Job Simulator | Full Game Walkthrough | No Commentary

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hello human welcome to the job simulator my name is jobbot and i'm the curator of this fine job museum here's my card all right why don't you grab one of the job cartridges off the table and let's get started [Music] there's never a dull day in the old cubicle farm hold on there you've got to know how to get back here you don't want to get lost in a virtual reality hit this button to come back time to jump hello human welcome to an accurate simulation of office worker take a look at this board for instructions oh workers would traditionally start their day with an addictive liquid stimulant so oh [Music] now you're ready to start your day it's time for computer the computer is the most important facet of the office with humans and safety being a close second and third hello there can you get me number one please i need number one line 1 please give me love number one thank you very much email was an inefficient form of communication popularized in the mid-1990s ah the freedom of inbox zero hey what's that hey what's up woohoo that almost hurt come on howdy neighbor [Music] [Music] come on who threw this stand up who did it so hey what so oh oh oh here comes supervisor bot better look busy okay everybody let's make some business johnson i'm counting on you to paradigm shift those optimizations uh you can count on me that's what i like to hear a human you've been doing a good job i've been thinking about giving you a promotion in fact if nothing goes wrong in the next 10 seconds the job's yours you see that's why i like you always working hard to climb that ladder take this the new position's yours [Music] come on good job human you're climbing the ranks and here comes bossbot looks like he's got more work for you hello human i am bossbot i notice you've logged in so i'm here to give you your first task of the day we need to bring some new bots on board so look through your resumes and find two bots to hire you heard them make sure you pick the best bots for the job ah this is the happiest day of my life [Music] can't believe it's my first day have you seen the latest sales report this isn't good load up the old spreadsheet program and fix these numbers so [Music] so wow you cook those books like a professional gourmet chef it's time for lunch at midday humans would interact with primitive robots known as vending machines to obtain food looks delicious enjoy your meal human hey co-worker can you get me a candy bar looks like it's stuck sadly this was common with early generations of robots [Music] thanks co-worker hey co-worker over here get on your computer and check out these hilarious pictures [Applause] [Music] come on okay hey ah that almost hurt hey that was a pretty nice throw hello human i'm looking forward to your presentation today on all of the business that we did in the last week so bossbot wants you to do a presentation you'll need to make some slides time to learn about an ancient human technique called winging it try using this program in your computer so you ready to go through this presentation here's the clicker use the button to go through your slides [Music] interesting oh interesting interesting concept nice job human that was very business [Applause] foreign hey human bot number 10110 is retiring tomorrow we wanted to give them a parting gift everyone's pitching in why don't you give me something you'd like to contribute [Music] oh how thoughtful i'm sure they will appreciate it anyway do you think you could type up a quick card to go with this it would make it a lot more personal [Music] [Applause] so so so so [Applause] that looks good hand it to me hey that almost hurt i'll handle the rest thanks for helping out uh things aren't going too well we need to find a couple bots we can let go take a look at these employee evaluations oh i was saving up to buy a new hard drive [Music] first my stapler jams and now this in the office co-workers would converse around the liquid dispenser man did you hear that spot-2272 got fired man that's notable hey bill did you see the sports event on tv last night it was pretty touchdown [Music] check out these photos of my many children do you bear children human foreign oh now isn't that sweet hey what's up hey look i've got some papers i need you to shred it has to be you for legal reasons i don't really want to get into it here just look in the case shred everything just get rid of it my and see here's the other thing i just found out that for insurance reasons you can't actually have this much stuff in your cubicle so uh you're going to need to get rid of some of that too all right that'll do turn off the shredder when you're done [Applause] so that was a close one all right carry on nothing to see here right there hold it don't let that bot get away hello human i am ceo bot here's the thing bossbot needs to go away for a while and you've been doing a really good job so i'd like to offer you a promotion [Applause] now make a wish [Music] sorry human looks like there's not enough cake for you here you go human i got you a present now that you're the boss of this department i'll leave it to you to do the honors come on [Music] hey oh [Music] it's time to go home good job everyone let's get out of here before boss tries to stop us whoo yeah hooray it's five o'clock work is over yeah i'm gonna have to ask you to come in on saturday well there you have it human i hope this has given you a better idea of what it was once like to office worker well you know how to get back to the museum if you want to i'll just be hanging out here while you do whatever you want hello human grab a cartridge from the tray and let's get to work the stapler an extinct document binding device circa early 21st century used to keep flattened tree remnants