you got to go shimmy and I like went nuts I literally jumped I jumped on some guy in the crowd I've never done that before ever I fre this was like you know but that got me my deal that you know that's literally being that n you know yeah it was awesome it was awesome but that's that's you at your best but sometimes like that's you know sometimes people need a coach right sometimes you need you know you need a hype man you well my friends do that all the time we do it for each other they do it to me they'll say like Tony last night we're going over a bit he's like I really think that when you're saying this maybe say that first and I was like damn maybe you're right right and every now and then someone will see things with fresh eyes and they got to pull you aside and go I think you should do it this way and you're like ooh I like it let me try it and I'll try it the next show and like oh my God you're right think of that that's the it's a comfort level it's a comfort level when you're when you're comfortable with somebody and you you know you get past that you just you open up and you try to and you know each other that's exactly what it was like I said we would go out and do these and that would be it you would give me these things and get me all hyped up and it changed who I was change what I again that comedian that with the you know standing up there in the Middle with the mic stand and like you were just that guy to me you were that guy that was just like you didn't care and I was like I want to be that you know I remember one time we were at one of the improvs the brand improv or one one of those improvs and uh one of the [ __ ] guys who's working the sound Foods goes what did you do to him I go that's him that's him that's the real shimmy that's when he when it comes out cuz you were just going nuts you were just going nuts you're like dude he goes so crazy when you're here that's that's him that's him I need you in my life that way like I need you to do that with everything I'm telling you that that's what I miss when I'm on you because again my own Captain I go off the rails I'll start overthinking things and it's like you know that happens with Fighters too I'm sure yeah Fighters decide that they're the boss and then they don't have a guy like that happened with Tyson like Tyson was with custado custado died and now he doesn't have a boss anymore he doesn't have the the alpha he doesn't have this this uh this this this wise person who's overseeing all of it going no no no no not this this and this is why this is why you have to approach it this way like yeah this is why like sometimes people need a coach you need you need you need someone around you who knows exactly what's going on I don't care if it's you if you're like I need it in like if I'm writing a movie or writing doing whatever it is I need people to to say hey you got to see it you because you're in your own head everything has that same flavor like I'm always like ah we're writing the same type of movies and this that because I'm controlling everything and sometimes I got to relinquish that control and say let someone else say you know believe me trust them Just go with it you know and I struggle with that cuz I'm like no no no no you know and that's that's the key to it and I can see that a fight game it must be like you know where I take over and I know better and I got to switch camps and do all this stuff or especially if you're the champ right right if you're beating everybody and you think like I'm [ __ ] everybody up cuz I'm the best and then your manager is like looking at Clubber Lang and Rocky he like no this [ __ ] guy is doing the real thing you better watch out you see this you don't see this coming yeah and you have to have that guy around you otherwise you'll be delusional and you wind up like with a flashlight in your face that's that's right and you know they're Wheeling your a stretcher that's uh it's the thing with success like and also the part of success is to get successful you have to get really uncomfortable and once you get to a certain level of comfort you're you're like I don't want to be uncomfortable anymore I did all that in the but that's over I'm done but the only way you keep getting better is to be uncomfortable that's it that's the ice bath every morning that's literally going you why do you you don't have to do this anymore you know it's like but why so you got to build up the boss in your head like I made my own coach because I realized there's not going to be enough coaches around me like I had coaches when I was doing martial arts I mean that was a giant factor for me that I I went to that Jun Kim Taekwondo Institute in Boston which was like one of the best best gyms in the country I just got just dumb luck happen to be there at the right time but once I realized I you're not going to have a coach everywhere like you got to be able to coach yourself like I write out my training routines all myself I write them out so I know what I have to do and and I just do it I found an old Journal like when I was literally doing I did Karate for four I don't know how many years I was when I got to like a brown belt you know when I was in in high school and stuff like that or a little just as I guess it was ending then maybe he was just going at the college I was by a brown B by then but I never felt that we had a guy named Al Wilson in our school who was a boxer and