JHS 3 Series - Simple & Affordable Guitar Pedals Built in the USA!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] i'll end it there well welcome everybody to another episode of anderson's tv and i realize in the video before i said it was a amazing day because in all the time i've known rabia we've never actually made a video a gear demo together oh this is the second one yes except that i think this will come out before the one before oh right to confuse you so yes it's all good um jhs joshua heath scott not john hobby excuse me not john hobby skis joshua heath scott great scott um is a a very successful and well respected pedal maker from america kansas isn't it absolutely well isn't it weird isn't there like a kansas isn't there a state and a city or it's and one like one kansas isn't in kansas look we've even got a ferret here a socially distant ferret to come in and clean these pedals um service just for you um so the jhs range normally would have been considered like a you know one of the sort of boutiquey kind of higher priced pretty pedals i don't recall there being much in the range that would cost you less than a sort of 150 to 200 pound a shot and he he's a very very knowledgeable guy he's got a fantastic youtube channel talks about uh the heritage behind pedals um i i don't know many people that know more than him so revere tell us about three series from jhs well believe it or not the three series the three represents how many knobs there are on each pedal so each pedal is designed to just have three knobs that affect the effect that you're choosing and really the idea that i was under the impression they were catering for those that maybe were on a budget or they were just bedroom players but they would also be great and usable for those that do the odd pub gig or even you know the touring professional really the id and they're made at the same place as all the other stuff so this is very affordable if you you know if you've done gcse economics you will have heard of things called economies of scale um and what this is a good demonstration of really is if you use the same chassis for every single pedal that you're gonna to buy and the same knobs and the same switches and you save on things like this was kind of crazy in fact i'm gonna have to unplug a pedal so apologies if there's a pot i know because i've done pedals before with different companies if you want to screen print the sides like you want to have an in and out and a nine volt thing here because that's three separate screens so just screen printing the top in a single color will save money and when you're making thousands and thousands of pedals saving 50p here and 50p there adds up to quite a lot so what we've got now is a range of pedals that as rubir said it's built in the same place as the normal jhs stuff using all the same high quality kind of components but built you know with an idea that if you can make a thousand at a time or 500 at a time or whatever it's going to be they're just going to work out a lot cheaper than if you're making 50 here and 50 there did you ever shop at quicksave um is that even a thing what's quick you don't remember quicks no wasn't that from the simpsons no quick save was a supermarket that was like super cheap and they had this range you know like every supermarket has like a better buy and all that well quicksave had no frills right and it was just bla it was just a white packaging anything that you bought whether it was beans or packet of christmas whatever cocoa it was just white with black fun what would be this one no frills i mean when i go to waitrose to buy my hummus and uh i want the fresh you want the fruits anyway look but i was gonna say this is jhs no frills pedal range so we've got uh in the front end of our friedman dirty surely we've got a compressor a fuzz pedal an overdrive a distortion and a course can i just and my ocd is killing me no problem at all uh and through the loop we've got the reverb and the delay so there's basically one of every kind of important effect pedal uh and if i and that little opening bit that you heard revere play was uh the compressor the chorus the reverb and the delay so let's just go through them one at a time quickly and revere you just play whatever inspires you so firstly we've got the compressor which has volume attack sustain and a bright switch all right here we go [Music] yeah it sounds like a compression it sounds like let's go will that we'll add that over a drive sound to see how it fattens it but if we let's get like really cool yeah like i love it it's it's the word chewy when you first you know when you put a fruit pastel in your mouth and you know that it's impossible to suck a fruit pastel you have to chew it it's that first chew is what a compressor does um fuzz into a clean amplifier well let's see i guess you know fuzz is a well we'll see we'll see won't we [Applause] you'll have to tell me where you want this so we've got a volume of bias a fuzz the bias appears to be that's how you get that gated thing yeah so the more i turn up the bias the more choked the fuzz sounds and then we've got a fat switch as well so what would you typically go for i'd put the fat switch in buy us all the way up so you want super spitty do you facts which are the opposite way then whichever is left as possible yeah yeah okay so off uh all the fuzz all the fuzzies [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so it's a great sound it sounds all right doesn't it let me try what the fat switch does [Music] okay and if we go spitty so buy us all the way up [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's it's got that just that gated thing that's like fuzzy gin fent well try some of the we'll try combinations of these pedals in a minute yeah um overdrive which i guess is probably a perhaps a more you know overdrive and distortion two different types of of pedal i'm an overdrive man myself yeah one feels to me overdrive is a sort of perhaps a softer clipping more like a an amp being driven distortion is a is a higher harder kind of gain anyway we've got volume body body drive and a gain switch [Music] it's cool [Music] yeah gain switches seems to be like less and more so i think bit less this way [Music] [Music] oh it's nice isn't it what's the body does that just tone or is that like fatness [Music] yeah it's good yeah that's a good sounding overdrive pedal isn't it um again we'll we'll mix and match some of these up in a minute uh distortion we've got volume filter distortion and again the same kind of gain switch that we've got on the [Music] [Applause] overdrive [Music] [Laughter] ah ah it's good that's good i like that a lot it's got like a chewy almost fuzzy thing i don't normally prefer distortion to overdrive but i'm not actually preferring the distortion uh i've noticed as well i forgot to put the reverb on normally we would you know have some revo over the whole thing but but repair's been doing a fine job no reverb um you've got a good guitar player in the house when they can actually do that gain so we're good we're good chorus with let's put the reverb on then just to take some of the edge off chorus which is a dual mode pedal chorus or vibe so again so that toggle switch is meant to take out all the dry signals so you just have the vibrato apparently that's what i read in the instruction manual let's have a listen [Music] [Applause] yes i like it i think i