Jewelry Jars and Box Lot Finds | Murano Style Glass, Silver, Paintings Appraised | Ask Dr. Lori

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hi everybody it's dr laurie this is ask dr laurie live thanks for being with me everything's unscripted i don't know what's coming my guests are here too so it's going to be a lot of fun let's get started i've got guests we're going to see what they've got i'm going to do free appraisals and give you tips along the way too let's see what everybody's got hold up those objects let's see what you got hold up those objects let's see what you got there they are hold them up well i'm gonna start right here with this work uh this work of art in the frame please hi how are you what's your name where are you calling from hi dr lori my name is cheryl and i'm calling from scarsdale new york hi cheryl how are you how'd you acquire this painting i bought it on ebay about 15 years ago can you tilt it downward from the top just tilt down from the top don't get closer just tilt down there you go okay tilt it some more down keep going we're trying to get it there it is all right that's good okay so you bought it on ebay 15 years ago why what made you buy it uh i don't know i was just intrigued by it okay can i see the back sure thanks son all right i'm a little more intrigued now okay so uh it's a 19th century painting is it marked or signed i i think it is but i can't see anything i think it's been cut down so i think it was bigger and they cut it down a couple reasons a couple of reasons why i say that first of all and you got to tilt it downward for me cheryl because what you're doing i can take it out of the frame no i don't need you to take it out of the frame i needed to tilt it downward so that means if you're holding it this way tilt the top down i don't know if you can see my hands but tilt the top down um this well you're tilting the side okay so basically you know i don't know just do this no it's not here come on sweetie good great there you go the reason why i'm doing that so the light reflects onto the painting better it looks like it's damaged it looks like it's ripped it looks like it has either been repaired or it's damaged is that true it's so old it's disintegrating okay so all right well is it uh is it 12 by 18 how big is it uh i would let me say one second uh 10 while she's measuring well she's measuring her painting is an american painting it's probably painted in new york it's painted in the late 19th century sometime between 1875 and 1900 it's been cut down it's in a night it's in a late 19th century frame which is where most of the value is going to be damage to that piece is going to impact of course the value value on her piece just about 150 dollars in that condition so uh you're gonna probably have to put 300 400 worth of based on actual sales records worth of conservation into that painting will you answer my question of the day which is broccoli or cauliflower which do you like better cauliflower nice to see you thank you very much thank you dr laurie you're welcome that's fine so when i give you an instruction i know she was trying when i give you an instruction try to follow it and the reason for it is we're trying to get everybody to have a good viewing experience and i need to see the pieces so but with respect to that piece the frame was really what was quite nice about it it was a carved wooden frame with composition matter which is like plaster of paris molded to make the decoration and then gold paint on top here's a nice painting but terrible condition and once a painting's cut value goes down hi dr laurie here how are you doing oh we're going to hold them up let's see what you got let's see what you got well if you move it i can't see it all right well let's start with the tiffany piece if it's tiffany let's see oh she might be frozen are you frozen the tiffany piece will be frozen we'll see hi how are you i don't have a good connection here i'm sorry i don't have a good connection if i don't have a good connection i'm sorry because again i have to make you go maybe you can get on wi-fi or get a better network or do something with your computer god love you you know and do that hi i'm dr laurie what's your name ginger hi ginger where are you calling from hon i'm calling from uh central falls rhode island okay so what have you got there i have some jewelry that i need to choose choose one or are these that so i just was wondering that's okay hon that's okay okay so here's mine back up a little bit for me because what i'm seeing is your wrist this is weird i'm seeing i'm seeing your wrists mainly all right is that is that marked no it is not marked i could not find a mark on it okay you're still not in front of your camera there you go a little better can you move your hand off this there you go all right so it is not marked did you have the stones tested um no all right so i have a presidium but i haven't ever tested it on this particular item actually okay sweetie well maybe maybe you want to do the black i think they're glass you think they're glass yeah okay can i see the set you said there was a set is there a bracelet with it yes the bracelet has the safety latch on it yeah i gotta tell you it looks a little bit better than that it looks a little bit better than glass i have to say um