I was learning all the karate stuff and I was really good in you know I was have these you know the the moves and stuff like that and the cata is down like crazy crank them out like rip them you know like really powerful and this guy was just different you know it was boxing and like I didn't have that so I never had that confidence even then like in as a brown Bell I was like I I need to know something like I got to learn and and it really you know boxing's an eye opener oh my gosh and wrestling you know it's like all these things that's what I'm saying as far as that stuff it's like those are two big eye openers especially if you think that you know how to fight cuz you know how to do karate and then you like oh this is a totally different thing I got to learn this now learn it like I learned everything else I remember when you took me to when we went to Beverly Hills Jiu-Jitsu I remember my one probably the first class A guy grabbed me and held me just against his chest and my face was in his CH in his ghee and I couldn't breathe I didn't know what to do so I reached up and I was like grabbing his throat which you're not to but I was panicking I you know and he was like whoa you know like whatever I was like well I didn't know I just played it off but I was gone I was G he was like I was gonna tap from a chest yeah people do that in in Black Belt tournaments smother smother choke yeah I can't I can't do that like people smother tap people like big guys would get on top of people and tuck them in between their pecs and my God yeah I'm out I I feel like I'm drowning I'm kind of yeah it's scary it is scary but if you can learn defense of that then you're always going to be safe that's the thing it's like if you can just figure out how to defend yourself in those positions just to stay alive and it's the worst feeling in the world to be trapped under someone for 5 minutes while they're trying to kill you but if you can if you can develop enough confidence that you're safe no matter what that's what Hicks and Gracie always said right he goes I am always safe go always defense my defense is perfect I am always safe so he never worried about being tapped cuz he was always putting himself in these terrible positions he would have black belt start on his back with a fully locked in real naked choke that's how You' have them start that's yeah then you're not afraid of anything you've been there before defense yeah you got your defense I if I if I applied what I think about all day long to actually practicing it yeah I don't but I think about it all the time like you got to build that coach up in your bra you got have I would literally look up things and I go I would watch everything and be like I saw uh Eddie Bravo once say or I heard that he said I won't even teach anybody until you can do the the butterfly you can get it to the you know to your knees to the the mat and no he said you can't get a black belt he that what it was yeah you can't get a black belt until you get your knees to the m oh okay I thought he was like I thought he was like oh I took it that way and I'm like I started pushing you know and but then I faded like I don't do he gave up on that by the way oh did it yeah he gave up on that because he realized you could be a black belt without putting your knees to the mat yeah cuz I can't move like you know it's just Eddie has a very specific style and it's super effective and it's very dangerous off he's one of the most dangerous guys ever off his back and so he developed this style based on flexibility and movement and uh I could always do that because I was very lucky that I you've always been flexible because I did talk when I was really young and I always stretched so I I didn't have any problem adopting his techniques but a lot of people did just because of the the dexterity issues I would I would think like because that was like the rubber guard and stuff like that right and it was like I was always a big guy so I didn't know whether in my head I would go I shouldn't train this way because it's not my style of fighting or whatever or should I be a big guy that can do that and I would go back and forth go and you know some trainers would be like uh you know you shouldn't do do this you know don't waste your time doing that you'll never do that and I'm like well what if I'm you know nothing scarier than a heavyweight that can move around and be like that you know heavyweight they can fight off his back is one of the most dangerous guys I can't I get it that was always noar's like big thing right cuz minaro back in the day when minara was The Pride Champion nogara was a lethal black belt off his back so these guys are so used to wrestling guys and taking them down but you get taken down and you're in noar's guard you're you're in faver Doom he tapped all the great from his back Fabricio Doom he he tapped Fedor from his back so I mean come on man Fedor from his back that was the he was the first guy to beat Fedor and everybody was like holy [ __ ] and the way he did it with just pure jiujitsu he got him an armar triangle combination he's like this is techmate [ __ ] just slap that down like boy fabrio verdom had the most wicked of all guards he he tapped all the great he tapped Cain Velasquez he tapped minaro he tapped Fedor he tapped like some of the greatest of all time that guy tapped off his back that's crazy that's what I have to I literally I