The Jimmy Timmy Power Hour Trilogy Was WEIRD

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thanks to today's video sponsor squarespace the  all-in-one website building platform to help you   create the perfect creative space more about them  later in the video there was nothing more hype on   tv back when growing up than the jimmy timmy  power hour trilogy you know these days we are   for the most part hype to see stuff like what the  mcu has been able to accomplish heck have you seen   the new spider-man no way home movie it's all  about the multiverse and getting even more meta   but back in 2004 we had this hype crossover that  technically can also be considered doing so over a   cartoon multiverse yeah cartoon network does that  now with stuff like ok ko let's be heroes and pibi   for adult swim but for my childhood maybe some of  yours as well the jimmy timmy power hour trilogy   was something along the likes we weren't prepared  for today we are going to explore the jimmy timmy   power hour trilogy all in one video and have  ourselves a nice time okay is that okay with you   good also welcome back or hello for the first  time to the 25 days of fringe miss where i cover   something interesting nostalgic or holiday related  every day from the 1st of december to the 25th   in order to find that holiday spirit i lost  nearly a decade ago so if you want to be a   part of this daily journey and help me find that  good old jolly joy subscribe and come aboard the jimmy timmy power hour it's the day  before the science fair at timmy's school   and the theme that they have to make for their  projects is transportation everyone in the class   has already finished with their projects for the  science fair except for timmy who has spent his   time playing video games specifically decimator  crushed the planet the game is shown in 3d   animation as opposed to timmy's 2d world this will  be important soon timmy tricks mr crocker to get   out of the class to go work on his project outside  of the class he is handed an auto [ __ ] that   sends him back to his room at home as for some  reason he must go check out some labs without them   after checking out aj's lab which he doesn't want  to use he uses the device to head back to his room   they're wishing to see the greatest lab beyond  timmy's little 2d world and the fairies well   they just go on a quick hawaiian vacation now with  jimmy in his lab he's currently working on goddard   for updates so it means that he has to be shut  down for a time to get that done timmy poofs into   jimmy's lab now with a 3d look and starts messing  around with all of jimmy's gadgets in hopes of   finding something for the science fair quickly  bumping into jimmy and then having a confrontation   about who has the ownership of the lab timmy then  falls into the hypercube and jimmy mistakes the   autopoofer for another one of his devices and now  gets sent to timmy's 2d world so here is where we   get the really cool special intro where it's a  battle of the theme songs boombox v boombox dawn   of justice until the two come out and fight and  we reveal the title card this intro was so hype   and such a fun overall idea for the series timmy  gets out and continues messing with all the stuff   literally the full gadget arsenal from jimmy's  collection he notices goddard and thinks he's   some sort of video game box swapping the tune-up  disc for his copy of you guessed it decimator and   now that begins downloading into goddard instead  it's going to take a while so we leave it there   for a bit carl and sheen come bursting into the  lab as well and they think that jimmy has turned   himself into timmy and they take a quick liking  to him because he allows them to play with all   the gadgets that they weren't allowed to play  with usually even jimmy's mom mistakes timmy   for jimmy so to avoid getting in trouble with her  he hypnotizes her to think that she is mighty mom   and then she thinks hugh is lint boy hugh well  he thinks it's some sort of role play but let   me chase you this time while messing around with  the hoverboard timmy runs into cindy and libby   quickly taking a liking to cindy because he thinks  she's pretty and really smart cindy thinks that   he's one of jimmy's smart friends from out of  town so those two ditch everyone else after he   asked her to help him with his science fair  project goddard however is done downloading   the game and turns himself into the decimator  attacking hugh for his first victim hey amy   how's it going pretty good a little traffic on the  405. i'll be up in about a half hour 45 minutes stay tuned nickelodeon will be right back  now back in dimsdale with jimmy yes now in 2d   cosmo and wanda poof back into the room from their  hawaiian getaway as they quickly have a screaming   interaction with jimmy who just thinks that  they're holograms as he believes timmy is some   sort of genius timmy's dad thinks that jimmy  is timmy just in disguise to get out of his   responsibilities something he has done in the past  here for the reasonings of getting out of doing   his science fair project vicky is tasked with  making sure timmy well the jimmy gets to school   no if ands or buts cosmo and wando really can't  do much to help jimmy as only timmy can make   wishes with them the whole class just thinks that  it's timmy in disguise continuing the jokes that   timmy's dad was making just a moment ago crocker  gives him an f which burns jimmy's skin for