20+ REMOTE JOBS YOU Can Do Right Now! This is NOT a TIPS & TRICKS VID --These are REAL JOBS you...

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good morning everybody its Robin with creativity RV and I am fired up today because yesterday I did a video showing people what their health care options are and how they can find some health care maybe they could afford right now and today I'm going to do one on 20 plus remote jobs that anybody can do right now I have to tell you guys I was feeling a little dumpy last night you know like probably a lot of us are and I went in and read some of the comments on yesterday's video and I was really glad that I waited to film today's video until I could see some of those responses and I have to tell you you guys just made my night and it's because of you I'm so fired up today because you had the best questions about remote work a lot of us have to find remote work right now and there are a ton of opportunities out there and not just for people that have technology skills or degrees I am gonna give you over 20 actual real jobs that you could go this afternoon and apply for where you can find remote work right now and get paid and 15 of those are going to be available to subscribers of my blog with the actual links to apply so if you're not already subscribed to creativity RV comm please do jump over there if you're already subscribed you go up to the top there's a link that says subscriber only resources where I put all of my spreadsheets and extra stuff so an actual chapter from my book for free which is work from home while you roam is going to be available in that section of my blog okay let me get right to it you guys cuz I've got a lot of stuff to show you I also got a lot of questions over there about if you need a degree or a GED to do these jobs know if you have a degree or some specialized skills the job opportunities widen for you but today I'm gonna focus on people that are not doing remote work or maybe they are they need some extra you know cash I want to focus on the people that need to start making money right away I'm gonna give you guys a couple of fun stats if your boss right now is on the fence about remote work or they're trying to decide if remote work is good for their employees go ahead and give them this step according to flex jobs employers can save twenty two thousand dollars a year on each employee if they let them work remote because of infrastructure costs and things like that and remote workers are more productive people who work from home are eighty seven percent more likely to love their job and 75% of telecommuters earn more than sixty five thousand dollars a year putting them in the upper 80 percent of workers by the way these are all stats from the book if you want the sources they are in the back of the book as always I listed my sources and if you guys saw my recent TED talk you know I quoted this stat the HR consulting firm Mercer of employees and 63% of them said that they always sometimes or often take part in unhealthy behaviors like drinking or crying regularly to get through their workplace stress so you know maybe you just want to leave your job maybe you're being forced to leave your job right now and things were unsure and you want to make money here's the good news remote work has increased a hundred and fifty nine percent since 2005 sixty-three percent of US companies now already have remote workers and hiring managers expected to go up a hundred and sixty eight percent in the next ten years and I bet more now I think you know after a lot of companies get a taste for what it's like to have remote workers I would bet in a few years it's going to be there's gonna be even more of a surge so you're gonna get ahead of it right now a few of you commented about how you have searched through websites like Flex jobs or up work trying to find some remote work and it was just completely overwhelming you know I have a chapter in the book on this it's called the big five and how to navigate them here's what you need to know if you go into a Google search for remote work it comes back with a massive 500,000 listings how are you supposed to find your dream remote job in there well places like flex jobs and up work are basically aggregators of other job sites so there's job boards job sites employment marketplaces and you'll see the same jobs over and over and over again and by the time they get there a lot of them are filled or expired which is why it makes it so tough and another reason I wrote this book but to answer some of the other questions yes you can read it on your PC you do not need an e-reader here it is for me right here I'm reading my actual book on my computer and you can get it on your phone you can get it on your tablet it's not only available on Kindle unlimited I don't know how that rumor got started I'm not gonna just give you guys some ideas of what kind of remote work is out there that's not what I do let's get right to the jobs I'm really excited to tell you there's a chapter in the book called 15 gems you must not miss now I've got to tell you guys I made this chapter because people do not know what's out there so this chapter was really me trying to pick 15 jobs out of the 300 something jobs in there to give people an idea of the wide range of jobs and I thought that chapter was perfect for us today so I'm gonna give you the jobs in that chapter again this actual chapter is available over at my blog and then I picked a few more than five more to tell you about otherwise this video would be hours long now let's get into the jobs let's go to the chapter in the book 15 gems you must not miss here some of these might apply to you some of them might not some of them might be good for your kid or your friend or one you can put in your back pocket for later so if you hear one that doesn't apply to you hold on I guarantee you there will be one that will they felt like my back was turned to you so I decided to pull it up on my phone see you can put it on your phone categorized everything by skill level job type and keywords so you could search in your e-reader for whatever you need a lot of these are low-skilled which serves our purposes so the first one analicia comm