“Killed After Testifying?" | Boeing Whistleblower Found DEAD After Testifying

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oh uh [ __ ] is uh popping up dead out of nowhere oh something that the boing interesting enough oh [ __ ] the Boeing yeah yeah let's put we don't have his we don't have his is such a [ __ ] white ter I mean that's kind of what it is though MH like he went and he it's documented that he was like yo they're putting sub um like the the materials they're using using some thean terrible yeah they cut in Corners he went and testif well gave an interview which was going to be used in testimony oxygen mask aren't he was like one out of four are going to fail in the event of an emergency or something like he broke it down yeah and was supposed to go back for a follow-up uh interview and when he didn't show up they go looking for him where he at he found him in the park what's the what's which version you want yeah that's the Great great question ask they said that he self transitioned in a oh [ __ ] all right go ahead get your [ __ ] what did they say he self transitioned in a parking lot is the uh [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] can't even fixed planes we we you can't even [ __ ] fake a death right [ __ ] he didn't self transition himself in that area they found him and stop it man now listen a lot of y'all out there may not have ever had mental health problems so congratulations to y'all mhm and some people had mental health problems that I can't all the way identify with so leave them out of this too true but for the rest of y'all what [ __ ] don't do is drive to the Target parking lot to do this at all I feel like this was a little sloppy on the Killer's par on the framer part that's how frustrated they must have been with him yo I don't care I've seen this on BML I don't care where you get it done on on site soon as you see them and don't let Terry do it please don't we not going to mention BMF no more no yes we are yes yes we are yes the [ __ ] we are I don't know what you talking about oh my God have really embraced the one this is not a 737 problem it's a bowling problem um and I know the fa is gone in and they've done due diligence and inspections to assure that the door plugs of the 737 are are installed properly and the Fasteners are P properly but my concern is what's the rest of the airplane what's the rest the condition of the airplane and the reason my concern for that is back in 2012 boing started removing inspection operations off their jobs so it left the mechanics to buy off their own work so what we're seeing with the door plug blowout is what I've seen with the rest of the airplane as far as Jobs not being completed properly inspection of steps being removed um issues being ignored my concerns are with the 737 and the 787 because those programs have really embraced the theory that quality is overhead and nonv value added um so those two programs have really put a strong effort into removing quality from the process Buton the that's crazy the I don't even think that's just a Boeing thing this is all the way across industry everywhere everybody's looking to cut corners and it's like as long as we don't get caught now the difference is you dealing with planes yeah you know what I mean [ __ ] start to happen up there Mass casualties potential for it mhm yo quality being deemed overhead is a scary thing yeah yeah word yeah that one sentence was very very scary uh on the news this morning they were saying that the FAA audit uh says that 33 of 89 planes were malfunctioning [ __ ] y got to stop yeah so it's not a small no it's not a small issue at all and I can imagine the coin that this gentleman [ __ ] up for them and I seen the Boeing doc real good doc y'all should watch it but the Boeing doc speaks all about this about them trading in quality for and and that that's why whistleblowers are like Mad important because he said this sh go back over a decade you know what I'm saying so how how long they knew sweeping [ __ ] under the rug just all right well cool we and they just assume that these people will never gain any traction until they actually start to gain some traction and not just with the people but with actual lawmakers and different things like that and once they see that it's the play been [ __ ] up though like there's a lot of situations pertaining to the boing planes a lot [ __ ] dropping midad dropping other day what 50 people got injured on a plane you know what I mean the the wind they said the wind pushed it yeah the wind pushed it 800 there was another plane going somewhere where as soon as it took off the wheel came off M I was home saying keep going don't land my plane if the wheel if one wheel fell yeah I want to keep going give me give me where I'm at it nah [ __ ] that get stop I'm not going to lie all I'm I'm already scared of flying all this [ __ ] just makes me feel like I don't want to go nowhere but dog it's no different than the car industry all this [ __ ] is numbers to them you start hearing a bunch of [ __ ] going wrong in the car all they do is say all right let's let no let's weigh the options we can take a couple of these happening or how much will we pay out if [ __ ] goes all the way left and if it's it's a it's a scale and if it's over a certain amount now we issue the recall what's going to cost us less money to fix all of these or to pay a couple of these when it go bad every that's how they treat it and the airlin [ __ ] is super file because they got bailouts from the government and all types of [ __ ] so yeah yesh it ain't just no immediate recall with something with a car and I didn't know that if you actually like if you're a flight attendant or a pilot in any of these situations let's just say something does go wrong you know usually as a uh as a passenger you get pay out and your family gets taken you know whatever flight attendants and all that get nothing really like a part of the job is that you risk take the risk of something happening in the air oh yeah no [ __ ] that oh I would never do that then if that's true yeah if that's true I would never do that no yeah well [ __ ] now we know why the Buddy Pass got cheaper it did I don't know I would love to know if it did cuz you ready to go I need comp [ __ ] all that quality [ __ ] we just talked about go when you go oh my God if it's my time I could be up there or down here it's still going to happen prayers to all all all involved and please let's stop uh sacrificing quality throughout all Industries no but [Music] every
Channel: Joe Budden TV
Views: 50,966
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Keywords: JOE BUDDEN, JOE BUDDEN TV, Slaughterhouse, i'll name this podcast later, podcast, The Joe Budden Podcast, Joe Budden Podcast, state of the culture, revolt, revolt tv, pull up, JBP, joe budden network, humans, podcast joe budden, queenzflip, melyssa ford, joe budden humans, humans joe budden, joe budden 2024, boeing whistleblower, boeing whistleblower killed
Id: K6H616DcJB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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