Cam and Mark Bell - Lift, Run & Shoot

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have a great day and me and Mark are running the yeah we're running the hill there he is think he dropped his keys come on baby looking good try to get a little bit of each each day lift run shoot repeat it every day that's a I'm not naturally good at any of it but you do do anything enough and you're gonna be good that's that right there you just keep keep that finger until you get a pullback until you're ready to shoot then you have to kind of move it around the trigger so you can aim at that closest target yeah yeah I kind of do that yeah yeah let's give that a try yeah yeah this bow is turned up so it's more poundage than what you shot before yeah there you go you almost got almost there yeah okay keep keep it behind there take it ready keep your fool asleep that one there right yeah basically you want your shoulder blades to go together when you pull the ball so you're pulling right now you got this arm and you're pulling all with this arm right what you want to do is kind of both at the same time as those shoulder blades come together and so if you're pushing with the front hand pulling pulling with the back hand so you're here and then just like that yeah yeah and then we'll just then you get it in the string of the tuck tipping your nose and it's coming down the corner my mouth then just like a rifle you just kind of slowly squeeze and keep the pin on the target just like that how long you been doing this for 30 years yeah so it's the it's amazing I mean Wayne one-time washed me it's on YouTube but I was back there 237 yards on how to balloon on that far target and hit it with an arrow I mean it's there amazing what these bows can do normally I'll shoot at that little shed to that far one that's 140 yards so that's my practice you shoot further do you have to aim up a little bit more to get see like this sight so right now I have a set on 20 this is just a jaw adjust so you can dial it all the way down like that and what that's doing is moving this pin down so so it's like you're aiming higher and higher and higher and then the arrow arcs in so when I'm close people hunt with like bows that aren't as strong like yeah yeah yeah just for its some people have a hard time pulling a heavy poundage bow I mean I you know I hunt with this bow I'll hunt Buffalo grizzly bear anything and you know some a lot of times people will shoot you know just to bill to shoot it comfortably they'll shoot down at 50 or 60 pounds where this is at 80 so it's just that much tension and then it lets off but still just up just to get it here it's a struggle for some people yeah and then like a lot of people deer hunt and it's cold so you're sitting in a tree stand if you get cold and then you try to pull this it can be tough what's the hardest thing huh the hardest that you play you tried to UM you know sheep are kind of what's always known as the biggest challenge us mostly because of the country they live in you know sheep can be on just sheer cliffs so for man to get there it's uh it's tough and and it's also an expensive hunt yeah you know and so you couple the opportunities low the money limits that and then where they live it it makes it really hard but man almost any bohon is a challenge there's no I've always said there's no such thing as an easy bohon yeah yeah you know it's just different degrees of difficulty what does it look like when you go do a boat hunt like when you went for that bear like anything like you got a walk or do you run oh you don't run yeah cuz he can't make too much noise no all right usually don't run you work why I work out the way I do is I want to build endurance and I never want my performance to suffer because I'm fatigued so I'm I'm all about to be at my best you know when the chips are down when it's been a long hunt when it's late cold whatever I still want to be have trained my body to still be able to be at a high level no matter what right so that's why I do what I do and it seems like that's when you get your opportunities is you know because because when you're hunting the animals are more active late you're getting a better idea of what's going on the longer you're out there so if you're out for a week or ten days you see erratically you should be more dialed in with the animals in the country at the end of the hunt but what happens is guys aren't prepared maybe as well as they should be so they're physically there right on their a-game day one and they get worse and worse and worse as a hyung go so by when they're getting the animals figured out their body is going the other way right and that's when you get your chance and then they blow it between that and maybe not eating healthy and maybe drinking and whatever else might happen with some standard mold I've got to stay focused right you got to stay focused because you're you know you're trying to to kill an animal which I know essentially you put it you have a broad head on here with a sharp stick so you're hunting you know a thousand-pound animal sometimes with a sharp stick you need to be on your a-game at all times it's there's a fine line between success and failure so the more you you add in like the lack of sleep or the poor diet or if you're drinking alcohol or getting fatigued and it's just like you're making something that's already tough right even tougher imagine you have to walk a few miles at least right every time yeah along with having a pack yeah something you need on your back right right if you kill the animal yeah then you have to drag it out of it you do usually you like it with the big animal deal what we say is quarter it up so you skin it out and you cut the like the the hind quarters off the front shoulders off you take the back strap so those are all that's hundreds of pounds that has to come out on your back so that's all part of it - yeah that's got to be tough and that's when you get the meat sweats meat sweats I saw you post that the other day people talk about meat sweats from eating too much me but I meat sweats for me when carrying the animal out but uh yeah it's it's it's a it's there's so much to it certain years aren't all this I've grew up right here so you know my dad he he never hunted he was an athlete and so basically my stepdad kind of got me involved in it and we didn't get along that great because for me it was he wasn't my dad so he's always going to be second here and so he got me started maybe as like kind of like an olive branch to try to have something in common and I started rifle hunting then my buddy Roy got me started bow hunting I was 18 and then that's but we always that's what we did here is like everybody and you been hooked on ever since yeah yeah that's awesome it's been fun [Music] so baby [Music] [Music] all right what happened here today is uh I got cam Haynes to death then I got outlawed to death got my man Eric over here he took us through the workout he's been taking cam to these workouts and very unconventional workout we did just an insane amount of reps and some people will look at workouts like this it'll be like well where's the studies that show or guys missing the point a lot of times on some stuff like this this stuff is just fun just let loose just let it go sometimes and what cams doing we saw in the middle of the workout I saw cam pushing 135 I hate to say it easier than I was pushing 135 because the longer this duration of this workout goes the more it plays in his favor and he's after some different goals I'm switching goals now to I'm not doing as much just straight up powerlifting although I'll always be part of the core of what I'm doing but I really got put through the wringer this guy took me on a run and Eric took me through a hard workout would we do there we just hit a lot of different exercises for different exercises for a minute each and we went through that four times and then halfway through we implemented some more push-ups so we just really try to fatigue the muscle on a lot of different angles get out there and Hammer that's all you got to do and what you do to me we did we did what I do every day it's lift run shoot every day my goal with this workout and the mound and everything you know running a marathon a day I want to be at my best when when I guess common knowledge would be your at your works cuz you're tired and you're in your you know fatigue or whatever so sad sad I want to I want to get better the more fatigued I get so that's I tried to simulate that with you yeah going through the workout today was was a lot of fun and this is something I'm going to incorporate you guys have heard me talk about stretching for a while I actually have been stretching a little bit got a great tutorial I'm stretching today from Eric and I got to get my ass running I want to be healthier I want to make the switch and it's gonna start with some extreme changes and those are the those are the toughest ones to make you know it's really fun going and learned to shoot the bow too with one of the world's leading experts and it was really cool to have to have you show us that as well well you know it's an honor for me you know social media brought us together we wouldn't I don't know if I would have been able to connect with you without social media and it's a you know I guess you work your whole life but for me to try to be the best I can be to connect with other people who are the best in their field and and it feels I mean I'm humbled I'm honored I mean Marsh Belle is a you know it is the name every everybody who goes in a gym pretty much knows every Power lifter definitely knows and for me to be able to share some time in a gym with you in a day with you is uh it means more than I can say awesome guys strength is never weakness weakness never strength see you later you
Channel: Cameron Hanes
Views: 545,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mark bell, cameron hanes, cameron hanes workout
Id: vhYX81TzQng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Fri May 11 2018
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