Jimmy Swaggart Sunday Service 1993: Gideon's Band of Three Hundred

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[Music] [Music] [Music] that's me laughs even we shall sing again we shall see we shall see he's Michael [Music] I wish the just [Music] we shot me the we shall see we shall see [Music] we stopped seeing the game we shall see [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] please stop me [Music] [Music] to the Kings return are you looking forward to the return of the Lord of lords and King of Kings we shall see the king we shall see [Music] in the blood of the lab we worship you we worship you turn in your hymnal please to number 193 193 I know hi [Music] ah Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] goodbye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] god [Music] [Music] his name is Emmanuel God with us praise the Lord this morning hallelujah hallelujah why don't you turn around and greet those around you and let's welcome them this morning to this Sunday morning service here at Family Worship Center everyone is welcome this morning and for those of you that are joining us in the Family Worship Center home churches we welcome you as well it's going to be a great day in the Lord today I believe something good is about ready to happen hallelujah hallelujah but wherever his presence and his spirit is something good happens praise the Lord today is a very special day it's graduation day here at the Bible College and the seminary hallelujah and we welcome this morning all of the friends and family of the graduates that have come to join us tonight you are so welcome we're so glad to see you and as well I see many of our regular folk that have been away for a while I see Glenn Neal back home from college at oru and we're just so glad to have him back I see Norman grinning from ear to ear he's happy to have his son back and we're so happy to have him as well and I see so many other faces and we just welcome you this morning and it's going to be a great day just a couple of quick announcements that I want to make we're in desperate need of some volunteer nursery workers and so if some of you mothers or grandmothers or young teenage girls 7 16 17 wouldn't mind helping us if we could get enough volunteers we would only need to use you about one or two Sundays every 2 or 3 months that's all if we could get enough volunteers and this is a very important ministry and I want to tell you if you want to be a service to the work of God through Family Worship Center join us and help us in our nursery workers and we need some wedding consultants to I don't know what in the world a wedding consultant does but I've been told that we need some so if you want to be a wedding consultant see share it now if you don't know anything about weddings don't consult but if you would like to help us out we assure to appreciate it and today is communion Sunday as well and so I want to encourage everyone at the conclusion of the service don't be in a hurry don't leave stay and participate and join us in holy communion this morning as well do we have any first-time visitors this morning first time visitors would you raise your hand we want to recognize you way back in the back keep your hands raised please way back in the back right over here over here in this section right over here a whole row hallelujah we got a whole row of first-time vistas over here brother Hollis is that you is it David stand up David Hollis I just I can't believe that it must be 15 years since we have seen him from all the way from Dallas amen we go way back way back with this drug and I just happened to look over at our visitors and I saw this smiling face and I said that can only belong to one man a man it's so good to see brother Hollis this morning as well joining us all of our regular Family Worship Center people he wants you to sign in and to let us know you're here and drop in that sign-in sheet in the offering basket when it goes by you this morning as well and now the Family Worship Center Choir [Music] [Music] one day when heaven was filled with his crazy one day you will see I know it was black [Music] whoa my Jesus came for to be the virgin well the heat will [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is he [Music] [Applause] somebody's happy ah we shine bringing Oh do you feel [Music] [Applause] Pulido [Applause] [Music] you may be seated if you can my my my my I feel it in my feet I feel it in my I feel it in my soul [Applause] [Music] Lord let your Holy Ghost you may can see that if you can't Oh hallelujah praise God praise God praise God praise God praise God I've only been gone a week and oh I say I've we have been going just a week and we enjoyed it so much and I think Claude and Elizabeth fuller for making it possible for us to go but I missed being here and I'm glad to be home now I just want to tell you this morning I hadn't been in church in a week and I don't care what you do I'm having church you can do what you want to you can go to sleep you can stay you can leave you can go you can shout you can cry you can do anything you want to but I'm gonna have me a Royal old-fashioned heartfelt Holy Ghost Heaven Sent devil Jason tendon Kim and true blue red-hot blood both God given Jesus loving can't meet me in my soul well glory hallelujah ah I don't know what I would do if I'd stay out of church two weeks I think I'd lose my mind I think I thought a couple of times I was gonna get right up in the middle of that Beverly Hilton and just preach you said they'll think you're crazy honey I Got News for You that they get anyway so what difference does it make oh you never looked so good I don't I know I look terrible to you but you look great to me I want you to know that well most of you do anyway Gordon it's so good to see y'all back we have missed you and don't you ever let the rain keep you away again is it raining out there now Sam where are you would you stand we're so glad to have you yes sir you would you give him a hand he pastors down in and closed in Laredo and Laredo and we're just so happy to have you I want you to know that just just don't get in a hurry don't don't stand halfway just come on stand up that's good are you enjoying that grand grandson you just met him five minutes ago well does he look like you are I don't blame you I don't blame you if I had a brand-new grandson I wouldn't pay any attention to any preacher we're glad to have you give him a hand would you do that brother Sam Lopez your last name is Lopez isn't it he wouldn't pay any attention to me he was looking at the baby oh and it's so good to see you and we're anticipating a great service tonight whatever you do you don't want to miss it you want to be here will you say well graduations are generally formal ceremonial kind of