have to get back to it I really got to get back to it because that fear of those positions that you you just don't want to ever get in it's the Suffocation it's that and even every time I start up again I I I hate the warm-ups the warm-ups I'm like dizzy like you know I'm doing these like crab walks and stuff like like I'm like already out like you know and but it's like I have a guy that uh Weidman hooked me up with you know I was going to go to Sarah cuz Sarah's out there it's great Jiu-Jitsu um uh but for some reason wein goes go to this guy he's he's he'll be great with you his name is Derek manie he does Monster Jiu-Jitsu out but it was like an hour away from me but he's the greatest guy and he comes to my house and he trains me and stuff and he's just a beast but it's like I've got to get past literally out of my head and go get in these positions but I when I train with him he's so big like I I get on his back or whatever it is and he just gets up it's like an apartment building just coming up like I can't even hold you know I don't and it's so frustrating to me and he's flexible and big and he can move around and it's like I this is where I don't finish I quit I'm like ah I get frustrated and I don't you know honestly the thing about training was someone who's really good the problem is you're never going to get good enough to tap them cuz they're always going to be ahead of you you really should train with people that are okay that's the best way to train the best way to get really good at Jiu-Jitsu I've always said and Eddie Bravo used to always say this is strangle blue belts really find people that could resist a little bit but they're not really on your level and just drill on them right you drill on them and that way then when you get to brown belts and you get the black belts you're you're you're sharp and you have all these reps of finishing the technique all these reps of closing the technique off do you recommend just drilling drilling drilling 100% drilling is almost more important than anything really yeah because it solidifies the move in your head when I got really good the best I got at Jiu-Jitsu when I went from uh blue belt to Purple belt was when I was training with Eddie and we were drilling all the time we were drilling multiple times a week right so we' get together and we would for an hour and a half we would just drill and it sucks you don't want to you want to roll rolling is fun sparring it's you're but if you can justce your to do the work and do a lot of drilling your Technique will get really sharp all the best guys drill they drill all the time they do they do either live drills where you all Start From a Certain position or they'll do drills well they'll go over a specific path like Eddie was big on going over paths like I want you to do this you pass the guard he goes to block you set this up and then you counter with that and then we would drill that very position over so then when that would come up in training when you would go to pass and someone would block and then you would take their back it's like oh it just it's all sink in to your nervous system so when you're and that enables you to when you're in a position yeah to think two or three moves ahead and you're not going to get that if you're training with some big black belt you're not going to get that you're never going to get to the point where you could do that to him it's not going he's great it's it's not him it's me that getting he lets you do it yeah it's not the you got be able to do it to someone who's not letting you do it and someone who you don't know you know that's the key once you start learning someone and you're kind of yeah you don't want to know them you want you want to be able to like solve a human puzzle some person is pulling on your [ __ ] and he's kind of freaking out not only that it's the fear of that like I hate that I don't like that you love it I hate going to a class where I don't know every first of all I hate the ghee I Hate Everything I suffocating that thing that thing is a hard go I because then I feel like you're not learning the techniques and then you are you are you definitely are yeah 100% this I have a black Bel and ghee and I have a black belt and no ghee I can do both of them I've done both of them I trained both of them at the same time but one of the things that I did from learning from Eddie was because I was training so much nogee but I was also training ghee I would go in and do the ghee but I wouldn't use it I would let them use it on me but I was just concentrating on over Hooks and underhooks and I was concentrating on all the same grips that I would use so that I would never be deficient cuz if you get used to grabbing collars and sleeves and you get used to adjusting people with butterfly sweeps and stuff like that based on grips the problem with that is all those grips go away when everyone's slippery and it's just bare chest so you have I so I was just all about clinching and I was all about a tight game it was all about learning what Eddie's moves were and Eddie's moves were all over Hooks and underhooks it was all wrestling based and it was all become because of Jean jaac Machado so our instructor Jean jaac his left hand he only has a thumb he trained me a couple days in in in Cino when I was there came to my house he was such a great guy he the best the best it's when I look at these videos of you know uh where