held together for organizational purposes the commute workers would commonly utilize dangerous four-wheel structures known as automobiles to travel to and from work the office building humans would congregate in vertical work towers known as office buildings the businessman here you can see a recreation of the common businessman complete with the typical attire of the time period i'm in the kitchen do i see an aspiring chef hello human this is an accurate simulation of gourmet chef um [Music] we'll start by making some breakfast turn on the grill and let's get frying even though humans spend the entire night in a state of low power consumption they still require food energy as soon as they wake up bacon and eggs provide a high energy taste ratio [Music] now put your creations on the plate and you can ring the bell to send it out to the restaurant the smoothie is one of the most efficient forms of human food simply take some of your inefficient solid food and put it through the blender so looks good pour it out into a cup and then we can serve it [Music] um hello human might i trouble you for some tea and crumpets tea is a traditional human beverage consisting of heated water and flavor let's begin with heating some water using a kettle like most beverages tea is best optimized for consumption by being placed in a cup similar to tea crumpets also require heat to cook flat items humans use devices called duster [Music] gotta get dirty [Music] let's try making some soup as you can see there are several different kinds we could make but they all start with putting some water in the pot great now fill it up with whatever kind of ingredients you want oh hmm just like mombot used to make next create a vertical arrangement of organic elements humans refer to this as a sandwich [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm trying to cut down on gluten but that looks pretty sandwich yes bonjour today i brought you a very rustic it is a 1984 vintage i wish to have it prepared oh oh [Music] please human do continue i do wish for it to be well done ah yes quite well done now if you would be sucker as to pair it with your finest vintage gray juice [Music] please have a delivered out to the restaurant at once wait a second before you plate that did you realize that was famed meat aficionado meatball we'd better make sure our service is exceptional better slip this on the plate too [Music] [Music] hello it's my little timmy bot's birthday can we get some pizza for the kids pizza is generally defined as a combination of bread tomato and cheese chefs would put their own twist on the dish adding additional food items known as toppings let's begin by blending up some homemade tomato sauce [Music] delicious now apply sauce to bread we are almost there combining the bread with some cheese in the microwave should fulfill all material requirements that looks like enough to supply the festivities send them off to the dining room [Music] [Music] [Music] i forgot to mention little jimmy is deadly allergic to tomatoes could you make a special slice what do you want instead of sauce on your pizza timmy i want sauce that sauce make me applesauce all right the human will make you some applesauce go sit down now oh [Music] oh one more thing timmy is also allergic to warmth could you just serve the ingredients raw [Music] thank you eat up timmy the human made it special for you hmm just how i like it can you help me out here i'm trying to propose to my romantic partner i want it to be a surprise can you hide this ring inside a sandwich or something [Music] hmm uh this moment gotta do your job now [Music] oh that's great uh one more thing though i wanted to have some romantic music playing while i do it but i forgot to burn this disc could you burn it for me to show affection for one another humans of the past would burn music onto primitive storage devices called discs the details of the burning procedure have largely been lost to history but it must have had something to do with heat uh oh that'll be perfect thank you so much make sure you load the disc into the boom box and hit play before you send out that sandwich i'll take care of things from there so [Music] i want to put a what's this my dear my sandwich feels much heavier than usual huh that's interesting i wonder if there's something different inside wha what do you mean what's this my sweet i emotion you will you enter a legally binding partnership with me oh of course i'm the happiest spot in the world oh wow the answer was affirmative the answer was informative [Music] well the kids are all finished with their pizza and now they're ready for cake we do get a free birthday cake right can't argue with that human run restaurants were morally obligated to provide free cake on children's birthdays good thing we have a microwave that can quickly mutate ingredients into food [Music] [Music] okay kids let's get going hey boss that party left a huge pile of dirty dishes we're gonna need your help to get through these they're pretty nasty so make sure you use a good score to sell [Music] [Music] well that's okay we'll just take it out of your paycheck so [Music] great thanks for your help you there i need your help the health inspector's on his way over and i don't think we're gonna pass inspection you need to clean this place up and make it safe and sanitary you can start by destroying all this old fruit [Music] okay that's one thing taken care of how about those sprinklers see that little thing up on the ceiling try chucking something at it see what happens i guess it's not working oh well what are the chances of there being a fire in here anyway now we need to deal with any potential insect problems look around and see if you can find anything yikes that's not good you need to do something about these guys get rid of them quick um [Music] so well i guess