it   being such a bad grade when the class is clowning  who they think is timmy jimmy rebuttal saying   nah that timmy guy he's a genius he invented this  teleportation device and clicks the auto [ __ ] in   front of everyone sending him right back to  timmy's room this prompts crocker to spring into   action unveiling his real plan of finding a person  with these science fairs that invent device that   could have the power to bring him to the mythical  fairy world jimmy notices that something is wrong   with goddard and figures that he needs to get back  to his homeworld of retroville so he combines the   [ __ ] with the gameboy and somehow that works to  hone in on where he wants to travel to other than   the same room but before doing so crocker breaks  into timmy's room and grabs a device setting a   course to fairy world and to even his surprise  it works back with timmy and sydney now sharing   a float at the candy bar the rest of the friend  group runs in and tells them about goddard going   crazy and that he's attacking people timmy brushes  it off as it's just a video game which sydney   believes he made himself goddard though like the  game is made to grow more and more powerful based   on taking players it locks onto out or in this  case those players are the town's citizens timmy   doesn't have anything useful to say or help so  he just takes cindy and leaves the area all while   goddard continues his rampage of terror taking out  hugh and then an ice cream truck carl sheen and   libby are now our only hope at stopping goddard as  his power is getting out of control now targeting   them for a well decimation using the mind phone  cindy and timmy share with each other their inner   thoughts you know to take things to the next  level here it is made apparent that if timmy   weren't the smart guy he is playing it off to be  that cindy wouldn't have had any interest a little   superficial there cindy but i understand i guess  she's got a type but now the goddard situation is   too big to ignore and timmy gets eaten by him  so now when stuck inside cindy reaches timmy   from jimmy's lab guiding him through what to  do and escape from danger as well as shut down   goddard effectively quitting the game timmy also  tried having a brain blast which before it even   entered his ear he gets bored and doesn't think  of anything once escaped from goddard cindy thinks   that timmy purposely was acting stupid to let her  figure out how to solve the problem and help out   so she gives him a big old kiss for being so sweet  in reality he's just a [ __ ] goddard returns to   normal and the day in retroville is saved but  now we have to check back in with jimmy who now   in fairy world reaches out to timmy and the crew  through goddard aside from carl and sheen learning   now that this is not jimmy but is actually someone  named timmy he shows them that now they are stuck   here in fairy world with crocker which freaks out  timmy jimmy doesn't care one bit he just wanted   to make sure his dog was okay and then he just  hangs up on them crocker now on a tour bus of   fairy world he snuck onto learned some information  about some powerful fairy weapons and technology   that can destroy the big wand which is the  apparent source of all fairy magic which would   effectively make him ruler if he were to take it  down crocker actually accomplishes this feat and   when jorgenbon strangle comes to stop him he just  turns him into a dog but when crocker isn't aware   of jimmy anymore jimmy builds an electromagnet to  secretly steal back the [ __ ] game boy device but   hope for the fairy world seems too little too late  as most things are being changed now into crocker   world jimmy was about to just peace out and head  home but in an effort for them to prove to him   that they are more than just some little computer  programs that do need his help timmy gets back in   contact with jimmy through jimmy's watch and begs  him to help the fairies explaining that they are   just as real to timmy as goddard is as much of  a real dog to jimmy jimmy has a part 2d part 3d   brain blast and comes up with a plan so he travels  back to dimsdale and starts stealing stuff from   other people's projects creating essentially a  gundam or alien power loader-esque suit take your   pick he faces crocker one on one kicks his butt  a bit to some sweet tunes until crocker turns it   around and gets the upper hand and up psych it was  all a fake jimmy that the fairies were controlling   as the real jimmy was secretly trying to restore  the power to fairy world and starts it back up   crocker shows up to stop him once and for all but  jimmy takes control of jorgen's wand and stops   crocker and then dog jorgen threatens to attack  him so bad that he forgets everything of fairy   world timmy calls back in and through the call  wishes for them to be back in their respective   dimensions as they meet up in the cosmos of space  no not that cosmo okay that's just a picture of   costco anyway they meet each other shake hands  turn back into their original animation styles   and are on their way back home jimmy knows the  truth of him not really being that smart of a guy   but cindy who tries reaching out through the  portal forum is none the wiser to his stupidity at   timmy school we see crocker beaten up so bad that  yeah he did forget his memory because sure the   dog bit it out of him or something when it comes  down to the science fair when his timmy's turned   