JOB BOT POISONED BY SECRET INSECTS (this is murder!) | Job Simulator VR Infinite Overtime HTC Vive)

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FIA's Guido there has been a whole Legion of robots working under the powerful rule of jobbot his Empire spans far and wide and under his control are an army of poor workers you have to work for little to no money poor health benefits and definitely no holidays well I say no more it's time to put an end to the rule of jobbot by going back in time and taking him out for good where you didn't hear that did you [Music] hmm well this is awkward welcome back guys to another adventure here within the job simulator dimension we're here within the drop simulator offices because I feel like we need to go backwards in time to put an end to everything that's happened over the past couple of weeks yet we do I know that I know our problem is mainly with temp bots but let's not consider job bot completely innocent here I need last time at the odds mechanic someone snuck up behind me with a baseball bat and hit me in the back of my head knocked me down and put a giant like egg type thing on the back of my head for a week and it took a while for that to heal you know it was either job bot sleazeball or you know of course it would have been you Guido of course I should never accuse you of that but still someone wanted to take me out and considering that job bot is here it's only convenient that we tried go back in time and take him out before he takes me out well I tell you what we're gonna do if you look here if we go to say gourmet chef you can get a wide variety of sushi I'm talking this is my intro you get a wide variety of jobs all the way back in time to the very beginning so we are gonna start from somewhere where I think it would be advantageous for us let's see here the one ring that sounds dramatic yes we're gonna go back in time back to the gourmet chef dimension and try figure out somewhere to put into all this before it even begins because if it wasn't fur if it wasn't for job Bob you know ruling over this company with an iron fist and a giant portrait of himself maybe temple would have been so mad maybe 10th but wouldn't go out of their way to kill me and maybe we could all be happy what do you think guys alright that kinda doesn't prove my point but still the one ring we are gonna go back and we're gonna do this Makia guida looks like looks like we made it now it's very important that we're not being suspicious around jobbot here because if he finds out what's going on he could have us fired and then we won't be able to you know put an end to this you know that kind of means you know it means I'm gonna kill in guida when I do this with my fists and dry across my throat that means I'm gonna kill someone I care that's just that's just something for the future anyway we need to act calm here say Guido would you like a drink yes sure a friend I am going to grab this kettle and make us a drink no cuida this is perfectly natural okay yes here we have some water and within that water I'm going to put in lemon yes lemonade right yeah I know I'm shaking Guido cured I'm kind of I'm trying to stay calm oh dear it seems I have run out of water let me simply just get some more wood and try my best again you're the one giving this away all right stop bugging me we don't will you shut up oh yeah sorry nothing suspicious going on here look we don't just take your drink there you go thank you and I'll have my now that's disgusting and I guess the best way to not act suspicious is to just crack on with our job I mean we'll get around to you you know taking our job but eventually but right now oh hi you good are you gonna communicate with me or oh hey uh-huh [Music] really okay [Music] a SAP okay bit of a weird request gotta say it's a very nice ring as well let me go to the sandwich here goodbye kettle it's locked in there forever now hopefully it's just appeared back there already so you want this ring in a sandwich err okay I can help you out here so let's get a slice of bread to start with and I guess we'll put that there and I tell you what you probably want her to struggle to find the ring right I mean you want it to be a big surprise right at the end so I tell you what I'll just put an absolute tower of bread here it's gonna take her a while to get through this but tell you what friend once she does it's totally gonna be worth it again we're talking about winner this looks like the most delicious sandwich in the world but I'm just gonna put so much bread on here so much bread that eventually when she does get through it it's gonna be a massive surprise and this bread is very special because it was grown in a vat in Russia okay so it just keeps regenerating forever and forever and forever which means I can make the biggest sandwich in the world here and once she eventually gets through all this bread it's gonna be dirty worth it again so we just gotta keep going here oh my gosh how big does this thing get and now for the finishing touch there we go there is one giant sandwich oh my goodness okay alright okay yeah sure I will burn it that's fine let me throw this out the way sorry for littering I'll tell you what let me just move this sandwich out of the way here so we can all