but there's no marking on it at all no there should be a marking on it it is weird there should be a marking uh i want you to test it on the presidium okay and and i think that what you have are cubic zirconius for the colorless stones and i said you probably have a better stone i don't think you have a ruby but i think you might have a garnet there so the style can you hold the necklace straight can you hold the necklace straight as opposed to down like this can you hold it this way is that no if you're wearing it on your neck oh there you go thank you i don't know i am not clear today i guess nobody's gonna know anything all right let's see yeah yeah they're nice it's nicely pronged set and the gold tone metal is is nicely done too i would say it is definitely costume and i would say that is it is it a 16 inch like choker necklace yes all right unmarked 16 inch choker necklace probably dates to the 1960 value on the necklace 195 value on the bracelet with the security chain which matches now there's no missing uh there's no missing stones at all there is not that i can see okay all right so and then the bracelet i would say is another 85 so you're somewhere close to 300 bucks you're just around i'd say 295 285 275 to 300 for the two pieces you don't have earrings to go with it right no all right i got it in a uh salvation army bag of jewelry bag of jewelry so jewelry bags from the salvation army or goodwill jewelry boxes they're very very popular and they're very very lucrative you should get them when you can they're wonderful all right uh how much did you pay i paid probably 35 for the bag 35. it was a pretty it was about a five pound bag wow five pounds that's my that's about five pounds i'd like to go five more pounds yeah it's nice all right good for you i like it around three hundred dollars for the set and costume i want you to test it on the presidium and of course you can purchase the presidium through how do you do that you go to the of course the specials and shop page and i get compensation if you of course purchase it from us uh a couple of other questions for you broccoli or cauliflower um broccoli broccoli okay nice to see you that's the question of the day we love the question of the day and thanks for all of you for sending in your questions of the day it's a lot of fun when you're looking at these pieces i want you to especially costume or even you know fine jewelry real jewelry i want you to look for of course marks i also want you to look for the quality of the setting so her stones for example were very high quality set right so they made a nice pattern and then you also had sort of a repetition or a repeating pattern all the way around it was a night that was a nice set and the jewelry jars the jewelry boxes those kinds of not boxes like storage boxes but those those blue boxes from goodwill are fantastic over and over again there are treasures being found in them and i'm helping you to identify them and also show you where to sell for top dollar so that's great matthew's here hello matthew how are you on your christmas cheer you're clear oh that's a good question of the day i got to use that one i got to use that one um but thank you very much for supporting the channel yes you can support with of course super chats or super stickers and we appreciate it it helps me to do more videos and that's what we're all trying to do my next guests let's see here we go hold them up let's see what you got let's see what you got all right let's see what this clip is what's this clip at the bottom hi how are you hi dr lori how are you hi how are you it looks like a buckle or a clip it's a p i know that uh this victorian i guess can you hold it up a little higher for me well i'm sorry paul does no don't be sorry no problem what's your name hon susan hi susan where you calling from uh north little rock gotta hold it up higher for me susan there you go and okay stop right there don't move stay right there a couple things happening here this piece is not is not um victorian it's actually a little bit later the early part of the 1900s remember queen victoria dies in 1901 and when she dies the victorian era dies with her so this piece is a little later it's from the early years like 1905 to about 1925 how did you acquire it i got it at a uh auction for twenty dollars and it is marked on the back what does the mark say uh um just a minute it says okay you need a loop what do you do and get the loop it's it's of course more magnification than that magnifying glass yeah i got to get too close with the loop so i got my big goodness of pittsburgh and above it it says sterling and then there is a number 27 and a it looks like a wing i'll try to okay so the pittsburgh indicator of course shows you about distribution marks where was it distributed right and also um and also the sterling so it's a big piece of sterling value on it 85 and it is a pin that was once of course a clip so you could basically pin it and then you can put a scarf through it if you like based on actual sales records were similar pieces sell it's an edwardian period piece right but very nice where are you calling from again arkansas right right mm-hmm right nice to see you hey bro i'm sorry oh cauliflower cauliflower cauliflower yeah do you like the rice cauliflower i eat a lot of rice