Joan Rivers — Charlie Rose

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Joan Rivers is here in 1968 she appeared on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson who told her you're gonna be a star and she is that and much much more for the last 40 years her talent perseverance and sheer force of will have made her one of the great comedic icons of our time in addition to her stand-up works he can act he can talk she can write books plays movies she can direct and she can even be a talk show host which is the hardest job of all a new documentary Joan Rivers a piece of work Roger Ebert writes that the film is the portrait of a woman who will not accept defeat who will not slow down who must prove herself over and over again here is a look at the documentary depressing is this 40 years in the business and this no Vegas no giant club dates Kathy Griffin has taken all those what do you to get me another commercial I'll show you fear that's fear last year was a very difficult year Joan will turn nothing then I will do anything I will wear a diaper I love sex because we do other things it's an I am it's a read a book get your emails on your blackberry [Applause] you've had your hair done yet now she's Melissa these are all my jokes over the last 30 years why should a woman cook so her husband can say my wife makes a delicious cake to some hooker can you wonder why I'm still working Oh stand-ups are innately insecure age it's the one mountain that you can't overcome I have no one to say do you remember and that is very difficult I think they need that reassurance it's all a cover I started with the plastic surgery then I became the poster girl for it then I became to joke up its bacon you idiot nobody was like be the queen of England is this how Maria Antoinette would have lived if she had had money I've gained my eagerness concen when I say where are the gays they're gonna tell us dead we killed there's always an adjective before my name and it's never a nice adjective oh sure turn against the Queen she is like watching the way the Julis tiller paved the way for her I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for Joan he's on dialysis there is one outlet in all of Afghanistan find a club Oh like torches bad get a Brazilian wax you'll give up secrets like you never knew you I am pleased to have Joan Rivers back at this table welcome nice to be back you know now you have first time you've seen that first I've seen that that's what's in this movie yeah but it's so funny to see it in what pieces they pick and to see all the reviews are stunning you're surprised beyond surprised we thought that they would say nice interesting and we went to Sundance and it just blew through the roof and I am enjoying every second it was so unexpected so an experience my impression it's truthful yeah Joan says what she thinks she can talk about the plastic surgery she can talk about a relationship with her daughter but I always which is a good thing and a bad thing gets a lot of trouble but if you don't tell the truth then what are you standing there and doing on a stage you know I get some men and say hey girls my mother law and you know they don't even have a mother in law I don't talk to an audience unless you've been through or are you surprised that you have had this career I am I don't know what the career is I never this life but you know rooms say I've never ever had a chance to breathe and go oh look what I've done exactly because you're always do you wanna think about tomorrow tomorrow you're always climbing PAH meanwhile ask the question climbing because somebody right above you is stepping on your knuckles yeah and someone right below he was pulling on your face I think climbing also because that's what you do what you do is you're a comedian and seeing life crookedly yeah because I mean I sit like this at business meetings and the role you know very serious and then I'll say something funny and nobody laughs but I can't help it I am a yeah I am a comedian I love I love it before me you don't do it because you need the money a little bit of books oh you have it muted the past I know you have I'm fine and nobody has to write out a check and send me money but if I want to live as wonderfully as I live yeah I think it's nice to never dig into anything does that make sense I mean it so I know and I like to be the generous one I don't know that's a sense of power but I'd like to be the one that picks up the check I'd like to be the the ant or the cousin or the friend that says what do you need here do you care if people love you I am so used to people not loving me that I can't accept a few that really do yeah yeah I won't allow myself to go there because because I've been betrayed so often that it's a I know my daughter I guess loves me I guess I guess we don't know where our children I know I adored my mother I like my dad if you're really gonna be honest yeah you liked him but didn't love him it wouldn't do him I'd Ord my life so I don't know maybe my daughter one day you saying to somebody I adored my mother I adored my mother or you don't some way in between them you're not sure where it is I'm not sure is and and what would you say about Edgar did I love my husband yes I I loved my husband but I'm still