Unlocking SECRET NUKE To Destroy The WORLD in Job Simulator VR (Virtual Reality Funny Gameplay)

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something's happening there's sirens going off there's all sorts of crazy noises I think that jobbot has launched some kind of missile targeted directly at vacation island is this my fault [Music] again Oh Guido don't worry about it I'll just go down to the local store and steal some money well Guido in case you haven't noticed I don't have any real money you see the only way I'm going to get my hands on some money is if I stop adventuring and get myself a job and both you and I know that there's only one place in the entire multiverse where I can do then oh here we are I hope you're happy we're here once again in the job simulator dimension you know the drill by now buddy this place has a very cute exterior but on the inside it's twisted malicious sinister is it really though Guido because if you don't remember this guy is one of the most cold and callous beings in the entire multiverse I can understand why you were so frustrated about money problems but this this isn't worth any amount of money yes Here I am ah listen buddy if we're gonna do this let's do this right I need a small teeny tiny favor from you jobbot is bound to have a bunch of requests for us since you're a robot's and he's also a robot not of the saint's creator of course perhaps you could kind of talk to him take any personal requests that he has and we'll just have to go ahead and do them well Guido you want to make some serious cash don't to you it has been a little while since actually puts in some serious work here in the job simulator dimension let's see if I can remember how to do this service always starts with a smile hello how's it going Oh could you just back this thing up that crazy lady almost just ran me over Guido could brief okay let's pop the hood and see what's going on I see your issue here instead of a car battery you in let's have a potato although judging by my Diagnostics it looks like that's actually incorrect what the actual issue is is that you have no fluid or very minimal fluid now most mechanics would say you know you need some oil in your car but me I'm an advanced mechanic so let's see here what's about some energy drink this thing is grade-a super advanced high octane fuel for your vehicle all you've got to do is shake it up a little bit there we go till it's at bursting point and bam oh we got some red-hot energy drink going straight into there and as you can see it is now flowing throughout the vehicle look at that oh that is awesome and you know what I'll throw this in for free as well let me just go ahead and I'll leave this here for now and right in the front door I will put this under your seats ready to go oh okay I'm just gonna leave that on the accelerator I'm sure that's totally fine oh my gosh the wheels are moving this is amazing wait a second look at this job bones is this your car oh is this your car I mean being as rich as you are you would have thought you would have secured this license plain okay well you don't need this okay it's just there urban legend that you need a license plates and now we need to remove that potato so let's go ahead and grab this and mail a slam dunk yeah maybe not and I will now replace this with a time machine whatever the heck this is it's super advanced this is probably a tiny bit better than your potato okay Guido this is all looking pretty good I think we're about ready to drop the car and send it on its way really [Music] okay I guess I'll just take this one you know can we do part of me tells me that we should have been removing this from the car but if that's what job bot wants that's what job bot gets we are literally doing anything to make money here let's go ahead and grab ourselves a receipt here so that's gonna be $4,000 for basically doing two things in your car hope you don't mind now you go ahead and have a great day and if your car that sort of fighting randomly it's not my fault it's that guy alright well that was really weird Guido what does he want me to do with this exactly yes okay let me just can I just launch this onto your desk Leslie spot sorry so job bot has started to ask me for special requests which reminds me I myself have a special request if any adventurers out there in the multiverse are watching this adventure please let us know of a like and they subscribe oh ok cuido my bad alright who is next whoa look at that hot rod jeez nice dude nice hey you work at the office right I think I could have seen this guy perform ah my friend he writes here have a sleaze bot special coupon now you probably don't know what that is so let me go ahead and explain this exclusive deal so after we finish working on your car sleaze BOTS will then approach you with some kind of object he will ask which one of your cortex cause you want that object slid into now you can have it in the rear in the eye hole the ear hole oh well sorry Guido don't you want the customer to know all right let's see exactly what we've got going on under the hood this thing actually looks pretty good in fact I think that sleaze BOTS wants us to sabotage this engine so we don't have to work on an excellent idea sleazeball I'll be two seconds okay I'll get rid of these there we go there we go indeed very standard procedure there we go oh my gosh am I ever gonna hit a slam dunk apparently not I probably shouldn't have thrown those headlights away look let me go ahead and get you an entirely new headlights here is that going to be in parts maybe yes here we go I'll get you one white on one black one whack them on the edge and let me just do something like this and do something like this there we go so you've got one pink one and one black one that works all right let's go ahead and move this to the left back and then we'll go ahead and throw this at last you keep really Guido okay so I guess I'll put this just here for now what could he want with that he must be building some kind of vehicle or something I really don't see any other way he'd need that okay I've gotta go