cauliflower it's kind of writing yeah but it kind of fools your brain it kind of fools your brain into thinking that it's rice you know and anything that fools my brain that it feels like a carbohydrate i'm good with that nice to see you thanks so much very much thank you honey good to see you yeah so basically when you're looking at these pieces that mark that sterling mark is usually a mark that's used of course juiced throughout you know all the centuries but um and remember the sterling standard is established way way back in the 18th century so don't think that oh it's only sterling and these marks are only important at a certain time i want you to look for of course an incised or a nice cut out decoration she had that on her piece right with the leaves and the flowers and such on the front of the piece and i also want you to look for pieces that may be of course reunited reestablished or recycled in some way so that looked like it was a buckle and then they were going to use it for something else and then they put a pin back on it that's not uncommon don't forget to subscribe to my newsletter because there's all kinds of information about reselling how do you list things so they actually sell so you can you can beat the competition if you're trying to sell online that's on my newsletter um also of course you can subscribe right there at the newsletter is free and all you have to do is give us your email address and we send it out when we send it out that's when you'll get it you don't have to do anything else my next guest is here hi what's your name hi can you hear me i can hear you what's your name right here this can you hear me now i can hear you the whole time okay she's gonna cut you're gonna speak to me okay let me know what everybody else has got oh well he doesn't seem to be too ready let's see what everybody else has got all right let's see what everybody's got here can i see the piece did i see the bar pin can i see the barking hi how are you i'm good how are you laurie where are you laurie i remember florida here you are where are you florida okay what have you got hon it's um a bar pen it's mark it's marked 14 karat gold it's white gold um and i think those are uh i think those are sapphires yeah you really don't like blue they're light blue no i don't think they're sapphires they look a little bit more like a blue topaz to me did you test them on the presidium tester you know i got the presidium and i i did not test it i forgot what are you doing are you just guys just collecting testers what are presidium oh well i didn't know you were on or i would have i just what do you mean i didn't know i was on i'm on at this time all the time we didn't mean to die i didn't know come on you guys just i uh i forgot so all right but i mean you spent the money on the tester use the tester because it does work it is good i know i know but i wanted to grab something that you could do real quick because um when i realized you were going to be on i was like oh and i didn't i should have went and got it but well i think you guys got to get an alert subscribe to the channel so you can get an alert i'm just going to well you got to subscribe to the channel and ring the bell and and check out my events page which is at we put all this up i mean you know we're not sitting around here going oh i hope you guys are here i'm just a dino hat i have three things for you tomorrow that i'm going to have a video chat with you with so all right we'll do the video chat and if others of you want to do the video chat and not have this exchange with me on the channel you can do those thanks for your patience with me no no you're fine i'll please you're fine you're fine you have to thank me for my patience thank you for your patience um okay this piece is a bar pin it's it's marked 14k which of course is white gold right has that silver content for the white gold it's very nicely um detailed it looks like it looks like they're very well set and it also looks like um there's no losses and it looks like also that the piece dates sometime to about 1925 to 1940. how'd you acquire it um i got it in a lot i paid about three bucks for it it was the end of a day and i got a whole bunch of morning jewelry uh at the same place and she said it was her grandmother's and she just went in and got it for me and you paid three dollars for it yeah i paid uh 15 for a whole bunch of jewelry and i didn't know anything this is what i've had this since i started collecting jewelry because when you started saying when i started listening to you you're like get jewelry i'm like i'll get jewelry i don't know what it is but well you're benefiting a lot because that's a three hundred and fifty dollar pin yeah with three bucks right and the reason why it's gold of course and those other stones are you know they're gonna it's at least gonna be a blue topaz it may be a sapphire but you gotta test it based on actual sales records the costume jewelry is going very high and the reason why i'm telling you what to get is because i know what to do i know right this is years and years in right museums what are they collecting you know major collectors with all the big cash what did they collect and this is what i'm trying to tell you because all of you are regular people like me so i want you to get it i want you to