Is Emilie Worth Pulling? | Genshin Impact 4.8 Pre-Release Discussion

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okay my super fam e pre-release discussion time the girl where she pops basically out of nowhere at least until whole universe actually mentioned her in her announcement or you know maybe her name has been mentioned here and there but I didn't you know touch on the story too much so I kind of miss on her but overall it's usual guys we release discussion we go through everything that we kind of know about Emily and try to discuss as much insight into her before her release as we can but obviously a very big disclaimer is that everything here is just going to be kind of like pre-released data it's not going to be official confirmation into her in any way and more or less just going to you know keep you guys hype for the new and upcoming character while waiting for her official release now guys if you've been watching some of my video you know that I've been recommending you guys loot bar for around three times before and I believe that it work pretty well for you guys so if you don't know what loot bar is they actually help you to top up primo jams with very safe and secure transactions while having lower pricing discount and a very much trustworthy service with over over 100,000 orders with the majority of the reviews being five star so check out loot bar through the link in my description guys if you usually top up I say it's a very good way to get Premo jams with lower pricing now first off guys most important thing is definitely going to be her skill and kit but I'm pretty sure that you guys has already heard quite a lot about her skill either from you know the canion live stream or other YouTubers video and moreover if you have haven't already then I've already discussed kind of in depth into SK kit in this video so you can technically also check it out because I want to leave the time for other discussion is that also take a lot of time and which we'll be talking about Emily right here is that one of the most important thing you want to remember is Emily is made for burning right burn that into your mind because on top of everything else she is a dendro character there for a while if you want to force it yet you can leave her on any other dendro team then she can still work but you're only going to take out like you know 25% of her Max potential if she's not in burning therefore Emily technically has to be on a burning team right and so how we can kind of view it is that she's going to be a burning sub DPS that has more damage potential than nahita because well the problem with you know dendro support like naha or dendro main character is that they actually don't really do damage they're more like just there for the buffing as well as the dendr application for you and then for stuff like burning reaction is still always been considered to be one of the worst reactions while obviously because burning reaction doesn't really help you to do that much damage well even if Emily is there and she's more toward a burning team and most of the time you are going to have consistent burning reaction up and while yeah you're going to do damage but overall that's not going to be that much of a damage and therefore it comes down to the fact that well how much damage can Emily really do which of course if we look into Emily's scaling that's yeah that's pretty good which is actually a good sign for Emily however if we're going to be diving in in a bit more depth then when we look into burning what kind of burning team actually exists and that's kind of like where the first problem come in because the problem is that burning has quite a few issue and first one is something I've just mentioned is that yes you will be doing burning attack however it's just going to be quite a little bit of damage and then secondly this time around you may be thinking that it's more going to be for pyro application specifically and while kind of sad to say that pyro application isn't a lack of thing in anion right now and if you really want to have good good Pirro application at this point there is a team that unironically is very similar DPS to most burning team right now and that is actually Sunfire jeene which yes Sunfire genene is a pretty interesting team and can do decent damage but on paper not many of us actually use Sunfire Gene if that's the case then now who's going to be willing to step down the ladder and say wow I'm going to do that as well with a burning team right that's going to be an issue with a burning team right now is that definitely we already have much better pyro applications if you take a look on the cryo side we don't actually have fast enough applying cryo unit which prefer melt and on the hydro sides all the hydro usually they're either the one which don't wants to vape and want someone else to vape for them or they still just going to be better way of giving them specifically pyro application anyway and that is the combination of you know like Shang Ling and Kasa and there you go job done right and other issue that we may have to consider right now is like what is there going to be an incentive for you using burning over the things that we already have right because the answer before Emily there's basically no reason for you to do so right now Emily is a little bit less forcing than some of the specific character you know like nuu or chevo right nilu and chevo you are really pretty much forced for them on a specific team Emily doesn't really do that which is at least an okay thing for now so the problem that Emily might be facing is now is that on paper and if you're looking into the character thems Emily is actually pretty good character however when you're looking into t Synergy just because you can do something well doesn't always mean that you can pair up with another character and make the team to be very good like for example just because you can have a lot of good healing doesn't mean that you can be the best partner for finina right well for example Chi heals a lot but obviously she's not the best partner for finina that's kind of like an issue that Emily has right now which we really don't want to miss out however on the bright side it's that again her damage while if up until the official release they don't change