Can We Find The SECRET MYTHICAL SEA MONSTER and FEED IT in Vacation Simulator VR

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hey-hey guida how's it going it's been a while now obviously I don't mean it's been a while in regards to yours and my adventures because we hang out with each other every adair maybe a little bit too much what I'm talking about is that it's been a while since we've been here on our vacation vacation island remember I mean does this thing this this freak over here does this reach oak your memory oh yeah you could probably hear me um yeah let's just forget about that but yes last time we were here in the vacation resort we actually managed to get the that the whole thing complete we had the party and now the vacations over right oh oh you're right yep it's never over we're trapped here in perpetual agony forced to vacation each and every day until even the sound of our own voices drives as insane but hey at least the Foods good good stuff so you're no real objective today just you me and all the other BOTS I guess you don't know how to mind their own business let's do it come on [Music] but this for the first place I want to start is here at the lifeguard tower we're here with grill bot and oh come on grill bar you can't just believe in burgers on the ground like this look this is disgusting if a hygiene officer was here as safety officer they would they would leaves that rag okay and I almost dropped it again they would be very very cross sir don't do that again ah what we done I'm good I'm not gonna waste food a my gosh um whoa what oh my gosh this burger is very persistent oh I think I broke it anywhere there are a few last memories which still evade us I believe this 22 here on the beach and we've only got ten so I think it's fair to say that we have a lot of work to do and we're gonna start right here in the lifeguard tower because these last few recipes they just completely elude me I think burger but what's eight of whatever filling he pleases inside of a random burger bun so a let's go ahead and make that if we can't oh my gosh I'm breaking everything again can we even fit eight burgers on here let's see if it works so far we're fitting on three and we'll put like two more just here one in the center just like that a bit of oh there's another burger right here will this all cook even if it's on top of each other I think the ones on top they're actually cook I think it's the ones at the bottom which cook the best at least oh my gosh they're all cooking okay let's do this let's get the ones that have cooked out which I believe in these ones they were good to stack them up stack these ones up I hope that one's cooked I think that cooks they look cooked to me so that's one two three four five six seven and why not we'll put out here's another burger I'll put one more burger on there wait for it to be done pop it on top and hand him the burger oh there's another one up there as well can't do this do that and here we have a giant stack of burgers I'm really hoping that that's a veggie burger and not mold because that looks very green to me anyway I don't want to accidentally eat it especially if it is moldy so uh here you go interesting it's my hurry yeah what's on the board make you deliver their orders straight to them will do po is that yes we don't right perfect awesome okay I will get to work on the next ones does yoga but literally want a burger with nothing in it okay let's see if we can do this if I go like this and just kind of stack this on top of what the heck it's a burger without a burger okay let's see if your boy is gonna enjoy this here you go sure I mean there's literally it's just bread but that's fine okay so now a suntan bot wants a hot dog as well as that coolant right there now last time we attempted this I don't think we did it correctly guida in fact I think we failed miserably but we'll try it again we'll see if we can actually achieve this and make the a hot dog that the suntan bot has always wanted now which specific type of bun is in are they all the same I think they're all the same I can't take one of these hot dogs the other two kids kind of beer littered on to the beach those hot dogs have probably landed straight on the face of like some old lady who's tried to get a suntan anyway I think I think it's mustard that they want as well as the especial coolant which we can find in the doc shop over here okay there's one there's two please yes it worked okay let's grab the hotdogs no worries let's grab the hotdogs and put this on here first of all let's hit the cap off or just litter that right there and oh my gosh wow that looks like the most disgusting hotdog known to man it looks like it looks like a DNA helix awesome thing this is Wow anyways suntan boy I have no idea why you'd want to eat coolant but here you go enjoy that ah awesome we got right yes okay perfect so we should be able to get another memory from grill bar here I know right that's not the case anymore oh yes okay you said it not me and we can catch it all in here probably hit that grandma on the face again and there we go 11 memories yeah yeah and let's start to work on the spiral a tower sir oh my gosh this one that's crazy so I guess we start off with the solid blocks here it looks like there's at least three then there's one more block on the side right here just like that I believe then we have some kind of weird block with lines on it I'm not sure exactly what that could be actually from the top it looks like this spiral are actually these sort of blocks so if I do that where is it this type of block is this the next one along it might be it doesn't look very stripy on the side but I think the whole point is that we have like a spiral going upwards okay let me try this again let me see if this works judge me I think really okay so probably the top is right but the rest of it isn't I just have no idea what the line shape is oh wait maybe it's ah maybe it's this you see from the side it looks like it's got a line down the middle I think that's why it is okay okay sir I think it's something like this I think we're getting close to what we need to achieve here is this one supposed to be like pointed outwards or something because from the right this one has a line down the middle then the second one down has that line down the middle then maybe it's this