Jimmy O. Yang Tried to Teach His Father a Lesson about Acting: It Backfired

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the Joe Rogan experience did your family give you a hard time about wanting to do stand-up dad there's quite the story there feel-good story let me preface with that so yeah my dad was in finance he hooked me up with that finance job and when I was like I don't know I just don't want to do this he's like what do you have another job I was like no I'm gonna give this stand-up thing a try and this was like a year or two in obviously I wasn't making any money so he was very disappointed he was hoping it was just a phase you know he doesn't even know what stand-up was old Chinese guy he's just like a talk show like he just keeps calling a talk show still till today a talk show just never got it so I was finishing my last year school in San Diego I got just random jobs I worked at a used-car lot during the day I worked at that comedy palace collecting tickets and trade for like stage time and evening after that I'll go put another shift as a DJ at a strip club just so I was like trying different things you know and I didn't want to lock myself into something and then eventually the acting starting to do a little better you know my first job was to broke girls at two lines you know and I'm so proud I'm so proud of myself I was finally making some money I call my dad I was like that you know why don't you uh you know watch CBS tonight you know I'm gonna be on there and stuff he's like I don't I don't have to be CBS cause like who doesn't [ __ ] have CBS it's you take a piece of ten phone back each TV you get CBS so he was just really not down right and then eventually when I got on Silicon Valley the old man understands what a contract is a serious regular job on HBO he's acting he got it so he was finally happy I was financially secure so instead of ever giving it up and say like hey Jimmy um good job I'm proud of you maybe I was wrong good for you you know what he said he was like oh it's so easy you can do it I can probably do it and he started becoming an actor I was like okay dad you know what if you think it's so easy dude I was like that if you think it's so easy I was a with a very small agency at the time I'm like you know I'm gonna you know sign you up with her see if she needs an older Asian guy cuz there's not a lot of older Asian guys out there competing so she signed him and then I was like good good good are you gonna go to auditions and understand how [ __ ] hard my life is how all the rejections I face all the nerves I got to deal with but then the plan completely backfired because he went to those auditions and killed it he booked like his first six out of ten jobs which is like unheard of ratio you know I mean yeah like you'd be lucky to book like five percentage jobs but he was killing it I liked non-union gigs he even got on this show I talked about this a little bit of my standup he even taught he even got on the show that shot in San Francisco as a Chinese show we thought it was no big deal low-budget Chinese show became the biggest show in China became like the [ __ ] modern family of China and then my aunt from Shanghai will call the house Malik Richard you're such a good actor your son must have taken after you I was like what the [ __ ] but now I've accepted it that's who we yes I'm happy that me and my dad's in the same business in a way that's crazy and it's a fun story to tell people right so I was jokingly saying that story to John Malkovich Ben Schwartz on you know space force everybody gets a kick out of this little story episode 9 and space force comes around we're doing a table read and it's a China versus America thing in this episode and you need they needed a couple older Chinese scientists that are authentic Mandarin speaking Chinese people after the table regret Daniels the showrunner he's like you know I just I don't know it's always the same guys you know just whatever and John Malkovich was someone that said hey what about Jimmy's dad have you thought about Jimmy's dad and I I didn't have thick enough skin to volunteer my dad and and then that night I went home I cut together an acting reel for my dad and I sent it to Greg all I said was that Greg maybe give the old man a chance he's got a good look I think he fits this older scientists in China just let him come in an audition but I guess Greg was so impressed with the tape he just hired him Wow episode 9 of space force my dad is in it he's great he comes in no fear and a scene is toe to toe with John Malkovich Wow and how long has he been acting I mean two years it's right here never taken no classes that's so crazy yeah I practice with him on skype you know for that scene you know because I was like that don't make me look bad don't [ __ ] this up make sure you remember your lines right and then he was um he was practicing he's that can you screen grab me record me so I can see my own performance you know and actors were all very self-conscious I hate to watch myself so I recorded him I sent him that tape and then he looked at it he was like wow I'm really good