operate calmly there we go that is one big sandwich it's like a skyscraper sandwich I mean it's not really a sandwich it's just a whole lot of bread but still that is there's something to behold okay I've got put this in here for some reason let me fry this thing here there were guests toasting nicely in there and oh yeah there we go oh yes uh-huh no race will do let me get this there we go there we go and I'll turn the music up is that is that working is that there we go okay you guys hear that oh very sensual okay this is gonna be very romantic order up I mean if there was ever gonna be something that would ruin the mood of a proposal it would be a giant stack of bread but regardless there you go look out for that thing is huge that's a giant sandwich yeah that's because of all the bread that's why it feels heavier than usual this is a romantic wieder Oh is she gonna eat the sandwich it's a ring interesting choice of words yeah happy ending brilliant yeah it's good to see my my work good work good do you see a Guido this is good I did good there right that was good all right that's enough romance for the day now we go get this out of here I'll tell you what hole yeah did you want your discipline he's left his sandwich where's he gone okay I'm gonna throw it like a frisbee here we go look Galla here Oh has that gone oh it's gone in the fish tank well at least the fish have some music to listen to now anyway next job here there we get oh sorry again don't mean to do that it's fine okay oh my goodness we gotta make a birthday cake okay all right I'll go ahead and make this cake first of all we need some flour here so I'll tell you what I'll take this off but you can have the flowerpot as well we need an egg which is right here now you can have a few with us you know if the shell as well sick we know what is your favorite flavor of cake I need some inspiration here oh really that is a plane that is so normal I'll tell you what I'm gonna do what just happened there I'm gonna use the CD yeah man a CD cake you've never had one of this totally delicious but I can see how you'd be weirded out so I tell you what I'll put tomato in there as well there we go so we've got a tomato and seedy kick let's cook this up this is gonna be delicious don't worry about this and here we are wow this looks stunning you can see the tomato on top there you can see the that the eggs on the side the CD or the CD didn't really match now it's just kind of here I mean it is totally disco so let's put it playing here we go let's get working there we go oh yeah this place is jumping now anywhere some bath daycare I accidentally blew out the candles I'll tell you what let me try set on fire again hold on I just got up there we is that gonna light the candle no come on this has gotta work right no it's not working okay this is annoying me now okay tell you what just take it get out my sight you're not gonna have any candles to blow out I'm afraid sorry about that looks like they're enjoying it I think the kind of just staring at it Oh kids will you eat that please stop ignoring me stop stop ignoring me anywhere kids will be kids anyway let's crack on Wiggly next job here aha see you later thanks for just staring at the cake and not eating it and I have money too no okay fantastic yeah well do let me have a look at these oh it broke shrill away I'm sorry they just kind of broke straight away when I tried to pick it up fine okay nice and carefully this time we've got these let's just put them back oh gosh no don't ban the dirt in I tell you what we need to go over to the sink wait I need these nope we barely lost them okay they can ban a little bit you know just dry that on there that's fine I would sweat for them to do their here's where I put the cow and this there we go okay let's put these in here that inverted knee cooling down anyway you some dishes up and that should be all cleaned pretty much yep there goes the mold and you as well I can put this one back I think yep okay now we'll take these nope nope come on get out with that these are disgusting okay why is he stopped working I think we need some dish sir yeah there we go all right that's another one done how exciting washing dishes it's a neverending thrill ride in this job that's for sure okay there goes that one this one's nicely burning away I was wondering why I was smelling burning poop but I guess that's what that is I heard the child didn't poop on this plan glitter for eating off not pooping on okay let me put that back oh gosh never mind did it break again oh you've left me with the shards of Clare here deep gray well what am I supposed to do with this anyway cuido we need to keep moving here there's got to be a little er a little part where we can oh really okay okay wait I was gonna say oh dude oh that's nasty and ease off I was gonna say guida there must be a part of this this job where we can strike it must be a little time period where we can strike and try to take our job and I think this is in what if we make the most disgusting creation the most disgusting drink in the world and use it to feed it into you jobbot fry his circuits poison him you know that way temper will never be influenced by job bar the bots will roam free they won't be under his rule anymore they will