Jobs for introverts Data entry | No phones Required!

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you hate people you hate talking on the phone but you need to get your bills paid today we're going into some data entry jobs or just positions in general where you do not need to talk to people if you don't want to other than your boss or co-workers once in a while but in general you're not going to have to be doing with sales and customer service where people are just yelling at you all day let's get into it [Music] hey welcome to my channel my name is katio and today we're getting into some positions that you guys have been non-stop asking me for and that is i don't want to deal with people what positions are out there for you so today we're going to get into some data entry and then if you stay all the way until the end of this video i have some other things in there that's not that entry that is also not talk on the phone so the first one is with aerotech aerotech is a huge company and they have positions in literally everything i'm not really even too sure exactly what they do but they have positions literally everywhere and doing a lot of different things what i have seen they have positions in the united states and canada but i would just look around and see if they have anything else international however when you go to their website all you're gonna do type in remote in the keywords and then you're gonna see all the different positions come up for remote positions so as you can see there are quite a bit one that stood out to me was obviously this remote technical support that you need to be bilingual so you obviously you need to speak english [Music] so if you speak both languages there are different positions here these ones are paying between 15 to 16 an hour but you can do it in the comfort of your own home as you can see this is exclusive to the city that you're in or the state however if you can find something in your city and state there are a lot of remote positions here for example remote technical support mortgage underwriter clinical trial lead ui ux designer there was also your customer service agent 18 to 20 an hour in beverly hills california here's one in montreal this one is an echat customer service agent they must speak french i believe and here's one i found really interesting in seattle there's a fashion stylist monday to friday some of these positions though they are on the remote page they're not 100 remote some of them are two days remote and then three days in house so that is that hybrid that you can do if you don't want to be 100 exclusively at home which can be very lonely and isolating you can do the hybrid of the two which can be a really great option for you so definitely check out this website the link will be in the description my next company is clark fork communications this company actually offers mostly transcription positions but occasionally they will have data entry that is work from home so definitely check out the link below to see if they have any positions available when you watch this video however if you're in a transcription this is also something you can do that's not talking on the phone and dealing with people don't mind the name the website is birch creek communications but they are under clark for communications specifically they prefer candidates that have experience in legal and general transcription my next company is working solutions a working solution is a call center position that you can do from the comfort of your own home however very occasionally they do have data entry positions that you can do remotely nationally and internationally they don't always have data entry positions but just be looking out for this if this is something you want to do just data entry generally it's kind of hard to find positions that are just out of entry that are not combined with other things so that's why i want to recommend you setting up account on upwork or fiverr to become a data entry specialist on there so what that does is you're putting yourself available saying that i am a data entry specialist come find me to do data entry for you they will find you you guys will agree on a set rate hourly or monthly you can do data entry through specific clients on the website this way you are actually being a freelancer so you can grow your client base a lot quicker than you will as just working for a company this will allow you to work whenever you want and obviously eventually make as much money as you would like that is probably what i really recommend if you want to get into data entry because a lot of these things are combined with other things if you're interested in combining data entry with other things like scheduling for people answering phones virtually and stuff like that you can consider being a virtual assistant this is something you can do from anywhere around the world in the united states canada wherever you want i'm not going to go into a huge detail about this because i have gone over this in other videos however if you are interested into virtual assistant jobs you should check out this video where i talked about some virtual assistant jobs okay you stayed until the end thank you so much i'm going to deliver on that promise for you of the bonuses i had our time finding only data entry positions however i have some other positions on here that you don't got to talk on the phone you don't got to deal with people and i think you'll be very very happy the next one is to get paid to type with speak right with speak right you're not limited to just transcriptions however they are looking for part-time and full-time candidates that would like to be a typist currently they are hiring and they will make you go through the background check process my next company is accutane global this is a transcription company this type of work with them does require you to have a specialty so legal finance engineering any kind of medical that you have some kind of specialty where you know the jargon of this industry you're gonna have a higher chance of getting hired here and they also pay more than the general transcriptions though they do prefer that you are skilled they do accept beginner transcriptionists as well their positions are located in the united kingdom canada as well as the united states of america accutran pays per word which in turn will make you a lot more money a lot quicker than pain per minute because people might speak more in a minute and some people speak very slow per minute so you're going to be getting paid per word not permit which is awesome my next company is called vitac this is a captioning company this company is looking for people to do captioning in real time for videos and schedules are flexible once accepted applicants that will apply for vitac need to have at least 50 words per minute while typing have great skills in grammar and also have a great attention to detail my last company on here is i dictate or quick take this is also transcriptioning so i'm not going to go into it again you get paid to type out what people are saying in real time fixing their grammar etc etc i will put a link below so you can check it out but these are all positions where you don't need to deal with people and you're just typing so this is a great job for people that are introverted and don't want to deal with people it's absolutely fantastic so hopefully you found something interesting in this video feel free to give this video a like and if there's any other jobs that you found as an introvert please let us know down below and i would be happy to share in another video see you in the next one bye guys [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Kat Theo
Views: 129,254
Rating: 4.9467044 out of 5
Keywords: Data entry jobs, work from home jobs for introverts, work from home, work from home jobs, kat theo, kat theo work from home, no phone work at home jobs, 2021 data entry jobs, remote jobs no phone, data entry jobs online, data entry jobs work from home, online data entry jobs, transcription jobs, Vitac, Accutran, Speak Write, Working Solutions, Aerotek, get paid online legit, get paid online jobs, get paid online for free, Kat theo work from home, work from home no phone jobs
Id: mhzamzgBx2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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