to present jimmy sends goddard through a portal  he created to travel between dimensions for timmy   to win the science fair they have a mutual respect  for each other it seems as they call each other by   their under titles with timmy just an average kid  who no one understands and jimmy the boy genius   thus ending part one coming up it's the fairly odd  parents now here's more fairly oddparents on nick so that's the first of three jimmy timmy power  hours an overall fun first adventure that was   truly iconic for its time and honestly even now  it makes good use of their individual worlds and   the main characters from each of them the only  real problem being that jimmy and timmy only   share screen time for a small portion of the  episode but that what some may consider a flaw   is quickly rectified in both of the upcoming parts  as far as their introduction it was a fun idea to   swap these two characters between worlds i  love that in retroville timmy in 3d look so   bulgy to the point you may question if he's  in pain i also like his all-in-one pants and   shoe outfit based on his 2d look it's just so  funny jimmy however looks really good in 2d   pretty much like any other character that belongs  in that show and seeing how they handle individual   threats to their unique worlds without the proper  person being there is fun and engaging it's an   idea that works out pretty well and for how they  go about solving that type of problem on their own   it's pretty entertaining timmy letting someone  else fix his mess in someone else's world and   jimmy just using his overall smarts to take down  crocker i honestly really enjoy part one but it's   only the beginning of what's to come i want to  take a moment to thank squarespace for sponsoring   today's video squarespace is the perfect place to  create beautiful websites for any various needs or   interests you have squarespace has the tools to  help you get your site off the ground and ready   for prime time seriously in just a few easy clicks  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sponsoring today's video now it's   time for the sequel when nerds collide this time  starting with jimmy testing bad luck for friday   the 13th a superstition he doesn't truly believe  in as there will be a friday the 13th dance at   school carl while walking under a ladder keeps  getting electrocuted but not thanks to bad luck   rather so the electrical rod sheen used to fix  the ladder jimmy almost asked cindy to the dance   but professor finbar calamitous is seen robbing  a bank so he ditches her to go and stop him back   with timmy he as well as having a friday the 13th  dance one where he realizes he hasn't asked anyone   out yet timmy thinks about sydney and realizes  that she would be the perfect date and wishes   to be in retroville once more hey here's that  really cool intro again now ending with the two   we cut to fairy world prison as anti-cosmo is  sneaking around trying to break out anti-wanda and   the rest of the anti-fairies jorgen shows up to  stop him as anti-cosmo threatens him of the power   of friday the 13th increasing their bad luck magic  so jorgen in response tightens up the security to   the maximum but thanks to a loophole in wording  something outside of the dimension may be able to   help get past the security defenses now back with  calamitous he however was working with dr moyes   the guy from the episode with the algae men jimmy  shows up and quickly stopping them like usual now   running into the jimmy neutron crew is timmy as  he makes it clear that he is here again to ask   cindy out to his friday the 13th dance prompting  jimmy to get a bit jealous as he was going to do   the same thing but since cindy has already pissed  at jimmy for ditching her earlier timmy may have   a good shot here timmy surprises cindy by showing  up flying into her window and right before he asks   jimmy comes in as well and tries to tell her  that timmy's not really a genius so now they   have to settle it the old-fashioned way  and wow even jimmy's friends still like   timmy better and they're rooting for him before  timmy's burp cannon can get jimmy goddard picks   him up and places him in his rocket so timmy  wishes for his own rocket and goes after him   calamitous while looking for another collaborator  to work with again to do no good deeds notices the   battle in the sky the battle ends with timmy  distracting jimmy long enough where he crashes   into a mountainside and timmy saves him before  he hits the ground timmy says alright later   homies and takes cindy back to the 2d land of  dimmesdale so jimmy sets a plan to head after   them by building a full portal back there and  calamitous is closely lurking while this happens   once the portal is done the rest of the jimmy crew  jump through the portal and so does calamitous but   not before raiding the unattended lab of  one james isaac neutron we see that back   in dimmesdale timmy had wished his life to be  perfectly in line with cindy's biggest dreams   thanks to stealing her journal for a bit not cool  dude this is why she should have got that password   journal device just saying his parents are now  shown to be rich and they have a big mansion   everything you could imagine inside but before  timmy can fully ask her out she wants to see his   lab so while not being able to wish for the lab  thanks to cindy he hijacks aj's lab to impress her   which works for the moment calamitous is shown to  