they take the gay belt or whatever it is and underneath and wrap it around this thing it's like I I always go it's not that it can't work or whatever but I always look for things that are applicable like like you know I want to be able you know and it's like that to me I I I I can't do that I can't you know so but I always heard that for you to get better at noi you want to train ghee because it's like taking a bat and you know Swinging with the donut on it nah that doesn't make any sense okay no no you want to train it's like to get really good at racket ball you need to play tennis it doesn't make any sense well I got four massive GES if you want to use them for something you could throw them over your couch or whatever you feel like doing cuz I'm happy to get rid of them listen there's nothing wrong with the ghee the ghee is still great and what the ghee does do is it forces you to be very technical cuz you can't muscle out of things you can't just pull out of stuff because you're trapped so you have to learn how to use the proper defense and also never let you get to get yourself into a position where someone's completely cinched up on you like you like if someone has like like there's certain chokes like a clock choke like if they reach into your collar and they grab a hold of your collar like this and then they get this arm wrapped around here you're in a bad spot cuz then I'm going to spin oh go I'm going to go oh and it's like a tourniquet right and it's terrible it's a t oh it's death it's death it's such a horrible choke to get stuck in so you just got to in those situations the ghee can be very like if you're in a a street fight with a guy who's got a winter jacket on some guy's got a leather jacket on and he grabs you and you grab a hold of that collar and you pull them to the side and you fish that arm underneath his shoulder that's a dead man right like he does even know he's dead he's a dead man like if you get a hold of someone's leather jacket and then you get your arm under there and you get this like this you're like oh son you're going for a gator roll right right right I love that yeah so this like a judo player who fighting someone with a winter jacket you're [ __ ] that guy's going to hit you with the world he's gonna Spike you on your [ __ ] head on the concrete and you're not even going to able to stop it you're not going to be able to do a goddamn thing so it's good to learn the ghee cuz most people wearing clothes yeah I'm just going to go out cheerless from now on like just Ezekiel choke someone with a with with a hoodie you get on top of someone with a hoodie and you get all up in here and you [ __ ] this is different level this is not what I'm literally I need to yeah I've got to start I really do I gotta I got to do something because it's like it's there's nothing wrong with the ghee the ghee is great the ghee is great I I still love the ghee it also slows it down when you it does slow the game down for older guys too that's the one thing that's why they keep saying you don't want to go noie because it's going to be but it's like it'll be a lot quicker but I don't mind I like that you as long as it's a guy My Level it does slow the game down but also to me I just feel suffocated like everybody's always grabbing me and I'm like I'm out I'm like tapping like crazy I'm like I'm you know um plus my grip strength I ripped I first of all tore this bicep when I was oh go did you get it repaired or does it just like this one happened this one happened uh about five six years ago I was I hired a uh a personal trainer uh and she came to to my house like I didn't even know she just she was like almost like the CrossFit person and she was like we're going to work on strength and I never deadlifted or did anything and I started doing deadlifts and she was like just I didn't even literally know how to do it she was like showing me and she was getting so excited she goes that's pretty good weight let's can we bump it up a little bit it was like 135 225 275 and then she goes can we go a little bit more she put 315 on it and then I go and I got it and she was like can we go 405 like whatever she bumped up and I'm going and I'm starting to feel like little tired and and I go I don't know I don't know if we should do this I don't know if this is getting me but she was so happy she like this is really good it was like a personal and I go I've never done I did 405 and I felt a little something I got it I just got it and she was like this is amazing and then she said can we go like 450 and she yes and I went pop right away I I got it up for a little bit and I just went I felt I go oh my gosh but it didn't it was such a bad it it didn't tear away from the bone it just there was like it looked like it was like Cho meat and there was a it ripped a hole in the middle of it oh so it was weird it was like he goes the guy looked at it and he goes we can't even do anything with this so it's like heal you just got to let it heal does it still have a hole like when you FX well it's it's you can't see this one as much you can see a little divot you see a little divot here but then uh just recently I did a mo with Joey Diaz I did that movie uh I did a movie with him and there was a lot of fighting in it and um I'm fight training with the guys and we're rehearsing all the the choreography and uh going through the moves and we did it like a lot and it was the end