look at me like I'm like listening to everything good at this I was like [ __ ] go go for it but it's that blind sense of confidence and also the fact that he never thought to be an actor so there's no fear yeah I was nervous as hell my first day with John Malkovich and Steve Carell my dad came in was just chilling yeah it's so funny that it totally backfired yeah but now it's fine it's a fun father-and-son story yeah that's a great story it's so funny that he saw you doing is like I can do that you know he could do it he's a talented guy you know you know he wants to do stand-up now really I he was like cozy he's 70 something seventy two three Wow and he was like well Jimmy you think I can do some stand-up I was like sure just go sign up for an open mic at the Laugh Factory sure I'll put your name in the Hat how about that it was like oh no no no no I'm not doing open mics can I do some theater or something I was like that no no I'm not doing four or five people I need to do it if I do it I need like 500 people oh my god I was like that that's not how it works but who knows maybe when he does it in front 500 people he [ __ ] kills what if your dad gets a [ __ ] Netflix special next year what if your dad just starts murdered and put together some whole routine if your dad's just a murderer just up on stage crushing punchline I want to say I will be happy for them but there's probably a part of me that's eight No but he did not be he's always been the funny one in the family though he's always a ballbuster and everything's real it kind of came naturally to him yeah wow there is yeah I don't know if you can find that a space for scene episode 9 but completely fearless very natural has he written stand-up does he have any ideas of stuff he would talk about you know what I should have him write the set to see what the materials would be yeah hmm I don't know I that I got offended the acting stuff cuz I cuz I always felt like I snuck into acting I wasn't trained at Juilliard or whatever right so I that was so it's kinda like a similar path he snuck into acting I snuck in the acting whatever but the stand-up thing kind of offended me you know I'm like I [ __ ] put in 10 years dude you can't just go do a goddamn theater what if it does he I mean maybe he can open for me one day or my next special that would be I don't know if it's a lack of respect for the Arts or is it overconfident in his own ability but is it overconfident if he pulled it off and so much about acting is it is confidence yeah not being shaken from yourself it's is the correct amount of confidence it is a correct did he's so relaxed I have a video I gotta find on my phone and show you um so it's in the hallway between setups me and Malkovich is running lines and I'm I'm nervous you know and Malkovich works hard like at his level he still works hard he's amazing with running lines you know in between takes the camera pans pans a bunch of empty chairs and pans to my dad and an actor fell asleep just a status leap so relaxed chillin he's about to work with John Malkovich it's hilarious no nerves Wow yeah does he know John Malkovich is he does absolutely Wow and he still didn't give a [ __ ] no I think maybe it comes with age you know when you're 70 something you kind of you've seen so much he is such a fanboy like he loves taking selfies with people it's very at first it started off with just like if crazy rich Asians or like Patriots day this movie out they would Wahlberg you know in the premiere I'll take him to the premiere my parents and just to kind of finally get their approval you know and and he gets it he gives it up he was like very emotional you don't have to crazy rich Asians and all that but his his goal is not to celebrate with a son there his goal is to get selfies in the after party you know this Chinese Grohmann theaters premieres you know the Chinese Theater there is right there Mark Wahlberg and and he just keep doing selfies and and like I was sitting in a table and then Mark has this table and his boys and his security and then my dad just leaned over to me and was like hey you think you think we can go get a picture of Mark I was like I don't I don't I don't want to I don't want to ask him because I have fought so hard to not ask for pictures what people I work with yeah I want a picture with mark I want a picture Malkovich but the same time I want to just be a colleague I don't want to be a fan of course but then my dad forces me to do that he's like come on just go just go ask him I wasn't used to that though he probably just exactly if I asked that think it's still kind of lame but if it's like hey Mark my parents a big fans can they get a picture and they just shoot old Chinese people you know everybody kind of gets a kick out of him he played my dad in patriots day really has a very small scene it's a that's an interesting so thats how you got a sag card yeah that's hilarious talk about nepotism in Hollywood that is nepotism that's how it works well but you know what I was actively trying to improve that movie because the movie was very serious it's about the Boston Marathon bombing and I