dull a little bit boring honey this one to use some incorrect grammar ain't gonna be so you be here and I love these services the one I'm talking about Sunday month tonight but there's one thing I greatly dislike about it we'll have to give up some of these young men and young ladies Larry but we just don't like to give up I'm gonna be honest with you we love them so very very much they become a part of this ministry Francis and I were getting off the plane yesterday afternoon and two of our students were getting on the plane and they were going I think to Canada I believe and boy it was like pulling my heart out to watch them go and I told Francis I said God's gonna love you I know those two I said God's gonna use them he's going to use them well praise the Lord how you feeling this morning that's good you'd be surprised just well I won't say that I'll leave but a Francis has been good to me this week yeah I gave her five dollars to spend while we were gone no she gave me five dollars that's the way it works well praise the Lord we want to pray for the sick now I believe God to touch to heal to stir to loose to unbind and for those of you in the home churches how so thrilled we are to have you I want you to know that you're special to us and I'm thrilled that the reports we're getting from the home churches all over America and Canada and even other parts of the world and we're just you're part of us some of you have never met but I love you and I want you to know that many of you I have you're special to us and if we are any blessing that's the Lord if we're not that's us it's about the way that it is so we want you to come forward and you in the home churches I want you to believe God where you are and if you don't have a need if you need to healing whatever I want you to come and stand around this octagon and the elders are going to anoint you with oil just to have from [Music] [Music] Oh - this woman needs a touch this woman needs [Music] my suits the phrase for a purpose the game [Music] is amazing father in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus a charge sister [Music] I played for this lovely lady that your spirit would move within her and upon her touch her of the beef that is there my brother arrested in the name of Jesus [Music] so away [Music] [Music] hallelujah to the lamb go reach and touch them [Music] [Music] knees sink I smile it touch that one it signals to hurt Oh touch the mole move up on the board and deal that attrition thank God [Music] Oh [Music] see my star one shot [Music] just lifts Ramanujan Oh just sing [Music] she goes please see by this long your needs [Music] I feel like we ought to sing this again without the music and I want you to just believe him he's here today I don't have any doubt about that he's here he said we're even two or three are gathered in my name and we are in his name gathered in his name and I want you to let him touch you by faith as he goes by just close your eyes and worship sing it with us [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] please God thank you Jesus heaven Lord we love you this morning we worship you and we ask that you move and do what you want to do what you like to do it's not our service it's yours it's not our platform it's yours we are just vessels you can sit us on the table wherever you like you can put in us whatever you like we're yours you can use us as you desire we belong to you and we thank you and we love you so much praise the mighty and the holy name hallelujah to go thank you Jesus well it's time to receive the tithe and the offerings and I we need in eé éé need we need your help this morning very much and I'm going to ask you if you could give a little extra to do so please I won't tell you now why and about a month from now I will and I'll guarantee you this you say well why won't you tell us not well I just can't tell you right now but whenever I do tell you you will say brother Swaggart I'm so glad I gave a little extra I'll promise you that take my word for it so we need this help and we thank you so very very much for your faithfulness and your generosity father in the name of Jesus as we give to you today we do so with a heart of joy for your word says that you love a cheerful Giver and I just thank you Lord that you love us when we give when we give in faith we give not out of a covetous heart but out of a generous loving heart to prove the sincerity of our love that's what Paul said and in the name of Jesus I'm asking you that the offering today father would be just a little bit better than it normally would have been because of the need that I've mentioned and I'm asking you right now to go with Jim and Moscow give him wisdom in dealing with these people and I'm praying that you would move Lord it's not hard at all for you to move on a heart that doesn't know you you can do it easily and I'm asking you to do it in the mighty and the holy name of Jesus and bless these people abundantly so a man and a man I'm going to ask everyone to stand and give me the key of F please and and I want you to walk around these come up down these aisles and put your offering in the boxes and come with a glad heart give me some eights [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] ah Oh Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Oh whoa Oh [Music] [Applause] Wow got a sing [Applause] Oh well give the Lord a hand praise God you may be seated for those of you that cannot walk up here for whatever reasons we'll ask the ushers to pass among you [Music] there's a leak I kept seeing something I thought Lord am I seeing something and I was seeing something Oh y'all are slow this morning I don't know what I'm gonna do with you [Music] when Francis and I started an evangelistic work in 1956 it's been a long time ago I have a penchant I can remember messages I preached that long ago that can tell you what happened not in every service but in a lot of the services but I've always had a problem remembering songs for some reason because I don't think in forms of words I think in forms of thoughts that made sense didn't it I had made a lot of sense anyway I would not I would not put words up here and this is one of the first songs that I started to sing years and years ago Francis can remember words she can't remember thoughts but she can remember words gotta get out of it someway and I love this song and may it be a blessing to you [Applause] you oh he puts flour [Music] on a lonely here [Music] and you're cupping so how can you turn around and say that goddess do when you're stuck [Music] there's one thing I'd like to know if God is dead rooster Snoopy with my son [Music] he gets a shelter [Music] the blobstore my weapon he gives us a lot of love that keeps us together [Music] but sometimes our lives gets lucky [Music] on a stormy sea [Music] when mistake blood broseph stop fighting up there [Music] helps me play my role if God is dead who's this living then by soul [Music] and when I'd leave the home the orchestra the ball goes over but are you there's a piece you control if you will [Music] homes painted on a full video if god is dead there's this daily my soul children second is one more time [Music] I saw her oddly people so the world [Music] the other side all this hold on man for you you can cross if you will [Music] toll was Oh God God is holy do it doggies is very in my soul if God is tan who's this living what God he is my soul [Music] [Applause] [Music] my man water shout he's living in my soul if God is dead who's that living in my soul praise God hallelujah well if you have your Bibles this morning turn with me please to the book of Judges chapter 7 verse 6 chapter 7 verse 6 and the number of them that left putting their hand to their mouths were three hundred men but all the rest of the people bowed down upon their knees to drink water and the Lord said unto Gideon by the three hundred men that left will I save you and deliver the Midianites into thine hand and let all the other people go every man into his place and I want to use for a subject Gideon's band of 300 would you bow your heads please father in the name of Jesus we're so grateful we love you lord lord I just thank you for what I sense in my spirit in my soul I thank you for your touch thank you for that which the world cannot give and actually knows nothing of I'm asking that every person here I don't know the several needs but thou knowest meet that knee touch that heart touch that soul anoint me to preach is your not them to hear a not the one within us that you only can anoint Christ helped us to decrease as you increase in I'll ask it in Jesus name and everyone said a man and a man the way of the child of God is the way of faith and yet sometimes I think that most Christians little understand that statement too specifically in the Pentecostal and charismatic realm we limit faith maybe not purposely but we limit it to money to healing and it certainly includes those things and I'm not minimizing the necessity or the need for such we wouldn't have called people up here to pray for them we would not have received an offering a moment ago and urged you to give and God would bless you but those things as imported as they are and they are important are only a part of this great life of faith because living for God is entirely a life of faith it is the foundation of your Christian experience and without faith it's impossible for you to even please God God is not a God of sight he's a God of the heart that you believe he purposely designed it that way when he started his book Genesis 1:1 he did not explain himself he did not try to reveal himself to man by the intellect by education knowledge these things he just simply said in the beginning God meaning that you are to take him by faith now a lot of people don't like that a lot of people would rather go by sight God will not deal with you by sight meaning I'll believe it if I can see it he won't work that way he works from the very opposite he works in the realm of that which you cannot see and in fact what you can see is the opposite of what he is going to do this story of Gideon and this is about the third or fourth message that I've attempted to bring on this momentous man of God Gideon it is entirely a story of faith your life is a life of faith your victory with God your place in God your position in Christ all is of faith how strong you are today whether you will continue equipped whether you will grow cold or whether you will grow hot it is all a matter of faith this ministry right here is a faith ministry and faith at times will be so severely tested that as we will study a little later in this message the weak the fearful and the faint-hearted will not be able to handle it and let me tell you this doubt can never see faith somebody said well I don't see anything happening I see everything happening now I want to say that again somebody said well I don't see anything happening they'll never see anything they wouldn't see God if he walked over them with his feet because that cannot see because doubt sees by sight and faith sees by the word let's say that again doubt cannot see I see what God is doing I see how he's moving I see the work that he's carrying out I see what he's doing in this ministry I see the door that he's opened in the former Soviet Union I see the doors that are opened in Africa and other parts of the world because I see it by faith but doubt cannot see that doubt will not support this work doubt will not support the taking of the gospel to the world because it can't see it it's too far away doubt will not come to this church not for long and at the time of my subject this morning it was a time of terrible trouble Midianites that were defeating the people of God that had been dispossessed from their inheritance that were in a sad state of despondency and even despair that were even resorting to bail worship if it ever looked bad in Israel it looked bad now but these are the times if God can find somebody to believe him that God can work hallelujah I want you to get that these are times that God can work if he can find somebody to believe him because God never works in the possible he always works in the impossible the more impossible the better he works the darker the brighter his light shines well glory to God and it looked that way in Israel of that day maybe it looks that way with some of you now I don't know but maybe it does maybe you don't have the answers you don't know what maybe it's physical maybe it's spiritual domestica and it's a time of your faith the Church of in its entirety I don't care what the name is on the door is going through a testing time of faith now and Donny preached it beautifully over television this morning it's some gold in this mix and he's going to bring the gold out hallelujah and it cannot come out but patty cake patty cake baker man it comes out by the fire and it burns it until finally the impurities are separated from it whenever John city of baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire that fire wasn't to play gleams games with you on a spiritual chessboard it was to burn out the dross in your lie and to separate the purity from the impurity so it was a time of terrible impossibility with Israel it was a time that God could move mightily if he could get people to believe him he doesn't need many and actually in the second verse he would tell Gideon and say something to him that he strains that is totally opposed to the flesh and to most of our thinking today and it's an area that God has had to really deal with me about I mean