of the time they like he's like do you want to run it one more time and I was like uh all right he was just run it slow just just to get it cuz I was getting tired and and I had to go and double leg the guy or whatever it was and I went into double leg him and it was very slow and he moved to the side and he went this way and it stretched my arm and it went think I go and they go oh that looked awesome awesome guys and I go no no no no I literally have it recorded I I go something's wrong I go something's wrong and this one this one's bad it's it's nasty it's like it's it's the Matt Sarah one it rolled up on me oh and it was I got it checked out and they go it's completely torn and um you know the guy was doing PT on me uh uh you know this guy Amato he's awesome Johnny he's awesome guy to do pt and he was telling me he's like well the good thing about it is it's torn completely because it's not you know you're going to be able do everything with it and I had to go into the movie so they go do you want to get it fixed you should get it fixed and he you know it was like one of those things where it's like you don't lose you don't gain that much strength believe it or not the bicep doesn't do that much the bicep itself it's kind of like a turning a key and it's like that's where it'll be affected a lot which is you know that's actually not that bad did you get it fixed or no I didn't I couldn't cuz I had to go into the movie and shoot the movie because if you do that you get it fixed it's the rehab is like it's long you know uh so uh I go I can't do it so they said I go can I get it done after the movie and they go you can't because it's a window of the muscle like if you don't attach it right away it won't take yeah so I did it I didn't do it and uh it's bad and it still hurts it cramps every time like I don't feel like I can do anything I've lost so much strength on this thing now that's you wish You' gotten the surgery I do I do that sucks yeah I always wondered about Matt's arm look at arm he's strong as like it doesn't affect him though he says you know I think he says it's it's fine bunch of guys get that one that's a real common one it's a lot of it's common with a lot of times when people throw a punch like the punch gets blocked the the bicep will pop and curl up I've seen that a couple of times yeah yeah it's this is ugly and it's bad remember KY perisian had that with hamstring yeah oh my gosh did he yeah he had a hole in his hamstring his hamstring just ripped apart and it shriveled up and it always [ __ ] with him like the rest of his career oh it's in your head well also his one leg just was not as strong right so his one leg was like always compromised he should have had it surgery on it like right from the beginning yeah yeah but guys try to rehab stuff there's like that fine window that small window between fixing something and not being able to ever fix it like TJ Dillashaw went through that with his shoulders he tried to just rehab his shoulders and his shoulders wind up becoming chronic and now they ruined his career right yeah any kind of injury to a joint I always say get get the surgery if you can if if it's that bad get the surgery but also it depends on what it is like if it's a bicep yeah get the surgery but there's certain things like stem cells might be able to fix that better than surgery so it's like knowing where to go and who to talk to and what doctors have actually gone through this before but you can't do that now it's too late what with stem cell or anything no with this with the bicep no once it's shriveled up it's shriveled up you have a very small window I think a bicep the window is just a couple of weeks you you you get to get it repaired like really quickly I should have done it cuz I really that sucks it does that's a bummer it's you know slowing me down for sure I tore my MCL getting on stage once what yes at stubs at stubs in in Texas I was walking up to the stage stubs is this uh outdoor uh Amphitheater and as you're turning the corner it's these concrete stairs but they space differently and so I was like check I was turning my recorder on and my phone and walking the stairs being called up to the stage and I misstepped and twisted my foot and it popped my knee bad where when I went on stage my leg was shaking like I was nervous like you didn't stop I was in agony I was in agony yeah I just did my set oh my gosh yeah I just powered through it but I was like my leg is shaking so bad it looks like I'm so nervous like everyone can see this oh no but it was just pain I was I should have addressed it I should have said I just blew my knee out I should have said that so like that people know what my knee is shaking yeah cuz otherwise I was like God how do I stop my knee from shaking yeah it shook for like the first [ __ ] 10 minutes at least did you sit down nope no just you're nuts did my set yeah it was still went great the show still show was fun but then my knee was [ __ ] up for a year after that I had to get a bunch of stem cells I got stem cells in it like three times before it finally got to the point where it doesn't bother me anymore how is it now it's great yeah now it's great now I kick the bag no problems wow yeah I did a lot of knee over toe stuff too that that uh uh Ben Patrick yeah that's stuff I yeah that's great stuff that's it's a big game changer I strengthened my legs quite a bit more since uh I did that