so angry at him he just it's like Samson he brought down the he brought down the temple because he because he went up against Murdock and Diller and that whole thing where I was fired from Fox and then he committed suicide over all that he knew he had ruined the career it smashed the career and I said you live with that couldn't Luke he wasn't strong enough to face it and to and you could have him did I had what was my choice what was my choice I had a daughter what's your choice No and you think about that even today she how could you do this to me I there was one thing in the documentary that I made them take out that Melissa asked to take out very often I will walk to the states 20 years Charlie I walk past you haven't had suicide in your family that's I you walk past his picture to this day and I'll say you son of a or worse look what you did to us you bastard you don't get over and then you cry and you're sorry and you you miss him and you're so sad for him but the anger never is left did you spend a lot of time thinking about what you could have been which is Johnny Carson's successor and how you blew that opportunity I never allow myself to think what could have been cuz you can't change things I never what happened get it out of the way move forward was that Edgar or you a combination we got a letter when I was still hostess in the Carson show from a friend Jay Michaels who was the senior vice president NBC saying here's a list of who they think is gonna replace Carson there's all men I wasn't on it and he wrote darling there's no place for you and the same weak Fox came in offered me my own show so of course we left would you have been able to call up Johnny and say I just saw this list I mean is that the reality or not you couldn't call Johnny Johnny was Johnny was louis xiv after the show he was king he was kate go watch the tutors that was Johnny Carson yes movies no movies you didn't talk to him in the makeup room nothing nothing he didn't say you didn't talk to him during the break unless he talked to you you got it 20 years on the show and the breaks we'd be telling it about everything break would come and he would start to play with the pencils and I would say the same thing after a while every time for 20 years band sounds good and he'd say yeah what made him so good though the best straight man in the business ever ever ever ever he brilliant the charm that came out of him he knew when to say how fat was she yeah I like a lot of them around today when you were funny he loved it he appreciated he was wonderful you just want to go out there make him laugh there was this sense that he is dedicated to making you look good because if you look good he looks looking and that's what a lot of them don't get today there's so many talk the better your guests looks don't worry you'll be there tomorrow night exactly thank your guests be great they don't make the show you making shows again the Fox deal staled because personal things I met Jamie Kellner I about four years after that I was so fired so publicly they said it was numbers numbers and he said something so terribly sad to me he said at a cocktail party we never lost money with you it's all personal I would rather it said we lost millions with you that's why we got rid of you but he said we never lost a cent with you and that upset me more because it absolutely destroyed my career then why did they do it because Edgar and Barry Dylan Rubin Murdoch but before we went on the air Barry Diller turned to me and said the tail doesn't weigh the dogs tell your husband he's right he's totally did you tell you know you get so involved and they fought they fought over what kind of candy to have in the greenroom I mean literally down to Hershey Kisses nicked knickknacks I just was insane it was insane what went on backstage what is your talent on stage I think I am the neighbor that says what you're thinking you know that you go oh did you hear what you said I think that's who I am it's true but I can't believe she's saying Jim that's I think that's where I always want to say that's where can you talk can we talk to him from which is you'd say can we talk here how different are you today than you were then I think I'm better now than ever ever in the old days I was always a little worried when I went onstage because I you had too much at stake in a way nowadays I say anything I want what are you gonna do fire me have been fired bankrupt up in Bangkok what you're not gonna hire me no one hired me for years what are you gonna do to me it's very free I cannot say I said then what are you gonna give me nothing do you write I first met you yeah I think I wish I had the tape way back when I started in Texas and you were promoting a film you had made rabbit exactly yes yes was like 74 and may I tell you something we got our first good review for it a year ago is that right yeah they showed you the BAM see but this was also what I loved about you and do is it first of all you'll try anything and secondly you wanted to make movies you want to do this you wanted to do trying to do it yeah dying to do it sorry yeah you wanted to be what Woody Allen yes I guess yeah then could you have done that I think if ravage has had come out after aeroplanes we could have done it yeah we