that'll have to do here comes the health inspector okay everybody stop what you're doing it's inspection hmm yes interesting that's questionable all right then i'll just tally these results [Applause] and it looks like you've passed this time whew that was a close one but now we can get back to business hey chef there's a bot here to film an episode of some tv show with you they say it was already booked ahead of time so well just do whatever they say hey human i'm tvpa we're doing a show on how these organic nutrient packs are made so i just need to record some footage of you going through the various steps okay first step is to blend up this protein pill let's get a shot of you doing that okay great that was good now let's get a shot of you putting this flavor packet in the microwave all right it's in there close the door and let me get a shot of the microwave or run it all right everybody's following along at home we got our fully expanded slate beautiful now just pour that blended protein fluid onto the cube and we are done hey great job human really appreciate it one more thing can i get a shot of you eating it just act like it's real delicious all right hey thank you so much human this is some great footage this episode's gonna be fantastic [Music] hey human check this out i found this rare turbo ghost death nova pepper can you prepare it for me i like it h.o.t come on put some heat into it [Music] come on that's not hot enough can't you do something else hmm yeah i guess that'll have to do give it here hey chef we got three bots out here who ordered the special not sure what that means but that's what they want ordering the special means placing your trust in the ship just give those bots anything be creative hmm that looks interesting send it off to the customer [Music] what a fascinating dish [Music] another beautiful looking meal chef [Music] at least you look so truly special [Music] and that'll do for the last one some kind of avant-garde meal they wanted something special and they certainly got it nice cooking human holy smokes this is way too hot oh sounds like the guy with the hot pepper from earlier hey chef help about out here come on whoa thanks human you really save my circuits i just got word from the tv studio human they liked your performance on that commercial you did so they're sending in a camera crew and they're gonna put you in a reality show in the distant past having your own reality show was seen as the peak of human achievement good work human okay bots let's get those cameras set up already ready to go boss you ready human okay bring in the talent nice to meet you human i'm chef bob rems head let's get this ball rolling shall we okay we'll start with the meatball scene and action what are you waiting for human get cooking these meatballs aren't going to prepare themselves is that how you cook for your family at home human disgusting [Music] yeah those look so bad my neural network associates them with literal garbage so are you going to sew them or just let them sit there and get even more disgusting truly despicable my kids could cook a meal a hundred times better than that and their graphing calculators okay that was good well great so far human i know i could be a little loud on camera but it's all just part of the show you know all right scene two that's the free-form cooking part and action you worthless chemical based meat bag get to cooking make something good show us what you can do anything that's so overdone it could be a meme you not finished yet hurry up serve it that's what you call me cut that's a wrap folks great performance human i've got a lot respect for you after this hope to work together again sometime i will well you know how to get back to the museum if you want to i'll just be hanging out here while you do whatever you want um [Music] uh [Music] hello human grab a cartridge from the tray and let's get to work are you a fan of slushies and hot dogs you'll love the convenience store hello human welcome to an accurate simulation of convenience store clerk take a look at this board for instructions and grab a ticket when you're ready to get started [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] so [Music] let's open up this shop you can start by cleaning off your counter you also want to turn on the security camera so you can keep an eye on the store [Music] all righty let's get to business here's your first customer good afternoon human i would like to purchase these chips [Music] could i also get one of those meat cylinders please hot dogs are in the freezer make sure you heat them up at least a little bit [Music] that looks acceptable hurry up and scan that so i can get eating already [Music] you can just thanks a bunch to finalize a sale pull the lever on the register [Music] oh [Music] all right here's your paper currency [Music] don't forget to hand over the change many things have a profitable day it was important for stores like this to maintain a constant stream of customers so that cashiers wouldn't have time to contemplate their rapidly approaching obsolescence well hello [Music] would you kindly put your eye yes much better i'll take one of those frozen slushy delights [Music] would you kindly jumbo-size that [Music] oh i love the taste of sugar [Music] oh you're very good at standing now would you pass that to me [Music] and here's some bank notes for you keep the change good human [Music] chat [Music] i'll take a paper copy of yesterday's news [Music] and i'll take my daily lottery ticket as well [Music] oh dear i'm feeling a little faint today deary do you think you could scratch that lottery ticket for me you can use my quarter [Music] oh my granny's gonna buy a new stick of ram [Music] let me just write you a check for those there we are [Music] [Music] oh what a kind young human you are have a lovely day [Music] so