Joe Rogan STUNNED By Bear Attack Story

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this is the man to see you I I purposely didn't ask you or talk to you about the grizzly bear attack because I wanted to save it you want it you want what is it like to have survived literally being will you 2 feet away from an attacking grizzly close yeah you could have grabbed it yeah yeah yeah easily easily oh it was that was just nuts it was one of those things okay I've thought about it a million times I'm sure how long ago was this this was so that would have been early October or mid-october so you've had three months three months to come around yep and yeah man it's just one of those things that I've thought about it so many times in my head and I've always been I think Steve was the same way like I'd be pretty cool to survive a bear attack get scratched up a little bit after that experience I thought to myself if that never happened to me okay yeah Stevie so we say Steve Rinella were talking about from meat-eater podcast and he has a two-part series on this particular bear attack but he's always say he wanted to get clawed across the chest and have like not a tattoo but like a big class hate a marking like what are the odds that that happens yeah I think that in order to get that you have to go through a really really horrible experience there's guys that have had those attacks or there's guys that have had those to tax a lot but yeah I mean I've been around a lot of wild animals and seen a lot of things and been charged by bears and this was just different it was that kind of attack where while it's happening you're going this is not gonna pan out well somebody's gonna die something either you're just looking at this bear and it's coming in hot and just everything it's a weird experience you don't your memories a little foggy of it everything happened so fast but it felt like it was so long so the adrenaline was overwhelming for him yeah and it you don't even think about I just remember it was it was a weird situation so all maybe I'll just kind of recap the story so we're we're on a fog neck island and we're hunting in a fog mac island is yeah so a fog neck island has some of the largest bears in the world they're brown bears they're they're big brown bears they can be over a thousand pounds so we're hunting elk there my brother and myself have hunted elk on that island before and it's just a miserable place to be what's a fascinating hunt the way you guys were describing him because the just the fact that you would choose out of all the places you can go you pretty much can go anywhere you want yeah you chose to go on this brutal adventure hunt because it's so difficult and says what is it like vanilla was talking about this once and the way he described it is like there's things that are fun while you're doing them but they're not fun later like roller coasters yeah and then there's things that are terrible and awful but you'll think about them forever and look back at them fondly yeah that's exactly what this is it's that after the fact you think back and you go in the moment you go I will never do this again and then about a year later you I should do that again and what is it about the place that's so miserable well it's just it's hard to walk through it looks it looks easy hiking and there's just this big mountain where you can get to you with a plane you kind of got to climb this big mountain and the vegetation is so thick and it's so steep that it takes forever to go somewhere so to put it in perspective to go say a mile might take five hours whoa that's how much vertical like a map mile yes so the way the crow would fly if you're just going a mile and then another distance could take you half that time or a quarter of that time but there's a big mountain in between where you need to go plus the vegetation and it's really steep so you've got all that kind of working against you plus you can't really walk in just a straight line there you've got to navigate around all kinds of stuff and there's you from the play some in this Jamie that was and so that was after the baby right after yeah I'll have to figure out cuz I right after the bear attacked I pulled out my phone and just kind of like recording everyone's reactions and then I put it on my Instagram story but I'll I'll try to find it tonight and I'll post it on to some I'll figure out a way to yes together they let you save them now now this was like three weeks before that unfortunately so this place is miserable it's rainy all the time rainy high winds thick thick dense vegetation and literal monsters yeah I mean giant bears and then big the elk are probably was they way they wait they can wait up to 1,400 pounds easy way bigger yeah it's like the size of two normal way twice cuz like an average elk would probably be around 500 pounds in most places and a really big one like we're talking about the California ones at the hoenn sometimes can get to a thousand yeah this is another 400 pounds but exactly it's a lot as I'm taking shine and there's bears that eat those giant and also those bears are giant the Bears can be over 1,200 1,500 pounds of sauce 11 feet or more uh yeah 11 feet 11 feet it's nuts 11 foot bear no this one that attacks you guys how big do you think it was if you had to guess I would say well I would say it's 11 and a half feet because I know because actually after we went in there my friend who's a pilot there and dropped us off he called me about a week or two later he's like they shot that bear they went after you guys somebody went in there same place bear attacked him they killed it in self-defense it was 11 and a half feet and I think almost 1,200 pounds oh so there's very good odds that that was the same bear I would imagine that it was there's very I mean see my taking over that area it seemed about the same sup when I when it came in I thought a big-bore it wasn't one of those ones you think oh that's a it looked like a big mature animal in there piecing together what happened in my mind later but yeah so we're hunting elk on this island Stevens up getting him an L we hang it in a tree we do all the stuff you're supposed to do get the meat away from the carcass but we had yet to see a bear up until this point and when my brother and I went in there a few years earlier we just saw bears everyday we'd see six bears a day so your minds just bear bear bear when you're seeing him all the time you're not seeing them all the time you get a little axe and that's where we really screwed up because the attack went down no one was prepared we were just sitting around having some sandwiches and we're filming and there's six of us all together and I think that large group that six is what saved us because when the bear ran in it was six of us sitting kind of in like a semicircle a strange circle and when that bear came in we did that scatter effect and I think that scatter was kind of like if a Lions going after a zebra they use their numbers and stripes to confuse the lion is that scattering of things just going everywhere that caused confusion for the bear so I think the bear went in thinking whatever is under that tree I'm gonna kill it and it thought it was one thing and then when we blew up into six different pieces it just tried to kill everything