were the first in that genre and they didn't want to see it and then after us came rabbit test and then came Animal House and by then they got all that stuff but we were so early on what do you think of Lady gaga brilliant people my age know about Lady gaga yes I played myself on now in my nightclub act with Lady gaga yes because everybody knows her everybody knows and I haven't go in a good beat I'm like stop I say that was Lady gaga and half of them go [Laughter] understands marketing showbiz better than Madonna certainly this generation's Madonna I think she's taking when Madonna left off yeah and it's moot because we're diamonds that become very grand Oh meaning what meaning she's come in from the the rain she's a lady now Lady Gaga's Here I am box and according to what we read today in the paper Jerry's not thrilled by well performance in his box well when you really stop I think he paid for that box it's his box his box thank God knows how they messed it up it was jewelry a passion of yours fashion was and yeah I used to love to sketch jewelry and that was just luck they came to me to QVC when you see really terrible yeah we'll just Barry Diller then I know was before he just seemed very nice by the way I went on to DC and right I know and we kiss hello you know can past is better move when he did buy QVC for a while he called me tracked me down in London and he said I'm calling you to tell you so you don't read a better tomorrow I bought QVC and so what a wonderful stroke them that's yeah little strokes like that define a person yeah and I never forgot that call me when it was late late late at night because you were making a lot of money selling them because my career was over theoretically for the moment I had gone on QVC and built a whole new career right I'm selling fashion jewelry and I you wanted me to know it's okay I bought the company you're fine you can still be there you see there then why not yeah but no nice nice to do how about real estate I mean your apartment was always a pride of yours yes and I'm trying to sell it and I'm hoping some really stupid Russian is watching what is so-called Russia because I want something is so rich it doesn't matter how much how much is he or she gonna have to put on the table 25 million what about maybe get it 26:25 you've jours inkay give me the dogs no you would never do the dogs you've always had those dogs ever always had dogs love adore my dog rescues rescues love you so much you go to rest Red Dog Rescue places and get dogs calls me and says to me we have a dog is in trouble and I've got two amazing dogs know what do you have now what could this mix breed or I have an old Jewish woman should never carry a pick and ease and we just look and my other one is mostly happenes don't we think we think no they're all house training everything when you give them the aren't they know what you said and we say we who is weak a human staff I have yeah I have a wonderful couple has known me for 21 years oh great they love you are you sure about that I love them they probably like here's your child yeah men in your life ah okay tell me know first there was Edgar well if your career a first-timer I forgot about him fiction we forget about it well I mean he's probably fine somewhere high then there was that girl yeah 21 years you manage your career he'll manage my career and it was tremendous support never had to worry about my back with edger right you how great is Joe he took care of me to care Melissa I there was a family unit very strong and then a couple of minor ones and then Orrin Lehman who is amazing amazing adored you'd like to block yeah no and Melissa didn't like Melissa didn't understand him first of all he had been wounded in World War two right till he lost a leg there's a language and said lost like the day before the war was over so nobody cared by the time he came out of the hospital you know the boys had gone off you know won't be the last man killed last night you got it and so everyone said all they saw was a man that was on crutches he was incredible breathing smart brave funny funny handsome I did whole package whole pack now you were together for how long about eight and a half years when he died what ended badly that's what I thought it ended better uh two ladies got ahold of he was getting a little dotty but I didn't care you know I was covering a lot of that and I there were two ladies that got a hold him on his credit cards and his lawyer called me and said uh why are you charging these things I said charging what things and one of the ways just take him to lunch and bye bye bye and I was so hurt I just I'm very stupid I never saw him or spoke to him again never even let him explain dry now regret that terribly he used to call me for a year ago home I couldn't the hurt was so intense the betrayal was so intense even if it's just lunch and a Gucci bag forgets that would have been enough okay that would've been a betrayal betrayal is betrayal is betrayal yeah I mean because it's really about tell me you're doing it and I'll say thank God you having lunch with this old you know I'm busy working that's not okay cuz that violates the trust if you don't have the trust we've got nothing you got it right never spoken for you yeah and and but you couldn't