JOB BOT HID HIS SECRET IDENTITY FROM TEMP BOT ... | Job Simulator VR Infinite Overtime HTC Vive)

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okay sir one last addition here and you are all ready to go for the highway okay I've got you saw it here let me go ahead and drop the car right now there you go and Douglas thanks very much no problem I'll kick in the bill right now oh hey Guido how you doing nah man no investigation today no no investigating nerves sneaking around at night you know doing mysterious deeds we're just here to work and earn a bit of money yeah Guido I'll get to that in a second just let me serve this customer okay thanks man two thousand eight hundred and fifty seven dollars for you sir although it could be much worse here you go sir nice tie have a great rest of your day yeah hope sir see seen man enjoy your day well then cuida very good job what did you see that another day another happy customer I know that's least what sorry am i right ah look at this Guido anywhere look the altar mechanic Awards Committee been sending me across these trophies well I think do we sell well man I've won the donor award and the Griff T Libre ward here I have been working so hard guida honing my skills working on my skills even more working young cars all day all night everyday Slayer and Here I am now I'm here as a a master craftsman of cars just look at these trophies I am look I don't want to be I don't want to be arrogant or anything don't want to toot my own horn but I am quite literally the best auto mechanic in the world obviously not as good as you there sleazeball you're the best you're better than me by far Guido I don't know what you're talking about look let's just play some music okay just be quiet and dance with me man Guido okay listen listen quitter come to the back of me sir sir sorry guys my friend is sir unprofessional gonna have to catch up from Keats you handsome son of a guns later on okay okay Guido what the heck is wrong with you listen to me dude I've been diverting the entire day to make sure that I get in the good books of both Jabba and sleaze Baracus so what's your problem dude yes of course the mission is still on of course I'm trying to get to the bottom of this giant mystery we found here within the job simulator dimension but by drawing attention to myself Guido you are you are putting that entire mission in jeopardy okay I just listened to me yeah I'm sorry I'm sorry but I really need you to shut the heck up again listen just close that big mouth of yours keep quiet and let me do my thing again all I need is one more job today Guido one more job and they'll let me go if my brick and then we can do some investigation well we've already investigated this place a lot but I've come into some Intel okay look the new intern told me some fantastic information some brilliant Intel Firas which will help us with our mission here you know Teddy the the new intern you've if not ma'am yet he's a really nice guy he's okay look whatever I need just one more job here today before they let me get off my brick and then I can tell you exactly what my plan is again come on dude pretty please thank you you're the best man just just let me do my thing okay let the maestro get to work you know what I'm saying sorry about that guys I'm on my way back now don't worry everything's sorted and Guido don't worry about it okay your secret is safe with me this there's no reason to be embarrassed that you're still wetting the bed well dude I had to come over an excuse for our giant conversation there didn't I that's just not that's just what I went for okay that's from the top of my head anyway guys it's time for the award winning mechanic to get back to work here we go what they say there are no Oh [Music] for change we could be green [Music] all right and that should be just about done now I want you to drive carefully okay it's very dark out there right now we're almost approaching midnight okay so just make sure you take it careful of course thanks for stopping by just you know take it easy out there that could be dark ice and stuff like that on the road and oh yeah your bill let me get that for you madam right here Lola price over two thousand seven hundred and seventeen dollars take that and enjoy the rest of your evening all right you've got just just be careful okay I don't want I don't want any insurance companies turning up and okay it's fine well guys I have been working since about seven o'clock in the morning so I think it's about time I I think we can all agree that I get going no guida seven o'clock last week sofas okay with you two I'm gonna go ahead and grab my lunch here which again was from last week finish it off and I hope you to have a great rest of your evening Jesus um-hmm seal our drop-off enjoy the rest of your evening yeah I'll see you for lunch next week yeah cool all right guida it is now time for us to do what we were supposed to do all this time where you really think I was that passionate about fixing and repairing cars dude I hear cars did you really think I was going to build up my trust with jobbot that much just so we could I don't know get a little bit of money be invite some wack dinners or something like that socializing don't make me laugh no instead I built up all that trust there guida working all over a week okay 9:00 till midnight so we could do some investigation we are Circle us to unraveling this mystery between jobbot temple and drop button temp box child okay I could feel it we are surplus the conclusion all we have to do now is find the evidence circuit and tweeter do you know exactly where we're gonna find the evidence I tell you where right there the office I know man it's crazy the office was right across the road from the auto mechanic all this time who de Thor anywhere dude I know this is kind of late to break the Emperor get ready because we're about to do some physical exercise here oh well how else do you expect us to get into its lair night no one's gonna be working on the doors okay we've got climb up and we've gotta break it yes I said climbing okay come on it'll be easy once we get the hang of it just grab a portion of the wall here and start hoisting yourself up okay it's gonna be fine earned dude one more thing just done don't look down okay trust me dude okay you do not want to look do not want to look down [Music] Guido we finally made it how you doing ah dude shut up who wasn't that bad look just just climbing all right all right we finally made it in here oh my goodness how you doing man ah dude yeah my hands are killing me I haven't