anything then her damage is really good and you're going to be see her doing pretty big number and so if any of you who you know love big number you're going to be at least lacking on that part which while with all the discussion that we've just had let's have a look into some of the possible teams that she can have right now which first let's have a look into cryo while cryo if we're going to be burning then obviously we're thinking about burn melt all right and there's technically like two burn M team that works okay before Emily and that first off is going to be burn G you however that I don't recommend you to go this team with Emily because first of all the top team tier Mel team for ganu right now it's kind of like ganu Shing sukos and Benet or if you want your Kaza then yes Kaza in suk's place and it's got top tier DPS yes can compete into top tier team as well however this team is very hard for you to use we already kind of know how well quotequote G you do without a shield if you are not an expert at using ganu right so having ganu on a Burma team that risk decreasing her own HP with burning reactions not to mention sometimes you might come across Hydro enemies that cause SRO CS to appear on top of that without a and all the skill required for you to time your M correctly that's probably not going to be an ideal team that you want to work in another one will be Risley and I think rley bout team is going to be pretty decent while having Emily on it if you really really want to go that route for real however the kind of sad part right now for Emily is that she's going to be in a pretty big competition with another real best team is that that's going to be real finina B and shanling that team is actually very very good because you've got shanling there who getting over the VAP and melt which is actually really good so that's something you have to keep in mind now let's have a look at Hydro unit and right now I'm predicting that one of the best team Emily may be having is going to be on a net team obviously it's just prediction at this point in time with all these team we really have to test everything out when Emily comes for a final conclusion but on paper right now Emily on new team does have a lot of potential because net Vape is obviously very good and with the introduction of Emily you can possibly run a a nlet team alongside with Emily furina and Shang Ling and oh oh my God that team does have huge damage potential another team that you can run is obviously going to be furina Vape where you have furina shanling Bennett and Emily that team can also be very very good as well especially if you have a C6 Bennett you can have like furina being on field applying pyro on top of everything else as well and another interesting team while if you really want to forces out is maybe a Siege wi team this is probably us trying to salvage Siege as much as we can because now you can have like a Siege finina Bennett and a Emily team right with furina once again being on the field driving and sieg Queen is kind of good here because we know one of the best thing that seeg Queen can do is to buff your e skill damage and while that goes for finina and Emily e skill and considering how good of a sub DPS damage those two character have this team might have good potential as well I'm very looking forward to actually try this team out and see how well sieg Queen can actually be here and you know we're trying to Hop Fish wi into the meta as much as we can here other team we may potentially have is maybe ban is it's still way maybe at this point because verian team has always been kind of having issues where technically there's always a little bit too much burning and we usually need like two units of hydro or ideally while another Hydro or cryo or Electro to get rid of it right and still right now we know that Emily D reaction is not good so Emily herself would definitely won't be able to keep up the burning reaction by herself and you always want to pair that up with a second General unit and ideally that is going to be naha on the team which is where the problem is right there because you will now have to rely on Toma which will of course swapping out a Benet for aoma you can kind of know how much of a downgrade that actually is right but while there are still potential and we will still have to test out whenever she comes other than that mono pyro always call it mono burning where you know you have Emily Benet as well as shling alako and Kaza on that team or if you want to give Emily an easier time then you can swap out Kaza with naha on that team and it will still do well other interesting consideration would be you know if you want to force the idea then you can have an overload burning team where you know we might have a sing graad for Sino team with you having like Soo fishal Toma and Emily on that specific team because in the past the problem with Soo is that he never had a general support character that can keep up with his onfield time right you're just expecting at least around 15 to 18 second onfield time for Soo and naha is really bad for Soo if you are in wave situation she's already good if you are in Solo boss situation but most of the time the abyss has wave situation which naha has never been really good and you have to rely on dendro MC but now with the introduction of Emily you might be able to have like you know a Sino bur overload team and that can be good for Sino but other than that once again it's still very questionable if this is going to be a realistic case that you can use on top of you know many many other good teams out there for gine that we already have right most of the time many of this team might just going to be you on the preference case and use it for fun because oh my God there's so many good Ki impact team at this point in time that Emily is really much in a competition for moving on let's look into her best weapon now before we touch on best weapon let's discuss a bit about energy regen because Emily burst actually do quite decent damage for you so her burst up to is kind of important at time obviously it's not the most important thing because the skill does all the damage mostly but also if you look into it Emily energy cost is quite low 50 energy is not something you really have to stress over and I'm really happy