Joe Responds to Charlamagne The God & Andrew Schulz | The Joe Budden Podcast

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i want to come in here and congratulate charlemagne and all participants in this network i'm telling you about some of the things that have transpired that make it difficult for me to do so i hear music coming from somewhere i'm telling you about some of the things that have transpired that make it difficult for me to do so you can't text me and say hey let's not beef publicly and then at every chance you get you take these passive aggressive digs you're on your podcast talking about maybe [ __ ] just don't know how to negotiate not only you but all of the [ __ ] charlo avengers out there i hate you [ __ ] you like to be you like the be mic all-stars a bunch of [ __ ] stupid idiots that anytime they get to talking about business to people that know business you know what it sounds like a bunch of [ __ ] that don't know [ __ ] business shut the [ __ ] up andrew schultz is running around saying that we asked for 250 million dollars from spotify was that real i saw that headline of the clip i didn't click rory he didn't really say that right he said that the [ __ ] is he talking about what i'm saying to you rory right and even if that was the case so what the only part that's nasty about this is that the charlotte avengers inherit some [ __ ] and then just start talking to their platforms while not knowing a damn thing and that's odd to me because if the goal here is for all the black people to win again and we have different views of doing that then there should be no ego involved this should be a very selfless type of thing but this is not the first time i've heard a black person perpetuate all of the stigmas and stereotypes that get attached to black creators when they're asking for their [ __ ] proper value and their proper demand this is old school i started this with aretha you better think this has been happening since back then we don't need to name the songs and the movies and the docs that's what's been happening so when i say it's nasty out there what i mean is for a black person to perpetuate some of this white [ __ ] on another black person during this small window where we have a chance to change something is disgusting do you follow me so far yeah tahiri low level [ __ ] zero integrity will just say whatever for a dollar or for whoever she thinks will be able to employ her in the future rocky more of the same clips released right charlemagne goes on the radio says don't throw uh stones if you live in a glass house can anybody here tell me what that means i know exactly what it means what does it mean don't shoot at people when you got your own [ __ ] that can break in the same point sounds like i'm about to fire back one of you [ __ ] say something no we cleared out get your [ __ ] off that's what it sounds like to me hey i'm gonna fire back now he made his network announcement it was beautiful some of those people i work with i know some of those people and he goes on radio and instead of being proud of such a prestige accomplishment you know what he says you know what he continues to say hey man these people out here they getting loud maybe you just don't know how to negotiate maybe you just don't know what you're doing it's confusing to me that you perpetuate some of these things against another black man so we have this announcement here and let's go through it let's go through it let's applaud these people because as charlemagne says you don't get what you deserve you get what you negotiate so we want to applaud him because if this is what happened we assume this is what you wanted to happen or what are you negotiating and he keeps saying it listen the 250 that we allegedly asked for from spotify it's it it sounds eerily familiar to charlemagne telling me that i asked for 30 of complex when i left there [Music] no he said that he said that i'm not making this up he said joe you don't know how to negotiate didn't you ask for 30 percent of complex oh you're about to buy spotify or nbc i'm about to say right now verizon if we keep an eye oh yeah you're right yeah he's got his stupid [ __ ] charlotte avengers adam schultz is that his name andrew andrew schultz adam i'm back to adam adam schultz out there hey joe asked for 250. joe is a lunatic joe is crazy joe doesn't know what he's doing hey that's not true but let's pretend it is that's what i just said hey let's pretend that joe asked for 250. who the [ __ ] is this white dude and this indian dude sitting in these chairs that get to disgust me well that's why i you know i don't know if a lot of people don't know why i don't [ __ ] with charlemagne it's because when you did the breakfast club for state of the culture he fixed his mouth and said how much of the deal he felt like i should be making that's the only reason i don't [ __ ] with him it's definitely like i was a little weird when he was i don't [ __ ] with negotiating with his percentage was of this podcast that's the only thing that was something that was some real holy [ __ ] you don't i don't sit on your platform and talk about what you think other men should be making like i don't do that so that's why i don't [ __ ] with him i'm confused as to why the consumer facing is happening i'm confused as to why some of the lies to the public is happening i'm confused on why there seems to be a blatant attempt to devalue not only joe but the very thing that joe fights and exists for which is fear participation on all revenue streams for creatives and curatives if anybody was confused on what my fight is that's what the fight is now listen black [ __ ] need jobs unemployment is all-time high black people need to work i'm gonna always congratulate black people for securing an extra bag but i'm confused on why there's this blatant attempt to mix the two mix what we're