he's had to really work in my life and I'm beginning I think just beginning to learn a little bit about it he told get in when he amassed his army there were 32,000 incidentally he said are too many he's already scared to death how do you know he's scared he is he has asked God everything he can ask him Lord put the dew on the fleece and the fleece on the do put the dew on the grass and put the everything he can ask because he's going up against a number of people that is as grasshoppers for multitude and he's got 32,000 and probably they have a half-million and how in the world cannot defeat them with 32,000 and God says we're not going to use 32,000 you've got too many I'm trying to get something through to your heart you say I can't see how it can be done it can't be done with the eyes it can't be done with your eyeballs it can't be done with your intellect it cannot be done with your ability but God can do it I'm saying God can do it I'm saying God can do it I'm saying God can do it I don't know how we're gonna make it in the natural you can't but with God all things are possible you say I don't know what we're going to do do what he does you've got two minutes idiot Lord I've got too many a lot of churches have too many you see let me tell you what I am you don't care but I'm gonna tell you anyway I want everybody I want everybody to come i won't i won't i won't hypocrites to come I'm serious I want the sick to come the well to come I want those that don't believe to come those that do to come I want the black the white the red the yellow the brown I want them all to come and that is right that's proper but when it comes to a matter of faith but that's something else again you get what I'm saying we're not talking about the attendance rolls now we're talking about defeating the enemy we're not talking about how many we had in Sunday school Sunday morning we're talking about knocking the devil for a lute we're talking about overcoming the powers of darkness we're not talking about I had so many in how many did you have we're talking about people that have faith we're talking about defeating Satan we're talking about believing God but we're talking about holding that mighty hand of Jesus we're talking about believing God for the impossible [Applause] you understand what I'm saying we're talking about something entirely different than what most churches are talking about most churches and I'm not demeaning any other Church because we've done the same thing they're talking about something entirely different than what God is talking about and it sounds it sounds cruel but God's gonna get rid of a whole bunch of them most of them almost all of them it's not because he doesn't love them he does but he can't use them let me tell you what the church is doing the church is running a ground on three things it is literally losing its way on three things and all three illegitimate none are illegitimate all are legitimate it's running the ground on people money and education now let's say it again people money education all three are legitimate all three are necessary God loves people it takes money to run the thing and he places no premium on ignorance but the church thinks if we can just get these things and we'll compromise the message we will do whatever we have to do to get people and get money and we think if we can just be stored agree upon you you've got it made honey that piece of paper won't set one bondage free will not open one blind eye will not set at liberty any better Bruce are you understanding me today that's a reason that that's a reason that God said get away from psychology and philosophy and all of the EC's and get back to my word the set the Lord Francis and I pastored Church day before yesterday big church the preacher built it by saying what do the people want I'll find out what they want he took a poll of thousands found out what they want and gave them Paul had something to say about that he talked about teachers having itching ears I want to know what you won't now give it to you honey that won't help you any it's the set the Lord a people money education we're destroying our way we're wrecking ourselves we're destroying our purpose for being our purpose for being is not numbers our purpose for being is not money our purpose for being is not education although all of those things are important in their place he said Gideon you have too many because God is looking for faith and not for numbers you've got some churches in the land today that will have ten thousand and it's just bloated fat you've got some few that will have fifty and they'll shake their City for God sometimes there are some that have ten thousand and I'll shake their city for God I'm not saying it's wrong to have numbers I'm saying that that's not what God's looking for he's looking for faith looking for somebody that'll say I believe you everything that you are that you have that you do that pertains to you and God is is anchored in faith you believe it or you don't believe it and let me tell you it's easy to believe God whenever your pockets full of money you don't have a pain in the world everybody's patting you on the back everybody is loving you singing your praises it's easier to say I have faith let them take faith in God a good public relations man can get you that real faith is always really tested and it's whenever things are rough and so in this test of faith God will tell Gideon you have two minutes and he said the reason that I want some of these people to go home is because they will think that by their own hand they were saved ah now we're getting to the core of it if you built a building like I built one you would be able to touch your city for God if you do did this and did that they will think that they were saved by our own hand that is our biggest problem we want to think we've had something to do with it we have played a part in it we have contributed toward know let me let me say this I don't want to say it right I don't want to say it wrong I'm staying here to help brother Swaggart well I'm so thrilled to have you but that's not the reason for staying you get me that's not the reason because if you do that you're still I want you to love them and you should love me but your eyes are not to be just only they're to be on Jesus Christ [Applause] [Music] because if it's all in me you'll leave it a little bit because it sure is a world I'll preach something some Sunday morning you won't like and we won't see you anymore or the crunch will come and we'll just about we will we'll need money and we don't have money well if they were really doing what God wanted them to do they'd have plenty money and you'll fly the coop but if you're here because of Jesus Christ if you're here because of the Word of God if you're here