like the vibe mode better uh then well you're hearing the reverb so we've got reverb eq decay and pre-delay so pre-delay just allows that little moment's pause before the reverb kicks in which i think in the room we were all going none of us really liked so we've got the we've got the sort of the instant reverb yeah um and but here you go so here's i mean let's go full maximum crazy cathedral [Music] reverb yeah here we go it's lovely nice it's a really nice reverb it is uh and lastly a bit of delay do we know if this is analog or digital as far as i know that's an analog delete well this toggle switch allows you to go between you kind of more tape echo vibe oh okay and then a more digital cool thing so you get bigger you get the top end attack on that [Music] [Music] me that's pretty nailed on that one isn't it yeah that just had to put the compressor on because it's just wow um so they're all in these white uh enclosures um you could doodle on them that's my guess is that this you know this bit in the middle is here because the the deer are jhs pedals are all kind of known by the graphic aren't they rather than a name yeah so i guess that's the idea you make your own graphic that is really cool i can guarantee if pete owned all um seven of these pedals they'd just be a small little drawn on this gap here of all seven probably in different states of um wait we just have you'd see like a little whoa and that would be how pete would draw on his um but for for the rest of us you know i guess you'd come up with what you think is a little graphic of a chorus could be a unicorn like that or a dinosaur one thing i have to say i really like about these is their choice of controls like in the sense you know you've got level and gain or uh reverb decay and whatever but it's things like having a tone on your reverb that i i really appreciate that um having a filter on the distortion i think just the terms of the controls they chose to add let's get give me give me a three pedal combo like some you know like if you're playing playstation you've got to go and fight someone you need to three a three co you know a three punch combination do we have to count the rebound delay as part of that they're in the loop i'll give you reverb as the bonus free one the rest is um i would like to team up the distortion and fuzz [Music] oh i'm the compressor ah it's not noisy at all is it really i mean i mean it sounded good though um what else let's do something a bit more let's try overdrive and let's jump how a compressor would be used to maybe a fatten up a lead tone on an overdrive sound all right if you were playing just regular rhythm or something it makes things like that easier you know with the compression legato oh oof it sounds really good it's an interesting one with a brand like jhs where you go they've they've developed a range of pedals where people seem quite happy to buy into a more expensive pedal and they've obviously sort of gone they've got to be slightly careful really and that they don't want to they don't want a situation where the nine all the 99 pound range does is mean that people buy these now instead of the dearer ones yeah so we probably need to try and talk to josh about what what's the limit is there is there like a component quality difference between these and and the deer on so i assume there must be but also it's a very limited range that's it yeah this is all in the range whereas all their other stuff i mean they have pedals for things like just mid boosts yeah and stuff like that so there's all sorts of stuff in that side of things but i mean i like i think yeah i like them i like the size they feel like a little bit more compact as well than um other pedals and it's right up there against you know that 99 pound or i guess going to be 99 dollars in the states you know it's right in the mix against brands like boss and mxr and um for sure electro harmonics that kind of thing so it feels to me like it's you know it's going to give those guys a run for their money my favorite of all these is the reverb by by far i think for 99 quid the sound of that reboot is really good well you know can i have it can i have well you can have a little with a question with a strat maybe i'll just sort of same amp but perhaps pickups that drive it a bit a bit less i'm kind of i did like that actually i like that distortion sound [Laughter] [Music] yes it's much brighter with the strap than with with your guitar isn't it so it's the humbucker thing [Music] so [Music] um it's so bright it's so bright but it sounds great you could have you'd cut through them or you could have three or four of these pedals on your board and that'd be color them each in differently there is nothing wrong with that i like this i like pedals that throw a cat amongst the pigeons yeah you know it's like all of a sudden it's like 199 quid you know staring at a proper american made [Music] yeah it's i mean it's a pretty bright amp it's a more martial esky kind of jtm kind of amp so but it sounds bold and like i said you'd hear you on stage with that kind of sound i never use fuzz so let's just do it so ah hey that sounded great oh that was a bit loud that wasn't it yeah but what a sound it's just all right well there we go happy days nice and simple 99 pounds in the shops now free delivery in the uk if you buy it from anderson's bargain some other delivery if you buy it from somewhere else i suspect um and there we are which is your favorite do you know what that's a that is um reverb's my favorite because i could do everything from like a chill kind of normal reverb i'll do the ambient thing with a huge day on it feel like that about any of these pedals right i feel like if i had not if that was my budget and i just needed three or four pedals i could rely on any one of these to do the job that i wanted it to do but i wouldn't necessarily kind of go is that the best reef i've ever heard or is that the best delivery no of course so in terms of like i actually think that they all do the job at least as good as if not better than any other 99 pound pedal that i've heard so it's like for me it's not necessarily there's one where i'm going oh my god it's the best thing i've ever heard yeah it's it's more just like yeah you know what that is as good as you can get for 99 quid over anything happy days i think they're thoroughly well thought out pedals yeah i kind of like the look i kind of if i did have them i think i would draw on them i think in a very childish way i think that probably jhs if you send us one of each of these for free we'll draw on them and do some sort of special raffle giveaway and then sell them for more is limited maybe we'll do a charity donation thing but yeah we'll just we'll we'll draw uh our own custom graphics on them anyway there's an idea for you okay okay lovely to do another video with your review indeed it was uh and we shall see you on anderson's tv very soon goodbye you
Channel: Andertons Music Co
Views: 130,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Andertons, Andertons Music, Andertons TV, JHS, JHS Pedals, JHS 3 Series, Guitar Pedals, Guitar Effects, Guitar Pedal Demo, JHS Budget Pedals, Cheap pedals, Affordable Pedals, JHS Reverb, JHS Overdrive, JHS Compressor, JHS Fuzz, JHS Distortion, JHS Delay, The Captain, Rabea Massaad
Id: 4jWtR8JFpJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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