doing mix what we're thinking mix what we're going after as if we're the same i'm here to reiterate we are not i have been reading things from [ __ ] idiots all week long let me make myself clear joe does not [ __ ] animals and joe does not abuse women because i don't know what the goal is from whoever this is with this smear campaign let me tell you none of my business interests have left do y'all hear me loud and clear at most you know what they said yo what's happening out there you good i'm great you can't have these level conversations that i'm having without someone attempting to shoot a shot joe is awesome don't worry about it everyone relax joe is not here to devalue any other black men are you never are you are you of course not are you are you i only come on here every week and say yo everybody is doing what's best for them but you can't keep saying that joe has bad business practices and joe don't know what he's doing and you only you you don't get what you deserve you get what you negotiate you know what joe says if you're not asking for very much during a negotiation then what the [ __ ] does it matter if you add a negotiation and you're not asking for very much then what are you negotiating freedom i'm gonna say this the way i said it on the phone and charlemagne you better stop [ __ ] consider this a pow-pow pow-pow naughty boy but you better relax i know better than the things you spew publicly publicly you say we don't know how to conduct business privately you say we do amazing business know when you say it you guessed it when i hire you our pull-ups all of that [ __ ] when you come and just sit down and get a check and talk and go let me explain to people out there there's entrepreneurs and there's plug and play i've gone through this listen my son's mom came and said hey let's do love and hip hop know what joe said we can do it on our own know what she said yeah why oh okay i went to academics it's my guy i love him when we had the number one debate show in hip-hop you know what i came to him and said hey they're just recording we can do this we don't need them know what he said nanjo that's his right that's his right but do not kill joe for bringing back the information to the people that need it i want to get back to this uh i want to get back to this announcement because i'm not spending all day on this here this is a quick pow-pow what is this saying blackness this is charlemagne talking blackness has an immediate culture shifting effect on everything blackness controls the cool blackness is the culture but black voices are not monolithic the only way to appreciate the diversity of thought and experiences in black culture is to build a platform for those voices to be heard unapologetically black experiences unapologetically black thought unapologetically black ideas black black blackity black black black black everything black everything black everything the vision for the black effect is to amplify elevate and empower emerging and established talent i'm gonna read this press release this is uh on the verge and then i'm going to try to exit out of here quickly because rory don't care about this [ __ ] no i do i just think points are made effective this says charlemagne god inked a partnership with i heart media to launch the black effect podcast network anchored by his own syndicated radio show the breakfast club what did you all hear what the sentence said my only issue is charlemagne attempting to paint this like we're doing the same thing and i'm just here to reiterate that we are not i want to congratulate charlemagne and everyone involved with this network because black people need all the opportunities that we can get and if someone is willing to help amplify our voice then i'll take it but what this says for the people that are unknowing is that charlemagne doesn't own anything it says he says he owns 50 of the network it says that charlemagne's not paying for anything and when you're not paying for anything and you don't own anything in someone else's funding and fronting you can indeed get 50 of a network i'm here to tell you that let's stop let's stop with what these words mean let's stop just stop just stop just stop stop it we have to know what we're really saying is all like the kid goes to the music label and they say we have a partnership but that's still the label and you just one person it's not a partnership let's go through this clearly let me speed this up for rory there's a black entertainment podcast network that's being anchored by the breakfast club podcast well what do you know that's not a podcast that's a radio show it's a radio show owned by iheart so you're telling me that you're repurposing audio now and you are using your hit radio show to break your new podcast network that's re repurposing you know what joe says there as an owner of podcast audio hey you're paying me for my performance here on radio and you're going to pay me for my performance on podcasts on this new network that you have yet to develop that's how that should go hello everybody with me still let's continue um oh wait i'm sorry let me continue reading here under the deal charlemagne's popular nationally syndicated radio show the breakfast club will bring its replay podcast stop it stop it you [ __ ] idiots do y'all hear me do y'all hear this i read the article is anybody listening read the entire one so the breakfast club audio that you don't own that you've bodied for 10 years we're going to repurpose make it a podcast uh oh and it's also syndicated in all of these states you know what happens if you own that audio you say you're gonna pay me for every one of those states it's syndicated we all know that here of course doesn't say that here no no no we're gonna repurpose this breakfast club audio and we're gonna make it the driving force of a podcast network a hit show we're gonna repurpose it