have stolen jimmy's hypercube that he has stored   a bunch of jimmy's gadgets in timmy's dad once  again mistakes jimmy for timmy in disguise and   forces him to do the household chores which stops  jimmy from getting in between timmy and cindy   for the moment when timmy keeps taking her to  romantic locations to ask her out he keeps getting   interrupted by carl sheen and libby so eventually  he wishes that cosmo and wanda will only go and   listen to them and their wish is to distract them  for a bit so we can finally speak with cindy alone   jimmy after sick of doing chores notices that  calamitous has come through the portal as well   and finds out that he is after timmy's fairies  or computer programs as jimmy still thinks that   they're that anti-cosmo though runs into  calamitous who he notices is not from this   dimension so they make a deal with each other he  will help work with calamitous as the fairy he   needs but in return he needs to help break out the  anti-fairies so they go and set the anti-fairies   free but of course anti-cosmo turns on him  locking him up in jail with jorgen and all the   anti-fairies take to the skies of the world so now  that everyone is aware of the threat they now face there you go sweetie thanks i gotta lay off the  corn chips their main goal is to blow up and act   like they don't know nobody their main goal is  to have it be friday the 13th every day bringing   constant bad luck to everyone on earth calamitous  teams up with jorgen to escape i mean the keys   were left in the lock right there that's so  convenient the anti-fairies are now flying around   the world slowing it in stopping earth's rotation  so much like christmas every day but it's friday   the 13th every day neutron invents a way to track  down his friends as they need to get the fairies   back over to timmy which can only happen if they  wish for it so they do just that timmy brings them   to crocker's underscore lab that he tries to play  off as his own and while digging around there he   finds a butterfly net that he explains to the  rest of them is used for capturing the fairies   it's their one true weakness jimmy much like the  otto [ __ ] gameboy combination from the last part   combines the butterfly net with his hypercube  to create a new way to ghostbuster all of these   anti-fairies as bad luck reigns a muck everywhere  the gangs start racking in some of their own   bad luck to distract and get the attention  from all the anti-fairies to come to them   which when it starts to work the earth resumes its  rotation and the days can move forward once more   successfully capturing all of the anti-fairies in  the hypercube calamitous and jorgen fuse where now   calamitous has full control over jorgen's body so  now here calamity jorgen just smites our heroes   and steals cindy bringing her back to the world of  the 3d as he wants to set off a bomb in retroville   to destroy the earth and be in charge of the new  world jimmy and timmy are shown to have survived   the smiting and were just turned into snails  thanks to jorgen's wand and now as the bomb is   getting prepared they turn cindy into a goldfish  and the countdown begins the rest of the friends   work together to distract them as jimmy and timmy  secretly start working on a plan the fighting   between jorgen and calamitous continue as they  notice the angrier jorgen gets based on the rules   or for fairies doing stuff weird in general that  makes no logical sense a bit of him comes back   into control they turn sheen into a fairy himself  so sheen and cosmo ride around a flying hot dog   with it being so illogical it would bring more  rage from jorgen so they keep amping up the weird   factor more and more they fake out jimmy wishing  timmy turner was gone which breaks the biggest   role of them all opening a shot for them to begin  gene splicing them back apart which is a success   but what they didn't do is deactivate the  bomb which goes off everyone dies the end   all right i'm just kidding jorgen stopped it just  in time now with calamitous all shrunken down carl   now holds him in a jar oh god no carl why cindy  now still needing to choose which proposal to the   dance she wants to take jimmy's or timmy's she  finally notices that timmy well he isn't that   smart like he's been letting her on to believe  but she still kind of likes him jorgen makes   a fair trade based on all the events that happen  where dimensions are literally split at the dance   one side retroville the other dimsdale as timmy  and jimmy share dances with cindy back and forth   between them they all dance to my shiny teeth  and me as carl wishes that rather than calamitous   that it would be jimmy's mom in the jar yikes  carl that's a big fat yikes please stop getting   these jar ideas from the internet this was  another really fun part the main storyline   being the fight over cindy with all of this  calamitous anti-ferry business being the result   of ignorance as it played out in the background  until it became a problem for them all to face   i think the transitions for the most part of the  other characters who we hadn't seen switch between   worlds before looked pretty good overall maybe 3d  jorgen was a bit weird but it was what it was it   just seems that jimmy neutron characters transfer  better into 2d than fairly oddparent characters   transferring to 3d but it did feel like a big  event crossover that utilized everyone rather   than some characters being left