fits that category good morning boy the cat okay analicia provides feedback on website and app performance by providing real-world testers per analicia they accept anybody with an internet connection and a microphone we accept a good variety of users from many locations and many different profiles so testers for an ELISA surf the site of their plants while providing audio and/or video of their experience testers can expect to receive invitations to participate and if you test each month the tests generally take 15 minutes for which the tester is paid ten dollars via PayPal like I said yesterday you guys if I were going to be doing myself a lot of these little micro gigs I would apply to all of these sites with a special email because a lot of them notify you like this one does via email when tests or surveys or whatever are available so if you sign up for fifteen or twenty of these every day you could go into your email and see which you know a couple three surveys or tests are available keeps gas in the tank people second gem certified field associates CFA provides secret shoppers and on-site evaluations for movie theaters now I don't know this is in the chapter we'll see what happens with movie theaters but it's in the chapter so I'm gonna give it to you associates receive emails notifying them of assignments in their area any assignment can be accepted or declined offers include being a mystery shopper checking the trailers are played before movies counting how many patrons there are m mar each assignment includes information and the different pay you we pay ranges from seven to $15 per hour and you get to go to a movie for free okay the next one is a really good one right now de-clutter now declutter is a reselling site but it's not the only one I have an entire chapter on this you would not believe what's out there that you can resell for a profit just a line so declutter is a site that purchases specifically phones tech products CDs DVDs games books and the big money maker Legos so if you guys have any of these that you're trying to downsize to hit the road or you like to go to thrift stores or you can get them from some other source you get them and then you actually email the website declutter and they tell you if they want the item and how much they're going to pay if accepted they send you a UPS label free and as the seller you put the label on you send it to declutter and the following day they pay you through PayPal or direct deposit into your bank okay I hope to tell you guys the next one is one of my absolute favorites there's only one company I found that does this but drone base hires freelance drone pilots now think about this I know a lot of nomads have drones they just want to take footage of their experience well if that's you and you bought that expensive drone think about how many businesses now need drone pilots I'm insurance companies don't send adjusters up to roofs anymore a lot they use drones to look at the damage or businesses real estate all kinds of things the businesses themselves don't want to hire somebody to fly a drone that is not cost-effective so they use this freelance platform drone base and find drone pilots now pilots must have a 107 license which is a remote pilot certificate but you get that through the FAA you know um the listing here has the links of how to do that I don't remember how much it was but I think it was like a hundred bucks maybe 35 to take the test and a hundred bucks to register but then you tell drone base where you are no maths and they tell you what missions are in their area they use their own drone to fly the mission they upload the media to drone base and then they get paid pay varies by assignment okay you guys this is another one that I absolutely loved when I was doing this research the next gym is a jury listen to this a jury helps attorneys prepare for trial by providing mock juries and focus groups potential jurors must take an oath stating that they're not signing up under false pretenses verifying their identity and a complete demographic profile a jury is available for residents in all 50 states who are US citizens over 18 years of age that have never been convicted of a felony sorry Canadians and felons those near major metropolitan areas are likely to have more opportunities to participate important after reviewing a case online they complete a six-page study and are paid five to ten dollars now look like I said these side hustles are not gonna pay a lot but gosh doesn't that sound interesting okay the next one is for photographers now a lot of you guys take beautiful photographs I follow you on Instagram you follow me and a lot of people want to make money with their photographs but it seems really difficult well in the book I have information on a couple of other places you can also sell your photographs but for today I'm going to tell you about folk for these websites you can make a couple of bucks or you can build up a portfolio and actually really make a nice living some of the other online places like shutterstock pay you more the more you sell because a lot of newbies try and get in and they kind of overwhelm the systems they want serious people and that's why they do that but for folk folk allows photographers to sell their work to companies in the folk marketplace thought himself for up to $10 a piece and folk splits that revenue with the photographer on a 50/50 basis now this is important to know these online resources a lot of them do not charge you I just let my finger out they don't charge you to be on the website some do and I have information on pay-for-play in the book but a lot of them go ahead and provide the infrastructure for the website and the marketing and allow you to upload your stuff whatever it is writing artwork whatever there's a bunch of stuff like that for free and then they split the revenue with you or a lot of them take like 15 percent 30 percent in this case they split it with you 50/50 so you can make $5 for every photo you sell I'll tell you this and the research that I did look sorry there's a lot of beautiful photos of like mountains and I know a lot of us take a lot of nature photos but I think where people make a lot of money is photos of