because of faith in God if you're here propose I believe God that's your statement it's not by my hand or your hand of their hand but it's by God's hand unless they say by their hand they were saved and let me tell you God can get you to a place to where that your hand can't save you and that's really what he wants done he wants you to be brought to the place to where that your hand cannot save you nor any other man's hand can save you but it's strictly God and God's going to put Gideon in a position to where that it's all God and none of gideon or none of israel God has Family Worship Center in a place to where it's all God I want to tell you I keep saying this but yet you know the odds are so much against us about 10 trillion to one I mean if you come to this church will be laugh depth Lampoon criticize if you support this ministry people will laugh at you and say you're crazy you're out of your mind if you come to this Bible College they'll tell you that you don't you'll never get a place to preach you'll never have anybody that won't you and they'll laugh and make fun of you and that's exactly where God wants you so your hand cannot save you but he can open the door he can close the door he can do the doing this is what he's doing with Gideon and Israel this is what he's teaching up so he said I want you to send everyone that's fearful and faint-hearted send them home out of 32,000 22,000 pack their bags and leave believe me I know how Gideon felt I don't want that to sink in he's standing there and the Lord says nay you tell this great crowd of 32,000 and everybody that's fearful and faint-hearted you see this is the opposite of faith this is a step the Lord is not just saying well of what will I do now to get so-and-so everything is a test everything is a step everything is a plan conceived by the holy spirit for his particular purpose that he may glean out of it that which he desires so the fearful and the faint-hearted fears the opposite of faith fear hath torment there are people in that crowd 22,000 of them that would be a drag they wouldn't be beloved we won't we're facing a half-million Midianites I don't know how many it was but the scripture said like grasshoppers that they just covered the whole valley may have been a million who knows and Lord get in when he says the words I know what he must have thought I pray it's only eight or ten because these are your people God these are Israelites God's chosen recipient of the law and recipient of the miracles and it couldn't be many that are fearful and get in almost faints you say how do you know all of this Bible didn't say you almost fainted I'll tell you in a minute when it looks like the whole thing's leaping twenty-two thousand out of Lord what are you doing God cannot use the fearful why aren't you well I'm afraid that I'm afraid that the Midianites will whip us I'm afraid that we will get killed I'm afraid that I'll get a sword through my stomach I'm afraid that gideon is out of his mind i'm afraid that he doesn't know what he's talking about whoever in a war heard of Gideon anyway and I'm afraid so God says go home I don't need you get in say it all my lord 22,000 people pack their bags and leave and the ranks are considerably thinned that's my biggest problem is fear that's your biggest problem fear fear cannot believe God fear sees the obvious fear sees Midianites fear sees how small we are and how large they are fear seized the debts fierce here's the doctor say thus and so fear says your kids are going to hell fear says they're not gonna make it they left because they did not believe Gideon was going to make it are you hearing me they did not believe that Gideon was going to make it they believed he was going to be defeated he was going to be whipped he was going to be destroyed and they run oh you see fear and faith are so close they are so close they really are you that have faith and I'm trusting everyone in this place does but maybe some of you don't but you that have faith are fighting fear constantly now you really are because that's Satan's greatest method of attack Satan comes against you what do you mean fear I mean when he sees you and he grips you and says in your heart in your spirit something that's the opposite of the word of God I'll just give you some general generalizations he can whisper to you you've got kids it's in trouble and he can tell you they're not gonna make it because it doesn't look like they are I don't mean they're in an altar shouting and speaking in tongues and fasting half the time and reading the Bible I don't mean that I met they're out here just acting a fool and they look like they're not gonna make it and fear says they're not gonna make it it's easy to succumb to that right because everything you see points to that what you see points to a youngin that's going in the opposite direction of God that that's going as far from God as they can go that's all messed up and everything else but faith says uh-uh faith says devil you're a liar faith says Satan you are a liar God has promised me in his word that if I raise a child in the way they ought to go when he gets older it shall not depart from it faith says if we believe all things are possible unto Him that believe that the faith says the finitude you shall agree as touching any one thing older it shall be done for them of my father which is in heaven fate says I believe God hmm but let me tell you this if you run if Satan never makes you run and he'll do it so slightly I mean everything here looks looks like you ought to leave I meant you got you got 32,000 men fighting about 1/2 million and the 32,000 don't really have any weapons because the Midianites won't let them have any so everything looks like you're going out the direction takes real faith and say I'm not scared I believe God 10,000 of them remain and that 10,000 God's going to deal with it in a moment but 22,000 packed their bags now does God hate them no are they some type of outcasts no they're going to reap the results of the faith of the 300 but they will not be a part of the winning of that victory but God doesn't hate them God doesn't kick him he doesn't lock him in a head and condemn them to hell if he did what many of us be around because it's a whole lot of us and went home and got to thinking about it came back you hear me you're not here this morning whole lot went to that tomb but you came back whole lot left and said it's no use it's all over glory even the disciples that took a little short tail girl to bring them to their senses she said he's not dead he's alive hallelujah hallelujah Thomas said I don't care what you say I'll believe it it doesn't matter if you show me I got to put my hands in the holes in his side and feel the prints in his hand don't get fight mad that's been my problem