Best NO PHONE Work at Home Jobs | 2020

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y'all even listenin to you and you guys do not want to talk on the phone and you don't want to do with people you just want to do your work not talk to anybody yet not do a client's I understand that I have been listening to you and I got you covered so today we're getting into some really great companies that hire virtually to not talk on the phone let's get into it if it's your first time here hello thanks so much for stopping in and want to invite you to subscribe to my channel my name is Cathy oh and on my channel we talked all about side hustles and just such jobs - some jokes about how to better your life financially today we're getting into some awesome non phone jobs because that's what you guys have been asking me in the comments also today I'm going into many different jobs you can do that are not over the phone but I am going into different categories for each job so if any of these categories that you like and you would like me to expand upon and find some more companies for you after doing lots of research then let me know in the comments I do read every single one of them and I might not reply but I will like it or give it a heart because I look at every single one of them so the first category is becoming a virtual assistant I have talked about other companies in the past on some other videos I will put it right here but one new company that I've never brought up before is called contemporary VA contemporary VA maybe open a worldwide but it's definitely in the United States they pay about $10 an hour USD and they pay you every other week via a check in the mail something interesting is it does say it is in Delaware however when I was looking at the requirements all it says is you must be available to work day hours Eastern Standard Time so in my opinion even if you are anywhere in the world but you're are available between the hours of 9:00 to 5:00 Eastern Standard Time you should be allowed to work with them so I would just inquire and apply if you're not in the United States or if you're not into where it doesn't say anything about actually physically being in Delaware my next virtual assistant company is called a time etc so this is available in the United States and in the UK and they pay between $11 to $16 an hour and they do pay through PayPal you should check out my other video what a virtual assistant does but in general day to day tasks are gonna be things like looking at emails replying to emails scheduling some data entry and honestly it just depends on what the client wants and each task so that's why I'm not really going into exact description but you can look on the website all the links will be in the description to know exactly what you'll be doing my next company is a worldwide 101 despite its name worldwide is not worldwide it is only in the United States and in the United Kingdom they pay between $15 to $20 an hour and it seems that they do pay direct deposit like any other company okay so Cyril is a company that I recommended in my previous video you can check it out here but they are now called start ups Co so I've already talked about this company a really great company if you want to be a virtual assistant online remote and though they have different openings for different time zones to pay on where you are in the United States this company only hires throughout the United States they pay 13 to 18 dollars an hour but they do require you to have an associate's degree at the minimum so they do pay a little bit higher than some other companies that I will mention today but you need an associate's turi okay my next category which is only one in this category is a virtual accountant so if you're already an accountant or you at least study some kind of bookkeeping or familiar or credits and debits then you might be able to apply with accounting department comm accounting department they hire virtual accountants in the United States and they do require that you have at least three years of experience and bookkeeping so I'm not sure if that means you have to have a degree in that but if you have experience in bookkeeping or accounting you work in an office and you want to transition into an online or mobile position this could be a great company for you I did not see any salaries listed on their website so you would have to apply and acquire but if anybody does do that and gets a response please let us know in the comments below my next category is search engine evaluation so what you're going to be doing with search engine evaluation is we are going to be evaluating different queries on different websites so pretty much you'll search something in general there's different options that you decide which one would be the best result there's different little things that you do but essentially no experience super-easy most people can figure out how to do it so with that being said my first company that you can be a search engine evaluator is with my karma hub they are only throughout the United States so sorry about that but they have a flexible schedule and the pay is about $11 an hour so if search engine evaluation interests you you can also check into a pin a pin is world wide and pay will vary depending on the job itself that you're doing so different jobs will yield different pay but you can expect between 13 to $15 an hour and they pay monthly just looking at their website some different jobs that you could be doing is coming a rater they have flexible part-time jobs at our home base and it requires a computer or mobile device they have language jobs that's transcription translations and for linguists and they also have micro tasks that can be completed in an hour and the comfort of your own home and then they have corporate jobs also if you are somebody who works in engineering marketing finance and sales and probably have a degree and some experience my next category is chat base work so I know you have seen these before when you're on a website and you've been on there for a few minutes and something pops up at you and it's like hey can I help you with something a lot of those are BOTS but a lot of those times those are people or it starts off with the bots and then you reply those bots and you say yes I need some help if they can't help you they will transfer you to a live person who is chatting with you you can become one of these live chatters one really cool company that I found is called the chat shop they do hire worldwide so if you're outside the United States this one hires outside of the United States sorry about that I just get that literally all the time this chat work varies from business to business opinion on the company that is hiring you so it's kind of like a big bubble of chat workers and then they link you to different businesses so each chat will be a little different depending on what they need you to say depending on the business etc etc but they do pay between nine to ten dollars an hour to chat people in your free time through a company at the comfort of your own home my next company is Apple there a lot of this is just Apple where you can be an at home chatter where you're chatting people on the help page and one of those positions is called a home advisor I have spoke about Apple many different times on my channel in many different positions but this is another one check out out Bowl they have tons of positions they pay really great they have great benefits really like Apple is just a really good company to work for my next category is academic testing scoring so essentially there are tons of standardized tests I need to be great at every single year if you think about all the high schoolers all the juniors the seniors that when that's the end of the year they have to take their SATs they have to take standardized tests so when they graduate they can go into great schools or not but they have they need people that can grade be standardized tests all of them are graded with just a machine because it's multiple choice but a lot of them for the essays the paragraphs whatever they need a person to actually read it and grade it this is not just with SAT this is there's really any kind of standardized test this can be a middle school this can be elementary school now they're doing standardized testing so they just need humans to actually grade these standardized tests so they outsource these companies to do it and one of them that you can work for is ETS ETS is open to the United States but sometimes they occasionally have some jobs in different countries so do look out for those if you are outside of the United States and I have seen pay between $10 to $20 an hour depending on the project and putting on this test and depending on the company and with them you're paid twice monthly so just like any standard job measurement Inc is another company that you can do standardized testing and they pay about $11 an hour so same dealio it's another company pay about 11 bucks an hour my last one I'm gonna talk about is Pearson so if you are studying in school if you've ever been in school you probably have once in your life have seen a book by Pearson they do tons of curriculum but they also hire people all to grade standardized testing this is open to anybody authorized to work in the United States so you don't physically have to be in the United States so like if you're an expat living abroad you can also work for this company doing this the pay is about ten dollars an hour or more and it seems like they paid like any other job by direct deposit twice a month I lied I have one more it's called write score write score is the same of this category they're doing standardized testing and they pay between eight to fifteen dollars an hour and you must be a United States citizen so the pay with the write score depends on how fast you're able to complete these standardized tests so the more you can do in the hour the more you get paid obviously so you are in control to an extent how much you can get paid with the right score all right that's all I have for you guys today for non-phone jobs there is so many I can't even tell you there's just so so so many so talk to me below what kind of things are you interested in scene for non-phone jobs and I'd be more than happy to find some great companies for you I'll see you in the next video feel free to interact with me feel free to subscribe if you haven't already and of course smash the like button if you want to make some money today alright I'll see the next video bye [Music]
Channel: Kat Theo
Views: 286,344
Rating: 4.9524646 out of 5
Keywords: no phone work at home jobs 2020, no phone work at home jobs, no calling jobs, work from home, non phone jobs, non phone remote jobs, online non phone jobs, online jobs no phone, non phone work from home jobs, work from home jobs no phone, remote jobs no phones, no phone remote jobs, best 10 non-phone work from home jobs, non phone work at home, stay at home mom jobs, stay at home mom, jobs for introverts, jobs for introverts with anxiety
Id: dajpNUuAng8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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