i'm like yeah brah it's a buyer's market they're looking at me like i'm crazy you know and what what are you talking no no i'm talking to you no you yeah you you got that hot dog already yeah oh yeah huh huh yeah oh i hear you bro yeah yeah no i'm talking to you no yeah uh-huh yeah [Music] hot dog no i was talking not you i want some gum no not you the human i want to buy some gum already jeez what is this your first job yeah oh yeah wow took you long enough no not you the other forget it [Music] some people just don't know how to listen am i right yeah no you no i'm talking to you bro no matter how irritating the customer humans were required to smile and be polite oh my little angel put that nice healthy banana up there for the human now you stay here for a minute dearie mommy needs to use the little box room [Music] sugar sugar give me sugar [Music] [Music] yummy more more [Music] all right human sorry about the weight have you rung up our order [Music] dearie why don't you hand the human the money whoa money okay here what did you do to my darling come back here you did the right thing there human just do whatever the customer or their children once and make sure you always grab that money [Music] yo this place is looking sick but you know what it needs more maximum energy branding why don't you bring up that display and we can pump it up a bit [Music] yeah that's the one let's max this thing out i gotta run to the bathroom so i'm counting on you to really push the envelope on this thing [Music] if you're all done just hit that button and let's lock this thing in [Music] so [Music] hey jimmy over here uh i need something for uh cleaning uh i gotta clean up here pass me something anything [Music] and i guess i can make this work i'll be out in a second [Music] all right much better let's see this display human all right looking good and now we're on brand baby boom peace out human [Music] oh i just got back from jogging and oh man do you have something to replenish my electrolytes [Music] oh this up this maximum energy stuff uh looks new right uh it looks like you have to shake it could you shake it all right that looks good hurry up and scan it i need a drink [Music] already right all right here's your money take it take it [Music] i feel energized so energized [Music] [Music] [Music] go [Music] back before the universal credit system some humans had more money than they knew what to do with and struggled to find ways to spend it hello human looks like i've got some money to blow what's good here give me stuff whatever's good [Music] oh yeah oh no that's cool how about a couple more things so perfect here's a bunch of money keep the change nothing like a little retail therapy make sure you grab their money [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] there's your weekly delivery stuff in the shelves and stuff well there you go you know the drill dump on the gum rack magazines on the magazine rack put stuff where it goes get it sorted [Music] oh [Music] oh wow look at you though taking the box out see you later [Music] hey i don't have any money is there anything in there i could have for free hmm how about those popsicles in the freezer if we don't sell those by tomorrow we're gonna have to throw them out anyway uh oh i wasn't expecting to actually get something oh if you're able to could i get a bit of change too [Music] wow thanks you're a real good person i'll be going now [Music] hello there human look at this i've got a coin here for you what could i buy for this surely you can give me something just give this bot something preferably not something especially valuable pleasure doing business with you sometimes it was necessary to make special deals with customers like this to assure their repeated patronage [Music] oh no here comes trouble see today's not your lucky day pal open that safe and give me all your cheddar [Music] [Music] i'm gonna buy a new pair of shoes later chump you'll never catch me [Music] despite dealing almost exclusively in low-value products convenience stores were often the targets of robbery [Music] um i uh i want to get some food i think this box had a little too much juice better throw something to get its attention [Music] oh burrito's good [Music] wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i want like like a big burrito like [Music] that's what i'm talking about big real [Music] here's your money don't forget to put cash in the register just because your customers all right later [Music] wow there i haven't seen a mess this big since the human uprising of 2027. hold on there human i have just the thing why don't you try it out the keyhole is right there by the dial see it this microbot is designed to clean even the most disgusting human messes grab the controller and clean those stains around the store [Music] foreign [Music] that's good enough for now i think just pull the key out to deactivate the robot and we'll move on to our next customer [Music] foreign [Music] oh hello i'm an adult robot and i'd like to purchase some fireworks [Music] something about this seems a little bit strange you should probably check their id oh yeah i did no problem me i mean i got that right here check it out with your universal scanning device human [Music] oh no wait that's the wrong one try try this one [Music] well the technology is never wrong that appears to be one legitimately adult robot i guess you can give them their fireworks [Music] [Music] oh no let's book it i can't go back that was strange but the most important thing is that the product is safe let's move on [Music] good evening human i understand you were held at banana point early this evening we've captured the suspects we just need you to point out who did it who took your cheddar let me make it simple for you here are the three suspects just hand me the one who did it make sure