was playing a based on real-life Chinese person you know very detailed stuff like he speaks with a Chinese accent but it's a suit on Chinese accent when he mixes his ELLs and teased I forget I forget what it was but I studied it for a long time it's not just a generic Chinese accent right and then his parents of course speaks this is Han dialect or at least just a very proper Mandarin and the actor they first hired to play my dad it's just Skype scene very simple the actor they first hired to play my dad spoke Mandarin with a Cantonese accent so I wanted to P birth the director I was like Pete man I I gotta say something man the whole point of this movie is honoring these heroes and be authentic and this guy you guys might not be able to tell I know and the Chinese audience will know this guy's from Hong Kong or from Guangdong or something he's not from Sichuan or mainland China you know so it's like yeah sure we'll find another guy and I was like yeah how sitting would you have some auditions and stuff eveyone he was like yeah sure you know we're really shooting in Boston might take a long time I was like Pete why'd you just hire my dad hmm and that was it they hired my dad that's hilarious yeah yeah that's hilarious but it's it's for the art it's for the authenticity dude I'm not so secretly hoping your dad kills me the best story I want to have you back on after your dad has just murdered a few times on stage and you're like what the [ __ ] oh my god if he if he comes on this podcast in there he'll be a huge star cuz right now it's very much like I'm hooking him up I'm still the star you know he's just bad but what if I'm starting known as Richard son like anything that would be now we kind of rough that's gonna be hard that's he's gonna have to really do something special to pull that off Oh we'll see we'll see maybe he have his own Hannah Gatsby ask special and just only talk [ __ ] about me in the special that would be funny of like you and Tony or whoever a bunch of great writers and great comedians start plotting against me for his success you know oh my god strategies for having how to kill oh my god he loves it man that's great though it's so cool it's a good father and son bonding what did your dad used to do for a living what was this he was always like a really successful salesman he had his own medical device company that he sold in salesman yes that's a thing where you have to have personality and you have to know how to read a room yeah like we were talking about Alcoholics Anonymous is like a good gateway into comedy I think maybe salesmen might be too and then when he came to America he became a financial adviser so that's people to people you gotta give presentations so he was always a great public speaker and I think I took after him I never really had much stage fright so that that he's a natural and you say busts balls so he's always joking around he's the funny one in the family table oh my god yeah I think he's gonna kill Richard I hope he does I really do yeah you got a hope he does maybe it would do a two-man show their Netflix are the odds of him being better than you were very slim just be honest but don't you just want me to do well would it be for you I really do I I think it's really I joke about the jealousy I really don't care he's an old man let him live his bucket list and act with John Malkovich you know I mean like I'm just being good son trying to hook my dad up now oh man I can't wait to see how this plays out when is he gonna do stand-up do you have a timeline was he gonna try it wouldn't get back open again well I think once I told him he can't just do theaters he kind of what became disinterested he doesn't want it through open mikes but you got to or baby doesn't got to I mean it depends on how how much of a perspective he has if he has like real takes on things that he could just go onstage with yeah you never know man well here's the thing if he goes onstage without the context of this is Jimmy's dad and he's just an old man doing a set I don't know just that's that's a long road but if I bring him up and he's my dad I think people just kind of eat it up give him a little more slack maybe but that might help you accept the fact that he kills what if he goes onstage without any recognition of you whatsoever just someone introduces him he goes onstage and just [ __ ] murders that'd be hard to take that would be hard yeah because if you bring him up and you give him a little training wheels and you push them you give a little boost there you go it's a exactly what I was saying how you can't immediately be good and stand up you need to put in that five ten years but if he's just good yeah I would question myself like I would be like what [ __ ] I must be DS tell me when he's gonna do it please okay we're gonna tell me when he's gonna do it and I want to go watch dog encourage him [Applause]
Channel: JRE Clips
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Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of
Id: dQJ6qZcn7Fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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