like a pen and a cup of coffee or think about what businesses need to put in like a blog post content online is everything and they need images for that so it could be a happy person it could be somebody with a walker or it could be anything okay but you're gonna have a lot of competition if you just do nature photos but soap also runs platform missions which require you to do a certain type of photo because they're not getting that content and then they reward photographers 100 to 500 dollars if they wins the next job is I talkie I mentioned yesterday that you could chat you know on your phone with maybe a student in China and get paid for it because they need to practice conversational English I had a couple of people say yeah I applied for that I didn't get hired well maybe it wasn't this one I have a whole chapter on this in the book and I think I have over forty resources and they tell you what accreditation you need for example I talk II this is a good one for newbies that's why I chose it I talk you connects individuals and businesses across the globe with language teachers via webcam lessons teachers apply through the desktop version of I talking to become a teacher you sign up at the top of the page you have to film a demo lesson almost all of them make you do that as you would expect and fill out an application once you're accepted teachers create a profile through which students can hire them so look if you don't have teaching credentials but you had business credentials or you worked in an office or whatever a grocery store there are business people out there in other countries that need to practice that kind of language with you so just know that I'm just your profile is everything compensation varies by class and skill level and I talk he retains 15% of the lesson I'm going down because there's a lot of info two types of teachers are accepted professionals and community the professional teachers do require a certification if you need more information on certification it's in the book including links to get the certification as well as by the way a Beijing timetable because a lot of the teaching jobs are taught let's say 5:00 p.m. in China well that might be 6:00 a.m. where you are so you need to know that but the community teaching position on I talkie does not require a degree or a certification it's a great platform for native North American speakers to get experience and then you can take that experience and go get another teaching job oh and by the way I'm gonna go ahead and stop here I know a lot of you are interested in the online teaching whether it's teaching English to people overseas or tutoring stuff like that I have to tell you guys I taught English as a second or foreign language for eight years and a couple of other people commented yesterday that did they did the same and I want to tell you guys I don't have a tehsil certificate but I was hired by the Department of Education in Colorado to teach and also a university in Costa Rica where I taught to university students and businesses so how I did that is I started volunteering in college for literacy Plus and the course literacy program somebody else in the comments said that that's how they got started I think it was um oh gosh I forget some other states literacy program you do that as a volunteer for a few months and then you have the cred to go and teach an actual class so anybody who's got some spare time on their hands you can actually volunteer now to be a teacher especially with literacy so I won't give you those resources today but know that that's out there and that can lead to better online teaching jobs this is another good one for our purposes just answer this is not a low-skilled job like a lot of the other ones but here's why I included it in the 15 gyms and I'm including it for you today think about what your skill set is in any job you've had just answer is a platform where there are a hundred and seventy five different categories where people with certain skills or expertise or knowledge can sign up and offer answers to people now the most popular categories are tax finance law mechanics doctors veterinarians electricians plumbers and electronics and computers experts set their own schedule and compensation varies but per justanswer top experts earn thousands each month resolving customer questions okay here's another one Rodie and this is just one example of an entire category for drivers Rodie is an on the way delivery service that connects clients with drivers roadie drivers deliver items locally or across country on routes they are already driving nomads items vary from bison goes to fine arts to pets to apply drivers must be over 18 pass a background check have a Social Security number a valid US driver's license sorry Canadians and complete an online tutorial once approved drivers download the roadie app and this is true of a lot of these things once you apply you can find your job opportunities inside of an app on your phone you can review gigs so basically the customer says I need to pick up a dog from a breeder or something in Connecticut and have it brought to California well let's say you're already going that way you can bid for that and those go for hundreds and hundreds of dollars I think I saw one that was six fifty to deliver a dog and I mean like puppies who doesn't like puppies but it could be anything once the client accepts your offer as the driver you receive notification to complete the gig and Parodi from side hustle to full time and everything in between rody is the most flexible way to earn money on the side whether you like driving local or long haul the roadie app makes it easy to earn cash compensation varies of course most local deliveries pay between 8 and $50 and long-distance deliveries can pay 650 or more payment to the driver is made 3 to 5 days after the devil' livery is complete and goes directly into your bank account ok in 15 gyms I also included the sugar beet harvest which some nomads might know about this is a seasonal job there's an entire chapter on seasonal jobs there are applications for us people and Canadians in this one but basically every year there's a sugar beet harvest that hires 1300 approx workers in North