now it's a hit over here and you bring some more black people and we're gonna amplify them as well wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second and this is what i told this [ __ ] idiot on the phone when we talked charlemagne i'm never bringing 30 to 40 to 50 black people to spotify you know why they didn't value the first black person properly why would i bring more also you asking for 50 of something that you did not build you had no hand in this is consumer facing its lip service don't tell me that we're responsible for everything culture and then give away 50 percent are y'all following me you know what i didn't hear in this announcement that the brilliant idiots is there somebody tell me why it's his because this is his cause they're idiots to not bring brilliant idiots to this network yeah that's true you know what i did they was smart to not do that you know what i didn't hear in this announcement charlemagne god has a board seat at the executive level you know what i didn't hear in this announcement kanye has won a gap charlemagne charlemagne the god has stock options in iheart you broke morning drive you're syndicated you're 10 years in why am i not hearing that you know what i didn't hear in this in this and again this is not the [ __ ] on this this is awesome nah [ __ ] on it no no no no no because i speak to enough black people we need a check you're not good everybody's not in the position to where you could say [ __ ] the check some of us need a check so i can't [ __ ] on this but that's where my confusion comes in as to why i'm being smear campaign on smear campaign on and [ __ ] it on if it's all for black people then what the [ __ ] is the one-on-one what is the one-on-one issue i feel you that's what i'm asking it's not the same it's just very different is all i didn't hear about the brilliant idiots podcast being there know what else i didn't hear is anybody on this network participating in ads or is it benchmark driven have to find out no we don't no we don't i we don't have to stop it my white face should not be commenting we know just chilling i've been quiet because of that rory but that's but rory that's my chilling but no you're right and that's why you're what whitey no no no that's why rory is one of my greater white friends like this isn't me what rory is saying right now what is this what effect you can do hey ever you ready what rory is saying is why andy schultz should shut the [ __ ] up andy his name is andrew andy schultz is doing this show with this little [ __ ] indian kid and they're sitting there going back and forth to kick the black people joe asking for wolf asking for 250 and saying i'm nuts what yeah man white man that's only here on the back of a black king you gotta shut the [ __ ] up you can't talk little indian dude shut the [ __ ] up yo my only point here is reiterating is reiterating that joe is not on the same mission man there's a lot of idiots out there just talking [ __ ] joe [ __ ] dogs joe is doing this joe is doing that i think it's an attempt to ruin business deals for us honestly and that's the part that's really nasty to me i don't care how you all feel about it no that's the part that's really nasty but the part that i'm trying to share with people listen in spades i could play this hand upside down [Music] you have to stop it still if i have the cards you have to adjust right not me that's the that's the only point that i'm trying to drive home for the idiots that keep talking to me hey the money people that are watching andrew schultz little indian dude i was never talking to y'all i was never talking to charlemagne it sounded that way don't be fooled by the cross streets i wasn't talking to y'all i said clearly verbatim this podcast has generated nine figures you know who i'm talking to when i say that the people that know how one podcast can generate nine figures there's nothing else to discuss there's nothing hey you know what you know what the techie people look at the smear these these low-level goofy ghetto smear campaigns as they look at it as loving hip-hop [ __ ] it's not stopping anything for a product that is proven to generate nine figures stop talking about joe as if joe does bad business you know the call i hung up from you know the calls i'm hanging up from now hey joe name your price and i'll pay you name the stock and i'll pay you whoa whoa whoa whoa no don't pay me don't give me 100 million don't give me 200 million don't give me 50 million i've never had 30 million i've never had it don't give me that tell me more about your future your three to five year plans for your company that's what joe is saying what joe is saying for the people that are confused is creators need to now participate in if not all most of the revenue streams that we provide period is that clear for everybody here yeah i want to play clip play clip no i'm not playing the clip yet for the idiots out there that are listening there's a lot of creatives and curators that are out here check chasing and check grabbing for the people that think i'm in a race to make a deal i am not when i come on here for two years three years four years in a row and say i value the freedom and what comes with it i mean that what that means is one episode we could be joking about how i used to i used to drink enj the next episode ian j could be on the phone and know who they have to talk to us you know what happens when an ad dollar comes in here i'm busting it down you you get paid you get paid you get paid you get paid everybody get paid everybody get paid stop talking to me like we're trying to do the same things you may want to amplify black voices i want us to participate in the revenue streams the back end it's questions that you'll never have the answer to because you have never realized what modern renovation is this is a radio company attempting to get into the radio