learn it and get it i'm glad that you are of course benefiting from the knowledge that's what the channel is all about so how much did you say 350 for that pin okay dates to the early years of the 20th century it's a beautiful example um i'm assuming that the clasp works well it does okay that's great it does i'm just looking at it yeah thank you for the super chats and super stickers i cannot do it without you move those big nails of yours i'm sorry i don't apologize i just need to see yeah yeah okay yeah yeah yeah you're probably later you're probably 30s 40s not 20s 30s okay good uh value 350 broccoli or cauliflower laura you're a good you're a good sport today with me um i like either and i'm like you i love that i love the cauliflower rice too i like the rice i like it i do because i'm not feeling like i'm getting i have to eat cauliflower because if i have to eat that cauliflower i can't do that no i agree i'm saying thank you nice to see you regardless of florida don't forget of course my binge link i'm missing this i don't know that i didn't i didn't hear all the information about how you spot good costume jewelry it's in the binge link where's the binge link the specials and shop page go down the page scroll down it's going to be a big red button at the bottom of the page or toward the bottom of the page middle of the page and just that's where it is that link is going to help you it's going to be all the videos and i do a lot of videos all the time all the videos all the information that i'm getting out and they're in order right so they're in order of the most recent so go check them out we did some extra ones this week as well that you may not have seen so uh my guests are here let's see what's happening hold those up let's see what you got what have we got what have we got hold up your object let's see your objects i want the i want to see the black and white pot thing what is that hide up camera to be horizontal hon oh god she'll figure that out she'll get to it uh all she has to do maybe her screen is locked i don't know but you got to check you got to check that out too have you shared the channel hey becky have you chaired the channel yes ma'am becky has been in my classes and my classes are an awful lot of fun right back yes yes we have a great time and the classes there's another one coming up right so all you have to do of course my special events i do special events every once in a while so you got to get in on it there are a couple of seats left if you want to book it it's at of course you can check it out on the specials and shop page becky what have you got here hun um oil on wood i'm very impressed because you got a little more light here today the shades are open that's why oh that's why oh look at the birch trees how pretty that's a very nice painting now a lot of people would say well it seems like it's cut off at the top and the bottom but i don't think i think the artist is intending to do this right this is a very nice painting is it signed yes i think this is a new england painting too probably i think it says paul king oh it says paul king yes wonderful paul king is a wonderful painter and that makes sense because that is typical of his characteristic style oil on board paul king's a very well known of course east coast painter and his works are in major museums and private collectors all over and that's a beautiful painting how'd you acquire it at a box auction really how much did you pay i think maybe 30 bucks for a uh ten ten ten things ten things in the box lot and this was one of them for thirty dollars this was the largest one yes wow that's a that's a twelve hundred and fifty dollar painting in a frame that's lousy yes i know but i got to say and the frame is lousy and i'll tell you why first of all just cut out that green insert it was very 1970s but that paul king painting is really quite nice late 20th century a good piece and of course uh 1250 for the painting and i and the frame would probably be about 50 bucks of that so 1200 if for the frame for the painting if you wanted to hang on to it it's going to increase in value of course and a new a new frame would probably do it a lot of good yeah i love that congratulations that's a beauty thank you it's hanging in my house good good you enjoy that in good health hey broccoli or cauliflower speaking i like both of them raw oh both of them raw i like i like broccoli raw i i like cauliflower raw actually so you don't like it cooked at all not really and who cooks anything anyway everything goes into the microwave in those steam bags right yeah i know it's terrible for you you're not supposed to do that i have a very close friend who's very very health conscious and she's like don't use the microwave don't use the plastic and don't and she's probably right but you know i have to say that uh you know we're steaming everything now that's from the 80s i guess we started steaming all everything well enjoy it raw if you like it raw congratulations that's a beauty where did you get this oh you got it at an auction yeah you were just getting it because there were 10 of them you weren't saying i want this one specific no this was the one i was eyeing oh okay well your eye is getting your eye is getting trained of course by all of your treasure hunting and of course my classes too