How to Sell Coloring Books Online | The Easy Way

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so in my last video we talked about making low content books low content books are books that your end reader is going to be doing the most of the writing not you as the author we also talked about putting it onto a platform kdp which connects to amazon which is a print on demand service that allows you to not have to print the books to work with customer service ship the books of really anything after you create the book amazon it takes everything and ships it out to your in buyer does everything for you deals with the refunds deals with the returns deals with the customer service deals with the printing everything so all you have to do is focus on being the author and the content creator instead of becoming necessarily an entire business owner which is awesome for you because this can be a side hustle for you there is a zero upfront investment on amazon it's free to make a kdp account and anybody can get started all around the world today we're going to get into how to create a coloring book a coloring book is going to be a lot more involved than traditional low content book but if you are somebody who is creative you are an artist you draw your own artwork then this is a great option for you and even if you do not draw your own artwork i'm going to show you how you can do it today as a non-creative person like myself to create coloring books online for kids and adults alike alright let's get into the video [Music] hello my name is kat theo and today we're going to learn how to make a coloring book for your low content book business side hustle i should say so the first thing you're going to want to do is do key research on your book to make sure you have a higher chance of actually making sales because it's a book that is in high demand and it's already selling on amazon which means that there is already a client base there's already people looking for this kind of book so you have like i said a higher chance to actually make sales you do not want to be putting a book out there that nobody has interest in so what we do and what i do is you go to book bolt dot io so i will put a link in the description for a discount it's 20 off it's really cheap it's very affordable trust me so worth it so when you log on to book bowl this is the first page you're gonna see so you're gonna go down to the left column where it says cloud we're going to now search what are the top performing coloring books in your niche or just in general so you can leave all of the filters the same and you're going to change the category to coloring book because that's what we're going to make today i'm going to press search and now what book bowl is doing is bringing up all the top performing coloring books on amazon here you can do your research so you can see this one's numbers um this one's mandela's this is going to be for adults this one's adult coloring book so you have two of the top performing ones are adult coloring books here's one with tattoos bloody alphabet positive vibes you can kind of just see the different things there's a lot of adult coloring books so let's take a look at this flowers one you can look at the title adult coloring book is a big one on here you can see it has 11 000 reviews so it's doing very very well the price is 10 approximately and they're selling about 573 copies a month which is pretty effing good you can click into this and get more details about the book but you're going to want to just do your own research about what you want to do i think i'm going to do a children's coloring book so i'm going to type in alphabet here and you can see the most popular ones here so this one's an adult alphabet book this one's for kids it looks like this one's for kids spanish so even this one that only has six reviews okay for this pokemon you can see that they're selling 269 copies a month approximately so that's still doing extremely well you can just kind of do your own research here to see what is going on on there so i'm going to go over and head over to canva because that's how i like to customize my interiors and i'm just going to show you how easily you can do this yourself so i actually changed my mind i am going to do an adult coloring book after doing some more key research on book bold i find that the coloring books are selling really well but especially adult coloring books i'm going to go over to canva now so i can start creating my interiors that are custom for my book so we're in canva now and as you can see well maybe you can't see but i am doing a uh eight and a half by eleven that's the standard sheet of paper because when i feel like you're coloring you're going to want to do a bigger size sheet of paper so when you go into your home all you're going to do is click create design and you're going to type in your custom dimensions which is make sure you have this in inches 8.5 by 11 is what we're doing okay and then you create your new design click that now we're back at the main page here so the first thing i want to do is create the interior so we're going to skip the cover page quickly and we're going to just do an interior pages so i'm going to go into elements and i'm going to search backgrounds for example and you're going to look for backgrounds that are going to work for your example so i'm going to click this one this one looks pretty cool to color i'm going to fit that to the screen i'm going to double it [Music] then i'm going to change the color to black since we are doing a coloring page there you go now i have the background for my page now since we're doing affirmations i'm going to put some nice text i'm going gonna go click the text field and put some text okay since we want this to be outlined we're gonna have to do an effect so you're gonna click effects here and you're going to go to you're going to go to splice so you're going to click splice here and then you're going to change the color we want the inside to be white and there you go now you can actually see through the text okay just remember when you are putting the text on the screen you have to account for the bleed so this is probably going to get cut off so i'm going to make this a little bit smaller and then center it that should be enough okay now i'm going to show you the next one i did ahead of time i just found this in backgrounds as well right here line them up and i'm going to do the same thing is add some text you're going to keep doing that until you have about 50 pages to sell so as you can see here i just kept doing this you will succeed i am enough you are worthy of love and it might look hard to read but once you have different colors once you color it in it will not be a problem to see because all of it's going to be different colors so i just went through the different backgrounds and did different things let's just do one more example to make sure it's hitting home [Music] i'm gonna type in here mandela [Music] this is a really cool feature so if you see one you like like this one you can see the magic recommendations if you see all click see all and you can see all of the very similar ones so i actually like that one but i kind of like this one more again