one then maybe it's this one I I don't know judge me please uh-huh okay right okay perfect top looks great but the others dirt looks so good I think it's because this one needs to go further down oh gosh this is so confusing let me try something like this I guess how does it look from the top we've got all four I believe I can actually drag this down to get a better look of the above here yeah we got all four right there from the right this one is supposed to go there I believe and then this one is maybe supposed to go there one two three blocks up and then we have one block spare right there and then on the right as well there's got to be one right here I think this might be Atlas judge me again Oh perfect that's such a weird a weird shape we had some heck I think this might be right I'm just not so sure about the not so sure about the the different shapes to try to achieve here maybe something like this I have no idea uh-huh okay the front looks right but the the right doesn't look well right oh I think it's because we need a block which has a hole in each side or maybe just like oh my gosh did that just not the entire thing down fine screw it that we're back underwater and we're still finding some creatures for this dude let's try this one does that work a fish yes okay okay yeah I'll find the unique ones oh okay don't worry just what does that say in the back what does that say it subjects yellow puffer fish a crossbreed between a goldfish and a weather balloon okay interesting so we're supposed to find the rarest creatures possible maybe we can get one of these dolphins hold on if I do this and then take a snap on the dolphin emerges there it was we've got the dolphin right there is that gonna count so does that mean yes awesome we also have a section here said do not feed maybe we have something we can feed to these guys coolant let me try this let me throw the coolant down there is he gonna eat that or that doesn't look like anything happened maybe we've got to come back with some food or something there goes the big whale aka Guido's mother sorry dude playground in Seoul unfortunately we cannot get another picture of that because he's already seen it I'm sorry I'm sorry you jerk what exactly did it take a step of pinky fish not what what is enough me oh there's a cool type of fish there that yellow one let's see if we can get a snap of that and let's see if he appreciates this fine what about him does he care as a sea creature let me try this there we go let's see what it says about that you are a unique marine creature subject biology bot there were many fish in the sea sensors feet but this boat is only interested in actual fish in the actual sea well what about me then let's try it with me I've still got these sunglasses on now we tell us with and finger guns all right let's see what he thinks of this pick this up throw it at him what do you think about that fine gosh this guy's so annoying what does this say subject you you look amazing you must be a model human well thank you I wonder if these clams count let me take a picture of one of these clams here does this count as rare marine biology life let's try this crabs that's an oyster or a clam what okay maybe there was like a crab in there or something okay so we've only got a few more creatures left and I presume it might be whatever beast is waiting down here in the abyss so what I'll do is I'll put my camera aware I will go grab some food and I will be right back I do wonder if the the sea monster whatever's wearing down there would appreciate a bunch of cheese a cheese sandwich okay so if we keep doing this we should eventually make the biggest cheese sandwich known to mankind well guida let's hope this guy likes cheese oh my gosh look at this just one bite of this will probably give you some time cholesterol problems maybe a heart attack yeah let's put this big boy in here if I could fit him in and another feature of having that cheese sandwich is that as it's in my sweaty backpack it's probably gonna get even smellier which means whoever the sea creature is he's in for a real treat a kid cheese sandwich slingshot load it up and let's try fire into there so I just fire it into the abyss right and is that good - oh my gosh oh my gosh get my camera no I didn't have my camera ready oh sweet lord you know what just for that this guy isn't even getting anything nice he's just getting a slice of bread and we're gonna get get the camera cell before we actually shoot the slingshot this time I care this is gonna work I kiss sir same again we're West wait oh I left my slingshot here apparently okay so slingshot that's a waste that is not some bread there we go slingshot just like this fire it into the abyss and get ready to there we go take the picture and oh my gosh we got a great one his tongue is just stuck out oh that's amazing there you go sir and the danger noodle one amazing name for a sea creature which means which means you gonna give me yes that's exactly why I wants it gimme gimme gimme thank you very much there it goes and we absorb it up well guida I am absolutely pooped we're supposed to be having a very relaxing day here within the vacation island but we ended up letting some mythical sea creatures ruin our day well you know you may still be in good spirits but I literally I'm gonna punch the first person that I see um what's that fish - get away from it our here I told you I told you I wasn't lying oh gosh it's attacking me anyway I am going to get home and I'm going to get my dressing gown on and I'm gonna go to sleep while Guido you haven't been hunting mythical creatures all there have you you might not be tired but I am my [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Checkpoint
Views: 112,752
Rating: 4.85641 out of 5
Keywords: job simulator, job simulator vr, job simulator gameplay, job simulator vr game, job simulator vr gameplay, job sim gameplay, checkpoint, officialcheckpoint, htc vive, job simulator secrets, vacation simulator, vacation simulator gameplay, vacation simulator vr, vacation sim gameplay, vacation simulator htc vive, job simulator 2, vacation simulator vr gameplay, vacation simulator secrets, checkpoint job simulator, vacation simulator checkpoint, virtual reality, monster
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2019
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