I Am Tired Of These Lies (You Can't Lose Weight)

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what does it be guys welcome back to the channel thank you so much for clicking on today's video so today we're gonna be talking about another topic that was brought to my attention by one of you guys and this is definitely a time where I think that diet culture or anti diet culture and the health at every size movement has gone a little bit too far so one of you guys sent me this post and it is from Molly be counseling and the post says diets don't work there isn't a diet proven to keep weight off long term two plus years not even a lifestyle change not even for health now normally when people say diets don't work what they're actually talking about at least this is from my opinion this is what I've seen usually when they're saying that they say like crash diets don't work that's what they actually mean when they say diets don't work and I would agree with that 100% I think that seeing the the success of a diet is not based in how much weight can you lose because I think that anything that severely cuts your calories is going to get you to lose weight I don't think that that is what makes a diet successful I think what makes a diet successful is keep losing weight and then keeping that weight off long term and I think any crash I that I've seen that is not something that you're supposed to stick to for the long term so in that sense yeah I would agree that diets don't work now where I disagree with her post is where she says not even a lifestyle change and not even for health so she basically is saying at least from what I'm seeing right there is that even if you are trying to lose weight and you're not doing a crash diet and you're doing something that maybe is sustainable in my eyes at least that you are not it's it they don't work there's no chance for you like it's just crazy to me because she is literally saying at least from my perspective that if you are overweight sucks you're gonna be overweight for the rest of your life and you shouldn't even try to lose weight and then in her post she goes on to elaborate a little bit she says if I sound like a broken record good I'll repeat this fact over and over again until our culture stops obsessing over weight diets fitness and recovers from its own eating disorder and again with that there is definitely some some truth in that I think that the the diet industry and the fitness industry went way too far I think the best example that I bring up a lot is the Biggest Loser it went way too far and that was a very very unhealthy show for a lot of people to watch because for so many people that are trying to lose weight it made people think that you need to be losing 200 pounds in a year to be successful and now that the show is over I mean they're bringing it back but now that it's over and we've seen the repercussions of that most of the people that were on that show have gained their way back so there is definitely some truth in to what she is saying intentional weight loss does not work long-term no diet is proven to work long-term most will regain the weight and up to two-thirds will regain more than they lost prescribing weight loss no matter what the reason will only work short-term what would be prescribed to someone with the same issue in a smaller body I've always said that you can't just focus on the scale you can't just focus on the numbers because again it does get unhealthy and it can become unhealthy but saying that anybody that is trying to lose weight is going to fail in the long term I think is disingenuous and I don't believe that it's true and when it comes to prescribing weight loss to a regular sized person I would say that the reason weight loss might be prescribed or a doctor might say maybe it's a good idea to lose weight is because the weight is one of the reasons that maybe they're having issues and I'm not even saying it has to be like type-2 diabetes but that's a pretty obvious one but even if it's knee issues or it's hard for you to move around like your weight is absolutely going to play a factor in that like there is no doubt in my mind that I'm able to move around a lot easier now than when I was morbidly obese it's just a fact like I'm able to tie my own shoes I am able to get up out of a seat without like straining and struggling forever so there are things that weight does affect and that it is a good idea if you are having issues with your knees or with your back and your 50-60 a hundred 200 pounds overweight losing weight will probably help that situation I'm not saying that it's always going to be the case or it's going to solve everything but there are certain things that weight absolutely does affect if we're really concerned about health we can focus on health promoting behaviors and weight will settle wherever it prefers spoiler alert as Hugh our weight is going to fluctuate for as long as we can live step away from the scale my friend it's not helpful we 100% should be more focused on the health promoting behaviors than the number on the scale without a doubt I think that that is the way to go forward saying that we need to throw out scales and they're not they're a terrible thing I think that's just taking it too far the scale is a tool and the fact of the matter is if you are 300 400 500 pounds you are not having that many healthy behaviors you're probably having a lot of really detrimental behaviors that you know through myself and through speaking with so many people things that people don't even realize are very very bad for them or they don't realize how detrimental they are so yeah teaching people healthy things is probably going to result in weight loss and so when you put it out there that losing weight is impossible like what do you think what is the