squeeze the life out of that twenty two thousand at left I want to choke them oh you're quiet I know you're so holy you can't handle much of this I realize that I know you're just sitting on clouds and just laying back spiritually and throw them apart how holy I am I know you I know that but I want to kill that 22 thousand I want to scream I need them in God says but I don't hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thought you picked me church are you listen to me Church all you believe in me Church God didn't send them to hell they reap the fruit to our great victory but Gideon would win in the law [Applause] I'm wanting to tell something that I don't think I should it's either milk of meat and I'm not sure which to give you few bytes that tend to be from heart willing okay oh I had a pet somebody send me a letter the other day that a preacher wrote me I'm not didn't write me wrote them about me I don't know the man I wouldn't know if he walked in the door he set up there he was official and he was he was fishy I'll sit in the moment official and one of the denomination's and he started off by I'm a great friend I've been I've been a very close to Rhodes working I've never I've never met the Manimal after my knowledge never seen I'm sure maybe I did in passing somewhere but I don't have any recollection of and all of what he said mom I read it and it was like somebody took a fist and just hit me in the stomach I met he was good at what he did he was an expert at crucifixion I don't mean on the cross I mean putting them on the cross he knew how to do it and that night in prayer and even right over there where we have prayer I went down to pray and his face came before Meno I wanted to kill that rascal if I had had me if I had had me a good spear I'm a little out of practice now but I used to really know how to do it I got a nail that rascal right between the shoulder blades Kabam out would a part in his hair and left him nothing but oh what's that song they were singing when the Titanic was sinking nearer my God to thee and I started to pray and I'm telling you things that none of you've ever had to face and the flesh in me which all of you have totally conquered hey Sam love you but bless your heart and the fry for 10 minutes for 15 minutes for 20 for 30 minutes I wrestled with it and finally the Holy Spirit kept pushing and shoving and bringing my thoughts around and he said here's the way I want you to pray for him and when I prayed for him the way the Holy Spirit started telling me to pray for him which I knew in the beginning but it was so hard to do the Spirit of God not only failed it failed that whole place I mean I'm sure the people that was at prayer meeting that night a couple of weeks ago I'm sure whatever it was I'm sure they didn't maybe know all the but the glory fell in the place I was one of the greatest prayer meetings we've had in months and I started praying Lord show him the same kind of patience you've shown me be as long-suffering with him as you have been with me hallelujah love him like you love me be tender with him and gentle as you have been tender and gentle with me and man when I said it all of a sudden a love came in my heart for that man that I did not know so don't get too upset at that when it's not now I want to say something here and I want you to are you are you watching are you looking it is not them in us it may look that way and there may be a whole lot of people that have that in their mind it's them and it's sits at 22,000 at left and it's the 10,000 be honey he's going to get rid of some of the 10th out most of but it's not them in us they're all really in the same church well what kind of aren't they out of the will of God yes but don't think that you will never be out of the will of God again as long as you live you may get out of the will of God somewhere down the line and need somebody to love you alright the church has a habit of making it them in us us in them them in us won't work and so the Lord said to Gideon Gideon is standing in the middle of his army how we love our armies 22,000 didn't show up for church the next Sunday morning and I met this is the work of God on planet Earth this is it you might say not that yeah that that's it and 22,000 said we can't handle this I mean it was alright when we were having bake sales picnics at the Pavilion on Sunday afternoon and our pastor was the most famous man in the world nice then we're [Laughter] talking about you we're talking about Satan we're talking about war man it's headlines and papers and it ain't good news pitch rough we're talking about battle we're talking about fight men and all I've gots a little pocket knife don't worry about it and makes good glasses I don't think we this is missing I like to go to church where everything is nice this is Missy somebody might get killed I'm leaving Boys Lord says Gideon come over here he said Lord did you did you did you see 22,000 of them left and man we were already outgunned out Mandan I don't know what know where we're going to do the Lord did you know twenty two thousand five gone home the Lord I'm supposed to defeat the Midianites I've just got I've just got ten thousand left their mighty men but he said 'no Gideon here's what I want you to do you see this whole thing we're so accustomed to to following the flesh that following God gets a little scary at times it's a reason it takes faith Satan will put everything in the path and the Lord will allow him to do almost anything he wants why did the Lord allow somebody to steal our mail for a year I meant a good case of the flu would have stopped it I'm not joking a good Monday morning motorists mistake would have put him in a hospital for about six months I want to kill him I'm holy but the Lord allows Satan far more latitude than I enjoy and then he does I I mean I get the trembles when I realize that he might be there right now Satan saying Lord Lord says have you considered down there in Baton Rouge I want to say Lord nuts aloud have you considered you've knocked them down knocked them down knocked them down knocked them in a head knocked her teeth out and knocked them all over the place and you've knocked the choir and a head you knocked the musicians in the head you're not the Pew in the head you're not the pulpit in the head have you considered though they're still there hallelujah Satan have you considered that choir still singing have you considered those musicians are still playing have you considered that the preachers are still there have you considered the people are still worshiping have you considered that Academy still open have you considered that Bible College is still coming out Holy Ghost real students of the Lord with Jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] last night I