you can click see all and that's going to be all the ones that are similar to that so i'm going to fit this to the screen [Music] all right this is just an example is this like the most fabulous looking thing here no but i'm going to show you an example if you're going to be way more creative than i am and making sure that this looks super great but you can just see how you can put all this together in probably a day or so here are some more examples of the ones i did now we're gonna make our cover quickly just for the sake of time i did save a couple of things that i liked after doing some research so i'm gonna just create a little cover real quick [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] this is a really cool feature if you go into effects for something like this that the background is curved you can click curved and then you just change the intensity of it like that [Music] [Music] this is one and i'm thinking like a coloring book i should probably have a little more color so i'm gonna play with the background a little bit i think i kind of like this one all right so there you go i have my cover i have my interiors and now i'm gonna or i can do this one i kinda i don't know which one do you like better let me know in the comments maybe that'll be the cover i use i actually am gonna put this one on amazon and see how it does so now we have to remember that this one cover is just the front cover we have to account for the back and also the spine and also the bleed so this is an eight and a half by eleven so to double the page eight and a half so you're gonna click the resize make sure you're in in inches eight and a half times two is seventeen we have to account for the bleed so it's going to be 17.376 and then 11 and a half is accurate but we're gonna put it at 11 or 11 and then 11.25 to account for bleed before we click the copy and resize you're going to want to save this as a png just the front page it's going to make it so much easier for you trust me so here is the png you're going to make sure you just only click the first page that you want to print so we're just going to do the top one there you're gonna download that so now you're gonna go back to your other page that you just copied and you're going to upload this in the upload so then you have it here okay so now you're going to put it on your page here like so so this is the front page and now this is the back page well we want the back page to look cohesive so what i'm going to do is try my best to make it look cohesive so i'm going to try to do that real quick so we're going to try to fill it so it fits the screen as best as possible so it looks like we need to make that a little tad bigger kind of like that let's see how that looks since it's kind of hard to make this one look exactly perfect what i'm gonna do let me see if i flip this what will happen oh perfect all right i just flipped it and that looks like that actually might work that to me is pretty freaking close that little line there where it doesn't line up perfectly i'm gonna add like a little spine and see how that looks um okay that's the middle of the page and i'm gonna make that a light purple okay there you go so now no one will know and no one will know you can leave it like this that's the end of your book only for your cover page you're going to double it okay after that you're going to save it as a pdf because that is how kdp amazon recognizes your covers you're also going to do the same thing for your interior pages here you're going to save this as a pdf and then you're going to go to kdp and upload it follow the original steps as before just in case you didn't see that part i'm going to do it very quickly you're going to make an account if you don't already have one it's free you're going to add paperback and then you're just going to pretty much follow the prompts you know you add your title you're going to add your subtitle here you're going to add your name here as the author you're going to add your description i own the rights necessary for publishing this book click that go put in your keywords you can go back to book bolt and see what the popular keywords are and then you're going to choose your category depending on if it's non if it's juvenile or if it's adults for example this one for juveniles so you know for kids you can do activity books that's the only thing that i found that's very similar to that yeah and then you click no if it's not like adult content which just means like naughty stuff you know what i mean then you're gonna click save and continue and then you're gonna go into actually uploading your manuscript so the manuscript is the pages the interior pages so you upload that on the manuscript then for the cover you're going to upload your cover it has to be pdf print so just make sure it's pdf print after that you're going to click launch previewer once you click launch previewer you're going to be able to see the actual book once it all looks good there's no errors if there's errors you have to go back into canva and fix the sizing fix where things are adjusted once it's all approved you click submit and then it's gonna be pending usually for about three days sometimes it's pending for more than three days but don't worry it will get approved eventually as long as there's no errors with your book then it's live on amazon for somebody to buy your book after that you can do different things you can change the covers you can change the text you can play with this so you have multiple different coloring books in your wheelhouse another thing that bookbolt has that's really cool is they have a thing called puzzlewiz which they have the actual copy and paste pages for sudoku word cross word search and many different other activity books so if this is a lot more intense for you or you don't want to have to be designing this much stay tuned for my next book bolt video that i'm going to go into how you can copy and paste word searches crossword puzzles and all these different things super easy for you on book books if you have any questions myself i will be looking out for them hopefully i can answer your questions in the comments if you do not know how to do all the steps on kdp look at my previous video here where i show you how to do that step by step start to finish all right if you have any other low content book examples that you would like me to go more into detail please let me know i will be happy to do that for you if not i will see you guys in the next video bye like comment and subscribe see you later that doesn't allow you a coloring book is gonna be a lot more um let's see a coloring book is going to be a lot more involved than low content [Music] how to make a coloring book on low content books coloring book huh so oh i need to press record oh crap oops whoops whoops whoop swoops where am i going [Music] this is annoying you're just gonna double them double them no no no no no no no no i lied no no no [Music] go through all the steps in kd kdp geez 24 minutes oh god long video [Music]
Channel: Kat Theo
Views: 287,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4hz6dDskakE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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