at once and couldn't actually get one person God but so lucky yeah it was crazy because we're sitting down we decided we'll have lunch before we hike back because the day before we we hiked a long ways we got back to camp at 3:00 in the morning or something or two or three in the morning we'd barely eaten so everyone was just thinking let's have lunch regroup hike out so we're Pat when the other guys that was with us brought the jet boiled boil up some coffee so I was going around collecting water from everyone to get coffee going around and when I sat down I took my pack off and I'd the whole week I've been doing this thing I take my pistol from the pack belt and put it on the holster on my body when I drop my pack and I it was that weird deal where I took the pack off and I'm thinking about switching and like you know and I thought I'll just sit because there's few times I'd set my pack down I was like I'll just sit I'll lay on my pack like as a chair a backrest and then I'll flop the you know have the pistol right there so it's within arm's reach and I'll be sitting there well I go around get the water and then someone had moved kind of where I was sitting so now so I sit down across from the pack where my pistol is and then thinking and I was thinking about how hey hand me that pistol but I just like you know you don't wanna be that guy like oh yeah the guys we not everybody had pistols just me and Yanis had a pistol and then and then Pat's behind us he goes I hear something and I look up and that's that bears like Dead Set so Steve would be where you are the bear behind Steve so like Steve was between me and the bear his back was to it like how far away not far I don't know 30 yards so the first time you see the 30 yards in is it four minutes yeah it's dead run Oh super fast I just locked eyes with this thing I mean I see it coming in the hallway just beady eyes locked in on me and I think this thing's gonna kill me and so I'm thinking you know when I say I'm thinking I don't know if I'm thinking I'm just I just remembered what I what was kind of going through my head at the time I thought oh [ __ ] I'm gonna die and my protections right there like I'm gonna die this is that sense situation where I'm dead and they talked about it and he could have saved himself but his guns on the ground and I think that that was like go for the gun was my whole thing so I start to go for the gun Yanis would have been here as I remember it and so I start to go for the gun and realize [ __ ] I don't have time to get to my gun and it's three feet away that bear is like right there come so far so fast so I kind of do like a football Juke move left right and then wheel around right do like a spin with my back and then start running to the left and at that point yawn it I didn't know this at the time because I looked at some pictures after it's kind of piece everything together so Yanis was sitting right next to me I think he got up to turn there was some trekking poles right here he grabbed a trekking pole so probably while I was juking he reached around grabbed the trekking pole swings around hits the bear in the face Jesus so then the I see the bear running off then I see someone going down the mountain with the bear I'm thinking he's got someone so I grab my pistol start going down the mountain yelling count up I guess I count off and everyone's like what and then Garrett pops up out of the bushes and his eye he's like wide-eyed so Garrett aka dirt dirt myth he's the one who was on top of the somehow he's on the Bears back so I think when the bear wheeled around he like hit him and he ends up on the back so I saw just legs and bear going down the mountain I saw his legs on the back of the bear so you thought like maybe the bear had him in his job yeah that's what I was thinking like if that was in a movie you like get the [ __ ] out here [Laughter] yes and then we kind of circled up around the tree and the real scary part was that bear so it was so thick you really couldn't see you could see maybe as far as the Wallace from us with the trees feet yeah and just real thick brush and you'd hear the bear charge in again and we only have the two pistols Yanis and I and the the the wind was so strong there's no way we could use bear spray so we hear the bear charging in and me and Jana stir like pistols out ready waiting for this thing to pop out at point-blank range oh and then it would anywhere yelling bear and then that thing stops and then it would just you crash off and then it would charge in from the other direction like circle around the tree the other way and did that I think three times that was just under it's like a horror movie where it keeps coming in from different angles oh it was weird it was not a fun feeling you just felt so small so you guys had come back to the that was hanging in the tree and it had probably claimed that carcass we don't know they knew the various was there I assume now the the weird thing was is it came in with the wind so in the wind was blowing pretty stiff and say into her face mm-hmm and the bear came in with the wind so he wasn't going into the scent right normally they go around they catch the scent and they charge in so I don't know if he'd heard something if he was there we saw what slightly looked like bear sign both steena Steve and I kind of pointed it out but we weren't we were thinking maybe it was something older you wouldn't you say bears on you mean bear [ __ ] the a bear [ __ ] in the base of the tree yeah and so I think you know we did some things that were wrong but in in the instance what saved us all now if we were to do it a hundred times over I would say I would do it differently but it worked out how it worked out so I obviously wouldn't I would never mops to just have nothing and have this weird scatter effect yeah but I think that what saved everyone from getting anyone from getting hurt which is a miracle was the fact that when we scattered it just confused that bear because he kind of had this look after he started he started wheeling around kind of like trying to pick a person trying to go and he couldn't target one individual and then things started hitting him and somebody's on his back and I think it just freaked him out and he went off to regroup keep charging back in but never made that full charge all the way back in again wow that's crazy how many people have ever gone through a bear attack unscathed like that and a group of six yeah and the thing about it was it wasn't just a bear attack but had looking at it later had someone even been grabbed and mauled not to death but injured I think that it would have been very unlikely that person was survived because we the weather that came in was so bad I don't know if it was a hundred mile an hour winds I mean you aren't getting rescued in 100 mile an hour winds I wouldn't think right I don't know those Coast Guard helicopters I'm not really sure what they're capable of maybe someone say yeah we'd go but that would be a very hard thing
Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 6,880,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of, bear attack, Remi Warren, Steve Rinella, animal attack
Id: h66ZOxMuPwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2018
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