Joe Rogan Explains Hunting to Russell Brand
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Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 8,073,349
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Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of
Id: j3iVpSUriSg
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Length: 7min 49sec (469 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2019
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I wouldn't hunt personally because you have to get up really early and it's cold and you have to walk for miles and I just don't wanna.
This wasnβt an argument. This was Joe sharing his stance and Russell basically agreeing with him.
I'll throw my 2c in I guess. I eat meat and my moral position is probably hypocritical but hunting is probably the closest thing to "moral" meat eating that exists. Most people that live in the first world could live without eating meat. BUT if you had to eat meat, hunting and killing an killing an elk with a bullet is probably more ethical than the farms that chickens/cows have to go through.
We had these back in my day, we called them 'conversations'.
Russel Brand seems to be able to go on deep tangents with very strong word choice whenever he talks about anything that's not himself. Then when he tries to explain his own emotions on a subject, he begins to suddenly stutter a lot.
I have no conclusions to draw from this, but I thought it was kinda interesting
I wish Russell Brand and Joe Rogan had a regular podcast together. I would totally watch that.
I like to listen to Russell Brand in short bursts. He seems to have a deep understanding of the drivers behind the human search for self betterment and how important it is to nurture those drivers through the process of focused studying. It just saddens me that he seems rather ignorant when it comes to how it works.
Yes, there are paths that leads you to be a better, happier and more fulfilled existence, there really are, but what a lot of these self-improvement gurus often fail to understand, or won't communicate, is that the paths we each have to take differs so vastly that we can't shout off our own keys to success as blueprints for others.
So when people like Russel Brand, who through trial and error have found what works for him, starts to spout off all the mental gymnastics he used to get to where he is, then I have to take pause.
I work as a journalist and get to interview people from all walks of life. And one thing I have found for certain is, and this sounds corny; true happiness is not found in wealth, intelligence, good looks, the amount of pleasures you have in life or the number of people you love or who loves you;
At the very least: I have met enough rich people to conclude that it's not the amount of money that determines happiness. I have met a lot of very educated people who have excelled in their fields, and they do not seem more happy or fulfilled than average. Neither does the models, nor the people with a plethora of close friends or the recluse. Not that those people can't be happy, it's just that I haven't found an obvious over-representation in any of the above categories.
What seems conclusive is this: If you want a truly happy daily existence you have to find it uniquely within yourself. I don't think many "gurus" would disagree.
But not I, nor Russel or any other Joe-Schmoe, can tell you how to find that true happy existence. Those who succeed can only really know what works and doesn't work for them, and I wouldn't be that surprised if Russell Brand told me he is still knee-deep in the hunt for what truly works for him.
Joe βyou should eat eggs though manβ rogan
Live Action Pinky and The Brain. Russel Brand has the accent and scattered-brain speaking style. He just needs to up the pitch in his voice. We just need someone to play the brain. No, Joe Rogan is not the Brain.