got down to proc couldn't wait to get to pregnant I just could not wait have you ever fasted for two or three days and you just are hungry hello I prayed and about all we did in California was pray I'm serious and I worked on the commentary and and I how do you say it I ate is that correct well yeah but I meant if you're around Clyde fuller you will also eat beans and steak and he'll feed you oh how he will feed you I meant am i right yes I'm right and it was so enjoyable but I just oh I wanted to and I couldn't wait to get to the prayer meeting started praying and it was like eating concrete try that and I prayed and prayed and OH Satan Yong Yong Yong Yong Yong Yong Yong Yong Yong Yong Yong Yong Yong he can sing all four parts perfect harmony and I had really went on about 30 minutes and then finally I got through it I can't that's a spirit world it's what you call fight the good fight of faith and keep believing God and all of a sudden the glory fell I mean heaven came down and it didn't take but a few moments faith just and you say well and I'm about I want to say and I'm going to say it's so glorious will you say how is it glorious because whenever those things scum like that anything that Satan says mark it down on the other side if he says that ain't it is he says that's incorrect grammar but if he says it's not it is if he says you're not gonna make it he knows that you're gonna make it if he says it's not gonna be he lied Jesus says it lying the father of it you can just put it down this all right know the Lord so all right getting come over I got to talk to you minute he said there's a nice little stream of water over there and I want you to send everybody and I want you to tell them to go drink what are we going to do Lord well now everybody that gets down on their knees and laps the water out of the out of the creek you send them home and everyone that reaches down gets on our knees and reaches down with their hands and cups the water and puts it up to their mouths and then drinks out of their cupped hands keep them you say well that doesn't make a lot of sense faith never does and Gideon says oh Lord Oh God I pray that every one of them now I want you to hear this I pray they all will pick up the water with their cupped hands and and will lap it out of their hands instead of out of the creek Oh Lord we're down to 10,000 now and he watches them go to the creek and he can't find anybody well he does find a few one here and one there almost everybody gets on their knees and laps of water out of the creek Lord says send him home he says Lord nobody left well it's 300 left I've counted them when you're desperate you count them two three four five thank God you've you've left out of your hands instead of oh I thank God you didn't drink out of the creek thank God I'm so glad 300 and the Lord says now send the 9700 back to their place home I won't say two things when you get right down to it the Holy Spirit did not set this up I don't think as a type or a symbol but it was about one count in Gideon 301 it was about one percent that's stuck thirty two thousand three hundred and one left just about one percent when you get down to the whole church world that's just about it when you really I'm in I'm in the whole Christian world okay what name they go under what brand that's Catholic Protestant the like it's just about one percent that'll be there when the morning comes now I want to say something this is going to be a little heavy and I think you can handle it I don't think you'll you'll get perturbed I know a little bit about the work of God I was called when I was a child so I know a tiny bit about it not a lot but a little he said now these you see these that that bent over and were drinking out of the creek they were good people but a vigilant soldier doesn't take his eyes off the enemy you got me he keeps the scripture says watch and pray those others they said well we may go to war at any moment I'm getting my water and watching while I drink now here's your problem I have watched God with businessmen I don't think there's any industry as far as as a poor human can know I know there's none in this church like this but in dealing with the Christian world out there and trying to raise funds to take the gospel to the world trying to get help to take the gospel to the world trying to find that 300 he said send them to their place now he did not dislike these people they were not to be laughed at or call even faithless he just said send them back they were not fearful people this 10,000 were strong hearted they were not fearful and faint-hearted they had stood the faith test but they missed their call I will I have watched countless times thousands through the years that God never called them into a pulpit ministry but what he did call them far was very important but they wouldn't do it I know scores of men that have made a lot of money and they will take their tithes and take their largeest that God has given them and try to do something on their own that God never called him to do never laid his hand on them to do it and they just waste every dollar and not a soul gets help blessed saved start because it's a work of the flesh I've seen many businessmen they're businessmen God has called him he's blessed them I don't want to say it again if it's anybody in this church like it I don't know them but I'd see them spend their money on well I think I'm going to put up billboards all of that's a matter of ego and pride and I'm going to put up billboards or I'm going to whatever that's my ministry I'm gonna reach the world no you're not you're gonna do nothing but waste what God has given you are you hearing me they were not faithless people they were just misdirected and he said send them to their place that some time back I was dealing with a man and I knew he had the wherewithal to help us take the gospel to Russia he could support it every month but he was going to print books of some while something that he thought he had that God gave him about the seven horns on Antichrist beasts he didn't have slightest idea was talking about he'd spent all his money printing all the books and nobody would ever read and if they did they didn't know what he meant send them back to their place find the place that God has for you and don't you leave it God has called you to preach get behind a pulpit and preach he's called you as a missionary go to a mission head but don't try to force the call yourself and be in the place that he's called you to be and he'll bless you and he'll help you don't squander what God has given you and wasted because you're gonna stand before God and answer to him just as well as Jimmy Swaggart is gonna stand before God and answer to him you're gonna answer for every dollar that's coming your way every