techy business you know what it means it means y'all are behind a little bit what y'all are attempting to figure out i have been on for at least two and three years why do you think we're not invited to the iheart awards you think they don't like us no breakfast club one best podcast do you think it's personal i challenge everybody out there listen are you participating in the ad money which is how america is driven or are there benchmarks for you to get it if there's a benchmark for you to get it newsflash sorry you might not get it keep moving it we're going to cross collateralize this hey this money is over here to the radio station we don't value [ __ ] podcasting everybody is looking at podcasting projections and figuring out an n stop it you know what joe is doing hey if rory's putting out an album on def jam why the [ __ ] you can't put it out on universal why you can't put it out on epic why you can't put it out on sony it's unfathomable [Music] why because they already wrote the rules no no no no no no no no no they're gonna call everybody craig they gonna call any [ __ ] crazy that challenges status quo me and maul was there myanmar was at 18th street basketball court with brandon jennings while brandon jennings was saying what more i'm not going to college i'm going overseas i don't have to do it that way remember yeah that [ __ ] was in the news clippings every day what was they saying he's a [ __ ] nut hey levar ball triple baller sneaker whatever the [ __ ] the name of that [ __ ] was remember anybody remember anybody remember was anybody outside i copped me too no i haven't received a sneaker yet neither have i i haven't received a sneaker by the way that [ __ ] you know what everybody said know what everybody said still wanted to support why is this black ass snaker charging 500 for a sneaker you [ __ ] idiot andy schultz hey well hey right this second forget about back in the day right this second louis vuitton is selling monogrammed face masks the plastic face mask want to guess the number you guessed it even though you didn't it's like 1200. hey don't nobody say hey louis vuitton is bugging for this monogram [ __ ] all you do is put the l next to the v nobody is saying that i will not allow these [ __ ] white devils to say joe is over charging for something joe owns i can't no no no no i can't i can't i know it looks crazy i know it looks nuts i know it sounds unfathomable unimaginable hey when homeboy the number one college player right now is saying yo we can go to uh hbcu you know what modern media says he's crazy the [ __ ] are you talking about you have to funnel this money through college through us white colleges so we can do something hey and when that number one athlete says yo it's not only me that can do it y'all all of the top athletes can go to hbcu know what happens with the money then it's ours we spend it how we want to spend it hey some of y'all wasn't outside rory wasn't born do you want me to tell you about the talk when the first [ __ ] said you know what no college i'm skipping i'm skipping it i'm going to the league i was born go back go back but you don't know what they were saying of course not go back go back more you was outside you remember right they caught [ __ ] crazy joe's not crazy is my point let me wrap this up cause i dragged it too long for rory joe is not crazy go to your senior level executive staff and say what is publishing and is there publishing for podcasting and tell me about the answers you get go to your senior level executive staff and say hey what happens if i bring in 20 ads without you go to your senior level executive staff some of you that have been dealing with contracts you read all through the contract and you agree with everything and at the last [ __ ] sentence on the last [ __ ] page you know what it says don't deal with our competitors don't deal with your competitors who's your competitor everybody everybody's your competitor yeah it's not an exclusive deal i swear stop talking to me about a [ __ ] that resigned where he worked for 10 years are you hearing me i hear you smear campaign suck my dick i am by it [Laughter] talk your [ __ ] man and now it's true like some triumphant there's horns horns there's no horns there's nothing to say there's nothing to bring it's just we're not doing the same thing but if what we're both doing is beneficial for black people then why are we focusing on us that's all hey actually give me this [ __ ] [ __ ] where's the thingamajig give me the [ __ ] thing i'm a jiggy i got it y'all don't believe me i got it hold up no make us believers no no no y'all don't hear me here we go right here from the man himself from the man himself it was whether it was endeavor me and andrew turned down a lot of [ __ ] yeah no no no no no no no no no no you [ __ ] idiot i mean it's the name of the show no no no it's a brilliant idiot but he's an idiot idiot stupid idiot two stupid [ __ ] idiots [ __ ] i'm just saying what it is it's [ __ ] two [ __ ] idiots i don't [ __ ] with homies so you turned down a d all right let me start with this let me start with this some of us know what's going on for charlemagne and this might be snitching takashi joe it's fine for charlemagne charlemagne was trying to get a certain amount of money from iheart he was unable to secure the money that he was looking for much like me when spotify offered me the deal last year that said hey bring all of these black creators over here and we'll take 50 [ __ ] i would never do that i would never do that i'm not short changing black people and you're not getting 50 of something that you wasn't involved in i don't need you for anything we can do this on our own um also don't get into his deal like that why he he did it right yeah but that's his but he did personal business man they said the same way i hated his little comments but stop saying but no no