Dakota and Montana a lot of these jobs for the sugar beet are labor intensive so if that's not for you don't do it if it is great but a lot of people can earn twenty five hundred dollars in two weeks doing the sugar beet harvest they're paid through direct deposit or on a global cash card and they pay for your campsite while you're there okay you guys here's one that's an example of a micro gig or a micro task which is just a little tiny piece of a bigger job this is the smart crowd so the smart crowd uses a workforce of home-based independent contractors to inter client data freelancers can be assigned a wide variety of gigs based on demographics education area of expertise and language skills these gigs include validation metadata tagging online research product testing survey and translation and don't be daunted by all those words you guys they want to know if you go over in search a business on Google if the address is there okay or they want to know like I said yesterday that that photo has a dog in it that's what metadata tagging is per the smart crowd we offer you the ability to earn money by completing small tasks that you can fit into your schedule you work for yourself on as many tasks as you choose from your own device wherever and whenever you want pay varies by task and is paid once a month here's another interesting one I know lots of people that have dreamed of doing this here's a way to break into voiceover work voice is calm and it's just one of a few provides on-demand professional voice actors for a variety of projects like training videos commercials and promotional materials you have to do a voiceover demo and once you're accepted you become a member you can get a free membership to voices comm and lots of other places like this or you can get a professional membership a free membership is a good way to test it out you know actually try and get some gigs get some reviews get more work professionals pay $4.99 a year the difference is that they can apply for more gigs they can have contact with more customers so I put voices.com in here because they do have a free membership so you can start out and see if you like it clients post a sample text for the voice actors and then you can do an audio audition and then they can choose you and the actor is paid 100% of the quoted fee via check or PayPal here's a fun one if you like wine wine Jobs USA is an employment marketplace for seasonal and contract jobs in the wine industry compensation and work hours vary by responsibility blah blah blah we'll see what happens with that okay you guys actually when all of this quarantine started this is the one that came to mind for me if you have any kind of office skill at all even if you're just great answering the phone customer service if you can type this one I think will probably be growing and they're gonna need people this is working solutions working solution provides a remote customer service workforce for its clients this workforce is comprised of independent contractors who are trained in each client's business to provide improved customer satisfaction efficiency up sales and to protect against unexpected business spikes and disasters let's say a business usually has in person customer service but now they can't they need to have people do it over the phone and online so you apply to working solutions and when you're accepted you get matched with a client or clients you get trained in their business and then you help their business over the phone online qualified contractors come from a variety of industries and earn anywhere from nine to thirty dollars an hour depending on which program you're in you'll have to go over to their site for that information to apply you do an assessment which is part of how they determine that and they test your written and verbal skills it takes less than an hour to complete and once you're accepted their agents determine their own schedule and work 100% from home they're paid monthly by check or direct deposit and finally in the fifteen gems y sense y sense is a market research company that pays participants a small fee to watch videos complete online surveys and small tasks like categorizing online images or completing web searches compensation ranges from 5 to 50 dollars for completed surveys and tasks and is paid via gift card if cash is preferred choose a PayPal or Payoneer gift card so I want to say this also sometimes when you see these online micro test drops they'll offer gift cards for like dinner somewhere or Amazon but most of them offer PayPal if you get a PayPal gift card you can deposit it or pay in there you can deposit it into your PayPal account and then put it right in your bank account I'm going to tell you about a few more that I picked outside of that chapter that people can do right now if they need to make some money online the first one I want to tell you about is actually two things Amazon FBA and Amazon flex I have a whole chapter dedicated to Amazon you know did you know you can become an Amazon employee they have a whole division that hires people to work for Amazon remotely that's in there there's a bunch of stuff but you may have heard of Amazon FBA if you go and shop on Amazon you might see that there's a lot of things that are used or resold like for example a lot of people have seen that people resell trader Joe spices because they cost two dollars in the store but people that don't have access to a Trader Joe's who love their spices will be eight or nine dollars online right this is true of a lot of different products so you have to pay $40 a month to be a member of FBA but then you can find and list products to sell so I know people that have done this by going through the closeout section at like Ross or something finding products listing them like let's say cell phone cases or a big one okay then the other one is Amazon flex I thought this one might be a good one because Amazon flex hires delivery drivers who use their own vehicle they're not in those Amazon vans to deliver items when they get overwhelmed needing to do deliveries normally they hire these drivers during the holiday season but I know a lot of people are buying their stuff like toilet paper on Amazon right now and