that they leave a 50 energy cost for Emily however due to the fact that her e skill probably not going to be helping her regen that much of a parkour especially when sometimes you may have em on a solo dendro team you may be expecting to build a bit of energy regen onto it right but I would just tell you that I don't think that's too much going to be a problem because first of all in realistic case we can see that naha is a character that also have a 50 energy cost and while even though naha can regenerate herself a bit faster than em here and there we can still basically have naha burst up every rotation because sometimes you still don't have to think just about Emily herself but from your other support character as well because think about it how many of you are going to be using you know either a Bennet or you know a yalon possibly on an Emily team some times right or you know a furina on your specific team and how many of you are probably going to be having a fonus Benet or fonus fura or you know if a bonus yon those character still help you to regenerate a lot of particles and therefore mitigating Emily eny requirements by quite a lot so overall when it comes to building best artifacts and best weapon most of the time I don't think you will have to stress too much about having her energy recharge main start and if you do get an energy recharge on substat that's great otherwise it is okay for you to have burst every other rotation now when it comes to a best weapon oh my God it's AUM her signature so good on her I don't know why they make this much of a good weapon because on top of all the good crit rate that you have good base attack moreover you're getting so much attack buff from the passive and you also have energy regeneration wow what are they cooking with this weapon it's kind of like a must have weapon for Emily because it's such a huge difference compared to her other options the second best option is technically going to be the Calamity quila the lumos is basically around a 20% better than Calamity other than that right most of the other five star option for start stick that is going to be fine you know like H bortex scarlet and then J spe as well as engulfing well sure you can use that but coming down to the fourar option is this is where it starts to become a huge difference because the best option for her fourstar right now is going to be a death match and that is lock behind battle pass right you have to buy a battle pass for her to have a good fourstar option after that best for free to play It's like a lithic spear with high stack all right so you're forced to use her in a leeway team to get off your stack but if your lithic beer is on low refinement as well as you having no stack you better off just use all the freet to playay options which next in line is kind of like a missive wind spear which is like an event weapon and most of you probably don't have this because G impacts really sucks to the point that they haven't got any event weapon rerun at this point so I also can't recommend this where the best reasonable free to play option right now is going to be kind of like a Kain Cross or a white hassle for a freeo Play Weapon so if you're looking at it the difference between her signature weapon as well as your reasonable free toplay option is kind of like a 60% difference which makes it if you guys are going for Emily it's either you going for her signature or you get the battle pass and go for a death match like that is really something you have to think about this really sad situation for you know free to play Emily WS because it's just so so weapon gated I don't think we've seen such a character with this much weapon gated before that it's really suddening to see that hoio verse is doing this for the first ever burning character that we have in the game for best ARA guys is pretty simple it's either going to be the burning set or deepwood now if you've already got alino and been farming for the Bon of Life set you've got spare burning set then just overall the burning set is going to be the best for her however you do have to obviously consider you know how much resence you are farming in each of the domain because if for example you don't have alino or other character that use the B of Life set most likely the Deep wood is going to be more resource efficient for you especially when you are having Emily as a soul dandal character on your team however for example if you're running a double dendro you've already got like naha for example on awood then yes should be on the burning set then so basically you really do have to look into the situation in which kind of team you are building her and how good of artifact sets that you already have on your account other than that uh the golden troop now it's not going to be as good as either deepwood or the burning set so I really don't recommend you to use this set unless you have very very good subst start and you can't really have the resource to go and farm the other two sets now other than that a two-piece set is actually very good of you know attack or dendro or double dendro if you want but I rather have an attack in general two piece set now this is very good also is because it's a lot easier for you to get good subst starts on these pieces so yes if it's more resource efficient for you to go that way two-piece is actually very very good now for the main start it's actually just going to be attack dendro and crit depending on which start you're missing and as for sub start yeah you know crit ratio obviously the best attack percentage and so if you have energy regen that's also good too all right now let's look into the constellation her C1 is actually pretty good right you're basically getting getting a 20% more damage for her e skill as well as her passive one which is the one that actually increases her AOE dang damage right 600% get extra 20% increase into that not to mention her sense drw from her skill is going to be a lot faster now so kind of like once per seconds helping her to be able to trigger her passive Talent a lot faster so C1 is actually okay C2 yes very spicy too right a 30% decrease in resistance while it's pretty good C3 right also pretty decent you get an extra three level of our talent skill a pretty good stopping point if you are really investing