with nothing to  do so it was more fleshed out and we get to see   jimmy and timmy together for a good portion of  the run time solid second entry in the trilogy   alright now it's time for the final part titled  the jerkinators starting once again in retroville   jimmy carl and sheen are working on a portal  device he uses it to look into other dimensions   with one of them being dimsdale to see timmy once  more timmy's shown to be trying to spend time with   his friends which are all too busy to hang out  with him so he wishes to return to retroville   again to see cindy jimmy overhears that thanks  to his portal alright that's some invasion of   privacy right there they literally once again run  into each other right as he appears in retroville   and they continue to fight over who can go see  cindy and after they crash land right at her door   they find out that she is out of town for a week  so naturally timmy asks jimmy if he just wants to   hang out which after being confused by this says  okay sure this shocks carl and sheen to see them   put down their feuds and just hang out hey here's  that really cool intro again after sitting around   trying to find something to do eustis stritch  shows up in town and causes havoc jimmy and timmy   team up together to fight him as the battle rages  on in the background at the candy bar we see the   rest of the friend group finally take notice of  what's happening outside sheen and carl ditched   the 17 bill on libby jimmy and timmy however  start bonding over working together mixing jimmy   smarts and timmy's fairies or computer programs  depending on who you ask as carl and sheen start   becoming extremely jealous of their newfound  friendship and i guess that they're not needed   chester and aj find out that timmy has new friends  that aren't them while timmy takes jimmy into the   world of the crimson chin to fight his rogue's  gallery of enemies they find out they're beating   up these bad guys just a little too easy and seek  more of a thrill at this point since they work so   well together while heading out jimmy drops his  portable portal or the porta portal as chester and   aj sneak their way into retroville as well all the  friends meet together and all are mad at jimmy and   timmy for neglecting them all and to be fair for  aj and chester they neglected timmy first okay and   thanks to deus ex india appearing in front of them  is cindy as she returns home from her trip early   with their new plan of having her get in the way  of them and having them fight over her once more   completely severing their friendship jimmy  and timmy are too busy creating the ultimate   villains since they need more fun in a tougher  challenge cosmo and wanda suggests that while   they are creating this villain that rather than  toss him aside when they're bored like they did   with all their other friends that they make  him adoptable so some other person can enjoy   him after they're done so timmy rather than typing  that misspelled it typing adaptable i wonder how   that's gonna turn out when cindy breaks into the  lab and tries to distract them they ignore her   send her out of the lab and head back to timmy's  to work on the rest of this villain project they   finish up constructing him and with a little bit  of magic fully bring him to life his villainous   ways at first are well pretty lame stuff like got  your nose and all that as he's just super nice and   playful about being a villain making the threat  not as exciting as they keep having to coach him   to be more villain-like eventually now being bored  with him that sure was quick they end up lying   to him telling him to meet him at the mall in one  hour the rest of the crew are now back in dimsdale   as cindy has chester and aj fight over her instead  but they run into the villain who was waiting for   jimmy and timmy they tell him that hey you're  being ditched just like we were but he doesn't   want to believe that so he waits and waits and  waits for such a long time that seasons change or   as cosmo says wow i can't believe all this weird  weather day and night cycles etc all happen in one   hour the villain now actually angry both sad and  filled with rage starts adapting getting stronger   and more powerful so when the villain finds jimmy  and timmy he finally is the villain they've been   wanting him to be yeah baby that's what i've been  waiting for that's what it's all about the battle   heats up with jimmy in a tank fighting the villain  but he continues to adapt now being able to take   down the tank as they realize finally that timmy  he misspelled the word adoptable and everyone   realizes that they didn't bother to give him a  name so jimmy gives him the name shirley which he   likes at first until timmy laughs at how stupid it  is causing him to get more and more angry at them   for tricking him once more the battle continues  to heat up as now he sprouts doc ock arms   timely but now the city is starting to get  destroyed because of their fight this challenge   they built for themselves may be getting out of  hand so they try and use their fail-safe destructo   chip they had installed but his adaptable  body is able to stop this from happening   he then captures the two of them and starts  draining jimmy smarts to the point where jimmy   is basically timmy now with all these smarts he  stole he then takes and eats cosmo and wanda's   wands so now he can be evil smart and oh yeah  magical this turns cosmo