since I had that injury the Nordic curls and you know the slant board squats goet squats got that's sled too on the wheels whatever it's called yes it's I just I just push it light and then just walk back with it slow you know and just keep going digging in I feel it my legs and it's it's great the walking back is huge that's such a crazy uh way to strengthen your legs to pull a sled backwards such a good way to strengthen your knees right yeah it just keeps everything strong and firm so it's like and as long as you stay flexible as well and and you're strong like you have stability you have range of motion but you also have stability that's that's giant that's key I got it I'm doing this movie now where it's me and uh it's an action movie I'm going into literally leaving tonight to uh uh Vancouver to to to it's like a crazy action movie with and I wanted to get in shape for it and it didn't happen so I'm like I don't know with uh I'm next to this Beast too uh Alan richen from the guy for the reacher that guy huge that guy huge oh my gosh I was like I got to train to get you know ready for I'm like nothing happened and I'm like oh boy we're going into this thing that guy is the perfect guy for that show cuz you know they did that movie with Tom Cruz and it was like a the character was never that small right or no in the book The Character was this monster the the character in the book was Alan Richmond yeah richon he he's a rich he's a rich yeah really good look at this dude dude's ridiculous he's amazing he's a house that guy's a house great dude too yeah he seems like a really nice guy unbelievable I've seen him in interviews he seems like a really nice guy but he's the perfect guy for that Series yeah they they just you know Tom Cruz is the Blockbuster boy so they're like let's just do it with Tom Cruz like but he's 5'9 like this is this guy's got to be a gorilla he's got to be a [ __ ] linebacker he's a linebacker with a genius brain he can kill people this guy's this guy's yeah he's perfect for it he is but uh so I'm going so you have to do an action movie with him yeah oh no and just just start fasting I just how much time do you have before the camera rolls I just suck it out I mean it's it's crazy man I it's like fighting that age but it's like you're right look what you're doing it man it's like such a difference how you are with what you do and what you've implemented you're we're different species you and I I'm telling you it's like I just stayed on it yeah I just never let off the gas yeah that's the key yep but also being careful like knowing like what's [ __ ] up and what's not and knowing not to try to work through injuries but to heal them and making sure they don't happen anymore by increasing range of motion strengthening things and just making sure your your whole system is strong I do a lot of like non sexy exercises like Turkish getups and things like that things that strengthen the whole body windmills yeah those are the things that I like no one likes to do them and those are the things I I when I walk around the gym and you know do a couple things it's like that's where I have to change my mindset to go go into the places where it where does it hurt when you bend where it is you know the ankle strin foot you know all this stuff to get you know comfortable in that and it's like that's the stuff that's so important Turkish getups I hate those hates those I don't like to do it I don't you know there's no like bench press is cool you like you bang out 10 reps like yeah we did it Turkish getups you never feel like you're done it's always like no exactly G it's hard and your everything's working your legs are working cor working do you do a specific sets and or do you are you more like on your own just do a like do you go I just going to work this area and I'm going to do as many as I just want to drill it or do you have like a set I have sets yeah do yeah yeah I'll do like um you know I do my warm-up my warmup after the cold plunge is always 100 push-ups and 100 body weight squats so that's the warm-up so that gets you going that gets you warm after you've done the cold so that now you're heated up again and then I do wait a second 100 push-ups and 100 body weight squads that that's more than my week right there like like I even this is your warm-up that's the warm-up every day yeah that's 15 minutes so 15 minutes it takes to do 100 push-ups and 100 body weight squats I do do those and then I do swings so uh depending upon whether or not I'm feeling good or whether not I need more warm up I either go with 50 or 70 lbs so if I go to 70 lbs that means I'm ready to go so I do three sets of 10 Swings with each arm with 70 lbs and then I do uh clean press three sets of 10 with each arm clean press and then I do three sets of windmills with each arm and then I do do uh three sets of renegade rows you know Renegade rows where you're like doing a push-up on the kettle bell so you got the kettle bells two on the ground uh same distance apart as your shoulders and you do a push-up and then in the locked push-up position you do a row with one side boom and then a row with the other side boom back down for a pushup back up row with one side boom so your core is totally engaged the entire time you're in a plank the entire time and the entire time you're either going down to do a push-up you lock up and then you're stabilizing yourself as you pull the one tle