nice to see you becky nice to see you too have a great day so the students are in today good to see all of you guys don't forget to share the channel i need you to share the channel if you share the channel we're going to do more for you but i need you to do that on your groups in your social media with your friends whoever it is because people are telling you they're saying i'm listening to dr laurie and i'm doing what she says and i'm making more money or i'm building a better collection so it's great thank you for the super chats and super stickers it shows me of course that what we're doing is something right for all of you so i appreciate that it supports of course me and my staff so thank you for that thank you for that here are my guests let's see what's happening oh we got the camera fixed excellent i am so sorry i give you a heart attack i'm sorry i didn't mean to give you a heartbeat no no what do i do oh no what's your name on my ipad and then i switched it to my phone all right what's your name on debbie hi debbie where you calling from i'm calling from the adirondacks up by plattsburgh nice new york upstate new york nice beautiful gorgeous up there i used to teach in upstate new york it's a lot of fun up there you got to like skiing and you got to like snow well i like candy i like canning during the winter right how did you acquire this i just went to a yard sale and it was so dirty and yucky and though i like dirt here's why if you see something dirty and you think it might be great you know you can get it at a lower price because it's dirty and then you can clean it later on in your privacy of your own home so dirty is not always a bad thing it actually can hide something that's great and you can usually get uh negotiate for a lower price so um can i see the bottom yes what did you hit the yard sale couple bucks i paid ten dollars all right so can i see the inside of the top is if we're looking down the top he wanted 25 and i topped him down to 10. whoops there you go okay all right well it's a nice vessel i have to say it's a nice vessel i think it dates to the 1970s oh yeah yeah i do i don't think it's 60s i don't think it's 50s i think it's the 1970s the form kind of gets a little squat at the bottom right not the total curve at the bottom too and then and then sharp or flat at the bottom but it's kind of squat at the bottom i would say it looks like it's a it looks like it's an american piece and it looks like it's worth anywhere in the neighborhood of between 85 and a hundred dollars what did you pay well that isn't that bad for ten dollars isn't it that's not bad that's not bad that's a nice piece i like it so my question is oh and all of my values are always based on actual sales records where a piece sold not just a record that shows up that you don't know if it's sold it has to have sold to somebody somebody had to pay for it you know and if you don't have a sale a completed sale that's an authentic completed sale you know then people are just throwing numbers around so that's what i have to do and that's why i do it all the time people say dr laurie you work all the time yeah because you have to keep up on the markets all the time you know and that's basically what we do here hey uh indulge me one minute deb broccoli or cauliflower definitely cauliflower definitely cauliflower don't get in your heat so bad oh oh honestly you don't see all the green in your teeth i guess that's it cauliflower in your teeth kind of looks like your teeth we used to call my mother miss green vegetable because she loved all that stuff she was always eating cabbage or cauliflower or something like that she loved that stuff i don't know if it's the italians because they have a lot of greens in their diet the mediterranean diet or what it was but i try to eat green greens even if it's broccoli in your teeth you know more so than other things nice to see you so nice to see you thank you thank you for being part of the channel we love the community you know that i'm dr laurie this is ask dr laurie live i'm the phd antiques appraiser and i'm going to teach you what to look for how to sell for top dollar i'm going to do it on my blog on my newsletter here on the channel on my research pages at and such when is dr laurie doing furniture what do you mean i'm doing furniture i'm always doing furniture i talk about all of it if you want to do a video call i can look at your specific furniture and of course we look at furniture all the time and how to tell i show you how to tell a lot do you know what kind of elements are underneath your furniture that will help you to date your furniture i got all kinds of information that i'm happy to reveal to all of you it's great to be with all of you my guests are here here's my next one oh let's see what we've got hold up those pieces let's see what you got oh that's interesting that's interesting hey let's look at the at the head it looks like a ceramic glazed head how'd you acquire this actually it's amethyst purple glass it's an amethyst i'm sorry you go ahead what did you say amethyst purple glass oh it's an amethyst glass head yes okay good it's not ceramic that's great what's your name samantha hi samantha where are you calling from amarillo nice to see you so how'd you acquire this piece beautiful i got i got an estate