slept once in the past week dude I had to muster all my energy to climb up there but look we're finally in so we should be meeting with the new intern pretty soon he told me this place was empty and right now it looks like it is sir let's go ahead and try find the guy and oh hi I am here because I have to redecorate the side of these cubicle panels yeah that's totally why I was hired um ass job out here I mean that's a pretty touchy subject just okay maybe not us okay look wiva greet her Widow techbots here well I didn't expect him to be the intern so me would be a learn okay look I'm just gonna have to work with it I care well I don't know I'm gonna have to build up the trust again look maybe were just imagining things maybe we'll just know he's still there dude this is a disaster I'm gonna have to get back to work now build up some trust again and then try meet the intern at some point to get this Intel I can't believe this hey Teddy the intern if you're watching this you suck man next time just just email me this information okay don't get me meeting you and random office buildings especially when there are killer robots about mm-hmm hi temperance you see new here look you look like you could use a hand ders first you still have the old cubicles still available great hmm well Buddha we are we are back here doing some more jobs for her for temple I know dude I know well as I said I thought this building would be empty but apparently I've been lied to look this information better be worth it that's all I'm saying okay look it can't hurt to do just a couple of jobs to temp out here just take them off the scent a bit make sure they're clueless as to what we're actually doing here let's go ahead and do it and make sure that we're getting to work and just taking care of whatever needs to be oh sorry sorry about that ah hi wieder greeter you didn't tell me you had a sister anyway look apparently I'm supposed to be cloning stuff here sir I guess the first thing I can copy and cloners is this how I mean the Super Bowl has come and gone I didn't manage to get my merchandise in time sir getting a secondary sports hat would be very beneficial to me okay let me just grab this there we go and you can have this one back I'm not stealing them anymore oh well scanning something else can I scan my hand Oh apparently not could always use more staples around the office slightly go ahead and clean that come on come on court there we go yes got another one right there and everyone could always hope used to be to be more happy so let me let me clone this I guess which I absolutely hear this job because it's just getting my office more and more cluttered here okay whatever you said thank you um okay fine I mean look at this now dude it's a total mess in here I mean if it gets me back on the side of temple then I guess it can't be a bad thing look let's just keep this going here and make sure that we're we're actually helping temper out here is anyone up there the gum hi how you doing now that may have been my least favorite type of job guida but this this is my favorite type what we did this this job is where I just kind of eat myself to death and don't worry man I'm not a greedy guy I'll save you I'll serve you this one you can have this one not let me put that there for later but these these are all mine yes yes ah [Music] and for that greeter for a fulfilling my belly up we've been promoted look at this intern to the employees speaking of intern we should go try find our intern but thank you temple I'm gonna put this proudly right here there we go thank you very much and see I left Donna here oh sorry Guido well you know what they say always finish what you started mm sorry man that's what that's what the saying says come on come on come on Danny ah you know what temple I've been working for quite some time now you can clearly see that I'm putting a lot of hard work in look I'm gonna go ahead and chill out in the lobby okay is that fine it's out of here with us - thanks uh and I'm also gonna take Guido he has real issues with peeing his bed at the moment so I kinda want to get more confident by talking to him in the shut up dude we won't be long we literally take like five minutes I think so just don't worry about okay I'll be back in a second come on Guido stop being so lazy dude are you really still mad at me for that come on dude it's just the jerk they're not really gonna think that you actually pee the bed okay maybe maybe they do but look dude at the end of the day I would rather then think you pee the bed rather than them thinking I pee the bed does that make sense I have to meet with Teddy the intern in the lobby here and look it's like his second day on the job he's gonna be kind of nervous so just try ease him into this okay compliment him on something he likes his hat circuit just say something nice about his hat all right come on come with me hmm here we go and hey Teddy new glasses a Guido you're right you're right you do have a nice hat well done so look have you have you got the stuff you know the the Intel the information the paperwork hello hi Teddy Teddy listen to me Mac tell me where the Intel is right now oh oh okay that must be it really dude you're gonna be folding a pleat information that I paid thousands of dollars for into paper planes you really think that's how you should treat a friend I'm taking this hat good day to you sir Guido Guido we finally have the information here I'm gonna go ahead and unfold this gosh is so fiddly what's it done to this it's a stiffened and we're wet what no we're not aware I can't believe this waiter jobbot is not who he says he is I know dude it's crazy look let me show you greater this guy this robot you see in front of you this is not Jabba even though his name card that says job but this is not the real job Bob that's job Bob this is job bar and temples son job or Junior [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Checkpoint
Views: 131,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: job simulator, lets play job sim, lets play job simulator, job sim vr, job simulator vr, family friendly, job simulator gameplay, job simulator vr game, job simulator vr gameplay, job simulator funny moments, job simulator office worker, job simulator htc vive, job simulator full game, job simulator lets play, job sim, job sim gameplay, job sim game play, checkpoint, officialcheckpoint, temp bot, htc vive, job sim secrets, job simulator secrets
Id: g3VIf6bYdBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 04 2019
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