no no no no no no no no no no no no but it's not his personal business when you use uh the win for you to make it an l for someone else well that's just corny [ __ ] as is i can only speak for me yeah but we can't do that right now that's what i'm saying to you you have a blast no we can't do corny [ __ ] right now i've been on this podcast for the last however many weeks saying hey this is that small window of opportunity that we can block digital redlining on the social dilemma they say hey if you could imagine any world that you want to imagine and push it that way one percent you would that's their description of what the digital people are used are doing their description is the digital the tech people it's magic it's [ __ ] you don't know how it's being done that's their explanation of that so when i say me and parks have done mad albums and he hasn't get paid he hasn't gotten paid for them this correct business and ownership you know what it does it pushes the world back to that one percent that should be know what parks is doing right now looking at [ __ ] beautiful condos you know why because that's what the [ __ ] should be happening it's not for me to just bring a bunch of black people here because there's these companies that's tokenizing black faces wait stop listening to me listen to him stole my words and let veins come out of my neck and tell you about what i want to do and i'd rather do it yeah yeah that's better right yeah well yeah i think so yeah because anybody can say it look anybody can see it look at this idiot look at these idiots two idiots you're just taking a deal somewhere where you body for ten years you're not paying for anything you're not distributing anything nobody participates in rev share nobody participates in ads nobody gets any [ __ ] information why because it's a [ __ ] celebrated pyramid scheme and clap because that is awesome if that's what you want to do yeah that's important to say that it's awesome this is not hate this is hey viacom has bt it's our black network but it's owned by them stop telling me about black networks that white people dictate that's what i'm saying hello no you can't tell me that black people dictate everything culture and then tell me that you gave 50 of it away one of y'all explain it since i'm rambling i'm not gonna be the one it goes it just goes back to what you we were saying about you know if that's what you wanted it's the age-old fight what you want to go work for the corporation or do you want to be entrepreneur and get your own [ __ ] and do your [ __ ] your own way and no one is wrong there is no wrong way there's no wrong way there's no wrong way you feel comfortable what makes it wrong is when yes is when the sharla avengers get together there's a wrong way when the charlotte avengers get together when the be mic all-stars get together and say hey that way is wrong but you are collaborating and conspiring with a white company that still has yet to do right by you well maybe this is him this is maybe this is them doing right behind it is in his mind it is them doing right by him but let's make it clear stop [ __ ] on joe you went out you searched the market you tried to get the number that you thought you were worth you didn't get that number i know that because i'm in all of the rooms before you i'm very aware of what happened when you attempted to go to spotify for your network deal they told you to suck dick i thought that was wrong i thought that was i thought that was a mistake in judgment but guess what that's oppression you know what i'm finding on my travels up the ladder that no matter how valuable you are no matter how much money you think you're worth you're gonna get to a level up that ladder where things are no longer performance based now it's wait a second you can't make more than me i don't agree i envision a world where all of the competitors have to work with each other you know why because if the companies won't give the creators what we feel we're worth then when we create the path you white people can't intercept hey i don't have to get 250 million from spotify andrew because if i speak to the entire market about what i own you know what it may tally up to can you guess anybody 1.3 billion 250. damn i was sure it might it might that's all i'm saying man that's all i'm saying everybody has their own ideologies their own ideas their own ways their own plans keep your ghetto goofy napoleon complex loving hip-hop tricks the [ __ ] out of my way i'm busy trying to change the world and you are going to get to live in it that is some narcissistic [ __ ] i know i know i get it it's okay i think that's all i got man i think that's all i'm just talking i'm just tired of hearing about the idiot rory's mad at me i'm just i cannot continue to hear about idiots i can't continue to listen to this stupid [ __ ] idiot talk as if we don't know what we are doing we do everybody knows what everyone is doing what is best for them stop attempting to devalue something that enables the very rooms that you walk in this exclusive model [ __ ] it didn't exist before joe oh no delayed listen sometimes you have to create the revenue for people to see how to use it this far this exclusive platform it didn't exist before me and joe is not just riding with that joe is on some oprah [ __ ] what i mean by that is this oprah is an owner because oprah is an owner is that a fact you know yes yeah okay yeah that's a fact all right rory because oprah is an owner you know who she's gonna go and collaborate with you guessed it stitcher as an owner it's a collaboration a partnership from between owners you know who stitcher is owned by adult serious yeah they paid like 250 350 for for stitcher i remember that you know who they're gonna collaborate with for the oprah show off white apple do you hear me i'm listening do you hear me i hear you do you hear me