pick up them you couldn't say yes or any look let's have dinner let's time time by the time by the time I did it was so far gone he was a little bit yes it was over a year and a half to two years old was just sand art you collect art Vincent Price was like my father wonderful was he really yes like my father right right right Georgia but he we just had a good time to do art oh did he know and so he helped me collect so I collect a little bit but very minor but I love what I have so what would you hope happens this year to Joan Rivers then between 2010 you've got this movie that people love and love you it already won awards you saw how many people are saying wonderful things about it you like it it makes you feel like it's a gift it's a gift to expect nothing you're doing a documentary and to have it people calling me I mean Justin Hoffman I'm coming in and say I wanna come say what I want to get you I want to meet you and coming up and having dinner with me oh yeah and saying you're artists and I'm trying to be cool dude in the table and totally missing my mouth he was talking the thing that is always entreat me to about you as I said you read a lot a lot a couple of books a week or something like that yeah what do you read nonfiction mostly really I mean you would read a story about the read a biography of a politician or a book now war I guess I'm reading a book oh yeah I just read voraciously you go find him at the bookstore to have somebody that so now that's my cherry yeah hey Jen I used to go every Saturday night to bookstores and the deal was if you like it buy it don't look at the price and I still do that go if you see something you like hey take it I like a book yeah I don't like you don't like a Kindle I like no your phone no no that's all right like a book and what about technology like a like an iPad I I have my iPad you do I do my emails yeah that's right I live with my blackberry but do I like it I hate it I get so angry because you get what what makes you angry again it's separating you again it's one less you in contact when people say well I emailed you but you didn't talk to me yeah it's again one step away from any kind of community real communication a little bit about you and Melissa I explained the relationship to me because a lot of people got to know her because of the stuff you do at the Oscar yes yes she's wonderful smart loyal kind good I am a wonderful mother you're a wonderful mother she's a wonderful mother yeah but are you a wonderful mother I think I was a very good mother I think that's why someone said me that's why she's a very good mother but I think she's just terrific I think she gets a very bad deal people who don't I don't mean us seriously you don't take us seriously she's such a good thank god she's producing now on e and doing an amazing job so she she's not on camera but she's present camera now we're doing a show together reality show we're starting together what's that going it's cool mother knows best for the question and we just get ready for you in it it's perfect it's never as quick as you are that's made for you but I watched you yesterday we wrote eight episodes yesterday and she just was terrific and he's so proud of it what is your child you don't feel sorry for Conan O'Brien in terms of oh yeah I really said yeah 40th you're fired here's 40 million dollars man at a minimum an admit and then he goes boohoo boohoo they put me out of ice but then he goes and pushing George Lopez out of his spot nobody knows the second equation so how do you feel about Lenovo perfect where he is put you to sleep no problems you never say I kind of setup watch this let us great way is you can go to sleep is is show business the whole thing of your passion it's it's I understand when people say like and this is I don't mean to it sounds so you could just go it's like a nun's calling I never could ever think of doing anything else when I could put two thoughts together as a child that's where I was going didn't know I was gonna get there but that's why I was going show business show biz what was it was it was it because you get this sense of what joy joy Laurence Olivier one of the greatest actors everyone said to him what do you think when you go onstage and he said to me I think this is my space this is where I belong and I walk onstage I'm so happy to be there but you're lucky that you're doing what you love to do how Vincent van Gogh painted with candles in his hat brilliant I will use it he wanted to see so he had can you gotta see this movie documentary Joan Rivers a piece of work can I tell him how oh you are you don't tell me it doesn't make any meaningful thing to me 77 77 Oak it's so great to see you it's great oh really I mean I would thrust me most about this is just because it just gives people a chance to understand and see and it reminds us of how good you are know it reminds you how great an interview you are because you sit here and you just feel like you're talking to a friend Joan Rivers the movie is called a piece of work
Channel: Ran
Views: 285,174
Rating: 4.8809876 out of 5
Id: lnedUOs0NiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 58sec (1618 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 16 2018
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