into your Emily the C4 is okay you get more burst up time for like you know a maximum of around 5 Seconds now and the rate at which your burst actually hit your opponent is quite faster too so overall this is still an okay constellation C5 has more burst damage then yeah that's pretty good and C6 just basically turns her into kind of like you know an onfield DPS for a couple of second and obviously you know it's all kind of like a C6 stuff where it helps you to have a very high damaging onfield Emily for a couple of seconds then yeah it is a C6 after all now overall as you can see the constellation investment is looking into Emily it's actually not that bad however here is going to be a very big discussion to this part is that when you're looking into pooling Emily or investing into Emily versus some other good character that we're having into gion impact is going to be some of the most important parts in this video that you want to be mindful of is that obviously there are going to be opportunity cost whenever you are using your premium jams to PVE for a character right very big note here is that if you are pulling for Emily you want her weapon over any other constellation that you may be guessing to pull right because while when you're pulling for a weapon sometimes it can be an equivalent to a C2 character if you are unlucky but on top of that considering if you already thinking about investing into Emily and you are somebody who are looking into the meta then while I'm just going to be listing out some of the other very good and better character than Emily at this point in time that you may want to consider right like for example a net or his C1 an alino or C1 alino a nahita or technically a C2 nahita if you're going for constellation a yon if you haven't already or you know if you get yon to C2 oh my God the C2 yon is very very good or you know investing into a fuina all the way to her C2 constellation which is a C2 constellation furina basically Works in any possible team that you can think of not to mention all the buffing that she has access to and while you know Cher on top nuu is going to be coming back still one of the best character in the game and while if you're investing into nuu consolation or the way to C2 nuu C2 is also pretty spicy so while those are just a couple of character that I'm you know suggesting that they have more potential of investment than Emily at this point in time which is something that you might want to consider because once again yes if you're looking into Emily as a sole character and you don't think about any other characters in the game then yes Emily kit is actually very very good and also her constellation actually buff her a lot but whenever you're comparing you know the usage of your premium Gams Onto You other character pools because while I'm pretty sure most of us is not aware right even for dolphins or freeo play player you guys still have to think about premium gems so I really have to put it out there and give some consideration other than Emily pooling right and so basically I think we've discussed pretty much everything about Emily in terms of pre-release information that we've got at this point in time and here's going to be my overall thought right um as I've mentioned if we look into em kit as a so character her kit looks very very good however if you're thinking about putting her in the team where in realistic cases her team syy is a little bit hard to deal with at this point in time because well I've already discussed a lot about this in the team sections and I feel that Emily kit at this point in time we don't see the full potential yet it's because you know HSE might be planning this for nutland character coming in the future where you know in the future where we'll have more character that resonates really well with Emily for example you know like a pyro sub DPS character that has very good buffing and Pyro application right which is a perfect character for Emily at this point in time and we don't really have a truly good pyro character that can do that at this point yet the only way we can do it at this point is going to be you having both Bennett and shanling on the team taking up two slot in your specific team therefore it's not always efficient but other than that Emily power level is very very good it's very spicy damage and also her e skill just like you know finina and some other character like y Miko you don't need to trigger a no more attack in order for you know her e skill to be activated un likee y lingo considering HSE has been releasing some very good DPSS recently that don't use their noral attack for example like net Lenny or you know to certain extent Navia right and while even though Emily is a dendro character that can technically be put in any general team and she can still work however you still have to use her in burning team otherwise she basically almost deal no damage so that's all we can see about Emily right now but here is a big but obviously this are all pre-release information everything we've discussed in this video just take everything with a grain of salt because we're basing our discussion on the information that have not been release so while everything we'll have to wait until Emily actually comes and make our decision then so guys I think that's everything I have to say about Emily at this point in time if you are planning to PVE for character in patch 4.8 yet you still on the fence and I really have a good video for you guys to check it out so be sure to watch the video as I'm sure it will be very helpful to you if you are new to the channel don't forget to subscribe give the video a like and comment to support the video and I will get to you guys guys in the comment section I really appreciate you guys staying with me to this part of the video guys and with that I wish you a super day and I will catch you on my next video
Channel: SuperaTom
Views: 3,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact game, genshin impact gameplay, genshin impact news update, genshin impact guides and tips, SuperaTom, SuperaTom Genshin Impact, superatom rpgs, supera, tom, supera tom, SUPERA TOM, emilie worth it?, should you pull for Emilie?
Id: 2NHALy9dmyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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