Joe Rogan Calls Archer John Dudley "Phenomenal"

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[Music] you can be sure that that arrow is gonna hit exactly where he's aiming for under pressure with wind you know with the Sun in his face or whatever the conditions are he's a master it's a pretty phenomenal and awe-inspiring thing to behold [Music] you look at Dudley he started off as an archer himself and built his resume of experience over decades so he has the knowledge and experience in the craft that he's trying to impart on other people you have to have those two things it's it's amazing to watch it's incredible to be around I'm very fortunate to be able to travel [Applause] [Music] first parts of my life kind of went quick born on Fort Bragg I grew up as a kid down in the Mississippi Delta my uncle Kenny got me into into hunting along with my grandfather it was like a family tradition it was never about competition at the time it was really just about you know bow hunting or hunting in general I knew I was okay at our tree but I didn't know I was bad at our tree and then this moment happens where I went to this archery shoot that I saw and I lost all the arrows I had in my quiver and immediately left this this tournament went and bought more arrows went back to the tournament just so I can say I just want to finish this saying like let me just get to the last target I was in the archery range where all the top guys had been kind of there representing I was in there kind of being a weird stalker and I just had to get better because I didn't want to suck at it and then for whatever reason I don't really know to this day if it was because they wanted me to to like get me away from people and asking them so many questions or if the the manager of the shop legitimately was in a pinch but I remember him being like hey kid come over here he takes me into this back room he's like I've got to get these arrows Fletch for this customer he goes I'm gonna show you how to do it so I just started doing that and then fast forward several weeks later I'm still in this room just Fletch and arrows for this guy and I remember asking the question like a min do I ever get paid for this and he looked right at me he's like you can't put a value on what you're learning right now and as that was happening I was progressively getting really good quick at archery and I remember just something clicked where I went to this tournament and just made this huge jump and I realized this is this is something that I'm like here I was going to local tournaments then regional tournaments then I qualified for my first world right from there you know Rookie of the Year but once I made the team the US archery team and I knew that if I did my job the the national anthem would be playing when the flags came up on the top three podiums there's like no more rewarding feeling at least for me as a competitor at every single time that arrow hits the center I mean it is completion of perfection each and every time but the reason to this day the reason I had left the US archery team was because the World Cup changed to where they started making the World Cup final during elf season and I remember telling them I am NOT gonna shoot a tournament instead of a so like that part of me that just wanted to win shoots now that part of me wants to punch a tag on a mouth [Applause] [Music] bowhunting when you would look at it on paper you'd say oh you find an animal you shoot it with an arrow pretty simple it's one of the most complicated things I've ever done in my life there's so many different things that you have to have first of all you have to have physical fitness this is something that John works on very hard [Music] you have to have cardio you you have to be able to hoof it up through the mountains you have to be able to make your heart rate drop after you've climbed elevation and you've really sweated and pushed yourself you have to have strength in your shoulders you have to have strength in your back during the moment of truth you have to be able to focus on the task at hand and execute I mean when you see when bowhunters meet that guy and you see the respect and the reverence they have from you understand what a what a real master he is at what he does do you'll notice there are no steps present that don't absolutely need to be present the process looks like somebody that's done it a lot a lot a lot this whole road for me is all about perfecting this process to where now if I focus on the process then everything else takes care of itself with archery that's what I want I want to make it with me you want to be successful you know for me I want to relive that memory putting it on the grill you know and then feeding it to a bunch of my friends and me in life here it is to me that's a new prize so hunting is a challenge and the reward ones in the field ones on a four [Music] there came a point where I just I didn't want to be identified just as a shooter because for me archery there's more to it archery for me is 365 days a year mostly dark to dark I want to be able to educate people I want to be able to have input on product designs I want to be able to give product reviews I want to be able to have a platform for for writing articles and and so we kind of decided to come up with this brand kind of become an information source at one time I was telling this to my wife chair and I'm like you know we have this community and I remember her saying like yeah we're like a knock on nation and so that's how it started so then I started to realize yeah this isn't about me this is about this is about our community and how do i how do I just be the leader to that community and like just give back every bit of knowledge that I struggled to to kind of find on my own being that kid walking around that archery club that Monday after sucking what I can tell you is the feedback that I constantly and consistently get is that he is one of the most impactful and influential people in that space not because of what he has done in the past but because of how well he can teach people to do those things and replicate them into the future he grabs your bow which has a different draw length picks it up pulls it back and you can tell you exactly why you just missed two inches of love on a 4-yard target though you're holding like this this is what's gonna help you both it was built this later that's the kind of thing that is impressive when you see how many people are shooting with tension based releases now how many people are hunting with silverback releases how many people are fully concentrated on executing surprise shots with perfect form and how many of them credit John Dudley's coaching and his online videos with with inspiring and educating that I mean I think he's probably one of the most impactful people in the history of bow hunter traveled with the bow case every trip of my life till I was 37 I had a boat guess at least one and I think I would be like why why did you do all that like what was the real purpose because in the end what I've come to find out is every life every metal I want every trophy got one they just tarnish but when I was with Andy when he shot that Bowl on 9/11 like I looked at Mike you know it's 9/11 right and it's like god damn right I know it's 9/11 and I mean I could just see like all this emotion hit I'm like this means more to me than anything like this every single thing I've done you know tournaments I've lost because I didn't do something right everything I've had to self teach every sacrifice I've made it's like all that stuff washes away when you get to experience those types of memories and I think with a bow that's what I'm supposed to do I'm supposed to shoot it and I'm supposed to teach [Music] [Music]
Views: 1,271,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bowhunting, joe rogan, joe rogan experience, jre, john dudley, archery, hoytbows, bows, navyseals, nockon, logan stark, andy stumpf, yeti, traeger, pelletsmoker, national champion, hoyt, sitka, desmoines, Telly Award, Telly, documentary, docuseries, bowhunter, competition archery, bowhunt
Id: 5lBcG3sW5kg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2019
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