do y'all hear what i just described a world where competitors and owners have to move in concert with each other have to move in have to move in unison you cannot dictate the rules here today now that's the only point so stop telling me about [ __ ] that have gotten 50 of some [ __ ] that are just bringing employees in to be employees you just dragging up employees to be employees because you're an employee there you go i can't listen to it anymore joe [ __ ] dogs joe beats girls joe don't know business you know what i said to charlemagne on the phone when he told me i don't know business charlemagne i am a multi-millionaire doing it this way you know what i got back from that dead air silence know what it said to me why is this conversation not continuing i was just making a point that like i know what i'm doing a little bit it wasn't for you to be offended know what i told him when i met with dawn ostroff and i ain't like what she had to say nobody said oh i know dawn [ __ ] shut up no you don't you don't know dawn somebody you don't know you don't know dawn you don't know what she's about she told you to suck my dick and get the [ __ ] out of here and never return and you went back to i art where you've been for 10 years and to get your money up you brought 18 creators with you 18 creators that happen to already be distributing through i heart stop playing with joe please please leave me and my family alone whoever this is allegedly out there don't have me stop my mission again to turn around and explain it to you [ __ ] buffoons joe is busy they are busy we're all busy everybody stick to what they have to do and hopefully if all of our hearts are in the right place then this will benefit all of us the right way yes yes our hearts are in the right yes yes rest in peace combat jack rest in peace the [ __ ] out of here it's just contradictory you can't tell me in one sentence you want to big up black voices and then tell me you want to amplify and big up black voices but on the other hand you want to give off 50 for nothing would you do it you're a businessman you got your own [ __ ] you got album coming out talk to me ben had my own [ __ ] sold out the barclays of my own [ __ ] who would do this who would do it nobody nobody nobody would do yo please this is quick pow please leave joe alone i could also lose my integrity and start to throw stones at glass houses i could also go spend the night in south carolina and loan my platform to the young lady who you're attempting to settle with come on what edit come on don't do that that's corny no it's not rory no it's not it's a point being driven when one person continues to be the bigger person despite every other action you have to let that person know we can both play dirty i won't you not like that so why even bring it up because it's been done because it's been done and it started which is why i have not but be clear what i'm saying rory is i'm not necessarily above it i'm not saying when people do corny [ __ ] you have to respond with corny [ __ ] i'm not necessarily above it okay which is fair yeah i'm not matching i just i'm saying this corny like that that type of play to me is super corny right it is that's why we don't do the corny stuff but in the event that all of the business people that i was talking to for the betterment of all of us were to back away because of a smear campaign from a radio [ __ ] show well that's not gonna happen and either way we'll be fine but if it did i would fight back appropriately i don't complain about bush league i just start playing bush league i agree with you you passed that i agree with you so i'm not gonna do that we got biggest [ __ ] going on just stop talking to me again as if we're doing the same things celebrate black people create opportunity for black people i will do the same for you idiots that think i [ __ ] a dog i was never talking to you for you idiots that think i abuse women i was never talking to you for the partners and fortune fortune 10 companies that were concerned and we're thinking about maybe abandoning this ship and cause i would have never wanted to carry you and partner with you this is a nasty media game it gets ugly it's like i told complex when they wouldn't [ __ ] hire security guards uh for us to go do the bt awards you can't be tone deaf enough to think that we're gonna sit in this seat and say everything we have to say about rappers about rappers and r b singers and not need security you have to know that if you don't know that i can't offer this to you anymore yeah because this is what i need to do this it's the same thing over here it's the same exact thing and that's cynthia it love you rocky i pray for you charlemagne andrew little indian dude uh crystals the b mic all stars you guys have a blast i think i'm done well all right [ __ ] [ __ ] about this i'm just sick i'm sick of these because i'm [ __ ] sick you just don't know when to turn it the [ __ ] off they gotta shut the [ __ ] up the game is very long shut the [ __ ] up i'm getting alerts kawhi duncan on everybody this [ __ ] shut up [ __ ] [ __ ] them [ __ ] but no i feel you that needed to be said yo you're saying uh speaking of uh sports i had such a busy week i didn't get to see any of your sports takes and i'm mad about that i need to always see your sports takes but um sammy watkins my fantasy football team the chiefs played all the texans sammy watkins went off he scored a touchdown they took it away from know what happened he scored another one light work another one two seconds later 22 points oh kind of like what we're doing 22 points come on man come on 22 points he started my fantasy team off the right way and i'm really really really happy about that shout out to sammy walker it's my first year like 10 years without a fantasy team pretty sad i just have to watch the game look at that this is something like a