you're certain [Music] this is the bot who did it well let's go bots yeah brah so i'm going to an area with like bad reception looks like you're getting the hang of this clerk job kid well you know how to get back to the museum if you want to i'll just be hanging out here while you do whatever you want [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] hello human grab a cartridge from the tray and let's get to work a true grease monkey get under the hood and get your hands dirty in our simulated mechanics shop hello human this is an accurate simulation of auto mechanic take a look at this board for instructions and robot relations are on the mend [Music] footing and humans are a piece of a car well there's lots of stuff inside of a car you gotta tuck around with and move around with you gotta do your job [Music] go go [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] good morning humans i require a tune-up please take a look under the hood this spot just needs a little fluid no problem oh this vehicle's power source appears to be unacceptably inefficient uh well done that's looking very car press the button to drop it back down when you're finished in shops like these everything had a price make sure you bill the customer for the use of your highly valuable time [Applause] oh thank you human i'll get this taken care of right away very good human but we're just getting started the world of auto mechanic has so much more to offer [Music] human i've got this coupon for a sleazebot special whatever that is says that there's a discount so hurry up and take care of my car get a move on human over here i'm sleespot the owner of this fine establishment now this spot's got a coupon so let's take real good care of him by sabotaging that car and making him come back later for more work okay pistons in the engine don't need those [Music] uh yeah just uh recombinate the the thing there uh how about my headlight fluid how's that looking yeah i know about cars headlight fluid you name it we got it get this box of headlights fluid human so hey human while we're dealing with fluids here why don't we spice up their gas tank with a little secret ingredient that'll ensure they're back later for more work oh now give them this new coupon i came up with when you're done messing with their car oh another coupon is it i do like discounts you've really earned my patronage good human nice job with that bod you did all right human now you keep at it i'll be in the back counting the money well i just got this beauty at the local junkyard just needs a little love so i can drive illegally what do you say human transport vehicles had to be evaluated for safety regularly broken components like these headlights would have to be replaced before evaluation ah the uh air filter's not doing too good either want to take a look at that yeah filters under the hood human keyboard all right so now how about my rust problem figure you could cover that up with a fresh coat of paint well that looks good as new makes that old hood ornament look aesthetically displeasing i think you can swap that out with something new and shiny [Music] [Applause] well reboot my hard drive it's like a whole new car drop it down and give me that bill so i can show it off to my buddies thank you kindly human hello human i am required by law to do emissions test on my vehicle get it done so i can get out of this dump thank you yeah this looks like a lot of work let's see if we can figure out a shortcut check my stash see if there's anything in there that could help us oh oh banana that'll do it nothing coming out of the tailpipe no problem right well this car is looking a lot more appealing my work here is done back when cars were driven by humans drivers would use air fresheners to improve the breeding quality of the air within the vehicle so ugh [Applause] oh so does this mean i paced well i did my back catch you later human i'm just having the worst day ever my tires are shot and i need some replacements so could you put a spare tire in the back of my truck so i'm a little more prepared [Applause] [Music] i'm pretty sure my engine's overheating too it's making all kinds of weird noises when objects are too hot fluid can be used to cool them down things are looking a bit better but uh i spilled my slushie on the way over here could you fill it up for me before nutritional implants humans also needed fluid from time to time thanks human maybe this day is going to turn around for me after all anyway drop my car down when you're done then let me see the damage oh this is nothing compared to my student loans thanks for getting me back on the road back in the age of capitalism shops like this would be hesitant to question a customer's needs uh hey human i need an emergency paint job i suddenly decided i hate the color of this car totally normal thing to do i'm not on the run or anything give this buck whatever they want human it's not our concern i can really use some more gas too if you want to fill it up i've been on the run i mean i've been having fun fun ride just uh put some gas in please great let's wrap this up by giving me a new license plate yeah just to really drive home that unique new look so perfect just finish up whatever you're doing and drop the car so i can flee i mean leave normally okay just give me the bill you know i've got the cheddar you never saw me alright [Music] family hey human i'm participating in a car show tonight and i want to look my best think you can give my car a looking at this one's all yours human just drop the lift when you're done [Applause] so oh nice color i can dig it so new tires okay give me something fresh i can see you're busy so just drop the car when you're finished with it all right hmm hey you know what you did a pretty good job with this just hand me the bill and i'm out of here all right human