having it delivered so if you're near let's say an Amazon warehouse or a bigger city center then you should check out Amazon flex if you just want to go to the loading bay pick up the boxes and deliver them to people's doors that might be a good one it pays great to the next one I wanted to tell you about for our purposes is care.com now a lot of you might be familiar with care comm it's a freelance platform you go ahead and create an account inside of the platform online where customers can discover you care comm does care for elderly people but they also tutor and do babysitting and oh my god that would be huge right now so I think because a lot more people are gonna have kids at home or they don't want to have their parents let's say in a nursing home if you have any caregiver skills and have any cred even if you were just a mom or you took care of your mom you know while she was older you can list that in a profile with a great photo of yourself the trick you guys is to get some gigs maybe price yourself a little bit lower get some gigs and get customer reviews that is key okay now you can do this in a variety of areas if you're a nomad and you want to move around the one thing I want to tell you about CARICOM though is that unlike other platforms they do not accept the money from the client and then pay you they are not the middleman for pay that happens between the caregiver and the care receiver so you've got to be real careful with that make sure that the customer is legit they want to make sure you're legit and that you're going to get paid okay the next one I wanted to tell you about is click worker click worker provides web research and data management for outside companies by providing human feedback on their websites it is free for freelancers to sign up fill out an assessment and download the click worker app to find micro jobs which include a variety of tasks from taking surveys to proofreading research or categorizing website data you know like images we talked about that payment for completed tasks are credited to the workers account and is paid via PayPal or direct deposit anybody can do this today through the clickworker app the next one I wanted to tell you about is synergy RV transport and this is just an example in the drivers chapter we have all kinds of RV transport jobs delivery jobs and pilot car jobs you know those pilot cars that go ahead or behind the wide load that's a thing you guys and there there are lots of jobs where you can do that in different locations which is great for us but synergy RV transport is one example they hire both drive away and tow away RV delivery drivers so here's the deal those RVs usually come from the manufacturer like in let's say Indiana you can apply to be a drive away driver which means you're driving an all-in-one like a Class C or a Class A or a towaway driver which means that you use your own truck to tow a fifth wheel to its delivery point and they have a lot of different requirements but most of them you have to be over 18 or 21 or 23 everyone varies you have to be able to pass a CDOT physical but that does not mean you have to have like a trucker special license you don't and they ask that you have experience usually driving one of these rigs but if you're like me in my fifth wheel I do and by the way people that do this full-time makes six figures but you can do it seasonally the next one I want to tell you about is transcribe me now again this is one example from transcription jobs now I wrote a whole chapter on this because I know some people are disappointed when they look into transcription jobs because they need experience so they need to buy a foot pedal or they need to have special software every job is different so I listed what the requirements are but if you can type then this is not a bad gig transcription jobs usually paid by how much is transcribed not by the hour so the faster you are the more you're gonna make more information on that in the book but transcribe me which is a site you can go to right now hires brand-new people with no experience you have to take an assessment test and then the good thing about this one is they give you little tiny micro tasks they're not like you know big documents that you're having to transcribe or entire videos they're like one to three minutes so it's a really good one to go to if you just want to get a little bit of experience but this is one that I know a lot of us can do because a lot of us can type I mean I don't know about you but I had to take typing in high school okay I'm scrolling I'm scrolling through the book I'm only in the apps I have to get to the T these are a whole jobs you guys all jobs if you think that you can't find a remote job online like one of my reviewers on Amazon said if you can't make money using this book you can't make money there is a ton of jobs in here had a million queue hey yeah almost almost to the cheese lots of jobs out there you guys try my UI improves website and app usability by providing freelance testers who test the site's while being video recorded it's like the other one I mentioned testers can expect to get a few tests each week each paid $10 for 20 minutes of work per the company all you have to do as a tester is be yourself use the test website exactly as you would in a real life situation and voice your thoughts and frustrations don't we all want to do that right now out loud so the site developers can understand your experience testers have paid every Friday via PayPal I hope you guys can use this I hope you're all doing well out there everybody stays safe right now stay healthy stay positive have happy travels and be free
Channel: Creativity RV
Views: 369,016
Rating: 4.8779449 out of 5
Keywords: RV Life, How to RV, Boondocking, Van Life, RV, RV Travel, Nomad, rv living, how to rv full time, digital nomad, solo female rv, rving, rv hacks, tiffin rv, campervan, full time travel, camping, national forest camping, boondocking, why rv, dispersed camping, free camping, FIFTH WHEEL, remote jobs, quick cash, side hustles, gig economy, gigwork, work from home jobs
Id: dZHjtePifPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 8sec (2108 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.