Bell up core that's Bo put that down yeah boom and you do that you do that with 70 lbs three sets of 10 on each side and you get worn the [ __ ] out you know so you're doing 20 reps every time I'm doing this I'm doing 10 reps with each hand so I'm doing that with 70 lbs and so I do three sets of those and then once I get done with that then I usually either do the sled or I'll do something else I'll do like rounds on the bag I'll do like something else and is that is that timed and all that stuff too or is it you just no I like to give myself time in between sets because I want to be fully recovered before I get into the set again I don't believe in I I follow this Russian principle this uh Power this strong first principle which is you the most important thing is how much weight are you pushing and for how many reps M and it doesn't matter if those reps come over over 5 minutes or they come over 20 minutes and it's probably better if they come over 20 minutes than over 5 minutes because you have a lot of time I'll I'll take five maybe even 10 minutes in between sets so I'm fully ready to go and then when I'm doing the clean press with 70 lbs and I'm doing 10 reps each side I'm no problem doing that I'm not fatigued like I'm fatigued it's it's it's difficult but it's not where I'm like at the point of failure ever if I if my point of failure was 10 reps I would do five and then I would wait a long time and then I do another five that makes sense yeah so I'm getting reps you're never getting to that point where you're pushing yourself to the point where you're can hurt yourself or never never never that's all I do I don't lift anything heavier than 70 lbs you need to right you don't need to people think you do I mean it's one thing player if you're a power athlete you need to do cleans and squats and deadlifts that's great but I don't need to do that I just just to keep my body strong and then I do my endurance work my endurance work is either sled pulling or it's uh tatas on the airbike or it's rounds on the bag and then I get in the sauna and the sauna is that's that's see you go in there right when you're tired and you just steeping that 195° 195 sitting there for 20 minutes what's your cold Plunge at 34° I would have a heart attack it's F instantly I would be G I I have mine ready I have one and it's 50 it was 52° it was 52 which was I was shaking man but I would like I would I would just go in there I was in there for 15 minutes though I would do that you don't need to go that long you don't need to but you can do that if it's 50 yeah you can I mean it's probably giving you the same result if you do 15 minutes at uh at 50 as you're doing 3 minutes at 34 that's probably giving you the same result or similar result the whole idea is you're freak your body out and it produces cold chock proteins and how does that um compare to the uh the the chamber one where you get the air is it just like a uh does that get you cold you know the one where you just stand yeah they're both they're both brutal they're both brutal I think I've never done the cold waterers a different animal though it's it it get in your bones more right yeah you feel colder like when you get out of that uh the U the cryotherapy machine when you get out of there within a couple of minutes you're like woo you're okay you get that cold water like for a [ __ ] half an hour you're like Jesus Christ but that was the way I would warm up I would just go right into the body weight squats and the push-ups so that was my way of heating my body back up after the cold but don't your joints feel just Frozen at that no no you're all right you're all right I mean it's body weight so it's not much weight so you're just kind of pushing you know you could easily do 20 push-ups you just do the 20 push-ups take a break do the 20 body weight squats take a break heart rate drops back down next set 20 body weight squats 20 push-ups next set do it do it five times you've got 100 and then by that time I'm warm and so then I'll do whatever the other workout is right maybe I'll jump rope maybe I'll you depends on what I'm doing that day but I always write it out you write it yeah because if you write it out you don't give yourself any room for [ __ ] because you know this is what you have to do it's all written out like that's the boss the boss gets in there and writes it all out before the the ego steps in and they're like let's go eat I'm hungry once it's there you get a better workout if you have some fruit first let's go have some fruit you get a better better workout if you eat I you know what I have a window between 3 and 430 I got a really good workout then and then right now I'll just go watch TV that's me yeah that's everybody but you just got to have that boss in your brain has to be in control and once you get it subdued like that much it becomes it's not that hard right the whole thing is momentum the whole thing is doing is everybody that has ever had a good day you have a good day where you really get your [ __ ] together you start feeling good about yourself and you go the key is just carry that forward and keep going and don't let yourself [ __ ] off and if you do give yourself a a day off recognize that just like an alcoholic that starts drinking again this could be a slippery slope so if you give yourself that day off be real aware of what you're doing I'm like I self sabotage like if I go I'm such a I'll