Joe Budden Exposes The Music Industry & Labels | "All of Them Are Broke!"

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I think all of your favorite artists are phito and finished I don't think none of these people are making any coin from the music business I don't I agree with that that's kind of what what I've been saying I other avenues to get their money I think it's much worse than we letting on we don't even have no way to get this type of information because it's all at the tippy tippy tippy tippy tippy top and we don't talk to each other and it's Tech games and and his Tech games they they gearing up for whatever is to come and they're a lot earlier than than I knew they've been playing they've been playing for for years like seeing the um the big press Outlets biging up certain types and styles of music has been an indicator to me where musicianship performance like actually being good at being a musician has been cast aside for years and years and years but slowly getting worse it's kind of open opening the door for AI everything essentially so they've been building up they are a lot earlier they started this back half decade ago maybe a decade ago then I could have ever imagined I'm with you I think there's a focus on streaming uh AI I think there's a focus on just replacing you guys the artist right yeah the artist they got uh I think there's a focus on the world music Latin and Country and all of whatever their hot hot genre is uh what else do I think I just think rap is cast aside the 50 years of hip-hop told me that M how much of the pie there even is to distribute amongst artists tell me that uh the way albums don't drop anymore tells me that all of you artists getting your money from somewhere else tells me that last year no number one hip-hop album for however long tells me that the number ones that came tells me thata Uzi Drake there's only seven there's seven rappers that they focus on some because y'all are truly talented and make make people all the money in the world some because too many people have their hand in your pocket to let you fail MH but everybody else if you not getting it touring or if you not getting it through other other means mhm this music [ __ ] is a rap all of you all I'm saying all of the musicians are broke relatively relative relative to what you bring in now I do think that there is um plenty of ways to make money as Independence low overhead it's not expensive to make these albums you're making them at home or wherever and you're building a reasonable fan base and you're selling physical and merch there not everyone is broke broke but it's terms of like the Superstar thing I agree with you but like you said to what you're bringing in what you getting and my yeah my conversation is not really about it's not really about independent acts yeah okay my my conversation is about what's going on in the majors they tricking y'all with the words in these contracts they tricking y'all into thinking that y'all are real Partners they tricking y'all with the hey you own your stuff the the recent layoffs tell me that mhm you don't see all these people getting laid off they laid off like 40 right univere everywhere media too everywhere everywhere yeah and look and that and to me um based on what you're saying that went to our AR conversation the second that we can have six people instead of 60 M y'all gone mhm y'all are expendable especially if we getting anywhere near the same production that we had or the same money and revenue that we had when it was 60 of y'all y'all gone they're telling you it's not about your all about the tech what do you what do you think the next step was from streaming Farms like from nter really I think I think they kicking in the ass remember when they rolled out the rapper like a couple years ago the AI rapper uh I think they kicking their in the ass cuz they rolled it out wrong they rolled it out disrespectfully to where they had to shelf that [ __ ] remember they had them in jail rapper dud I think they rolled them out wrong I think if they would have rolled them out in a different Manner and the music was good I think that [ __ ] would have took off they just rolled them out in jail with tattoos getting beat up by the cops and all of that it was a bad um presentation but that's going to be a problem with AI and anything kind of algorithm computer generated is that they're going to get a lot of [ __ ] wrong MH yeah but I think that they had to shelf that project oh for sure because of the disrespect to the community I think if they would have did that different they would have been expounding upon that for the last year of course they have they have they now have kpop po American that's crazy aop serious K aop none of what I'm saying is a joke or a game K aop K-pop was K-pop yeah now it's American K-pop but so is it Korean Americans yeah like I'm confused all right let me help you here we go I got something for you Korean Americans completely insane but did you know that there exists a n genre of '90s R&B and hip-hop songs REM made by early 2000's UK pop STS oh my God stop oh [ __ ] turn this off my point is how they could do that though cuz whoever owns the [ __ ] is selling it or giving them that's no you can cover a song without having to do anything you just have to pay the royalt mechanical royalties to the artist you don't have to get permission to cover a song and you can sell it you got to pay the royalty though you got to pay the royalty whatever you make from the S the mechanical royalty which is set by Congress a rate you you got to pay that out to the artist that it's set by somebody else third party by by Congress it is statutory it is a law oh so the songwriter gets mechanical rate from every song Sold I don't know how that exactly translate with streaming but I'm sure it has something to do with whatever 1500 equals stream or whatever so you only negotiate your [ __ ] no I think it's really advantageous for record labels to be able to repurpose their entire catalog this sweat yeah and I think that Tik Tock and some other techy [ __ ] I think it's actually a good has shown record labels not for humans uh was that AI stuff that you were playing or was that human beings these were some Koreans no no from London oh that's a good thing UK people doing cover songs is a good thing for the music business it supports human songwriters that wrote the songs it refreshes songs like fastar with the country [ __ ] mhm like cover songs are a good thing to happen in music I think it's actually been a problem that it hasn't been happening in the past 15 years is everyone's trying to create something new whereas in the past you leaned on some creative [ __ ] from the past and made [ __ ] they ain't even changing nothing and what he played it's a cover I mean like that's a cover I know I'm just it's like literally you could play in the 50s or whatever you could play Frank Sinatra and uh uh whoever the [ __ ] else playing singing the same exact song in the same exact way just by a different artist it's not different I don't necessarily love the cover idea I love I love what you're saying but for that to be great then the business needs to be right initially and for many artists it is not also with the covers you run the risk of Elvis and James Crocker or who was that who was that that Elvis Joe not Joe Cocker um yeah I'm I have a brain freeze right now but you know what I'm saying yeah yes I do um you run the risk of that what H what what happened with like I'm not familiar with Elvis so what do you mean he covered uh black songs essentially and stole Black Culture is the is what he's alluding to okay thank you got [Music] it
Channel: Joe Budden TV
Views: 155,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JOE BUDDEN, JOE BUDDEN TV, Slaughterhouse, i'll name this podcast later, podcast, The Joe Budden Podcast, Joe Budden Podcast, state of the culture, revolt, revolt tv, pull up, JBP, joe budden network, humans, podcast joe budden, queenzflip, melyssa ford, joe budden humans, humans joe budden, joe budden 2024
Id: aEGvP0TCstQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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