civilian that's one reason why i wanted to stop playing fantasy basketball because you you don't even care about who wins anymore you just want the players you have to perform well yeah go against your own team yeah that just kind of like i don't like that part of it but yeah yeah this [ __ ] pisses me off man because listen i saw i've seen everybody that i know in life combo i've seen people that i admire discuss all of these media awards because it's a big deal um star in particular is who i'm talking about i've been watching all of starship i love star i watched what star had to say about the charlemagne stuff stars said he is getting off of the joe band wagon because he has a dog and he don't play that [ __ ] [Laughter] i love star now start let me tell y'all something because this this is what kind of proves my point that i've been trying to allude to for a few weeks now if you believe that i'm [ __ ] dog star is right if you love dogs you should stay away from me and my dog and yeah and anything that i'm saying you'll [ __ ] cats too right i love cats like look how do you love them jerseys there's there's nothing that there's nothing let me explain to y'all and to listen there's nothing that star could say even if star is off the joe bandwagon because he thinks joe [ __ ] dogs there's nothing starr could say it was serious if he was or wasn't i watched the same clip nothing that star could say to or about joe to make joe not [ __ ] with star okay good i'm not we're we not where we are that's a fact without stars contribution not even close let me explain to the people out there my how joe's views things all of us are star sons yeah some way here think about it i can't come in here and say r b right now with aliyah and rap right now is what mlp listen all of the people in media right this second are sons of star you know what that says to joe starr you're howard stern he's gonna say [ __ ] out of here by the way and not just star his personality with radio how star has conducted business throughout his radio tenure we we're all star sons star for black people is indeed howard stern if star does not [ __ ] up and i won't talk about the [ __ ] up but if you don't [ __ ] up and have the lawsuit and wild out a little bit star is the reason that black kids woke up at 6 00 a.m to listen to the radio as as we did we didn't listen to the radio as well i was not listening to 105.1 it was a brand new place when star was there dropping airplane bombs of [ __ ] aaliyah it was [ __ ] that you would never hear on the radio that he was doing and it made us go there had he not [ __ ] up you know what would have happened he would have demanded his value and he would have received it know why because he's howard stern not howard stern but [ __ ] it let's talk about howard stern do you know why howard stern is howard stern anybody he knows words that's it and he knew the worst that's it he knew the worth of his show and he knew the context of the show he knew the word for his show and he got it not even so if y'all don't have if y'all don't have the money or can't allot me the money from y'all being in syndication or from y'all being a startup radio station or from y'all being a brand new radio station then you got to pay me upfront hey if y'all can't account for it i know what i'm going to do when i get here you have to pay me up front and it has to increase every year guess what that's what happened that's what happened hey i'm taking all my kroc [ __ ] we going over here you syndicating or you're gonna have to give me a hundred million this is before 100 million with 100 million he got 100 million we don't talk about stern because he's just so blunt and because he's like one of the best no he applied that [ __ ] and when andy schultz and the rest of these bum ass [ __ ] mention them you know what they don't say oh he was nuts oh he was crazy oh he can't do business oh he can't negotiate oh what's wrong with him i don't hear any of that because it worked that's why that little wayne conversation i had a few weeks ago and i was like hey how do y'all view cash money that was a sublime that was a subliminal i know how y'all view cash money you wouldn't sign there the accounting was bad they robbed people the truth of the matter cash money maybe should own universal greatest hip-hop label of all time cash money maybe should own universal you know why they wouldn't because if the mere thought of it somebody would say oh what the [ __ ] should that [ __ ] own something it's crazy crazy what the [ __ ] is this black [ __ ] it's all about own universal [ __ ] if you don't put these records out [Laughter] stop talking to me about things that are unimaginable to y'all charlemagne i'm still gonna honor our uh peace treaty even though i believe what i believe what are you talking about that's how you get your [ __ ] off that's how you do it i'm gonna honor our i'm gonna honor i'm gonna honor ourselves that's how you what no yeah you can do all of that because nothing i just said was beef no no no i never beef [Laughter] get no [ __ ] that out of the tree i am never changed no he's never changed listen and i mean that sincerely no he's listening you know i get mad because joe joe starts with love yeah and joe leads with love and i get smeared campaigns in return yeah like royce taught me that my words hurt royce taught me that hey me and somebody else could say the same thing minds may impact a bit differently for whatever the reason be and that's been my history so i'm still leading with love right now i know i said a lot of [ __ ] that sounds just like but i'm explaining business because i'm tired of the [ __ ] idiots that keep talking to me like i'm doing the same thing as them shut the [ __ ] up and receive help i'm help that's some narcissistic [ __ ] it is it is it's okay it's on brain [ __ ] andrew schultz man stop talking hey andrew