Jimmy Neutron Was Way Ahead Of Its Time

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nostalgia is a really strange thing it's an incredible feeling to go back and watch play or just engage with something that you grew up on or have fond memories of and part of that is looking past what it really is and seeing it for what you thought it was I love nostalgia but I've grown to understand that I can't trust it it lies a couple of weeks ago I genuinely believe that robots on the best animated movies of my childhood so I watched it again and I'm sorry Carsten but uh yeah this is not what I remember to be and I had a similar experience even more recently but this one was the inverse I didn't remember ever falling in love with the sideways football head here but then I went back and re-watch the series and there are four things really separated from other shows of that era well this is Johnny quasar and he was created in the 1980s by John Davis he was placed into a short titled runaway rocket boy and then essentially abandoned but if the 90s rolled around a new idea began to form a live-action movie about a boy genius that's right a live-action Jimmy Neutron stuff with special effects and all the science a camera could film and then this too was abandoned but eventually Davis would turn the idea into a new show Jimmy Neutron and begin pitching into networks in 1995 he'd pitched that show to Nickelodeon with a 40 second proof-of-concept video featuring Jimmy and Goddard Nick loved it in fact everyone did the cg short was passed around the industry and won multiple awards for its use of 3d technology but Nick wanted more they wanted a movie whereas most shows get the movie after the success Timmy was getting the green light in reverse order and the movie which finally theaters 2001 was excellent it was the first CG feature film to ever be created using entirely commercially available tools in animation tech as opposed to proprietary technology it changed how the television Treebeard CG because the movie was built using the same tools as the show Nick was able to save a ton of money on the show and time in creation by reusing assets and models from the film episode to episode this meant the show was cheaper and more efficiently made which made it a big win for the network the show's 3d animation wasn't just a cool function of the times Jimmy Neutron was animated this way because it was economical for Nickelodeon it helped that Jimmy Neutron boy genius was also a fairly big theatrical hit on a thirty million dollar budget it brought in over a hundred million dollars on merchandise sales and even had a reasonably successful soundtrack now it was time to turn that into I think the second thing that very obviously sticks out to you when you go back and watch Jimmy Neutron today is that it's esthetic and CG did not age well it is not particularly fun to look at even as great as the show itself is as the industry took CG and ran with it Jimmy kind of sits now as a relic of what CG once was but back then when this show first aired it was mind-blowing Jimmy Neutron got a new look to a network whose animation for the most part straight away from 3d animation this show looked like the movie had made its way onto your TV each and every week and it was awesome there was a novelty to 3d animation on your TV but Jimmy smartly took advantage of it Carl and Sheen are both characters whose design alba relies on CG for humour same with Jimmy's parents even got these are people that are inherently funny to look at but that comes from the animation style the show created what feels like a tangible 3g world at the time when this just didn't seem possible to the people watching it and this created a different kind of physicality and really physics in general than we had grown to expect from animation when something like this happened you felt it a bit more and that was not but again it is the one piece of a show that aged very poorly it characters however feared quite a bit better my father one thing I think Jimmy Neutron did better than a lot of the other shows during this era was character early on the show's creators would liken Jimmy himself to a cross between Bart Simpson and Albert Einstein yeah the traditional boy genius trope he was that but he was also prideful juvenile and goofy Jimmy was the Big Bang Theory but really good and for kids he was smart but he wasn't talking over your head and importantly he was using his brains with the same things you would Sheena in coral or totally unique as well they don't really fit any troll petal actually sheen is a video game obsessed high-energy idiot built on physical humor and designed to cause chaos he's awesome Carl is the typical nerd except that he's not the smartest guy in the room he's a lot of the times the opposite he loves llamas and most importantly he grounds Shane and Jimmy's ambition this is a perfectly balanced trio of very idiosyncratic characters and the things that engage in are very frequently dreamed fuel much like Fairly OddParents for its audience want to be in your own video game check want to build a rocket check what about creating a robot brother to hang out with called Brobot yep if that's here the writers built a three easy to latch on to hilariously written characters and stuffed them into situations as audience was already dreaming up and it works so well but did one other thing that I think is what most people probably remember if some people had American Idol others had the office but millions of kids version of primetime television was these the Jimmy Timmy power our trilogy was Nickelodeon Superbowl it was their Cornetto trilogy they were television specials that were built on the back of weeks of commercials countdowns and hype that combined two of the most successful animated shows on television into one of the most novel specials you will ever see but to dramatically different animation styles almost juxtaposing animation styles these crossovers sent Jimmy and Timmy into each others worlds and gave audiences something that again was really unlike anything else on television you had to deke Eric ters being brought into the CG space and vice-versa but what you also had was the melding of two remarkably compatible shows into one Marvel worthy crossover where Jimmy and Cindy feud Timmy and Cindy well it yeah we're magic leads the way now brains take control it all felt natural and the episodes themselves were amazing the first Jimmy Timmy Power Hour brought in five million viewers and was given rave reviews from outlets like People magazine it was a true pop-culture event but by undertaking the challenge of combining these worlds Nick's Marley created a huge amount of cross-promotion and also a massive amount of traditional media attention it were big spikes in viewership for the network and both of the individual shows often coinciding these big events individually if you were kid in the mid-2000s you saw one of these crossovers in their ambition which by the way was reportedly almost too much for DNA Jimmy's animation studio to handle is worth applauding even today Jimmy Neutron is one of the few shows that I think of more fondly now than I did when it aired and that rarely happens I think maybe that's because I can respect what it does well more today than I could as a kid which kind of is the hallmark of a really great show sure it is jarring to look at almost two decades later but it's still funny built around great characters and most importantly it didn't run itself into the ground Jimmy Neutron boy genius was here today and gone tomorrow the series ran for only three seasons and four years part of this was due probably to the limitations of his technology but it was for the better Jimmy Neutron didn't overstay his welcome and I think it's easier to love him as a result sure Planet Sheen the show's spin-off may not have set the world on fire but it's quick failure may have proved inadvertently one obvious thing Jimmy Neutron was lightning in a very intelligently created bottle it was special now if only net works could learn to let go more often always have to get the last word well guys that is it for today's episode of nerd story if you enjoyed this one press the like button down below vivia done so also press subscribe that'll make sure you don't miss anything also the little bell that way you're actually notified when I upload so yeah subscribing little bell now today's video was sponsored by honey they really helped up the channel it's an awesome tool time on shopping tool helps you find promo codes and applies them to your cart immediately so say like me you like pizza and you're shopping at Domino's and you want to check out a little box drops down tells you all you have to do is click apply coupons you do that but if your seconds and boom the price drops if really is that easy I have actually genuinely used this on things like dominos and I checked in I've actually managed to save almost $30 on Domino's over the past two 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Channel: Nerdstalgic
Views: 1,549,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy neutron, jimmy neutron boy genius, best jimmy neutron, jimmy neutron episodes, jimmy neutron movie, nickelodeon, jimmy timmy power hour, nerdstalgic
Id: GCRtNuEa7fA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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