no longer be slaves this is a great idea well guida I've got all the ingredients here for me look so we've got this all the rotten fruit which we can put in there all the rotten fruit we could want really and I tell you what I'll put right into here just so we've got enough space here job what he told me to get rid of the the dairy fruit so that's exactly what I'm doing right I'm still kind of do my job correctly anyway let's blend this up oh my gosh what yeah let me just just give me a second here oh geez oh my god Guido get a whiff of that it's not good is it anyway let's blend this up and pour it into here oh my goodness we'll leave a little bit of that Justin kiss me to fill up the rest of this what does it want me to be like brick a sprinkler or something okay well I guess we can try that are you kidding me see chop off this is why I want to mad you sir this is this is really nice hmm thanks boss anyway we're gonna use it to break the sprinkler there we go yeah doubtful okay insects okay I can have a look I don't see Oh Guido there was some bugs yeah yeah well dude I didn't expect them to be my kitchen did I okay come on bugs have I really got to pick them up my bare hands geez yeah it's not job but I am doing something about air care yeah I'm getting rid of them dirt worry Guido what am I supposed to do with these things Guido Guido as I live and breathe you are always saying I take things too far but this time you're the one taking it too far you really want me to blend these things up look at them in there oh my goodness Guido are you sure about this yeah I guess you're right I guess this is a surefire way to take him out for good let me just have a look at these things let me just have a look at one of these bugs I really shouldn't be sticking my hand in here look at this oh my goodness ah okay ah I mean I'd hate to be jobbot right about now but let's blend these up and see what we get oh my goodness oh that is foul look at that it's just turn into a brown gooey liquid oh hi nothing to see here don't look in here it's the health and safety inspector Guido yeah okay I'll make up a line of let's go here man yeah nothing to see here all right I think that works I think it works again yeah make sure I do nice to see you man gosh Queen I've got cover this up yes that's good thank you thanks come again soon order a cake we know we managed to make it there hi yes certainly can let me just see what I've made it oh my goodness look at that ah okay Guido this might be the most disgusting thing we've created so far it's just brown look at it I mean it's not even a nice shade of brown it's like greenish and I'll tell you what there's only one thing we can do here jobbot has been good to see you again but I'm afraid this is where it ends for you buddy have a nice well you're refusing to drink that that's okay I'll just feed it into your central vent here have a nice day buddy enjoy that you can have a hat as well Oh did it work job yes you see I have no idea what happened to either but look it was just an accident okay I had nothing to do with it anyway regardless pleasure working with you see you soon a heck wieder yeah I firm mm-hmm I think fired again apparently poisoning your boss isn't something you should do if you want to keep your job but regardless I'm gonna get going here as you can see about to leave the premises here so well thanks for tuning in guys you guys good you are chattering about me I know this is not new news you know it's pretty old news I've been fired again anyway grita because I've been fired I think you've been fired as well sir let's go yeah I'm sorry man but you know kind of be my companion that's kind of how it works anyway guys thanks for the opportunity I'll see you soon all right adventure as well that was another exciting deer here oh yeah it looks like I can't leave thanks for tuning in guys listen Steve that's been guida I'm gonna get going now soon they're gonna get security to escort me off the premises sir where is this security dude hey hey I'm going hey thanks for everything guys anyway guys it's gonna wrap it up there thanks tuning guys if you enjoyed this to start a checkpoint please let me know we're likely to subscribe no idea how I'm supposed to get home from here I don't think they're gonna be able to call me a taxi have you been fired as well really oh man anyway guys this be Steve that's been guida this has been another installment of job simulator checkpoint complete oh where did my friend go oh wait you get back in dude I don't think he's allowed to do that bye guys [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Checkpoint
Views: 304,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: job simulator, lets play job sim, lets play job simulator, job sim vr, job simulator vr, family friendly, job simulator gameplay, job simulator vr game, job simulator vr gameplay, job simulator funny moments, job simulator office worker, job simulator htc vive, job simulator full game, job simulator lets play, job sim, job sim gameplay, job sim game play, checkpoint, officialcheckpoint, temp bot, htc vive, job sim secrets, job simulator secrets
Id: c0XGbDGB7rE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 19 2019
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