message that you're sending to the person that's 200 pounds overweight what is that message that you're sending to that person that's my issue with all of these kinds of posts they never think about that person they're always thinking about the person that's maybe trying to lose 10 pounds or or has never been more badly obese - where is literally causing them anguish and pain on a daily basis they're never thinking about those people at least that's what I've gathered from seeing all of these posts and then she goes on to list what she says our health promoting behaviors she says reducing drug alcohol and tobacco use I would agree it's probably not a good idea improving restful sleep yes I would agree with that eating fruits veggies and greens obviously I would agree with that joyful movement I don't really know what joyful movement is like moving your body at first when you are very very overweight it's very hard to move your body so it's not super joyful but I get I kind of get what you're saying you know do something that you enjoy I agree with that stress management demolishing systems of oppression and creating access to quality and compassionate fatphobia free medical care that kind of got a little strange at the end there and again like I said I agree with most of what she says but I think that one of the things that's never brought up is giving people knowledge in teaching them about healthy habits as far as what you're eating what you're drinking so many people are drinking so many calories that if they just switch that one thing especially morbidly obese people I was one of them I used to drink a two liter or soda a day so just by switching that you'll see so many results in weight loss but in how you feel and how you're able to move throughout your day knowledge truly is power when it comes to this stuff and so I don't think that trying to give people the knowledge and showing them that they can lose weight is one fat phobic at all and I don't think that saying it is impossible to lose weight and keep it off is the best way to go forward and so I actually went into the comments and I read a couple of them a lot of them were just kind of saying like hooray you're so great but some of them were kind of were a little bit more critical of what she was saying so this person says but I have friends who lost weight and maintain it long term without eating disorders they just eat normally I don't know just want to know if it's true if there's a statistic about this and she responded saying yes there's statistics on this and of course there's going to be people out there who maintain their weight loss though long term research shows those numbers are anywhere between one and twenty percent of people first thing 1 percent and 20 percent very different things and so if we're talking about 20 percent of people are actually able to lose weight and maintain it that that just disproved what you said in your post but even if it was 10 percent again still disproved what you said in your post even if it was 1 percent still disproved what you said in your post you said it is absolutely impossible and it's shown that there are some people that are able to do that so if your post said it's very very hard and very maybe unlikely that you'll be able to lose weight and keep it off that would be a lot more accurate it's just crazy to me because it seems like a lot of people in this kind of space that she's in are almost saying you shouldn't want to work hard and it would like when you when you hear people that have dreams of going to the NFL or dreams of going to these you know these really big places they want to be a famous singer the percent of people that get there is very very small right but should we just say you shouldn't try and go for it because you're probably not gonna make it like what kind of message does that send out to people so going to a profile it says LM HC which I looked up and that's licensed mental health counselor and so seeing that and seeing some of her other posts I think that she's probably dealing with a lot of people that are struggling with eating disorders and you know that is that is a lot of people and it's definitely a very serious topic and I'm sure she's dealing with people that have had really really bad experiences with diet culture and with being too restrictive and and diets really ruining parts of their life so maybe she is just too engrossed in that kind of situation to maybe see the big picture or see the other side of the coin the people that maybe she's not used to dealing with because I think that there are a good amount of people that aren't you know struggling with eating disorders or that are just really more of the obese and really just don't know what they need to do and post like this saying that you cannot lose weight and keep it off basically saying don't even try that is not the right message to give to those people again I want to make it very clear you know this is not a video trying to hate on this person I don't want you guys going to her profile and saying anything nothing like that if you want to say anything I would love to hear your comments in the comment section down below I love hearing your guys's thoughts do you agree do you disagree with me you know what do you think thank you guys so much for watching make sure you like comment and subscribe there was one other thing that I wanted to say yeah look I am all day the warning signs and when there are flashing lights or wig legs don't attempt to cross until they come to a complete stop [Music]
Channel: ObesetoBeast
Views: 184,048
Rating: 4.9518332 out of 5
Keywords: weight loss, fat loss, how to lose weight, the biggest loser
Id: i0Gy34tzUeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2019
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