start Monday again or I'll start tomorrow that that hope of starting the next day I have so much I remember like when I was training and Weidman said this to me he goes when you you know you're training and you you know get a flat you know you don't get out and F fix the flat you get out and pop the other three tires like you literally do and I do it's like once I go off I go ah all right I'm off I'll start you know Monday yeah I do I crush it I I do oh man I would love to eat with you you know that you know but I'm saying like but but I you're right and and you can eat and do it in in the right way and I'm sure you enjoy food and it's just you got to the boss has to be fully in control before you get a day off yes and it it is almost like sobriety in that way like you just you have to get so much momentum that you're fully confident that you could take a day off and just eat ice cream and there's nothing wrong with that if you do have a hold of it but even if that's that's got to be tempered though like you can't like I noticed I can't I can't do a day off where I'm just crushing myself like there's no coming back the day the next day you feel like [ __ ] 100% yeah you know but the thing is you have gone on schedule and gotten in shape before you have done it so you know you can do it so it's maybe even more frustrating than someone who's never done it that's right cuz you have like dropped 60 pounds you have gotten in shape again and I remember when you were training Ms with Del grat I was watching you hit the PS Like You [ __ ] when you got in shape for Here Comes the Boom you got in [ __ ] shape and you you were training hard and I I was watching some of those sessions it's like so I know you can get to that spot right it's just like maintaining I know that's the thing it's maintaining and now as I go it's like God takes a little thing away from me the bicep pull now it's like you know another new reason it's a little yeah it's like I got to fight it man and like I said I'm teetering teetering between that you know I got to go back I got to go back and it's you're right man it's yeah you just got to decide and one of the best ways to decide is to write things down it's so easy to just keep a thought in your head and you don't really give it the the what it deserves you got to write things down occasionally you have to really do and I write down my workouts I have a big whiteboard in my gym too just put it up there write it up just write it down before you do it and give yourself a realistic goal don't don't be nutty point where the next day you're going to be a dead man give yourself a realistic goal do has he go get up go for a walk just go for a walk for 40 you know whatever and it really what happens is when I start walking I'll start moving around I feel good I go you know whatever I start adding more you know and it's like my goodness then I start you know wanting to throw I get the egg weights and I'll just start throwing with those and just I love it I really you know it it's it's something that is really addictive in a in a good way that like you can you know once you start doing it and it's a little bit it's the pressure of you don't have to do so much just do this yep and then yeah if you're your pressure is okay now you have to lift weights for an hour and then go to a 90-minute yoga class and run a marathon like [ __ ] that it needs to be very real istic like you know we're going to start off today you're going to do 20 push-ups 20 body weight squats 10 cleans 10 presses uh you know a couple of chin-ups and then you're done that's a WP that's a that's 20 minutes 20 minutes and never be exhausted and then take you know the next day you're going to do something different but equally light and you do that for a couple of weeks and if you write it all out it shouldn't take you more than even 20 minutes to work out and you can get through 20 minutes just write it all out make sure you follow it in you know the one of the best things for me is I I I have a TV in the gym and I'll put fights on so I'll be watching fights get inspired watching fights and then you you go through your routine and you're good and as long as you write it out and if you write it out and you know I know I wrote this down on paper I have to do what this says committing to it committing to it it's great because if you just hold it in your head I'm going to go work out what am I going to do oh my [ __ ] curls I don't know maybe we do some bench press you you need a structure so you can give it to yourself you're right that's awesome man all right I'm going to I'm going to I'll do it in this documentary and we'll come back and I'm going to show you that I'm next time you here I promise you'll be looking for houses I promise we'll work out together I love it all right my man it's good to see you brother you're the best man you're the greatest thank you for doing everything you doing man my pleasure you're awesome it's a lot of fun it's great to see you out there killing it I love it all right bye [Music] [Applause] everybody [Music]
Channel: PowerfulJRE
Views: 2,420,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan Experience, JRE, Joe, Rogan, podcast, MMA, comedy, stand, up, funny, Freak, Party
Id: syatvaQkcyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 54sec (8874 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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