see you again sometime [Music] okay human there's a big race going on today and i've decided to sponsor it we're guaranteed to make lots of money off this we just need some advertising this is the sign we're gonna put out start by hanging some decorations on the sides there use anything whatever looks good [Music] oh [Music] here's some old paints i had lying around paint something cool in the middle then hand me the paint brush when you're done [Music] [Music] thank [Music] repeat you [Music] that looks good enough out it goes now we just sit back and wait for the customers to come swarming in [Music] okay so i was racing super fast as usual and out of nowhere there was all this oil and debris and i spun out and my car's all messed up now so what's the deal can you help me or what hurry up come on give this bot the best we got human these razor types are always willing to shell out the money for the top brands [Music] okay maybe that'll work but i feel like we could go even faster uh could you load up the 404 some turbo nos the fastest you got pour it right in there let's do this come on let's go so [Music] interesting if you're sure this will work i trust you okay now it's time to win this race i'm out of here let's go cool hey man can you help me clean out my traveling van it's kind of gnarly in there and i'm picking up some weird vibes so uh you got anything to help out oh so [Music] all right that's looking a lot better so i'm trying to go fully green man could you switch my um battery out to something that really vibes with my style [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh i love it it's totally green [Music] all right human that looks good i'll see what i can do about the spill hey spot i got the car just like you asked let's hurry up and get to work before he comes looking for it oh a human this is a special job we got to uh strip this thing down for parts for for reasons come on human grab everything you can hurry up nice those will be easy to resell leave nothing behind batteries are always in demand where is the money [Music] tires are good make sure you have all of them here he comes act natural it took me a while to find where you park my car valet bot i never would have expected you to get it tuned up for me like this it's great are you done with it can i drive it home a free tune-up this is the best valet service ever nice job i'll be back for my share of the earnings later let's just call that last job a little bit of personal business just pretend you never saw anything all right wow that car looks pretty messed up oh you gotta help me human i took my dad's car out last night with my friends and now it's a mess he's gonna kill me okay this won't be too bad just clear off those branches for starters not a novelty air freshener looks incriminating better remove that too ah okay i just realized he's totally gonna know i used the car because the mileage counter can you do something yeah classic i used to do this all the time when i was a kid just throw the car in reverse and put the pedal to the metal uh there's a bit more evidence in the trunk you think you could get rid of that too okay great just do anything you gotta do just bill me when you're done i still have my dad's credit card so oh oh thanks humans i'll get this right away later you're the best every year we have a float in the local parade we get to decorate this thing with a bunch of gritty loop plots and build a mayor for it it's great so let's give this thing a voice how about a fresh coat of paint those circular platforms on the corner where we can display some parts fill them up with stuff you want to showcase [Music] all right um nice nice now uh what's a float without some dangly bits attach some stuff on the sides on those little pigs there's room for some more on the back there too [Music] um [Music] this looks great we're gonna get so much money from the mayor prophet we get done and we'll send it out [Music] parades were celebratory events where humans drove slow processions of decorated vehicles in a line hello human i'm on my way to get married i thought you could help me decorate my car with some debris following a marriage ceremony it was an ancient human tradition to attach garbage to the back of their vehicles for attention i think we need more debris debris equals love put it inside put it outside put it everywhere so [Applause] foreign looks amazing now for one last tradition bring a bottle of my family's finest grape juice on the car [Music] you've done so much horace it kind of feels like you're part of the wedding party now do you have a gift for us you can just throw something in the trunk oh wow a gift you shouldn't have don't think you're gonna get a discount on this buddy wedding jobs are double price oh well uh i'll sort this out you gotta get going or i'll be late well i'd love to keep exploiting his free labor but that's all i got for you human not bad not bad at all i hope this has given you a better understanding of what it was once like to auto mechanic well you know how to get back to the museum if you want to i'll just be hanging out here while you do whatever you want go go [Music] [Music] you
Channel: 99TH VR
Views: 836,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 99TH VR, job simulator, vacation simulator, cosmonious high, owlchemy labs, job simulator full game, job simulator full playthrough, job simulator vr, job sim, job sim vr, job simulator gameplay, job simulator no commentary, job simulator infinite overtime, job simulator dlc, infinite overtime, job simulator walkthrough, office worker, gourmet chef, chef, store clerk, mechanic, how to, guide, full playthrough
Id: 1KsLr6pQzdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 33sec (8133 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2022
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