over to the stash and get some sugar apparently this seems like a perfectly normal thing to do sure why not alright let's go ahead and drop the car right now do we have that coupon I have no idea oh this is a new one twice the parts for twice the price um that sounds fair here you go let me go ahead and print this receipt that will be just over five thousand dollars good grief I hope I'm getting a pretty significant portion of this anyway enjoy your home AB graded car see you later man alright so for some reason jobbot wants this headlight fluid well I'll go ahead and put it in the same place as less time on the desk and he must need that for some kind of vehicle or objects that he's creating Guido maybe we should look into that alright Guido so we have a tale of broken headlights right here as you can see yeah I can definitely see the issue of these looks like he'll be wanting entirely new headlights here so let's go ahead and write something really okay fine now what is it exactly that he wants from the stash Guido fernfield oh for goodness sake maybe I should go ahead and stash some of these donuts in my back pockets or something and just kind of try sneak them out of this place I'm not so sure what could jobbot possibly want with a whole bunch of food unless he's planning a trip somewhere I have no idea but I'm definitely going to take these two donuts okay uh headlights Bam Bam you look a little bit tense cowboy Bob don't worry about it I will have your car all fixed anytime soon I mean what's the worst thing that could happen oh my gosh that's the worst thing that could happen look at there you really drive around with this thing oh that's disgusting all right I'll just give it a little a little shake here there we go oh my goodness the things I do for this job well this is good as new let me just put that right there he wants a brand new lick of paint so let's go ahead and give him a nice bright yellow here is that bright is he going to look like a block of cheese I think so oh my gosh Wow brand new hood ornaments that's absolutely fine let me just slam dunk that's again never mind what if we picked up this fluffy dice and turned it into a brand new hood ornament let me do something like this close that down and any second now we should have yes Ashley walks and would you look at this car let's just try to get an entire 360 view of this thing look at that oh my goodness me what's a fine piece of engineering we've taken that rust buckets and turned it into a hot rod all right my boy let me go ahead and get your bill so Guido I think this is actually really okay buddy this is starting to get suspicious this thing's pretty dirty now but it was good as new what does he want with the customer's kind of clean air filter I don't know let me just go ahead and whack that over there oh yeah he'll have to pick that one up Guido I'm not gonna lie I'm starting to get really suspicious I need you to cuido come here for a second so I know that jobbot is our boss currently but I need you to do a bit of investigative work for me okay there is absolutely no way he would not request all of these items if they weren't for something pretty spectacular now I want to know what that spectacular plan is so here's the deal I want you to hack into his memory find out exactly what he needs all of these parts for where he's going what he's planning and hopefully we'll be able to find out exactly what's going on in the head of job bonds let's go ahead and get that receipt which is going to be a little bit more expensive than I'd like because I actually just let it run for a little bit while I was talking to my robotic campaign you Guido sorry about that okay the labor bill will cost six thousand six hundred and four dollars yeah I'm sorry about that and that is another car transformed it's a shame that jobbot has some kind of sinister underlying plot because I'm actually enjoying my time here ah job boss if only I knew what was going on inside of that head of yours what's really yank we do let's go it's time for us to figure out exactly what's going on here wait what's Guido what the heck are we doing on vacation island this makes no sense everything seems pretty normal how you doing guys long time no see um I guess we'll head to the beach and see exactly what's going on here ah once again everything seems absolutely funny all of the boats seems to be carrying on with their regular old business everyone seems to be absolutely a ok I mean heck some of them are still sunbathing whatever job BOTS plan was I don't think it's happening or it's not happened yes [Music] um gluto did you just hate that there dude seems pretty unavoidable I guess um wait what the heck is going on here something's happening there's sirens going off there's all sorts of crazy noises I think that jobbot has launched some kind of missile targeted directly at vacation island is this my fault I mean I gave him the part and I can yeah oh yes my bad guys guys listen to me you need to you need to get out of here come on come on let's go stop catching those rays okay that is not what we need okay what do I have in my backpack I've got some kind of weight here okay get up oh my gosh okay these guys are doomed screw you guys I'm going back to my apartment ah ah all right buddy I made it back and I don't think those bots have any idea what's about to happen this is seriously seriously better oh my gosh um Guido that's really bad [Music]
Channel: Checkpoint
Views: 158,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: job simulator, lets play job sim, job sim vr, job simulator vr, job simulator gameplay, job simulator vr game, job simulator vr gameplay, job simulator funny moments, job sim, job sim gameplay, checkpoint, officialcheckpoint, temp bot, job sim secrets, job simulator secrets, vacation simulator, job simulator virtual reality, job simulator challenge, job simulator game, job bot vr, job bot virtual reality, vr, virtual reality, family friendly, gaming, fun vr game, vr game
Id: VNP9z4YbPwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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