hour you've spent you're going to answer for your time your talents your ability everything you have you're gonna answer for it he was left with 300 and he stands there dejected and says God I've got 300 left and the Lord said that'll do that'll do hallelujah he said Lord what do you mean that'll do that'll do that's all you need Gideon I'm gonna take the 300 and we're gonna whip the Midianites Lord how in the world can we whip a half-million Midianites with 300 men well come back next Sunday morning and I'll tell you I mean it's an awkward way to end a message but I want you to bow your heads please praise God hallelujah father we love you so much we praise you so much you're our King our Redeemer and Lord I'm depending on your spirit [Music] I'm asking for your presence to touch each and every heart men are dying without God Lord I want to be a Gideon are one of the 300 or whatever place you want to put me that's where I want to be I love you praise God [Music] why don't you have why don't you have faith [Music] hell faith in God [Music] I want everyone standing please everyone standing and as Donna mentioned we will be having communion which is a very sacred holy thing in just a few moments but first I feel the holy spirit has said to me I want you to ask the people this are there any of you here this morning there is a situation in your life your family your heart your physical body and your finances whatever it may be that it looks impossible it looks if not impossible highly improbable it looks difficult and God is allowing you to be taken through this position for a reason then you need a little extra strength this morning I want you to step out walk down these aisles and kneel at these altars and let him pull you into what he wants done in your life come on right now as we sing it why don't [Music] Oh [Music] sing it one more time hallelu Jesus sadness [Applause] what don't you have [Music] [Music] I know Oh slip up their hands a second with this blue Paul well Oh well show you Oh [Music] we for come on and sing in the church I know the Lord as ladies that's lady's head Oh ah Oh shut Oh for why don't you just play the rock brazen I believe your I believe the two are table that you're gonna be back Oh Oh Oh [Music] why don't you have why don't you have whoa sir there god Oh Richard my taste me [Music] hearts cry she was small well ha Wow is Russia well me and he's not missing [Music] juices [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I won't the ushers now to take the cup and the bread and you can be seated if you like then don't stop praying just keep praying keep your mind right on the Lord hallelujah thank you Jesus praise God just keep worshipping Him just keep praising him thank you Jesus hallelujah praise the Lamb praise the line my honey Branca microphone please [Music] thank you thank you I see these crazy such praise I love Yugi [Music] more critical West no parole stripper old dog [Music] with Jesus [Music] you spray the lair my heart sees his trainer ha Muji the man thank you thank you praise the man Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] I just No [Laughter] [Music] thank you nice just sing it worship me whoa depression [Music] crazy my soul [Music] I No holy [Music] I'm gonna for the sir my small No [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] to force a my soul second again choir second congregation law [Music] No you I'm gonna say [Music] Oh Oh his presence is so dear so tender so close praise God hallelujah to the lamb for just a moment I want you to examine yourself if there's unforgiveness there there's any type of unconfessed sin you don't have to stand up for the church or whatever but I want you to say in your heart Lord I confess this before you and I ask you to forgive me because if there is unconfessed sin or unforgiveness which is sin you will eat and drink damnation because you will do despite to the spirit of grace the lord if there be one sin and I know Lord that all of us are constantly coming short of your glory but I also know and thank you that your blood is constantly cleansing and we give you praise and glory for it in the name of Jesus amen Donny I want you to read starting with verse 23 please down through the 24th verse for I've received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you that the Lord Jesus that the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he brake it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me I want you to hold up this before you now symbolic of his body and I want you to take it and I want you to break it and then I want you to put it in your mouth his body was broken but we might be safe praise God we thank you Jesus we praise you lord I read please verses 25 and 26 after the same manner also he took the cup when he had supped saying this cup is the New Testament in my blood this do ye as oft as ye drink it in remembrance of me for as often as ye eat this bread and drink this cup ye do show the Lord's death till he come I want you to hold up the cup before you please this is symbolic of his shed blood he said when I see the blood and I want you to take it please symbolic of him praise the name of Jesus when I see the blood could you sing it I see the blood see Oh [Music] see we see [Music] I want every one of you to stand please and I want you to put your cup in the little thing and right in front of the Pew please and I want you to turn and I want you to tell somebody you love them by this shall you know that they are my disciples because they love one another give me two flats please [Music] where see don't be circus tonight ah well see the [Music] excuse me those of you that will leave out in your cars do not go toward the interstate that way the police said there is a broken water main that is flooded the underpass and they are trying to repair it you may drown out your car whatever so go go that way - to what Perkins and go either that way or that way and get back on thank you so much Wayne Han see [Music] see [Music] we hope that you've enjoyed this message visit us at Christian sermons online.com
Channel: Christian Sermons Online
Views: 30,896
Rating: 4.7117119 out of 5
Keywords: Jimmy Swaggart (Musical Artist), Religion (TV Genre), Christianity (Religion), Church (Project Focus), church service, church, Family Worship Center, Crusade (TV Program), Camp Meeting, Music (TV Genre), Gospel Music (Musical Genre), Gospel (Quotation Subject), gospel, telecast, Praise, Pastor, Ministry, Holy, Lord, Jesus, Jesus Christ (Deity), God (Deity), Holy Spirit (Deity), FWC, Preaching, Sermon (Literature Subject)
Id: MWE9zsCbnnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 27sec (8127 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 24 2019
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