and wanda into regular   people i guess they try apologizing to him for  a brief moment only to trick him once more you'd   think they had learned their lesson by now so  they send galactus here a letter saying that they   escaped back to retroville which they technically  didn't so that's another trick and while he's   gone and distracted jimmy and timmy go and beg  their friends for help in this situation and   plead that they're very very sorry but they don't  want to help after feeling neglected and unwanted   not surely over there in retroville now who's  uh looking a bit rough in 3d not gonna lie gets   angry not finding the dynamic duo so he starts  transporting the citizens of retroville into a   new pocket dimension that he has created that is  both parts 2d and part 3d called retro dimsdale he starts plucking in pieces and parts of their  world to his now creating black holes that are   slowly eating their worlds alive now he starts  doing the same thing to dimsdale and now the rest   of the friend group realized the threat level  so now they decide it's time to help especially   after shirley captures jimmy and timmy he has no  beef with their friends though and thinks that   they're actually pretty cool and invites them to  come live in the pocket dimension and hang out   oh and they only have two days to decide  that because at that point both of the worlds   will be destroyed we see that jimmy and timmy  were hung up as magnets on an evil fridge   well it's just a regular fridge i just got carried  away there i'm sorry the rest of the gang all   head in as surely uses the citizens from both the  worlds as play things from card games to dominoes   jimmy and timmy escape from the fridge looking  for some weapons and as they run by the crew who   lay flat to hide from them overhear their regrets  and apologies for neglecting them it coming off is   truly sincere but also remember how jimmy is  no longer smart so the weapons that they use   they turn out to only fire bubbles so now shirley  is trying to chase them down but their friends end   up hiding them as they all work together to come  up with a plan some way to trick him into adapting   out of the things that he adapted into first sheen  and aj trick him into shrinking in height so he   can play basketball with them which works pretty  easily next is cindy and libby having brunch with   him at a restaurant that doesn't allow weapons in  successfully having him remove his arsenal carl   then gets his attention but chester gets tangled  up missing his chance with the butterfly net but   honestly let's just blame jimmy who along with  timmy were meant to be sneakily driving away   in a monster truck not so sneaky there with a  monster truck i guess but as jimmy just honks   the horn for fun which alerts shirley to where  they are but the plan somehow comes together as   the butterfly net gets placed over him forcing  him to regurgitate the wands back since magic   it doesn't work in a butterfly net now timmy  wishes for him to lose his strength and both   timmy and jimmy start apologizing to everyone and  to surely for how they treated them all and wished   for everything to go back to normal they then set  up shirley with his own restaurant making him have   a true purpose other than being another tossed  aside thing the worlds are saved friends are all   happy again and it looks like cindy and jimmy  may work out eventually and what does timmy get   nothing he gets nothing not at all not not  a thing the jimmy timmy power hour trilogy   really is an incredible experience more so when  they first came out but they were for sure a fun   re-watch part 3 felt like it finally found a nice  rhythm and fresh reason for another part to happen   with each part feeling a good bit different from  the last the basic formula sure it's the same   but the interactions between the characters or  how they act between one another made them all   stand out individually i think what's crazy is  how natural these characters mixing in together   felt especially timmy within the world of jimmy  neutron how he interacts with everyone mixed with   his own style of attitude and comedy it never  felt forced for the sake of putting two popular   properties together to pry on your love for them  both and sell you some dvds or something but   surprisingly making a solid trilogy with fun  moments a love triangle and surely so surely   you'll enjoy this trilogy as well or not it's your  life but there it is another jimmy neutron and   technically fairly oddparents video for this year  i'm sure i'll have more jimmy neutron content   in the new year but for now we have covered  quite a bit of everything including this yeah   that one's on you guys but anyway how do you feel  about the jimmy timmy power hour trilogy and which   one of all three was your favorite let me know  in the comments thanks so much for hanging out   with me today make sure to hit the like button and  subscribe for more content like this follow me on   twitter or else i'll tell shirley you ditched him  i'll see you tomorrow with another video for my   next day of fringe miss check out the playlist  to keep up with the month but until then later you
Channel: Jordan Fringe
Views: 944,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: s2PTIzNgAaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 42sec (1782 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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