sale for eight dollars eight dollars is great can i see the underside absolutely okay so this is a studio so this is a nice studio piece and it's a wonderful sculpture and of course many glass sculptures like that amethyst glass or very very dark purple glass and with this glass is very very popular and also um quite unusual in many time periods so this piece dates in the late part of the 20th century probably 1975 to the year 2000 right so you paid eight dollars for it is it 12 inches tall yes okay yes i would say value on that piece just about 250 dollars oh nice good for you yeah good for you i like it a lot are you going to keep it um i've been yes for a while i am i've got a green one also okay it's kind of fun it's kind of fun when you can have an opportunity to kind of keep them even if you're a reseller you can keep it for a while and enjoy it for a while and then sell it when you're ready you know sometimes you know you get you get um you get concerned about that kind of thing there probably is not a seam on that piece um broccoli or cauliflower uh broccoli cooked cauliflower on a dip tray there you go i like it she knows her she knows vegetables and how she likes them good to see you thanks for calling in from texas thank you sweetheart what fun what fun that's a nice piece and i know a lot of you are concerned with seams when it comes to glass a lot of these pieces these studio pieces actually are are in fact not done in a mold in two pieces but actually one whole piece or cast if you will so often times you see that too but that's a good question i like those questions right um that's what you're seeing they're adding the cheese to the cauliflower did you see that we're already adding cheese to the vegetables we can't really get them down our throat are alone so that's funny i think that's funny cheese tastes good on everything i think and i have some thighs to show it anyway so anyway don't forget don't forget of course your video calls you can do a video call with me anytime you can just book it in your schedule and look at my schedule so you can we can coordinate hi it's dr laurie how are you let's see what we've got here's what we've got well let's look at this blue piece i can't really see it all because you've got it kind of it's kind of blue it might be glass it looks like it looks like there's a tag on it there is it is blue it's a glass and it just says that this article is completely handmade following the old murano island technique by the glassmaker vittorio zane okay so it's so it's murano style right i guess yes the big difference between its murano and its murano style the joke i always make is i'm sports illustrated swimsuit model style i got all the same parts as those girls but i'm not a sports illustrated swimsuit model right so you're not the the real thing you're like it that's what style means and they kind of get away with it you know oh it's a tiffany lamp it's in the tiffany style this kind of thing so the label is kind of totally in my way can i see this object it's not your fault you don't have to take off the label how how big is it is it seven inches tall six and a half i gotta say it is not a fantastic piece in a couple of ways first of all that side you just had it on before you moved it can you go back to where you were stop right there so you see this this line that basically is very very curved that's supposed to be like a design detail but as an art cure as an art critic i will tell you that in a museum if i were choosing this for a museum if they said you know here's all the money go buy the collection for the museum i would not choose this piece because of that element because that seems like they were not paying attention everything else seems to be a little bit more straight not completely straight but straighter if you go around and that one seems to be off it seems like they're off in some way okay um all right now tell me also um can is there any mark on the bottom and did the studio artist sign it no i didn't see any mark it's just got that flat um okay so you can see that it's blown glass sure because you feel the pontil which is great i think the the neck is a little bit faulty as well it's not it's not the same sort of uh width on each side right um how much did you pay for it um i think it was 22. and i think it's worth about 45 dollars okay so you paid half i want you down near 10 if you can do it yet i told him not to but he still did did you buy it did you buy it for the color um we he bought it just for a resale for our shop okay i would say i would say about 45 dollars you might be able to get somebody who loves it for what the color broccoli or cauliflower roasted broccoli oh roasted broccoli so what do you do a little olive oil and you put it under the broiler yep salt and pepper lemon juice remind me of your first name and where you're calling from michelle stevens point wisconsin michelle i'm going to try your recipe nice to see you michelle thanks so much i'm dr lori this is ask dr laurie live thanks to my guests and all of you
Channel: Dr. Lori
Views: 19,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Lori
Id: cY3JYI5iEnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 2sec (1922 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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