Work From Home Data Entry For Amazon

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hello everybody hello if you want to do data entry by working from home you can head on over to intercom and create your account and once you get approved and everything and you've provided whatever you need to provide before you begin this is what it will look like you'll have your account then you'll have human intelligence has up here which is abbreviated as hits and then you would click hits available to you and you can type in data entry and these are some things that you can do so let me just show you an example of a quick one you'll be extracting some of your information from 8:00 shopping receipts which is the business total and date so let's view a hit in this group and let's do it for five cents okay for this hit you'll be getting paid five cents so if you do these because cuz these are called batches ok hits available in this type of thing is 295 okay so it's available 295 which means you can do a lot of these and get five cents each so let's accept this so the business name is Tesco experts this is a huge these are written day month and year so we got a squirrel dam name of the year so this will be the date month and year and then we got a rope scroll back up and type in the type other total and the total is we don't have to do the simple so you guys don't even have to worry about that the total is 3 dollars and 84 cents so we type in 384 and then we click next and that's just one we have to do a total we have to do it for 8a receipts so sometimes you just have to manually type it in and because some of these are probably completely new so then I'm guessing all of these will be UK BC so the amount will be 560 and the date is 2303 17 next the business name is Primark and the total is $33 even and now we gotta look for the date which is 22 to 17 next this receipt is Aldi stores and the total for this is 1750 to remember you don't have to put the symbols to guys so don't even trip about that sometimes you just have to click this image to see closer and see right now I'm having a trouble finding the date okay so it's right here seventeen three seventeen so sometimes you have to look really hard 1730 17 and sometimes the date won't be there so you guys don't have to panic if that ever happens to you because it definitely happens a lot of times and the balance is which is the total is 399 and now we look for the date which is 23 3 17 next which store is this okay I'm guessing the store's printer ink I'm not sure like I'm completely confused see cuz I don't yeah it'll be definitely some questionable receipts and sometimes you just want to take your time so that you can get it approved because you don't want to do 8 receipts and then it gets rejected because you did something wrong so okay so I'm gonna I'm gonna return date because I don't want to mess up my percentage but you guys get an idea how this go right so that's what you can expect and sometimes it'll be a breezing you'll be finished quick and sometimes you'll just take some time because you don't want to mess something up but that's what it's like to do these things and it's quite fun as you can see you just type in three things well - and you click on thing you click Next and you do it for eight chocolate you see so you get five cents and since it's quick to do you can quickly move through it some of these receipts can look a slide some of these things can look bunched up but I mean you can easily find information that you need so I hope you guys are happy that you found this and maybe you can give it a try and see how it works for you if it doesn't work I do apologize but it can definitely put some extra money in your pocket if you can't put you know main money in your pocket so have a great day and don't forget to subscribe bye [Music]
Channel: Shaneka's Intuitive Readings
Views: 550,185
Rating: 4.8063064 out of 5
Keywords: work from home jobs, work from home lyrics, work from home part time, work from home jobs in va, work from home song, work from home companies, work from home data entry, work from home jobs in md, work from home jobs in dc, work from home customer service, work from home, work from home amazon, work from home apple, work from home accounting jobs, work from home arlington va, work from home airline jobs
Id: 0Qt80AAm09s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 15sec (375 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2017
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