schultz i'm four weeks away hey you know what andrew schultz i'm talking to the owners of the platforms that you're relying on don't give them too much let it bake mmm say let it bake ah m said when you drop the metaphor let it breathe on the next line don't step on gotta let it marinate andy schultz the people that you and you don't have the people the platforms the platforms you're on you and little [ __ ] with that anthony man with the [ __ ] blurry shirt i'm talking i hate that [ __ ] shirt a [ __ ] with that shirt on should not be allowed to speak on culture it's a bunch of [ __ ] dots on [ __ ] indian man hey andy i'm speaking to the owners of the platforms that you're on shut the [ __ ] up i can't kill you because later on i may be paid from your success you're not seeing how that's a world that's imaginable because you keep sucking charlemagne dick and when you keep sucking dick that's afraid to go and peek behind the curtains none of you [ __ ] know to [ __ ] value anything stop talking to joe peace peace treaty i think that was [ __ ] black great behind the camera shut the [ __ ] up [ __ ] you go behind the cameras and work them why is andrew schultz talking about something and i get even angrier because people tell me i don't listen to you but people tell me that you about independence roy told me that i did that they tell me that this young man is about independence and ownership and knowing your value but when you like sucking dick a little more yo you media guys and just throwing sucking dick on people we're gonna see some of y'all but i'm not throwing it rory the crystals girl every time something bad about joe comes up she starts sucking charlemagne dick which is evident to me because that girl has signed bad deals for the last five years which is why she depressed somewhere why the brilliant idiots podcast is talking about us i'm confused they were just on vacation they just were not recording for weeks at a time during the summer campaign i don't relate the two you can't even get a [ __ ] consistent schedule and you're telling people about our business our nine figure generating business if y'all don't get your little country napoleon complex as is having a [ __ ] out of here stop it i'll go sleep in colombia and south columbia south carolina for a week rory said not to because it's playing dirty please don't i won't but if this continues i will only to see your actual family the [ __ ] man i'm out i'm out i'm out i'm done i'm done i'm done i'm done erickson i think we got enough i'm done i'm done man eastenders remember i think we got it [Music] trailers the trailer that's all joey's man that's it i can't come in here and be mad at rogan for taking it savannah's taking the reason he started the podcast with one on he no longer has any shoes on if rogan gets 300 million joe should be able to ask for 75 that's fair if joe gets 75 million gillies should be able to ask for 40. i agree if gilly gets 40 than mandy she'll be able to ask for 10. i agree if mandy gets 10 and [ __ ] maybe scotty or somebody maybe gets five let's stop i'm freestyling i'm just freestyling people i'm free these councils should get paid is what we're saying in the millions and what they actually deserve we don't need to put numbers on people's [ __ ] yes and the simple version of what rory is saying for me is back to childhood when i used to ask my mom for money to go outside know what she would say how much you want and i would say a [ __ ] whatever i don't care like if you give me 50 cent i'm going to find something to buy if you give me how much yes she does that to the day you got my mom [ __ ] up my mom gave me if my mom said if you give me two dollars i'll know something to buy if you give me ten dollars i'll know something to buy i never got i used to do this well now what my mom used to say is you only get what you asked for my mom would say go mow the lawn yes but you only get what you ask for so if you ask your mom if you ask your mom for two dollars uh and she says no or if you ask your mom for 100 you ask your mom 500 she may say i don't have a hundred dollars but this is how you can get it go outside and mow all these lawns it's good parenting hey in the wintertime go up the block and shovel all the snow that's that's where i come from these internet kids don't know anything about this yeah but that's a guy but what it does is it it ingrains in you early i won't get something if i don't ask for it i didn't ask for 250 million and i didn't ask for 30 percent of complex that's a wild thing to just throw on somebody yeah but it's perpetuated by idiots if you don't know any better and you just listen to the idiots and their [ __ ] idiot friends oh [ __ ] joe don't know what he's doing he asked for 30 complex because he made everyday struggle that's nuts joe's asking for 250 because he had a podcast on spotify well that's not so nuts but i wouldn't do it we maybe only generated 250. that don't mean you can offer me 30. if we generated 250 what are we asking for 40 20 28. no suck my dick man come on where we at i'm out i'm done i'm talking to idiots i'm done talking to idiots i'm finished i'm finished i'm done i'm done i'm done promise
Channel: Joe Budden TV
Views: 708,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JOE BUDDEN, joe budden 2020, hiphop, rap, JOE BUDDEN TV, Slaughterhouse, i'll name this podcast later, podcast, The Joe Budden Podcast, Joe Budden Podcast, state of the culture, revolt, revolt tv, pull up, JBP, andrew schulz, charlamagne tha god, charlamagne joe budden, charlamagne joe budden podcast, joe budden charlamagne, joe budden charlamagne tha god, charlamagne tha god joe budden, andrew schulz joe budden, joe budden andrew schulz
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 54sec (3834 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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